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I will go away
The time is not for me
The sky is not for me
The luck gives me
His back
The name of me
May be changed
As they called me
I was in the past
Runner in fast
Smartest and strongest
All females wanted to see
All females wanted to approach
My beauty is example
As well as my power is able
To change any result in competition
I got first at run
I am the first at the bet
All wanted my satisfy
When I grow up all were away
My happiness was disappeared
And I heard them saying
I must be killed
As I grew up enough
That made me lazy and tough
In everything
They said," I am hopeless"

"There were the notes of horse"
everything is good when it has power and smart. when it has author. it will be prefable. when all go, it will be forgootten
say to her that is right
or you must go wide

she ordered him at bright
the river is blue as her eyes  colored

she told again as she was in fight
the sun as her face is white

she told him you listened at my guide
he nodded his head as her hair was as a flight

her hair was yellow as wheat at feilds side
she was angry, her face got red for fight

he got sweat as her smart so clear as white
milk that souped in his heart to get tide

to calm, but she ordered to go wide
he smiled and said," i will after i had my fine

if one sees that smart so near no so wide
his heart will certainly bow and say at right

as the sun appears at a day not at night
your smart prisoned me and i can't fight
the smart prisons every one who tries to run  or escape
Are equals in killing
When lover knew the beloved would be gone
He would take a death as crown
And he hate the life as it became closed
The ring of world got so narrowed
He could not breath even it was tight

The sad came as a giant, everything would be destroyed
The smile had been dead and the life was blocked

The gun killed with easy movement
A press on the trigger with less concentrated
The bullet flew with shocking move
And the death angel attached
Hand by hand shoulder by shoulder was stuck

The blood bleed and  the eyes were rolled
Then looked at the high point up
The hands dropped , the legs were weakened
It could even move and one dropped
Last called corp.

Gun draw circle of blood
Moving its hand with red
Gone is the word closing
Every hope had champed
What a life that makes faults as non return road!
the life needs hope and destroyed it is the bad fault
oh! My love
put your hand in mine
we will discover a wealth mine

we will be rich
and gain every wish
i know the winds blew up

disturbing all things
the ship sinks
if we follow sail against winds

the clouds appear
making the universe dark
we will convert our black

into good and sweet
if we follow our lights
gain from hearts

the poor will be at land
preventing any plant
we will plant

it will be green
if we plant tree
of love which is free

the Satan will appear
announcing war at angels
it will stay

if we we only obey
the lover which is clear
love is the tree of honest, faith , believe
Sit beside
She talked a lot
She didn't talk
She looked at
She didn't look
She gazed to
She didn't gaze
She read news
She didn't read
She asked one
She didn't ask
The only fact
When she went
She took an important
My heart
the life is journey . we will meet some persons at and we will not. to achieve our love ,must our heart be neared
There was a boy

He dream to fly

High, high in the sky

To co mate the stars

, play with them in the sky

To combat with clouds

Who can beat him?

Who can descend him?

He dream to be near

To the greatest sun

He collected its rays

And send them gifts

To all his friends

He dreamt to dive in deepest

Of all oceans and seas

To get that pearl

To give it to a lover

The most lovers he knew

She gave without want

Of thanking or greet

Except know her rank

That is his mother in fact
dream is essential for every advance and for getting life good and forgetting every worth
Say to me hello
As may know
How my beauty will return

Smile to me on the morning
And show your spirit shinning
To see how my beauty will gain

Wish to me a good day
To cut the rocket in away
And know my power will sustain

Do not ever say bye
As the differ will try
To show how my age may not return

Show me how your sight
That makes my day bright
Every wealth, I will gain
the morning greeting opens the closed hearts and make the selvs out of thoughts
You need one give you a hand

Your language is very bad

And you have no open sight

You may be lost

You may the shame got

My eyes were filled

And the face was bowed

To the earth, as I can't say a word

Except "help me, my God"
when one was stood with no hope. there will be the only power
i hide  my heart
into deeping, deeping chest
but he always makes a stake

asking for your sake
will be mercy
and showing your smart in away

making him be patient
for you  to be absent
from only his eyes

but her mind is full of thought
and always remind your face
the lover makes his beloved flew up at the beaty sky
the new year comes!
how do you Do?
fine thank you

