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Jul 2018 · 438
Sleeping angels
We dream, don't we?
Of a place that we can belong?

A place of love, peace and grace.
A place of white clouds upon blue sky,
Lush fields,
And endless sunshine.

If Heaven is a place of purity and love,
why must we die to live a dream?
Jul 2018 · 551
Patriotism and death
Wet mud and soil
and in the fray,
in the barrage of bullets,
He stands triumphantly.

His allies are dead,
His family are lost to him.
Behind him a flag waves and
Between the stripes and stars,
Splatters of blood soak the cloth.

Over the ocean, they hold the flag high.
For as the father of their country sits in an office
young men and woman die for him.
The flag of red, blue and white.
A symbol of patriotism to some.

To others though,
The flag waves blood, suffocation and bone.
Even those that hold it high.

For as the saliva of the war-hungry man
Drips from his lips,
And as the rotten words sprout from his pungent tongue,
Soldiers die with guns at their hips
And now the clock with hands on 12 is finally rung.
It follows through iridescent dreams.

It stares and it lingers.

It watches with saddened but dead eyes.

Sometimes you'll see it, most times you won't.

But either way, it is always there. Even when you awake from the nightmare, it remains.

Can you remember holding it?

Do you remember smiling as it giggled in your arms?

Do you think of it staring back at you as you lightly feel its soft skin?

No. Because you never did.

You never watched it take its first steps.

Heard it cry in the middle of the night.

Clean up after the mess that it had caused.

Or hear it call for you.

And now you never will.

Do you regret that day? That choice that you made?

Do you wonder to yourself what might have been?

If only that child was here today and you could tell it that you would love it and protect it.

Would you?
Jul 2017 · 725
The Hollow man
A hollow body withered by dread,
A corpse walking with a beating heart,
But a beaten brain.

He comes from inside and the sun burns his eyes,
Before the dark indoors engulf him once again,
How long will he remain hidden this time?

For so long he has lived like this,
Though many will not notice.
For he smiles and laughs when there are people around him,
But cries inside for he is still lonely.

When day turns to night,
He turns to the ceiling and sees
A small glimmer of hope,
The shadow of a rope.

When they find him they'll be different,
"I never knew!" They'll say.
But of course it's too late already,
There's no going back now.

A hollow body withered by death,
A corpse with a silent heart,
A corpse with an empty brain.
Apr 2016 · 705
I live on the streets;
poor and cold.
Once so young,
now so old.

My wealth is gone
as are my clothes.

I wear nothing but a rag.

But all of this does not matter to me.
There's only one thing I really need..

Just a nice, hard ****.
Apr 2016 · 1.3k
She's like the wind
She's just like the wind.
Slow and breezy.
The wind blows me away...

And so does she.
Oct 2015 · 614
Vanity maybe when you see into a mirror, and love your body.
Self gratitude is when you look into the mirror and see your soul.
True love for yourself is when you no longer need a mirror to see yourself.
Oct 2015 · 475
Live before you die
We could die tomorrow with regret in our heart, or we could live today and fill it with joy.
Oct 2015 · 884
The sacrifice of a slave
To sacrifice your soul, you become a slave to Modern Society.
To sacrifice your hatred, you become a slave to love.
Oct 2015 · 389
Awakened dream
When you truly wake up,
you no longer need your dreams
Oct 2015 · 396
Day by day,
we pay and pay
as bills grow longer
and income grows shorter.

We now pay to live
and that's not how it is supposed to be.
People say you have to open the right doors
but before you unlock the door,
you have to become the key.

With politics and laws to keep us docile
and our food and drink tampered with,
how can our governments say we can trust them?
When we can't even trust our own water?

In Florida, you have to live with electricity
and it's the same in most other countries.
Society keeps us "living" a certain way
without "living" it the way we should be.
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
The Earth, Sun and Moon
The Earth is our planet- The mother of Man.
The sun is a star- ready to expand.
The moon is a rock- and that's about it really....
Aug 2015 · 509
An Atom
The Universe is made up off Atoms.

Now tell me, how could something so small,
Create something so big?
You are bigger than you think
Aug 2015 · 520
Society molding
Are you paper to be folded?
Are you a piece of clay being molded?
Or are you a energy, ready to shape your own existence?
Jul 2015 · 456
Appreciate that which you do have instead of that which you don't.
Dedicated to my friend: Abby Kenney
Jul 2015 · 391
Will things get easier?
It depends on you.
Will you try harder?
Jun 2015 · 406
Pearl of you
Life is the Oyster
You are the pearl
Jun 2015 · 7.0k
The Doctor
Please stop crying, takes your hands off your ears
I want to help you.
Your moans of anguish and pain hurt my soul,
I wish to help you.

