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Thanks to all of you, dear poets,
          Dear comrades of mine.

For each of you is a founder
Of a hundred mysterious words.

For each of you is a teller
Of a thousand magical stories.

Because you are filling with colors
The gray void that others create.

Because you sing away with out a doubt the truth
And the feeling others are scared to think of.
And with words you turn down all of pain
Just when it's almost clear that life's in vain.

And you are the ones who are always there to prove me
"Don't be afraid, go right ahead, as you're not the only"

Thanks to all of you, dear poets,
                  Dear comrades of mine.
A college was collecting different  
Things to give to help an orphanage.
A bou who studied wanted to help.
He gave a book to four kids close to his age.
The four of them were locked up
Together in a little pitiful room.
They couldn't do much about it,
So they have got along soon.
So here they are together
Sitting with the book.
Aoi, Sky, Moony and Skull.
Who  would dare open treasured book.
Aoi was always almost sad.
Sky couldn't really walk.
Moony was a genius gone mad.
And Skull without a need won't talk.
They opened the book together.
Four strange and cute kids.
They have got in their imagination.
The four unknown origins' seeds.
And book was about
A genius Poet who was very ill.
And a cruel count. To have
Power was his only will
And so they've reading.
They saw through the night.
And when they were still reading,
They've got caught by sunlight.
And in the end the Poet
Got held captive for life.
No longer he could right,
Yet his ideas were  alive.
But one was never gone
His comrades thought hard.
And Sky started righting poetry:
The Poet found home in his heart.
The book I'm talking is real. Or the poem, to be exact.
It's Lesia Ukrainka's "Old tale".
I say get in the way of that preachers.
Saying ******’s a sin and justifyn’ ****** with fables.
If god’s love (and god’s love), homophobia is sin, turn those tables.

And then abortion’s a sin but there are some expections.
It goes something like “all of life’s sacred but not life of a *******”.
Yeah, dumb joke, but it hurts, it don’t tickle.

But I still pray to saints for love and unity and friendship.
As a goliard in cell I follow Lord while damning all the priestlings.
This is ******* reggae not sounding soft beneath C.I.S. city sellings.
We, are the forest's rouges,
We live here bandoned by those
Who we loved, but no more, of course.

We all have left our homes, searching for place
Where we'd live with out a pain to face.
And so at last we found the place.

Here in the forest live
In treehouses mostly we live
So no one, trust me, will make us leave.

Under the ground we have our shrine,
Of luck, of freedom, of moon, let'em shine!
Here we greet our new comrades each time.

And we perform our rites every night
As we dance, as we sing, as we fight
Our souls keep shining bright

The forest is surrounded by ruins of an ancient nation
It's magic is our never broken protection
Not a chance for the intervention.

Sometimes we give moon the homage
Get home and take out fearless revenge
As  go on a bittersweet rampage.

Run away if you are where you don't belong.
At midnight come and find  a golden rose yet the search might take long
Once you do tell a story and sing 'bout freedom a song.
When a night comes around.
You come understand, that
A well known enemy is better
Then a comrade unknown
And so you stay at home
Afraid to seek a place where you'd belong.
Let's selebrate as we won,
Won't calm down until dawn!
Cause we might be gone.

Let's with a passion dance,
to chill it is our last chanse
to see the beauty's glance.

By euphoria we are blessed,
and by desire possesed.
As all of our feelings expressed.

Let'em hide among trees,
Play arround and kiss.
They don't care if somebody sees.

Come on over, my friends!
Let us unite our hands,
Dance and sing in the sands.

Remember, this is our last night.
So we should keep souls' flame alight.
Let in luck's name it shine bright.
Inspired by a camp tradition called "The night of the kings": during change's last night the curfew is  nearly ineffective.
With you should be our Lady luck.
Come brave with light and dark.
Go change the world, for you, unseen, cannot be coght.
Out there, with you 's my every bright thought.
To anonymous
This mountain. Where ravens live
With runaway kids-poets
This mountain
Where I still hear songs of nations long gone
This mountain
Where children speak to crows
This mountain
Where everything has a meaning
This mountain
Where little kids perform those sacred dances
This mountain
Where where there's no end to symbols
This mountain
Where children work miracles each day
This mountain
Where everyday their ghosts fade away
It has began,
life anew.
Forward I move.
New dream, old fears,
More patience, less tears.
I graduated from school and came to college.
Hell is over.
So long ago, before the cristian came,
on this land people believed in their native gods.
So they would pray to sun and moon,
As we come from nature, as we are it's part.

