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It's just a grey day, dark sky, rain clouds
these grey days come and go,
gloomy, empty, boring, dull.
The sun will come again soon,
then you'll go outside and be proud
for yet another victory over the storm.
Grey days are worth the fight
'cause when the sunny ones come
you'll be alright.
Blatant battle cries echo on the cities,
rebels in the making, school's out.
Do the parents not know what they've done?
Religiously raised revolutionaries,
tamed by nothing and no one.

Looking back at their childhoods,
nothing but prayers, punishments, hidden threats,
cruel, alienating isolation, God, their only friend.

Now you'll see your children rise against it,
they won't follow your rules, won't be you.
You'll cry tears of blood for the control lost
but trust me, you had you turn, now contempt.
Good morning, my dears,
miladies and sirs,
good morning, brothers and sisters,
saints, sinners, you all.
Have a nice day at work, school,
wherever you go,
have a wonderful evening,
afternoon, night and noon.
Some places hold grudges,
they incorporate agony into their walls,
blood stains embedded on the floor,
stories felt even before they're told.
I like loud music, it blocks out the world,
well played melodies or metal screams,
something to give me nightmares or sweet dreams,
sounds to muffle the voices out here. So loud!

I listen to deafening music at max volume
because people won't keep their mouths shut,
and I hope they see the obvious sign
that I'm not interested in their words.

But hear me out, neighbor that's for you,
I use earbuds or my headset,
I don't bother people so there's that.
I'm trying to work and you're an a...
How empty is this house
without echoes of your phone
ringing insistently from the next room...

How empty is this house
without the sound of you typing,
making someone else's phone ring
in someone else's home.

How empty is this house
without the image of you,
a perfect statue, sitting,
staring down at your phone.
I keep high hopes in a little shelf,
hidden from the public,
gathering dust.
Like the toys I owned as a kid,
my skate as a teen,
now my pride as an adult,
they might eventually be sold.
My body is just as exhausted
as my mind, at the moment
I did this to myself
and I'd do it all again.

Walked miles and miles
for a lost cause,
for my fragile pride,
for days long left behind.

A hammer continuosly hits my skull,
I'm being aggressively whipped inside
by the consumption of my own beer,
by the consequences of my own night.
I'm okay, I'm okay, yes, I'm okay
and even if I wasn't that's still what I'd say.
With my blood dripping down I'm okay,
if you see me breakdown, just trust me when I say:
I'm okay.
You're not perfect
and if that bothers you,
it shouldn't.

You can have nice eyes,
polite words, a good heart,
and then you might not have money.

You can own cars, houses,
a couple companies,
and be full of hollowness.

You can be a good dancer,
and not be a good singer.

You're not perfect,
and that's okay,
you can improve yourself,
none of us are perfect either.
Beloved son (of a)...
Sweet mother...lover.
yes, please,
write this on the gravestone
I'll rest under.
You must mention my NPO
for the poor on our streets,
you can still see me adopting stray dogs.
Remember my kind smile
brightened by the sun,
or the flash of a camera,
helping cats stuck on trees.
I'm gonna leave a lot of footage
for my memorial, but you see,
it's important that you remind people
that I, a good guy, have done all these things.
You took a step forward,
you're closer to your goal,
such a crucial act.
Oh, yeah, you acted.
How dare you act?
Didn't they teach you this in already?
Did your parents raise an idiot?
It's fine to have dreams
If they're too individual,
get on society's nerves
"you should keep them to yourself" and
"don't even think about it",
"do something else, like this... and that..."
"you should take some steps back."
Jimmy learned that gay was bad,
unnatural, the pastor said,
his friends were all about girls,
so Jimmy played along.
At some point in high school
Jimmy realized
a very hidden desire of his,
he liked a guy.
Jimmy was desperate,
how could it be?
He had been with girls,
never with guys,
but how would he know?
He never tried!
He kept the secret to himself,
a shameful burden of his own,
until one day Jimmy boy came across a term: BI.
If people could see my thoughts
as dialogue boxes
above my head
they'd be so confused,
they'd be so frustrated,
they'd drop dead.
I'll go to bed soon,
a bed of sand,
sleep on the shore,
embraced by waves.

I'll go to bed soon,
I'll lay my head on a pile of clothes,
watch the sun set above my eyes,
stare at the dark of the night
and the light of the moon.

I'll go to bed soon,
a couple hours from now
when the last bus arrives
and takes me to the sea, my home.
Yet again the moon rises,
indifferent to daily stress,

despite all doubt and pendency,
it hits the hammer,
and demmands you to accept.