I will.
I will.

I have to stay calm, motivate myself.
He is just ill,
And illnesses can be cured
And I can do this.

I can.
I can.

He's only been here for a short while
Yet he screams as if he were possessed
I offered my help, I did all I could
But found him dead in his room.

I didn't help him.
I couldn't help him.
I wish I did.
Please read my other poem "Insanity" after/before this to understand it.
Jun 2015 · 855
Shut up, stop shouting!!
You're ranting blocks up my ears and thumps my brain.

Stop shouting!!
You're harsh words blacken the walls around you, I see nothing but bones and rust.
Your voice is like barbed wire and your eyes are that of a demon
Demanding me to impale myself with the blade but I won't do it!!

I won't.
I won't.

Shut up!!!
I beg you to stop. Your demanding too much!!
I'm strong in my mind, I'm sure,
You can't hurt me.

He can't!
I can't!
He can't hurt me!

It's been 72 days, 23 hours, 17 minutes and 35 seconds now and you still won't go away.
Maybe there's only way to end it but I can't!

I can't!
I won't!
Please read my poem "The Doctor" before/after this to understand it.
Jun 2015 · 355
Pick a side,
Are you against or do you stand with Gay pride?
Jun 2015 · 424
Spiritual Sally
Upset, broken, hollow inside
One little insult made me want to hide.

At 3:00am in the morning I greeted the morning sun,
and asked it what I should do.
He told me "To find someone spiritual" before lighting up the sky.

How do I do that?
Would that not be hard.
I thought that what the sun said can't be true
but surprisingly that was when I found you.
Jun 2015 · 635
Me and my freinds
Oh hey!


What did you say?

I said Hi

Oh, I see, so you're that type of guy.

What? What do you mean?

Come on man, lets not make a scene!

Wait, are rhyming my words??

Well of course not, that's just absurd!

You just done it again!

I done what Ken?

My name isn't even Ken, will you just shut it?

I don't know what you mean? Am I being a ***?

Yes you are, what's up with you? You're normally shy??

Don't say that you'll make me cry.

***, if you don't shut up I'll punch you!

How rude!

Erm, that didn't even rhyme?

Awh crap!
Jun 2015 · 343
Baby Food
They can't talk,
They can't eat like us,
They don't move like us.
They are small and weak.

They are a baby and they are like most of the animals that are slaughtered. Yet, you wouldn't **** a baby would you?
Jun 2015 · 377
I am calm but I hold danger,
I respect life but I am no saviour.
The sky as my guardian,
The land as my friend
I am everywhere
And I can never end.

Waves crash, birds soar
And me? I see it all.
The very  voice is deafening to the ears but only some will hear me.

I am the calm before the storm
I am the beauty of the dawn,
I take up most of the surface of the Earth,
And they call me the sea.
Jun 2015 · 327
The deadly Race
The Deadly Race is young and tiny,
Weak beyond measure.
Not in physical or in mental,
But they take everything for granted.

Life is no longer a gift as they slay their own breed,
Then from the meat of the corpse they just killed,
They slice it up and feed.

This race look quite normal,
2 arms, 2 legs and a face.
But I tell you now, they are monsters,
The savages calling themselves
"The Human Race".
Jun 2015 · 528
Keep Running
Legs burning,
Waist turning.
Arms swinging,
Mind is singing.

Eyes determined,
Motivated and deserving.

Sweat pouring,
But it's pouring for your hard work.

Keep running,
Don't stop now,
Just a little distance left!
Keep running.
Jun 2015 · 397
My own proverb
If the Eagle did not fly,
The mouse would not crawl.
Jun 2015 · 640
Darkness overcome
Shrouded in darkness
I can't escape.
So devoid of care
and lost in black.

This could be my last breath
it could be my last day.
One final wish
don't let them take my heart away.

Help me.
Jun 2015 · 409
Soul connection
Young body with an open mind.
My spirit wasn't to hard to find.
But there will always be a hole,
until I fully connect to my soul
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
"You want to hit me, fight me, kick me or bite me.
You think you're tough, you aren't.
Come, try to fight me, you won't succeed!"

"Oh yeah, why?" He hissed.

"Because, my friend, I'm a pacifist".
Jun 2015 · 318
Love cut
You were my love, my life.
You were my girl, maybe someday my wife.
But then you hurt me,
You used me,
And that cut like a knife.
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
Me man
Me man,
Me strong,
Me work you all night long.

Me no fear,
Me not queer,
Me is primal
Me is....