And back then there used to be no evil, no pain.
Back then the balance used to rule.
And life was so easy people so honest,
And days were so bright, with no darkness to begin with.

Oh, this is your legacy, your origin.
hold on to it and embrace the life.
Oh, it is no dream, it is truth,
as we are a part of nature, at it is a part of us.
Let me bother you for a moment.
Does anyone wish good night?
Let me look in your restless eyes.
Does anyone wake you up?

And if they do, let me ask you,
If it’s still by any means all right.
Are they the ones you want to hear in the morning?
Are they the ones you want to close your eyes beside?
The palace of dreams,
there is a garden full of streams.
Where you can hear songs 'bout liberty
And poets speak of infinity.
In deeper rooms you will find secret galleries
And hallways are filled with novels and diaries .
And there we all, artists, live, as it's our kingdom
We all, courageous dreamers, our works about freedom.
So come to us with not a single regret, overground.
Let your talent shine really bright, with us, mates, all around.
tomorrow the world selebrates. so does the country of mine and the neighboring ones, but there's something they've got all so wrong.
they celebrate the victory, the soldiers,
the violence against an enemy.
but should not. remember deaths, so countless and needless. remember peace, that was for so long. remember civil people, so many of them died then.
and then selebrate the life, she manage to break through all that sorrow.
and when you put the poppy on, don't hail the warriors, respect the peace.
and when you put the poppy on.don't let the violence go on, keep up your guard.
when the darkness comes, just don't let it happen once again, but light the candles of peace everywhere and keep guarding the life with all you've got.
My brothers are no gentlemen,
But they are nothing if not gentle,
See, if you love us  we will be
The rains you’re calling suns,
But if you preach we will misquote you mental.
Fire and water,
Tsunami and blaze in the forest,
Love is now broken,
The thief and the knight, the fighting gone global.

Because sand of the sea
doesn’t match with the mountain’s snow.
Wolves don’t like oaks.
Just one month they loved one another,
But can’t tell what for.

And it’s nothing but their pain
The knight is busy getting drunk with dad,
While the thief is not done bleeding
Because his called him things real bad.

Now that they switch to blade which they throw, but the both miss on purpose, “why won’t you **** me?”, “ I can’t stand the thought or your blood running cold before mine does”. That was the answer and an air kiss.

End of storm,
Back to rivers
Waters go.
End of fire
Black as saints’ hearts,
That’s how grass fields now glow.
And they lay down
On them, blessed
With ache all over
Their bodies where dreams flow.
And there is a painting
On oaks wolves painted
Using the sand and the snow.
She was there.
In between the staircases.
It was under them
The grey city and the stone dome.

So she was in a sweater
With a magic violin in her cute hands.
And she was in the underground
With some workers passing angry by.

With her left hand
Dancing among the sounding strings.
And her right one
Rotating fiddle-bow with a beautiful passion.

And I stood there
Following her her hand with restless eyes.
And so she played
Smiling with her eyes  pointed at me.

Yet I'm not the one
In that moment she could see.
Yet music's not the only
Who could make me forget to breathe.
Oh, they all blame us for four sins
The four committed mostly by teens.

The first one of the four sins is love-
A magic that brings you to sky and above.

The second one of those  is the revenge-
A shameless justice, a bittersweet rampage.

The third and the next is a romantic  ambition-
To move forward, to get better the only permissions.

And the  last yet the greatest is being smart-
Seeing the truth and fading illusions apart

So they call it sin and we call it treasure,
They wish us pain, yet find the pleasure.
They take their shots on film.
They dance  to the vinyl plates.
They write with old pens.
They keep it real through decades.

You know, someday, the lights go out for good.
They will know what to do.
But we depend on energy too much.
What's then we are to do.