the ice covers land
the water will stand
like  a rocket in sand

i am not sad
the weather is cold
the clouds appeared up

but the roses are that
give me the proud
there will be life giving

every word of love
the greetings give us happy
The bird can fly
, Crossing any boundary
From any land
Not being frisked
, not being prevented
, not being asked
To get any permit
And not being asked,
"What is your nationality?
What is your religion?
You can't be prevented
As your skin's color appeared
You can eat from any land
You own all the world
You drink from clean downed
Rain or river is felt by your heart
Downs and has a nest
Over building, solid and vibrated branch
You can see the downed world
You may see its worst
It may be ******
As it had great fault
You can opposite
And had your look
Against the leader
Without being killed
Or exposing to the saw
That will be the terrorist
If it may be happened
All birds will be gathered
Rich and poor
Weak and strong
Having purposes towards the guilt
And judge the case with evident
And tell the result
The killer must be killed
Or be living wide
Live away as being Fired
****** over changing the right
To make a worth
Over bleeding blood
Gaining by telling the truth
That may not be accepted
By the man who is the head
the birds has great freedom, most of people have not it
how can i see?
how can i let you

you told me
you hate me
and be away

but i love you
i will not as spider
who ate the gift
then her beloved
what does he get?
he became the martyr of love

the scorpion did the same
so every man must kiss his beloved
leg and hand
as she loves him, and let him love
, let him in life sustain
what a gift!

i am not selfish
i will let you at finish
but i will push
any one will hurt or tend to polish
your honor and makes it *******

i will be as the great fish
who will face every worst fish
and may **** myself and you live
long happy , you deserve
love is the spirit that deals between two hearts
I love you as the waves striking
I love you as the wide sun appearing
I love you as the nearest heart pulsing

I love you when the moon Is fully appearing
I love you when the sun Is warming
I love you when the raIn Is ascending

when the butterflies are dancing
on the melody of flowers those are painting
of photo that Is made of colors and smell making

eyes are not going away of any scene
you make my feeling at high and so sense
you show me how I can love all the world

and try to be honest and get the space achieved
the love is the great feeling between all creautes
What I say?
I talk everywhere
I find you there
the time makes hear
comes from near
to root one tale
with two hearts prepare
and tell to the atmosphere
the holy loves and read
imagine I find your face
pulsing with every pumping
me to look away
my soul tells and can appear
will open hear
every one beloved that his lover sees him and watch out so he tried ti be good and smart
Omar Ibn Elkhatab went to visit the blessing land
Where his successor was there

He was honest of this nation
This was the calling by the prophet

Ibn Elgrah was the little men
Who believed in the prophet

The prophet evaluated him
He was so strongest at his thought
He believed in God

He believed that he the only
Who control the all creatures
Who created everything
Who could hurt or get useful
Who made the sun rose

He believed that the prophet will get victory
And beat other opinion
He believed that infidels be at undermost

The believers who were hurt
Asked Mohamad to pray to his God
To get these atheists

They worshipped another god
They worshipped some statues
The begin of statues were from that person
Amro ibn lohie was the first Arabian who worshipped these statues
Who was so ranked an important person
All Arab heard and obeyed
They looked to him as a persuade

As he was so pious
He saw the humans at elsham land
"the blessing land"
Included Syria, Jordon and palatine

He saw them worshipped these statues
He asked,” Why?
They said,' as we asked them to down the rains
They rained "
He asked to give one of them
They gave "Hobal"
Hobal was the first statue
Was put at Mecca
The honor men were irresolute
They final worshipped

Afterword the statue increased
Mecca was filled with statues
Equal to the year's days
Two of them were famous

They called " Ellat and Elozza"
They were woman and man
They loved each other
Their love was so strong
They went to Kaaba
The holy home of the God
They take a chance when the mosque was empty

They entered Kaaba
They did the sin

The anger had prevailed
They converted into statues
Naked as they were born
For the ancient Arab's foolishness
They put one of them at elasafa
The mount where the umrah and hajj Muslims
Walked to it
And Marwa they walked to it
Doing as hager did

Hager was the wife of Abraham
The grandfather of the prophets
He married her
When she had pregnant
And got a child
, his old wife got jealous
So he was ordered to immigrate
He immigrated to the holy land

She was so empty
The dessert was so the queen
When his family established
He leaved them
Hager called at
" where do you go?"
She was an old Egyptian princess
Of the elmenia governor
When hexoses occupied Egypt
They took her as a slave
She took a snake as a pet
No one could rap
She was so honorable
And the king of Egypt admired
So he gave her as a gift
Her wife loved her

So they became friends
The respected family had good character
They deal her as free as an honest
Sarah the old wife of Abraham
Advised him to marry
To get his dream child and get his happy
He married and got the child

Hager called at
" where do you go?"
She repeated three times
There were no answers
She asked, "Does your god order?"
He answered with yes
She said," so he will not lose us!"
He went

