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Throughout the day
Your smile shines through,
It is precious,
And it is True.

A sweet soul lies beneath
Gleaming even when there's rain,
Yet even your smile fades,
Seeing you hurt brings me pain.

Be the sword that saves the day,
Be the shield that stops the blade,
Be the shelter when it rains,
And when it's sunny, be the shade.

Protect your smile,
For it is precious.
And save your soul,
For it is so sweet.
Unlike my other poems, this one is not to someone I love, it's to a person who is like a daughter to me, it is an important distinction!
Mar 18 · 221
Unseen Princess
To the average person, a girl.
But to the watchful eye? A princess!

Rises from her bed after each night
With sleepy eyes and messy hair,
Yet her morning sight is such a delight,
Cuteness like that is very rare!

The Sun rises just to see her,
She is quite the cute sleeper!

A quick, gentle rinse of her face,
Elegant motions of the brush,
She gazes out of her window with such grace,
Her cheeks are rosy with a blush.

That is how she gets ready,
Her pace is nice and steady!

A graceful step, a gentle sound,
Her movement is just like a dance!
Effortlessly light, her taps bless the ground,
To fall in love takes just a glance!

A sweet melody follows
Her to everywhere she goes!

Join the dance or enjoy the play,
Beauty is found in her presence,
She has no throne of stone, yet she leads the way,
Cuteness defines her whole essence!

She has no crown and yet she shines,
A princess to the watchful eye.
Mar 17 · 148
Forever Weld
I was once in pieces,
Kept together by lousy glue,
Always thought it was meant to be,
But it was not true.

What once was is gone.
All of my feelings for you fell,
It was a great, endless struggle,
And I went through hell.

Now there is somebody new,
Two hearts being held together
Not by some temporary glue,
Held by a weld, Forever.
Mar 16 · 83
Horrors of a Hot Bath
A bathtub stands before me,
A trap waiting for its victim,
Who could that person be?

Unassuming, I get in
I'm met with pain in an instant:
Hot water scalds my skin.

All my bones melt like candy,
What did I do to deserve this?
Oh, vengeful water tell me, please!
When did I become your enemy?
Mar 11 · 156
Night of the Lily Pads
Thousand lily pads drift
Upon the lake's surface.
Like Xiao Lanterns
That were all set adrift.

The flowers of the plants
Decorate the water,
They swim in the dim light
That which each lantern grants.

A Lily catches my eye:
Its buds yet to blossom,
No light shines upon it,
Its movement's a bit shy.

Yet it's the prettiest of all,
It will bloom beautiful blossoms,
Its light will drown out even stars,
I shall support it, lest it fall.
Mar 1 · 305
New Hope's Dawn
The Sun sets at the end of each day,
In the cold, dark night, it's easy to lose your way.

Many Falling Stars shine through the night,
All of them burn up, they all lose their guiding light.

Move forward, even if you can't see,
Don't let yourself be stopped, not by land, air or sea.

Each night is followed by a sunrise,
The dark will fade, no matter how hard the Moon tries.

As promised, a sunrise is on the horizon,
A new Dawn, a new Hope is rising.
Feb 24 · 112
Embrace of the Fireplace
A heart that's whole brings joy;
But one that is hollow
can only bring sorrow.

Like a raging fire, my love burned,
It quickly outgrew its fireplace
When a single spark jumped out.
From a warm embrace, into a wildfire it turned.

At long last came the soothing rain,
But save the lands it did not do.
Gentle shower, then a downpour,
The fire's wrath was now replaced by the water's reign.

The Sun's smile dries up anything,
Matters not if it's tears or rain,
The lands are finally saved! But...
What about the fireplace? Did it lose everything?

A lone, tiny ember survived,
Hopped to safety just in time,
Weathered the storm in its shelter.
Into the fireplace it bounced, the fire was revived!

My heart is filled with joy,
I share this joy with you.
Love you not to survive,
But Love you because I choose to.
Feb 19 · 140
Hope Forevermore
War ravages the sacred lands,
Those that lie where you do not see.
Conquering all, restless is the enemy;
Only Castle Hope still stands.

