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Jan 2020 · 91
Tony Lee Ross Jr Jan 2020
Just came back and read through my poetry. Ugh, so cringe.
Nov 2018 · 658
What Even Is My Life?
Tony Lee Ross Jr Nov 2018
I guess I'm going to rhyme, because pretty faces have been turning into a waste of time. She tells me she likes me but she's taken, I should have known she was faking, I cannot be your side guy, I won't even settle for a tie. Mad at me having female friends, when you post constantly about your boyfriend? What kind of sense does that make? You played with my heart and dropped it till it shattered between your feet, it's up to you if you want to pick it up and put it back together, or walk past like there was no joy at the end of the tether.
Oct 2018 · 627
I'm Falling
Tony Lee Ross Jr Oct 2018
Falling from grace, falling from your face. You ever fall and face plant on the cold hard ground when no one was around? You picked yourself up and kept going. This is nothing new, when you fall for someone who doesn't want to catch you.
Sep 2018 · 383
I can't be what I want
Tony Lee Ross Jr Sep 2018
I wanna be Christ-like, but I'm ******* after other gods like Israel. I wanna read the Bible, but I get lost in the pages of other authors. I want to pray, but I'm too busy sinning. I want grace, but I don't want to give it. I don't want stress, but it's all I've been feeling.
Sep 2018 · 684
Not A Victim
Tony Lee Ross Jr Sep 2018
Stuck in the fight for what is right only to fall everytime you try.
My Dad died, I'm shaking at night thinking about it. Why did he have to leave me when I need direction?
Every girl I've tried to get with realizes how messed up I am and leaves. Why do I seek worth in a partner?  
I'm not innocent or guitless, don't mistake this for me pretending to be a victim of this system.
Jun 2018 · 621
Tony Lee Ross Jr Jun 2018
You know the dream where you run and its in slow motion? I wish that was real, because I'd have time to reflect why I started chasing you at all.
May 2018 · 580
Tony Lee Ross Jr May 2018
Telling someone you love them gives no comfort, when your actions betray your words.
May 2018 · 499
God actually loves me
Tony Lee Ross Jr May 2018
Pause, Selah, however you want to say it, the lamb was slain for the profane, sin was my bane, breaking my back and making me collapse, with no chance of recovery, till grace lead me to the discovery that the God of the universe actually loved me.
This is a snippet from a much longer poem that I posted to my website.****
May 2018 · 443
Tony Lee Ross Jr May 2018
If you're forward thinking, why is your life stuck in reverse?
Apr 2018 · 499
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Surrounded by people yet alone
people try to talk to me I look at my phone
Apr 2018 · 1.8k
Social Media Self-Worth
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Does it really matter how many people like my status on Facebook? Why do I delete posts that don't get any likes, as if what I said had to get peer approval to be real? I don't pose for the camera on Instagram to make a fan to get a heart, which I feel has turned to stone like I locked eyes with a gorgon, That heart is as fake as the comparison to the actual *****. It's okay if she's break my heart, I can afford to loan her, I'm an ***** donor.
Apr 2018 · 1.1k
I Guess It's Meant To Be
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
When you try to get away, life pulls you back in. Guess it was meant to be this way, I guess I'm happy with it in the long run. Better to fix what I put so much work in then to start new with something I'm just not ready for, nor do I really want to do.
Apr 2018 · 493
Why me?
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
The angel swooped down and possessed the woman, she's a walking corpse, a zombie if there ever was one. Instead of fear not she was filled with fear, when she realized she was paralyzed from her neck to her feet, she looked up to heaven and said "Why me?"
Apr 2018 · 516
To Me From Me
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Your face is a disgrace to the human race because it's so misplaced. Why else would people call you ugly? You think you're better than you are, you're not. That little kid in the sixth sense knew what he was talking about when he said some people don't know when they're dead, I thought life was a wild ride, the reality is that I've been dead inside. I feel hollow, who should I follow?
Apr 2018 · 495
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
There are billions of people on this earth but I still feel lonely.
Apr 2018 · 362
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Heschel said words can create worlds, how come I can't find the ones I need to describe the pain you caused me.  I never wanted to let you go, every tear that flows is for you, they fall and hit the ground like they're mimicking me. I've hit rock bottom. Emotionally I want to let go, I want to become someone on my own. I want to not look at your texts constantly on my phone, I want to cry when I remember I'm actually alone.
Apr 2018 · 352
Long Distance
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Long Distance isn't easy, nothing that is worth it is easy.
Apr 2018 · 377
I Sense Your Pain
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
I can hear the pain in your voice, I can taste the pain on your tongue, I can see the pain in your eyes, I can feel the pain when we hug. I can smell the pain on your neck.

You won't tell me why, you say you want to die. Please don't.
Mar 2018 · 292
Heart Play
Tony Lee Ross Jr Mar 2018
Dance, Dance, Dance upon my heart, you tread on me till I cannot help but fall apart. Maybe the DJ can give you something to play my heart.
Mar 2018 · 367
Social Media
Tony Lee Ross Jr Mar 2018
A simple statement you need to consider, it might be hard to bear, never confuse the amount of followers you have on social media with the amount of people who care.
Mar 2018 · 311
Heck Of A Day
Tony Lee Ross Jr Mar 2018
Long rides in the car used to calm me, now they make me feel stressed, I must confess that I've been a mess but I hope you don't think of me less.