Besides, they touch the music, smell the lights.
But we have only ones and zeros.
They keep real, we make it fake, so
I wonder who're the real weirdos.
Here I am crossing the bridge
Of my native city of lie.
I am going to get on the train
No way back.And you know why.

My city is covered in snow and ice
It's only pretty in cold winter.
And I'm leaving today most likely
For good. No thought could be sweeter.

I am leaving for the city of storm
A state of a thousand colors.
And what do we have in here?
A million broken mirrors.

And now I'm in the train
Which is about to get moving
I'm so happy to leave this place
Nothing brings me down this morning.

It's moving, it's taking me away
Now I'm past the point of no return.
And I arrive next day to the city of storm.
Time to live as I want. That's my turn...
I start to dance to my beloved song.
I won't lose the rythm. My heart beats along
And shouting allong is my only wish choice.
I give a **** that it's night and I've got no voice.
Cause there is a meaningful duty
To the lyrics hiden inside.
To show feelings and their  beauty
To those unawaere and blind.
When nothing is wrong at all,
There is something wrong for sure.
I gonna silent fall
until the return of fall
I will sometimes wake myself
but mostly my heart'll be on a shelf.
and i can't find a single peace of my brovado.
but when in fall i finally do, ya might as well call me tornado.
and then i'll be as alive as blood is red
and yet until fall i'm as worthless as dead.
Know that
We are brothers  and sisters
With no blood involved.
And tonight
We are lovers and dreamers
By no one controlled.
It is so useless, so stupid to dream
When being just hollow within.
Залишусь ліпше кроликом з «Аліси...»,
Щоб коли ти мене знов встрінеш,
Мій нерівний крок тобі почувся,
Мій свавільний оклик тебе зупинив,
Час норовом  невірним повертать любов.

It would be safer to remain the rabbit from the “Alice..”,
So that when you meet me yet again,
You hear that uneven step of mine,
And my reckless greeting stops you in your tracks.
It’s time to win back love with my bad temper.
Full moon is now gold,
As are lines on the river.
Blue hour is too short.
When lonely roads, stay awake until  late,
I create many small poems, yet forgetting is their fate.

They are just ideas given some weird  form.
Born unwanted by a stranger storm.

Righting them down by me is in vain .
What kind of man would read words so insane.

Therefore I leave them on the road for wind take.
He will give to a better artist to inspire one and awake.
That ugly woman you dislike.
You think she ain't pretty.
But she is a teacher, you know.
And as any teacher, she is someone's queen.
To that someone she's beautiful.
But you don't care. She's just an ugly stranger.

And this ****** guy, no self control on board.
You say he's beyond dumb.
But somewhere in a college he gets high scores.
Somewhere in a house he feels emotions deep and true.
But how'd you ever know?
He s just a ****** on a train.

Oh yeah, the leading lady you applaud.
She lives with no hardships, it appears to you.
But she is sometimes crying hard.
The girl she adores doesn't care about her.
And now the leading lady cares not 'bout fame.
Whatever, she's a happy star to you.

Finally, the boy who's lost in the streets.
You always call him a loser, lost cause.
But he is somebody's reason to fight.
He is a youngster's greatest man.
He lives to help and helps to live.
But give ,oh please, no ****.  He is a loser in the streets

But you, a normal, boring, balanced human.
I see no interest in copies.
But you're a hurricane that dance under water.
But your the rebel seeking holes in walls.
And obedience is just a shameful mask you wear.
But i am clueless. You're just too boring, calm as sand.
That's just how it is in my shoes. No offense, almost
I wait for something, allways wait.
I know in the future there is something grate.
The knowledge gives hope, desire to go on.
And while I do, I dream on and on.

With nobody to love, I've got a lot of free time.
Figures: I'm all alone, yet by me it is fine.
So much free time, might as well waste it.
But lonliness is freedom, so I go ahead and embrace it
For winter so much I wait
Siting each day by the gate.
With each moment it's getting colder
And night's growing all so much longer.

A cold lovely rain comes
Happens it every now and then
Shortly in snow it transforms
Now, the only question is "when?"