Brave soldiers, friends, family;
Fearless, they march into battle.
One-by-one they're slain, no chance for victory.
They now rest eternally.

Only the general's left,
He's barely breathing anymore.
A cold blade takes aim, ready to pierce the heart
Faintly beating in his chest.

It's he for whom the bell tolls.
The hour of death is drawing near.
The sword begins its descent, this is the end;
Time to go, the curtain calls.

But the blade can't find its way:
For another one blocks the path.
The general can not let go of the past,
And his Hope will never sway.

He draws strength from what once was,
Burning memories guide his blade,
Restless, he marches toward endless glory,
And it's all for a good cause.

His strength comes from what could be,
A future that's worth fighting for.
The last bastion between joy and agony,
That's what he'll forever be.
Feb 18 · 257
Silence Hurts
When you are silent,
I suffer in silence.

For hours on end,
You don't reply.
Even though I see you online.

Off, then On.
On, then Off.
The silence?
It is loud.

Many others you meet,
And all of them you greet.
A warm welcome, a fond goodbye.

On, then Off.
Off, then On.
The silence?
It's painful.

Many days later,
I get an answer.
Many words, so little meaning.

Off, then On.
On, then Off.
The message?
It cuts deep.

When I remain silent,
I suffer regardless.

You ask, I don't reply.
I require rebuilding
Lest I die, I will need some time.

Always On, never Off.
Never Off, always On.
My silence?
It's T o r t u r e.
Feb 18 · 230
You meant the world to me.
You left me to die, and yet still
Invaluable as you are,
I miss you every day.

You pushed me away, and
Created a void in my heart.
Invaluable as you are,
The hole can not be filled.

You're alive, and yet gone.
But even if you were to die,
Invaluable as you are,
You would be a diamond in the pile.
This poem is a counterpart to "Worthless."
Feb 17 · 244
The value of something
Is only clear in its absence.
Worthless as I am,
There'll be nothing for you to miss.

When precious things get lost,
They leave behind an empty void.
Worthless as I am,
There'll be nothing for you to fill.

When the soul leaves the eyes
People always cry, asking "why?".
Worthless as I am,
I'll just be one more corpse in the pile.
Feb 16 · 232
Mountain of Despair
In the distance, a mountain stands;
For thousands of years unchanging.
But look beyond the veil, and you will see
That its pain never truly ends.

The relentless winds blow away its crust,
The wrath of water carves its core.
For many years it stood the test of time;
How long can it last? Fall it must.

An eruption of emotion starts the end,
The mountain explodes from the inside;
Its top blows up: dark, thick smoke now fills the air,
Tired stones crumble, lava covers the land.
Feb 16 · 162
Meaningless Struggle
With you I always felt special.
You said that you have company,
Suddenly, I felt like one of many.
My soul is now just an empty vessel
Feb 15 · 201
Final Moments of a Star
The Star of Hope has died,
But there is no reason to cry:
Beautiful stars leave stunning Nebulae.
Feb 15 · 114
A Burger Worth Loving
I sit down at a restaurant,
A burger's my order;
Ambitious is the chef,
Never seen anyone bolder.

She works her magic on the bun,
The sauce is sweet and sour.
Crispy lettuce, on it
A meat patty full of power.

She is taking her time to craft,
And so I wait an hour;
My hunger consumes me:
There's nothing I couldn't devour.

Done at last, a thing of beauty,
Starving, I take a bite;
It's flavor outstanding,
Feels like I could even take flight.

It is not a flawless sandwich,
Filled with imperfection:
Burnt here, too salty there;
Still feels like I'm tasting heaven,

Halfway through, I take a big bite,
A mistake way too great:
The burger falls apart;
My ambition lead to my grave.
I walk on the surface of the Lake of the Lost,
Aimless I wander, I'll find my way at any cost.
Within me emotions swirl, yet my soul is hollow;
Without you next to me, all I feel is sorrow.

Tears run down my face, onto the water they drip,
They hit the surface, one by one, stepping stones are lit.
They show me the path, I'll follow to the very end,
They lead to my destination, a tiny island.