I've been in a few car accidents, or are they providence? Was this supposed to happen? Life's linear events is something I can't fathom.

I think I'm prematurely graying, my sanity is fraying, in the wind along with the other cars speeding down the highway, day by day without delay.

What can I say, it was a heck of a day.
Mar 2018 · 427
I'm Actually Pro-Life
Tony Lee Ross Jr Mar 2018
I don't hate women
I don't want children to suffer
I don't want to tell a woman what she can do with her body.
I don't want the government to control our lifestyles.
I just want babies to live.
Mar 2018 · 382
Love's Puzzle
Tony Lee Ross Jr Mar 2018
No matter what you do, someone will want more.
No matter how nice you are, someone will hurt you to your core.
It used to be better, not a care in the world
Until I realized, I was making my self-worth contingent on a girl.  
I thought my heart was broken, but It was I who gave out the pieces.
Putting back my heart piece by piece, just to find out I'm missing one.
To complete this puzzle I have to look under life's table, there I see, it's beneath your feet, I always wanted your touch, I guess I got it because you're walking all over me.
Mar 2018 · 1.2k
When Will I Give Her Up?
Tony Lee Ross Jr Mar 2018
We were the best of friends, we found refuge in each other at work. Texting till late at night, calling in the middle of day with no delay. I remember, when you called me and asked me to cover your shifts for your vacation, I immediately accepted and you said I was amazing.

I like to think of that instead how we ended.

The good times, like when I complimented your boots and you implied that it was nice to find a guy whose purpose wasn't to objectify. I can't help but wonder if playing me was your goal, you're married now, he's seen you naked, but has he seen your soul? It all happened so fast, I didn't think you dating that guy would last. He wasn't your type, at least that's what you told me that night. I'm not jealous of him, I'm jealous of you, you were able to give up, while I'm still clinging to the idea of you.
Mar 2018 · 406
Real Love, Real Heartbreak
Tony Lee Ross Jr Mar 2018
There was someone who loved me before I loved him. According to medical researchers his heart failed, that is before he was impaled. They said blood and water came out, Because he was stabbed in the heart.The pericardium is in the back, odds are they punctured that sac. So when we talk about heart break, let’s think about someone who’s heart was actually broke under the force of a spear, the reason why anyone in heaven can say “this is why I am here, I no longer have to fear.” Love that I can’t fathom, love is not an ******. Love actually matters on the grand scheme of life, so in light of this, let us believe in the Son that gives us light and let’s treat each other right.
Feb 2018 · 608
The Power Of The Tongue
Tony Lee Ross Jr Feb 2018
That thing behind our teeth, that thing that helps us speak, articulate our words, make us sound absurd. The tongue is double-edged, it can hurt or it can heal, the tongue is like being on death row, but getting a delicious last meal.

Who can control the Tongue's power? With words I can hurt someone's feelings and with words I can make them feel better. With words I can call someone stupid and I can call someone clever.

Tongues can assist in saying "I love you" or "I hate you.". Tongues can be in the midst of kissing or sticking out in disgust. It has a two-faced approach, I can curse or I can bless, I can lie or I can confess.

Can you control the power of the tongue?
Tony Lee Ross Jr Feb 2018
My Precious political position, it doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter if you were born this way.

My politics are not ridiculous, it doesn't matter how much you ask me to cease and desist, I will bump my position on thread for days.

Someone just died? Who cares when my political position is on the line? People come and go, ideas only die when people stop believing them.

Why would I come together with the political enemy, it's us vs them, I can't pretend, reconciliation isn't the remedy.  You can be a friend of me until you disagree with one point of mine, then we will feel the enmity.

I believe in free speech but my block button is wearing out from every dissident opinion I couldn't bear to hear, I'm always right, what do I have to fear? I stand, back straight on my high horse, voice coarse from all the yelling as I serve you with a divorce. From my friends list, you have me real ******, you dared to disagree with me don't you have any empathy?
Feb 2018 · 355
Oh, Bink! Where art thou?
Tony Lee Ross Jr Feb 2018
Oh Bink, you hide your soothing ways from the parent, you escape the grasp of the needy. Whenever we need you, you’re not there. It’s not fair, bink, when you’re not there. Your power silences the toddlers cry, yet when we need you, you leave us high and dry. Oh, what is this that has caught my eye? It’s the Bink, just when time was nigh, now the baby goes beddy bye.
Bink is what the little one calls the binky.
Feb 2018 · 450
God’s Fingers
Tony Lee Ross Jr Feb 2018
I don’t want someone that just turns my head, I want someone who can turn my heart. George MacDonald said “God’s fingers can touch nothing but to mold it into loveliness.” I hope he forms me in the same way, since I desire it in someone else.
Feb 2018 · 705
How Can I?
Tony Lee Ross Jr Feb 2018
Do I want love?
How can I chase  what I don't see?
How can I give what I've never received?
I want someone who will keep me warm at night, someone who won’t delete my picture when they need distance. I want someone who won't lie to their friends about me, saying I'm not their type when they were calling me last night. Addicted to attention was your intention, playing with my mind, wasting my time, I say I won't fall for you again, but I do. How can I chase what I don't see? How can I love someone who doesn't love me?

— The End —