The food and water was finished
She went to the mount
She had to get food
She looked at right
And ran towards the mountain
It called "Elsafa"
She got over it
She looked towards the valley
Where did the holy home of God exist
She must still believe in God
That upper power prevents every worst
That gives goodness, luxury, blessing,
She learned everything from the prophet
He cultivated the faith in her heart
She gazed at her son
She ran towards him
As he cried a lot
She carried him and rocked
He became so calm
But after some silent
He cried again as the hungry bit him
She stood and ran towards the another amount
It is called
She got over it
Looked at the wide valley of the land
To find any one carrying food
Or even carrying water for the drink

She looked again towards the place of the holy home
And looked towards her son
Her heart called her
To get some aid to get him calm
She stood again
As her child cried
She ran towards the mount
Who is called
She did it seven times begins with mount
Ended with mount
She prayed to her God
Every drop of her blood
Every atom, every part
Let the rain of happiness covering the world
Let the seed of love growing so full
And get green and good fruits

Let the day covering every seed
To make the feast appeared
Let the hearts praying one word
Thanks our God

She got up over the mount
After she looked at the wide valley
After she found no help
After the mind of human thought
That he would fell in destroying
She looked towards the blessing point
Even the devils lied eggs of failure
After the crows got off every pigeons
After the injustice was the announcement of the world
The hope must overflow
She found her son got calm
She thought worst thing had come

Her heart flew her up
She moved with a blink at his leg
The great angel downed
He dug that land
The water flew up

She was so happy
Her kinder got calm
The angel must deal him with happy
She faired that the overflow of water
May destroy every point
No hager, your God is the highness
No Hager, no
Your God knows the fare
She said,"Zam, Zam"
It became zam zam
Muslims when do vesting the holy home
When they do Umrah or hajj
They walked between tow mounts
Elsafa and Marwa , as they get known
They also drank from zam zam
Blessing water

to be continued
inside the pains, inside the hopeless, there will be a hole of light. God will get every happy
believe in it
it come down
Digging at rocket
Making land vibrated

As the land gets happy
It splits and gets a baby
A baby is a small plant

Weak but it has power
To dig through the hard
Land, rocket even at worst

Then grows up and get flower
It spreads perfumes, pleasant
Hope that might be absent
the rain is the great gift from the gOd
no,no that is not right
what i write?
change my sight

what sight!
she imprisoned my sight
to her sight

no, no that is not right
i will right

to her
no to her heart

telling in bright
about what i felt

i felt lonely
when she was wide
of my sight
love is nearest relationship between two hearts
we sat at a compete
the author knew that
there is a tie or secret
between us or our heart

he ordered to sit in wide
he ordered to tell what i like
to meet and talk and write

we took two parts of papers
she wrote
i wrote
he took
he opened

she wrote my name
i wrote her name

the attendants were so amazed
they cut thier hands for clapping
the love is a ray sending in equal between two hearts
she was princess
kneeling as slave
saying to him save

my heart from sinking
at deepest of thinking

the thief came
say to the police
you are under arrest
the police was jailed
as he had laziness

the boy chased the lion
the lion hided at gun
the boy shot the gun
the lion got over the sun
he printed his shape
over the face of the moon

the cold came as the spider
the man rushed the fire
the cold escaped faster

what a matter
he forgot his words
his role was a hero
at famous film
the important were the words
the succeeded over films
that film
the overlap judged everywhere, and the problems increase
I try to kiss
she says no, please

she says for virus
I say but I am confident

I do not have any doubt
that if that ****** approached

and sees that glimmering
he would be surrendered

he fell in problems
and will be pass

no, no stay for looking at brightness
the shine at your face
the virus got so horror and we must pray to God to help us and that a great dream and I hope the virus goes wide
the world is busy
the virus is not lazy

do not say bye
the sun gives shine

you must also pray
ask God to forgive you

we must apologize
draw a smile as a prize

the sun will shine
with hope every day
ask your God and pray to him. the day will come
before i say
let me
kiss you
only your hand only
as i can not do

my nations habits' prevent me
my will blame me
as i want to see
you so clear
as an angel comes near

and kidnapped a wealth
that for me my worth

but i will have no mercy
I whispered
into the inner spirit ear
I love you
and enforce taking your heart
and run away

could you catch me?
the love makes every thing so white and clear. the black point goes away.
The love in many ways is tough
He leads the men to gain fight
The women struggle as they tide
By the men who wish to be tide
They follow the love in his order in spite
Of getting free they said day and night
The love leads to the poverty to his followers
If he obeys him, he neglects the useful
He neglects his work and converted to dreamer
The love makes his life more awful
If the one obeys his wants and does illegal
He enters in a circle of fugitive and fearer
Obey your God and marry your lover
You'll be the happier and your lover is keeper
At your head and get lovers boy and girls in safer
love is important and makes the world good
letter L, by letter O know
your heart must know

she answered no
her heart blinked " i do!"