And I'm avare of it, and  I'm so glad
Therefore I just cannot fill bad
Waiting for winter, my queen to come
In my happiness I'm second to none
Yes, we are the rogues,
To nobody dear,
By nobody loved.

Yes, we are strangers.
Seeking for what does not exist.
Waiting for what holds no good.

And no, we are hopeless,
We never trust people
We never  follow the crowd .

And no, we don't need you.
Tired of you talking nonsense
Afraid of you telling lies.

Yet, we still have something
We are artists beyond any rules
We are dreamer with out a sleep.

Yet, we just take our time.
There is a place for us somewhere
The is a chance we might win someday.

So what, we are different
Riddles are the language we speak.
Coldness is the bless we desire.

So what, we are madmen.
You ain't getting a clue 'bout what we think.
You ain't taking us there, to a reality of yours.
Hell yeah, you can embrace me,
that is what friends may do,
But I’m not sure if you should kiss me,
that’s something siblings do.
I’ll try and clear the path you choose,
that’s called comrodary,
But I shall not dare touch your love nor fire,
that marks an enemy.
I remember a girl from my class telling me
my paternal line is all fools.
Her father works at church.

I remember being told too many times
I’ll go to Hell for whom I love.
My pain still burns strong like  a torch.

I remember staying in mountains,
In a camp where nuns were our teachers,
That’s the place  I picture when I sing “Deep river”.

My chosen family is huge,
I hope my friends all outlive me,
My every other friend is a believer.

When people are fighting online,
I always side with atheists,
Only their words my sense to my heart.

There is a woman who got her son killed,
She called me once, and said that one is good
If only he has Jesus in his heart.

I know Jah and saints always me call,
I know my friends don’t judge me,
But don’t pray to no one, hurts too hard.
Wind. He brings desire
Everyone he can inspire
He knows tales untold
And legends forbidden
He is a freedom's friend
And very song's listener
He remembers it all
And ready to retell'em
To whoever will freedom understand
A castle is in the mountains
In witch winter is eternal.
Castle is huge like a titan
And it's alive like a town.

The castle's got four walls
Four domes and four towers.
Hot springs are it's veins
Coming from beneath, giving us life.

In it's center is a great hall
Where we hold our ceremonies.
In long hallways we revel
In huge libraries we study.

When it snows we have fun
We sing and play as kids around.
Oh, how we love it peacefully falling
And touching the ground without a sound.

And on full moon we never sleep
As we selerbrate it all night long.
Ravens do live nearby the castle
Each we love, each other we help.

So we rouges live in here
this is our state, and is our home
We live here in harmony with each other.
Luck brings us here after guiding through trials.
i only live this year for sure
none shall tell my fortune further.
i gonna live through with passion,
but i won't try guessing what's ahead.
maybe it would way way worse,
or maybe i'll witness a revolution.
maybe sun will slay me with it's fire,
and maybe it will guard me with it's light.
therefore i go ahead holding onto no hope.
i gonna live just for a year for sure.
but there is no way telling what's beyond...
Back home again,
Ain't safe again.
But I am alive somehow.
It's all cause of a wov.

My friend, you are my reason.
My friends, you are the goal.
To be alive and keep it up.
Until in your hug I don't fall.

My friends, you are my reason.
My friends, you the fuel.
For the sparks of my eyes.
To be apart is far too  crue.

No place, no thing could take
Me as high as I'd be beside you.
My friends, you are my life.
I'm noone without you.
Confession: it's consist of my feelings and inspiration from music, also they come hand in hand. I hope it doesn't count as a reap off or a plagiat.
Consider it a fanfic if you will...
Comments appreciated:)
Знай, что зима-королевна уж пришла.
Как и всегда, сотню даров с собой принесла.
И вновь младшеклашками стали мы.
Уф, наконец-то сбылись наши грёзы и сны.
Песнь я вновь слышу, что почти уж канула в лету.
Дивен праздник вокруг и красота, внесу-ка и я свою лепту.
Откуда вся эта радость и доброта, кто освободил им здесь место.
Вижу, куда-то сбегает отчаянно боль, и верно, в зиме ей не место.

— The End —