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Apr 2018 · 227
my littlest, my dearest
ink Apr 2018
Oh little deer, my dear
With those big doe eyes and disposition
Oh little deer, sheds a tear
For the gun just keeps firing at your legs

Why dont you run, my deer?
Youre frozen, crying at me with those doe eyes
Just try and run, little dear
Id love to see you ******* try

Dance for me, prance for me
Cause you know I love you so so much
Come here, my little deer
If a gun wont work, my hunting knife will

But its our game, little deer
I know wild animals wont get too close
For I still love you, my favorite dear
I still love you, my favorite deer
Sep 2016 · 451
If it had only missed
ink Sep 2016
you talked to me
you, you, y-you spoke to me through those times
you came to my side and refused to leave someone who seemed "as sick as i was"

when we- er, i- woke up that day- evening?, whatever- and saw that the blaring sun wasnt a dream,
the gulls still sung careless calls , the ocean fell and rose, and the sand on my wrists was warm;
it wasnt a dream. it wasnt.

and, hell. I was scared. Terrified, confused, whatever.
I mean, one second i'm outside and.. im hopeful
then i'm just.. then im just sitting there wallowing in my own despair, crying to myself about how disorienting and unsettling this whole situation was.

you gave me your hand.
y-yu-you gave me your hand
you reached out for me and refused to let me cry, you somehow knew that was for the best too

maybe you should have let me cry.
you said that i "...shouldn't feel worried about things [i] have no control over...".
That's a bit paradoxical inof itself.
isn't having no control over something what hopelessness is?
am i wrong?

though, as of now, that was a bit of a red flag.
i should have seen it sooner

you tried to **** him, you know.
you claim that you did it for...
for some stupid, crazy reason that nobody but you can ******* comprehend!

but, you didn't have to do this to yourself for that same reason.

you were lifeless.

you somehow... constantly, like, gave me some weird... white-black abomination of hope that- for, whatever reason,- you wrapped in despair.

did you think that that last trial would have given me the hope i needed?
did you think that you were helping me when you killed yourself?

I don't understand.

If it had only missed.

If.. If you weren't so **** lucky for your plan to've worked out the way it did.
If somehow that spear had just missed you,
if it had just.. if it'd just missed you.

then i'd be hopeful.

Hope is defined as: "a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen"; or "a feeling of trust".

Despair is defined as: "the complete loss or absence of hope"; "lose or be without hope".

...if only it had missed.
i'd be able to be hopeful again.
Apr 2016 · 423
ink Apr 2016
what do you want?!
What Do YOU WANT??
Can you not see I'm busy?!
Can you not see I dont want you?!

(can you not see im in pain)
i havent uploaded in over a year
Apr 2015 · 441
for grey
ink Apr 2015
the sun rises
and no matter how sad i am
seeing you every morning
makes it all okay

the sun sets
and I wish you were here
but i know that as long as i fall asleep with you on my mind
i will wake up happy

and the sun will rise again
Mar 2015 · 646
All you need in life
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
flying on comets
ink Mar 2015
take me to the stars
forget all of life's scars
oh in space we will roam
and we'll finally be home
just hold my hand
we're more than a "one night stand"
because what we have is truly grand
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
ink Mar 2015
birds migrate
they fly from one place to another
but always come back
to the original

during that time
you and i met
so lets migrate
like the birds
to the land of joy

birds migrate
they fly from the new place to the old
rest in their true homes
while you and i slept
birb baby = bae
Feb 2015 · 5.5k
ink Feb 2015
Cherry, a Cherry!
We all know it's a berry!
Why call it a fruit?
sometimes the labels can just get too intense.
I love the rhythm on this one too, oh my god its cute
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
ink Feb 2015
everyone on phones
it really does make me cringe
but I do it too
ink Feb 2015
I'm sorry.
I'm not what you wanted.
I'm a glitch in the game of life.
I'm not supposed to be here.
I'm selfish.
I'm emotional.
I'm depressed.