It brings much needed closure
so before you move on, friend,
you can take a rest.
I've seen that side of you,
that side you don't always show,
the side not even you can control,
that part buried deep inside.
And even if I saw your worst
I don't think I'd ever forget
the truthful look in your eyes
that convinced me that was you.
I just wish I lost the stuff I hate
as often as I lose
the things I care about.
I wish I could find my favorite pen
and lose this fear of failure,
or lose my horrible Christmas sweater
and find my long lost self-esteem.
I've been speaking concisely,
in a monotonous tone,
never too passionate
about a thing in this world.
My logic skills are tremendous,
my bills are paid in time,
I'm basically a robot:
efficient, emotionless and dull.
My brain is so **** empty
my thoughts echo on it's walls,
should I watch the news?
They talk about war (war, war, war)
and crimes (imes, imes)
disease (ease, ease).
What can I do to feel good?
Watch your skulls down there, y'all,
I'm about to throw my TV out the window.
I'm a mere mirrored reflection
of all the mistakes I made.
I'm a mere piece
of an unsolved puzzle
that's always missing something in the end.
Triple crescent moon,
one on the water, one on the sky,
and a third one, the best, in your eyes.
Stars look brighter today
and I might have a theory:
the universe gave you the spotlight.
I'm being slowly pulled away,
half unconscious, astray.
My morals converted to lust,
certainly lost in those lips,
on those hips, on those thrusts.
Drop by drop I fade,
reducted to dust,
your eyes on mine,
those sighs,
never out of my mind,
a ***** heavenly sight.
Navy blue claws,
wavy red hair,
black lipstick,
honey skin.
You make me fidgety,
fingerdrumming helplessly,
but I'd rather be nowhere else but here.
I heard you talk about work all night and I'm not tired,
I even memorized some call center lines
"Good morning, sir. How can I help?"
never sounded so godlike.
Before I met you I had nine lives,
safely preserved, well kept,
it's hard to believe I lost four
just in the day we met.
You spent three months around,
I lost three more each hangout,
now you're gone and I only have two,
but I'd give them to you without a doubt.
The sun is shining outside, I guess
my blackout curtains won't show.
I'm almost all out of words
but if you look inside my head
it's so full it hurts.
I remember all about the old days,
the silly jokes, child's play,
I remember all the fun
but I'm really not the same.
You talk of love
always of love
wonder, beauty
tenderness and care.
I don't think you know pain...
you talk of rainbows
bright colors, sunsets
sunny days and starry nights
but I can see none of the above
the same way you do anymore
because I know pain
and I can't seem to forget what it's about.
I don't recognize this face in the mirror,
this didn't use to be me,
what am I?
How far away am I?
All the damage I've seen,
all the harm I've done,
maybe I deserve to be uncertain.
All the life has been ****** out of me,
I might've done this to myself,
I could be held accountable.
I try to be smart enough to show what's inside,
I don't believe I am,
no words seem to be enough to show what I mean.
Is this all just selfish of me?
Narcissism, is it what this is all about?
Not everything is about me,
why do I feel all the pain?
Can anyone tell me what this is all about?
I'm scared, hopeless, and alone.
Every sentence might be the last.
All my stuff might as well be tagged sad or depressive.
A thousand pairs of judgy eyes,
grey, blue, brown, green,
all colors spinning around me
attached to bitter faces,
expressive frowns.
That's not too late to call me, in case you can't tell,
it's never too late for me, you're taking me for someone else.
It's never too late to text me, I never sleep anyway,
if I take too long to reply, perhaps I haven't seen,
or I have nothing to say.

You can always see me as you will and want,
but you can't make your wishes come true.
I'm an undistinguished shadow in your house,
sometimes I'm on your bed, just passing through.

There's this feeling I can't define, I feel it everytime
you and I are in the same room,
as if time has stopped and there's only us
sitting by the window on a rainy afternoon.

I feel like a king, I wanna be set free but I can't resign,
the risks are high, my feelings are strong, I'm by your side.
Even when I seem to be very far away from you
trust me I'm always there and you should know.

When I grab my laptop and start working on all those words
you think I'm drifting away from you and that's unfair.
How I wish I could have any quality time alone
without having to constantly force you out of my mind.
There's people all around
I move without making a sound,
I wasn't raised to be so critical
but I live mostly in my head.

I need to let off some steam,
life could be a dream
but it's a nightmare instead.