The Tears of Today Pave the Way
To a Tomorrow Without Sorrow.
As such, I will revel in my pain,
Without it, everything is in vain
And I'll never get to you.
Feb 15 · 407
The Hunt of Fate
Fate is cruel, as a lone wolf in the night:
It cares not about your hopes, your dreams,
It disregards your wants and your needs;
For it wants nothing more than to feast.

Night falls in the forest, you are on your own.
From the dark, you hear a chilling howl,
Unaware that Fate is on the prowl;
Your end foretold only by an owl.

It lurks in the darkness, you feel its presence.
Is it the shadow behind your back?
You can feel it breathing down your neck;
You can't yet see it, it is pitch black.

The moonlight shines down, finally you spot it.
A terrifying sight, your eyes lock,
Your heart skips a beat, you are in shock;
The sky filled by a murderous flock.

With its cover blown, the animal gives chase.
You try to run, hoping to escape,
Give it your all, you are in good shape;
You trip and you fall, can't run from Fate.

The beast draws near, running is of little use.
Out of options, unwilling to die,
Might seem foolish, but you have to try!
Back on your feet, it's not yet goodbye!

The battle begins, a test of strength and will.
It's jaws are lethal, claws full of might,
But regardless, you must win this fight;
Someone's blood will be spilt on this night.

The war is exhausting, you're evenly matched.
Eye for an eye is how you two brawl,
A limb for a limb, someone must fall,
Slowly but surely, you will stand tall!

The fighting goes on for hours, if not longer.
It's end awaited by hungry crows.
And finally, with a mighty blow
You manage to overcome your foe!

Fate falls at your hands, the wolf lies at your feet.
You have done it, fought with tooth and nail,
Challenged fate and lived to tell the tale;
I am doing the same...
Feb 15 · 121
A Fool's Cure
Sitting alone in a room,
I stared into my own tomb
Found some water, drank it up
It was poison in one’s cup!

Not just one cup, a whole pool,
Pool of poison, I consumed!
Poison made me lose my cool,
That’s how I became your fool!

Desperate to find the cure
I have found the lonely room,
Once more gazed inside the tomb
In there water, oh so pure!
Feb 15 · 243
The Heart's Forest
In the once lush Forest, flowers now wither,
All thanks to the eternal winter.
Came without warning, in a moment’s notice;
It killed even the strongest lotus.

The trees stand alone, lonely and pale,
Yet they remain hopeful that spring will prevail.
They believe in what there is to come;
Their sorrow will melt under tomorrow’s Sun.

In the Forest of the Heart, seasons are strange;
None can predict when, how they will change.
Winter came fast, and so quickly it may leave,
Allowing the shrubs to spread their leaves.

The quiet flap of a butterfly’s wings
Could be the reason for the coming of spring.
Trees will stand tall, the flowers will bud,
Fireflies will listen to frogs in the mud.

The rivers will flow, the fish will once more swim.
A serene scene, just when will it come…?
The trees can dream, the fireflies have to wait,
The frogs can sleep, the shrubs can slumber…

Oh, a butterfly!
Feb 15 · 137
Death of Dreams
I weep, I cry at the sound of “No”,
I sob, I wail yet no tears flow:
This is the extent of my sorrow.

That night the moon flew high in the sky,
Bird of hope, pretty does it fly:
But it was a crow, not a swallow.

Harbinger of death, my doom draws near,
My mind overwhelmed by fear:
In this constant pain do I wallow.

All of my dreams for the future,
Hopes toward a tomorrow:
Their place still warm, but now hollow.

If my love for you does turn cold,
You achieve the dream you hold:
What will I do? This I do not know...

Will I be able to love the same?
Will my passion ever burn bright again, like a flame?

Only for you.
Feb 15 · 142
A Small Pebble
On the ship of Love,
I set out at sea,
Hoping my emotions would be free.

Quiet, peaceful waters I sailed,
Me and my crew, we never failed.
We traveled the world, hope in our hearts;
We took a wrong turn, and things turned dark.

Found the Sea of Sorrow, oh dear!
The one place we shouldn't be near!
Faced with sadness, ships become brittle,
They can be sank by the smallest pebble.

My crew has jumped,
They've abandoned ship;
As its captain, I'm sinking with it...

— The End —