But I smile
so I must be okay, right?
Dialogue poems are really nice.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Penrose Stairs
ink Jan 2015
A while ago
I was the top of the world
Now I'm the bottom
Jan 2015 · 4.4k
Smile (Haiku)
ink Jan 2015
Hold on a second.
How many syllables are
in the word "smile"? (one?)
1 or 2? Many people say one, some say two.. I was going to make a haiku with "smile" in it, but then this happened.
Depending on how you pronounce it, it can be one syllable. If not, it is two. So, people who read it as one syllable will have their answer in the parenthesis.
Jan 2015 · 3.7k
Beautiful Painting
ink Jan 2015
The artist adds another stroke
Every night

He hates to see his paint
wasted on such an ugly canvas

He tells himself
Maybe tomorrow I wont waste it

But painting has become such a habit
that it seems like he cant stop

until all his paint
is gone
try looking a little bit more into it
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
ink Dec 2014
Its been a sad day
The skies are a murky grey
You had wished to be solitary
Into the forest you'd gone, involuntarily.

You walk along the forest trail
Looking about at the leafy veil
When suddenly, you turn to see
A deer overcome with glee

The deer dances and gallops around
It's winter coat flies as it bounds
Why it's so happy? You haven't a clue
But suddenly you don't feel so blue

You turn around and head back home
But the deer to you it seems to roam
You gaze into its brown doe eyes,
And through its eyes, you see the skies.

The stars, the moon, the trees, too!
They're all looking down at you.
They seem to beckon, they seem to call
For you to look up at them all.

You close your eyes, lay yourself to rest.
and wake up in your bed, feeling your best.
You sit up and find, it was all a dream.
But you seem to know just what it means.
Sometimes you just need to take life in deersteps.
Deersteps (n) : A metaphorical term used to display the act of being ignorant of negativities in a situation.
Dec 2014 · 10.5k
ink Dec 2014
im a window
people can look right through me
and see beauty
or moonlight

but if you hit me too hard
i will crack
if you keep hurting me
ill shatter
and then i might hurt you

so please
be careful with me
i will crack very easily
and shatter
and be useless
i havent been feeling very positive lately

the poem is a metaphor for people with anxiety or bpd. you have to be careful with us, or we will shatter like glass.
Nov 2014 · 10.7k
Shut Up
ink Nov 2014
I say hello
My nametag dangles from my lanyard
"Hello, my name is Liz
Pronouns are kye/kyr"
it says

They see the lanyard
and they laugh.
"Those aren't pronouns!"
they say
"She is messed up."

Shut up.

A 300lb woman
looks into the mirror
she sighs
remembering her peers' words
"You should lose weight."
"You're very overweight."
"Your obeseity is your fault."

A 75lb woman
looks into the mirror
Her anorexia laughs
remembering the 300lb woman she used to be
her peers then tell her
"You need to gain weight."

Shut up. Shut up.

The boy hides his face
Not giving the teacher eye contact
The teacher calls his name
His stomach flips upside-down
She called on him on purpose
he just knows it

In front of the class
expectant, judgemental eyes glaring
Instinct tells him to run
He looks at his notecards
All he sees is chickenscratch
The teacher hangs her head in disappointment
and growls
"Just sit down if you have nothing to say."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

A girl drags hersef through the day
Everything is black and white
Coming home to wild parents
Who hit her constanty
and then claim
"I love you."

Excuses, excuses.
For every welt, mark and bruise
But when she gets one on her face-
She had given one, too.
In fact, she had given many
How generous she was!
The police came and arrest the girl.
All she heard was
"Her mother is dead."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

Take a breath
the girl tells herself
She goes to her parents
They stare, wide-eyed
at her dress, eyeliner and nails
they just stare.

She tells them
her new identity
They tell her
"Chris. You aren't a girl.
You're a boy."

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

You read a poem
titled "Shut Up"
About the hardships
The unfair, the despair
of living life.

Please know
Opinions don't matter
If you are happy,
who cares what they think?
If they criticize you
Just smile
and say

Shut up.
You are valid.
Please do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

You'll be okay.

— The End —