Argh, no WIFI!!
Jun 2015 · 422
Broken Cages
The rusted hinges of those broken doors,
The broken cages that fall apart.
No one to see, No one to hear,
The moment my heart thudded then stopped
When you disappeared.
Jun 2015 · 464
Sexism, Feminism, ******, Racism, Athiesm...
There's only one we all need
Jun 2015 · 326
The joke
A joke is not just a funny thing you say,
It is a unique way of making people smile in that special kind of way
Jun 2015 · 679
My morning love
Smooth and soft,
Like dough in my hands.

Cold yet sometimes so warm
So small yet so much.

The way you're so easy to spread,
You're an obsession that I must use daily.

Doesn't matter the time of day or night,
I can always depend on you to be there.

Your fair light yellow...
Light Yellow!?
Wait! This is margarine!!

I can't believe it's not butter.
Haha was making toast
Jun 2015 · 403
Flying from trouble
When dawn breaks the sky,
I wish to fly.
Fly from the evil, the neglect, the abuse,
But with no actual escape,
What's the use?
Jun 2015 · 284
I'm in love with a girl from above
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
From Youtube to fame,
The first to play a new game.
Doesn't mind being put to shame,
None of his videos are ever the same.

On a hunt for his Senpai,
On games with Ken, Jack and Cry.
He's just a fabulous kinda guy.

This man called Felix,
I hope you know.
His great name "Pewdiepie",
is one worshipped, if you are a Bro.
Apr 2015 · 330
Peace on Earth
Peace on Earth, a dream since birth
Apr 2015 · 502
Opposites attract
I'm bad, you're good.
I'm tall, you're short.

I'm loud, you're quiet.
I smile with my mouth, you smile with your eyes.
I hug, you kiss.
You squeeze, I hold.

It's funny how different we are yet we are also so similar.
but the best one is:

You love, and I love you right back.
Apr 2015 · 449
Cross the line
The rage, the fury, the wrath that sharply speeds around.
My Chest, My arms, the pit of my stomach.
My mouth is downturned and angry.
My eyes washed with red and black.
Fists clenched and heavy breathing.
You think I am weak? Because I don't fight? Because I don't like violence? Because I am just the "Nice Guy"!? Is that it??

Well, I have 3 words for all of you who have put me through crap and ruined my life...

**I've finally snapped.
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Facebook, oh Facebook, the addiction of so many but wanted by very few.

Facebook, oh Facebook, the place that's so hard to show feelings as I am judged for my fights and ignored of my achievements.

Facebook, oh Facebook, you used to be a trend but now...You're wrongly used.

Facebook, oh Facebook, I do not hate you in fact...I love you!

Now that I've said this, may I have some free credits for games and more likes on my pictures? ;)
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
A drop of sadness
Sadness is but a drop of water in a lake of emotions
Apr 2015 · 518
She may be fragile, she may be small
but my care for her is bigger than she is
Apr 2015 · 414
Wake up as the boulder of light shines through the night,
the cold sharp air cutting into my dry dead skin,
I have finally awoken,
let the hunting begin.

Times have changed,
what once was so new is now decrepit and old,
The "ancient" ruins of the structures
that once stood so bold.

The world has changed,
yet I do not weep,
My hunger must be banished,
the hunger that builds up while I sleep.

I spy a young child playing on the street,
the offspring of the weak stalked by the offspring of the night,
No such human has ever escaped my sight.
Mar 2015 · 354
With Gaia as my mother
and some spirits as my guides
I have no worries.
They'll be with me forever
even when I die.
Mar 2015 · 638
I once knew a girl called Sandra,
who'd take all the **** that people would hand her.

There was also a guy named Bob,
who would never shut his gob.

They once had a fight,
it was a god awful sight.
But Sandra took flight,
She took in all that badness
and used it as her might!
Don't wrong the wrong people
Mar 2015 · 610
Take my heart
The love of my life,
But it's a love that cuts like a knife.
It's when our eyes did first meet,
I felt my heart skip a beat.

I was quite alive,
but her eyes were dead.
We met up a lot after then,
until she said

"I love you, I truly do!
But we can never be together.
You see, I am a vampire
and I might just **** you"

I didn't know what to say,
Didn't know how to act
but after seeing her everyday,
I decided to make a pact.

I now protect her,
I look over her,
do her bidding,
I'd even die for her.

Her skin is cold and pale,
Her lips and eyes are red.
No-one will ever harm her though!
I'll protect her until I'm dead.
In love with a vampire
Mar 2015 · 441
Rain is pouring,
I am snoring.

Day has gone,
night has came.

Pillow is light,
but my eyelids are heavy.

So sick of yawning...
I'll just carry on this poem when I get up in the morning.
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