letter V by letter E
your heart will be
only for me

she refuse and pay
her beauty sight away
her heart could say
i love you as the tree

dig in deepest road
and it branches are upward

letters these are four
do not differ their bond
or you will be a ghost

at feeling, sleeping or having a thought
love consists of 4 letters which are  tided at strong tie
little move
little get out

everything must be limited
be aware of your friend

do not visit your relative
only lift up your spirit

and show the smile and give
the hope to the new sight

will be shown on the morning
catch the hope and smile every morning. this bad thing will go and vanish. only be happy
Let me live at your eyes

One says

You must be a sailor as swimmer or fly

You must have a way to be in her sight

In her eyes, in her heart or in her right

You must be faith with a word you said

"I love you" you must be by my side

You must keep the sail slide

But you must be fair that you may get a slight

That love makes you forget your eat

Makes you dream as a fly or a bird

And face strong waves to your boat
the lover tried to get approach to her/his lover and did her/his best
every one becomes having long tail
trying not to get *****
wanting to throw away
or hide it at any way

trying to be silent
covering your nose
and do also with mouth

as the world does not bear
your breath
if you still go on that road
which was not faith and had bad fault

expecting the worst comes
and the world will wish you to be absent
this causing of virus makes us showing the world into its clear photo. so moderate your self to be so good
i found myself lost
i found my heart stold
i found my mind shattered

they said thanks to God
you are still alive
that is not good

to live wide
from your smart and hide
my haert at deepest thought

what had been happened?
are you good?
or hot air touches your hair

making you annoyed
tell me! do not hide
love making the lover busy and get a lot of thoughts
he loves me
comes fro dark day
when people worshape stunts
they worshape thier kings

and the global is dark
the waves asks God
to ovecome that blank
he came with every good

if you have justice
read his history
with just with balance
of mind and heart

you will say one word
that is the man for evey time
that comes to get rid every hurt
your heart will pump

that is the kindest
is the prophet
some haters told us bad things and drew unacceptable draw. they called mohamad with terror. they forgot who **** millions and concentrate with mohamad . he makes some honest that may look agianst thier desire. he prevented love without marraige. the holy Quraan told that man for a woman and womanfor a man .there is no marriage from the same ***. as the people married for love and bear and make famiy to stand over the satan
i say that word
she says that word

our hearts that
our minds believed that

i love you
love is the most wonderful word
Electricity occurred by two charges
Making  lightening  born and got enlarges
Of minds asking about the ages
Of these sights which merge
Two hearts  causing thunder
The rain of love ascending faster
Growing green plant and flower
Getting their birds sang and taught  
A clever dancer
to whom love green ,life is wide for alla
Your love is the marvel
Changes  my things
Makes me felt with happiness

That I lost since periods
They might be short
Or might be long

Your love is the important
It digs signs at my mind
And leaves pit at my heart

But it chased the sad
I feel blossoms open inside
The birds sings at my spirit

My soul flying at height
Between angels leaving the worst
All of these, I fell in love
With the smartest
the love is the honest feeling especially when it begins with one word and ends with tie marriage
they put money beside hearts
they found that it hard to be stolen
they found it hard to move  or run
fear of making it fallen
they put money at their backs
the thief likes that
the women put at handbag
motorcycle raps that
they put money on small wallet
the thief found it in his hand
the visa is found
money means happy for people
he had the money
beside his chest
she had a heart
at her chest

she was loved
she took the money
and his heart
he was lost
money does not equal heart
money means power
i whispear
the **** him, that is clear
they will be innoncent
the killed is guilt
they have money
they have authority
killing is awfull
Move ,move ,move

Don't stand

You may be lost

Don't do the worst

The all will neglect

Do the aim at your sight

You can do it

Even it is high

Obey your God

Do what he wants

Obey his orders

Pray to him every time

Get up at night

Ask him what you want

You want be rich

To help poor persons

From poverty that catch

Their hand to what they want

Ask him to be strong

To defend against the bully

Who wants to destroy every good

And you will look as soppy

You want to be smart

And gain every good

And invent good thing

That achieved by your think

Ask him what you want

The God gets down the sky of world

At the last third time of the night

Saying to all creatures

Who wants to be helped?

