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2.5k · Jan 2015
6 months without you
Kelly Marie Jan 2015
The pain never really goes away, does it?
I sighed in realization that I accepted a part of me would always be dark, and broken; while the other part of me still wondered why things turned out this way.

Because when you look back at the memories, you remember the good times. Smiling, happy, free. Or so you thought. But just like you and everyone else around you there was a sickness inside of her.
An eternal sadness.. something that can’t be fixed overnight. Or by one more hit. But she didn’t know that either.

It’s not how she wanted to end up, alone and scared; desperate for a needle to subside the pain. But it was what she knew, and she had no one else to rely on in that moment.

I think about that morning over and over, I overanalyze and try to remember a detail I missed, something I could do to go back and fix this.

But the damage was done.  And you can spend days, months, years trying to change the memory and the destiny that landed at your footsteps

But your fate is sealed, and you are different now.

Forever changed, by grief; a tragedy you hadn’t written into your story. It wasn’t a mere bump in the plot, it was a **** catastrophe.  But  now it’s yours to carry, and it’s yours to overcome.

And I’ve been trying.
6 months without you sister. Missing you.
1.8k · Mar 2019
Deep Breath
Kelly Marie Mar 2019
With a calming breath I feel you,
deep in my lungs
In another I slowly exhale you out,
letting you be you,
as you’ve always let me be me.
Sweet serenity at last;
this is what love is supposed to feel like.
1.7k · Sep 2014
Grief has no time limit
Kelly Marie Sep 2014
A constant ache inside my chest
Weeping eyes that just won't rest
Eternal sadness is a constant fear
A lonely life if you're not here

A broken heart time cannot mend
A life without you is one I cannot comprehend
So hard to fathom that you're gone
A stabbing pain i can't move on
Losing you is the hardest thing I've ever had to do
My heart is permanently black and blue

I'll fake a smile when I can
But all I really want to do is see you again..

It's been two months since you've been gone
And I still ask myself why
I can't mend this heartache
Since the day you died
For my sister.. Angela Michelle Martin. Rest in peace my older & best friend. Only the good die young.
1.0k · Mar 2015
I can't escape this sadness
Kelly Marie Mar 2015
I can't escape this sadness
I know because I've tried
Trying to fill the emptiness inside of you
Is like trying to finish a puzzle with a missing piece
An empty void, no perfect fit.
No right answer, no words that will fulfill or fix these broken pieces
That I call my life
This is reality, it's no nightmare I can wake up from
They tell you can achieve whatever you put your heart too
But they don't tell you you'll lose everything that matters along the way.
Growing up is a *****, a lesson I wish I could unlearn
So many moments  I wish I could undo
Can we hit the pause button so I can try to make sense of the misery inside of me that won't seem to die
Or lessen or be forgotten.
Because I need a moment to take this **** hole in
And process it, and accept it
But the truth is I never will
Because The life I've been dealt is incomprehensible
And it's something I've chosen to push into the corners of my thoughts
I only feel it's cold grip when I feel this vulnerable
A feeling I wish I could be without
So I'll do anything to keep it out
Because id rather hear anything but the truth.
That your gone and have left me to lead this life without you.
887 · Aug 2014
Kelly Marie Aug 2014
Losing Focus.
It happens all the time
Knees deep in a conversation and i forget everything mentioned.
Stress suffocates.
Trying to impress and be confident is always shot down.
I try to be good.
Peer pressure and temptation sedate my morals.
Things I promise I won't do to myself are thrown out carelessly in a weak moment.
At times I can't stand myself.
I should know better but I still give in.
The emptiness that shadows me everyday is starting to feel welcoming.
Maybe it's easier than feeling pain of betrayal or guilt.
Maybe it's better than feeling second best.
I try to have faith, but I've lost my focus.
Slipping away..

I've lost myself.
739 · Jan 2016
Kelly Marie Jan 2016
Grief is a lot like the ocean
Calm and still, everything is fine. Acceptance. I gaze upon and see the good memories like the sun rising on the horizon

Until the waves start crashing
Pulling me under and I cannot breathe, think, move as I gasp for air.