Dead are the hopes
I wish I never had.
Play some music in my headphones
and rehearse what has, and hasn't, been said.
The grass in my garden was gross,
all tangled and knotted, now I see
I used to think it was meant to be
for a man has no worries with this.
Comfortable I say it was not,
specially when the weather was hot,
how could people even visit me?
One day I decided to mow some grass,
tidy up that disordely mess,
entwined like Medusa's hair.
Now I'm proud to say I keep it clean,
life's too short to not be free
and make our girl's lives easier.
Understand as you will.
The other version of myself
stared at me all night, yesterday.
He sat by my bed, in my chair:
"Sleep is boring." He said.
I told him to go away,
but he won't get up and leave
so I ignored him and closed my eyes.
But, wait... who is the other one,
is it him or is it me?
I'm currently fighting a fair ammount of battles
at the same time,
and I've never felt more lost in my life.
Juggling with my own feelings,
sleep the day away, think all night,
then unwind, take a break, restart.
The moon is round in the sky,
both of them are,
don't ask, there's two.
The moons are full,
seemingly close
hiding their apparent ******
behind a black bra made of clouds.
Night, cuties and pies,
whether you're opening or closing your eyes,
I wish you the same ammount of luck.
If your day is starting, have a nice day,
if the moon is up there, sleep tight,
if it's noon, remember, no shots before five.
Tomorrow will be a brand new story to tell,
more lines to write, more ideas to sell,
another chance to outdo yourself.
Random one. But I felt like it.
The poet's pen rested on the table,
with it's hat on, off duty, proud,
doing it's best to keep working
because it knew it's immeasurable worth.
He'd like to write something clever,
he'd like to build something fun
he'd like to describe himself
or flatter a loved one.

He'd like to be unique
he'd like to be smart
he once thought he was great
but he's really  not.
Inflamed ambition,
potent visions, hopes,
latent plans of action...
Trifling in my own version
and order of things.
In the middle of chaos,
the only factor
that fails to enter the equation
is the means that'll enable me
to achieve my end.
Somewhere out there right now
someone is getting married...
someone's child is being born,
but someone else's dog died.

Somewhere out there right now
someone lost a loved one...
someone is being murdered,
but it's the best day
of someone else's life.
A million stars shine above,
the cloudless sky reflects on the water,
the navy blue lake absorbs the full moon
and I quietly watch from a safe distance,
alone, on the green grass, I'm afraid to blink
and realize all this beauty is just a dream.
There's something wrong,
something is so wrong,
I can see the red lights.

Alerts ringing on ears,
from the inside, or outside?
Are the sirens real?

There's a problem,
or several, dozens of them,
all at the same time,
creeping up on us.
There it is, in the back of my mind,
gagged and handcuffed to a pipe,
covered in bruises and scars,
the long forgotten meaning of my life.
                               Humming a melody of hope,
                               stripped of dignity, insane,
                               beaten, mocked, almost tamed,
                               hoping to be rescued someday.
I've been leaving pieces of me
scattered all around my world,
it's a mess I don't think I can clean.
I wonder if someday someone will be able to solve the puzzle
and meet all of me.
The dress was blue and black,
life is really short,
I don't always get drunk
but when I do I go to church.
Is Keanu Reeves a vampire,
or is he a time traveller?
They told me to change my ways
and I don't remember what I did then.
Why do I still worry
when time is all that I need?
I'm afraid if I decide to wait,
refusing to do a thing,
my life won't move at all
and I'll be bound to fall.
A suspiciously botherless life,
calls for me from the shadows,
like Hensel and Gretel's
convenient candy house.

"Follow their commands and you'll be fine,
be chaste, be obedient, praise purity,
you'll have nothing but good times!"
Like building castles on the sand.

They preach like pros, I'll give them that
unfortunately, I can't choose my path,
my soul is a rebel and it doesn't bend.
There was a time when I needed a good head upon my shoulders,
I needed to make a difficult decision,
one that would change my life forever.

I needed a councillor, I needed advice,
at that one time, alone, I chose the wrong path,
I chose blindly, and for that I still pay the price.

If only at that one time, I knew what was at stake
I would've screamed louder, I would've cried harder
for what I lost that day.

I lost years of existence, not moving an inch forward,
now I weep for what I am and for what I could've been,
if only I had seen what was so obvious for the rest.
I'll seek inspiration today
In the end of a bottle
or on the depth of a lake.
I hit rock bottom before
and the certainty remains
that I've suvived this place before
and I can do it all again.
Don't make me wait in line
for whatever I want to take.
I want it right away
I'm tired of having to wait.
Wait for the right time
wait for the right one
wait for the right weather
life's all about wait,
and I'm too much of an immediatist
to follow rules and wait for commands.
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