So quickly the tide changes, in a blink of an eye everything I've lost is staring back at me while the violent storm brews and I can't seem to resurface again

Until the next storm...
654 · Mar 2015
Sleep is an Acquired Skill
Kelly Marie Mar 2015
A good night sleep is an acquired skill.
Something unknown to the heartbroken, depressed, and confused.
To them sleep is purely a relief; an unseemingly blissful goal that is worked towards

That is once the sadness has settled in for the night and your eyes have grown too tired to cry anymore and finally have dried up

Sleep is Something you fall into on accident from pure exhaustion,
It's not on purpose

These souls are the ones up at night writing
Trying to make sense of the words and the hurt inside of their hearts that seems to leak onto paper before what is written before them can be understood

They are the ones who have a sparkle in their eye and a constant ache in their heart
They are not obvious, oh no
Because someone who really feels sadness knows it's something to be suffered through alone
You wouldn't dare drag someone along for the misery and deceit, the emptiness and aches
Because it's what you are trying to escape

And once you do, if it is at all possible to find happiness and fulfillment in your sorrows

You will lay in bed at night
And your pillow cases will be preserved an eggshell white
And the mascara stains will have vanished
And your mind won't race and clutter and cry out in pain from unknown certainty and tragedy

You'll merely close your eyes, and for once you will sleep.
606 · Aug 2014
Kelly Marie Aug 2014
Is there somewhere..anywhere, far enough from here
that I will be able to escape you

from the dustiest corners of my soul?
583 · Jan 2016
Kelly Marie Jan 2016
You're my
In a world of

The only one
Who keeps
It won't stop
497 · Sep 2014
Our love story
Kelly Marie Sep 2014
I tries to make our tale a love story,
Instead you turned it into another chorus of the broken hearted.
428 · Sep 2014
The more I drink
Kelly Marie Sep 2014
Sometimes I drink too much and lose all control
Sometimes I think I drink to silence the voice of reason in my head
Nagging at me to make the right decisions.
Use your head, don't make any mistakes you may regret.
After a few beers I can hear her advice slowly quiet down
A few more and she's gone, and I can be
and not give a **** til I wake up the next day.
Kelly Marie Jun 2020
Isn’t it exhausting
Pulling all your tricks
Picking out your mask for the day
Seeing which one fits?
352 · Dec 2018
Just Another Daydream
Kelly Marie Dec 2018
I long for the unknown
but like a bird trapped in a cage
I'm too afraid to do anything about it.
My mind is merely a dream
A lullaby of uncertainty and doubt
covered up with a fake smile I've painted on,
the perfect disguise.

No one knows of my fleeting thoughts
My unattainable daydreams
the secret fantasies
I keep those hidden just for me.

I'm not the person they think I am
the light is dimmer and darker than it appears
It may surprise you if you ever saw it
but you won't.

Like a magician a dreamer doesn't give up their secrets
tucked away in the corners of my thoughts
only reappearing when I allow myself to wander
away from my ordinary life
a place I can indulge in my desires,
my daydream.
298 · Sep 2018
Letting go
Kelly Marie Sep 2018
The art of letting go is not as easy
as unclenching your fists
feeling the weight of burden slipping through your fingertips

The sweet release of not caring
is not something I’m familiar with or know
I carry this feeling inside of me
and for some reason I can’t let it go.
285 · Apr 2019
A New Me.
Kelly Marie Apr 2019
I'm slowly learning how to stop letting my fear get in the way of my happiness,
Not letting the past affect my opinion of the woman I am today.

Strong, Passionate, Resilient.

And not letting others validate who I am now or where I am going.

I no longer follow anyone else rules or guidebooks to live my life, my choices, mistakes and successes are mine to grieve, fix or celebrate.

So I'm letting go of the fear that controlled my vindictive behavior, and I'm embracing the woman I am and aspire to be.

— The End —