Who wants to be rich?

Who wants to be strong?

Who wants to be important?

I will give every one what he wanted?

If it is good to the world

Our God is more merciful

Our god is more prudent

Our God helps every one
don't stop and afce the frustae with green brain
My heart was broken
Who could repair it

Everyone looks in
Saying hard vision
It can't be fixed

As the sight was in
Digging at deepest
And it was the smartest

When they asked
Where she must

My heart said
She let her sight
And leave me
If she could return
Or took what she had
she saw me with her brilliant eyes and let me ill. she travelled. may she take a remark or pay attention
see me near
i will see you near
see me wide
i will see you by my side
love me more
i love you over
your imagine ,

as i dig your name
at my heart    
every pulse says
your name so clearness

i see you at the sky
moving your hands in away
i love ever to see
i will say
God keep you near
the love changes the world and makes the life good
near or wide
at kind or at wild

i will find
after near or long time
that you are the gift

you will be the right
choose ,finally i decide
and the only sign

showing at right sight
i can not ever lock
my eye

you are my diamond
i searched downed at lowest
and i may suffer to get

my dearest brilliant
the search for one who carried good heart and kind is worth to suffer more hurt

to live near you  
      and amuse every moment                                                  
              watching your diamond eye                
                        let your attacking ray                            
                               injure my weak heart                        
                                       and become your                                         
  prisoner              ­                                        

                               to be caught by diamond fingers
of yours
love is the prison where lovers like to live in and wiat for long time
near you
everything is purple
near you
all things are beautiful
near you
the sky gets downward
I can collect the stars
And put them as necklace
Which become wonderful
As the reflect your shine
And the sun get smile
As she tries to get your
Near you
The land becomes green
The peace covers every where
The birds sing one song
Contain a word
And your name
the things go good when the lovers meet thier soul and the self gets calm as she see her smart and her lovely heart. the thoughts may be shared and get over over all eyes as they meet first and last with thier souls
no, the weather is cold
the time is so old
and she wanted one word

the hero appeared
carrying a sword
wearing a strong shield
may give

it was penetrated
by the weakest
bad and lowest
must dive

help the older
smile to the younger
said every morning

help us our highness
No weight for love
No, no love has weight
No power for it
No, no it has full
When it leads to nature
When she wore white
When he wore a black
To be union in one
Night and day
Work and rest
Love and may be hate
Slightly not hard
As the salt in food
Little makes it good
More spoil it
Fly with you heart
It will have ascended only
Beside your beauty
And said it had no weight
love leads to angel not devil life when God blesses it
Let my heart
Pour at you heart
To get the heart dissolved
One and one
Equal in love
One heart
the love means tiding in everything
One is your god

He creates things

Which are good

He creates the good

The devil creates the worst

Make your heart obey him

Make yourself as the slave to him

You will be safe

You will be the first

He comes down every night

To the sky of the world and talked

To all creatures who wanted

His help that was needed  

His cure to heal the ill

His worth to change your life

From poor to be rich

To change your as you wish

from sad to be happy and vanish

Every worst that will finish

You must get up and pray with tears

Fill your eyes and calling with wish

To get your life in peace

Lift your hands showing your weakness

Obey him as you could

Obey him to get his merit

Obey him to enter his heaven

And be the happiest ,to be the first
to be happy must get under the most power,the God
could you turn left?
could you turn right?

do you know?
the grow
fear was planted

at every side
what i do?

pray to the finder
who gets the creature

do not be proud
kneeled so down

asking for help
one thing

look inside
look and talk

save us my God
everything was under saving. but now all feared even from  their hands. so you must be clever
ooh they said at match
as it is finished good for them

ooh! they said to compete
when their team got first

ooh!they shouted at celebrate
when engage or wedding occurred

ooh! they said and escaped
when they stole some pounds

ooh! they called at one
who failed for his leg in love

they may laugh at
or they may wish to be at
love is the way to get happy all over the world,. love mother, sister ,father ,wife and God
the appointment was on
i must go on
without wait
the author asked me

what is your name?
for my trouble, i forgot

i have a date
i wore good suite
try to be calm
everything was going fast

i went and looked
she asked," What is your age?

i forgot my birth date
i went to examine
they said get out your identity

it was away
i forget that by a way

she came again
she said,"Do you remind"
i said with smile

i forget all things even mine
except you my gold's mine
the troubles go on our world so fast, man could have some troubles
Oooh! I love you
i know you love me
we deal to meet nearer

your home to go to marry
the winds blew and get waether stormy
we couldn't meet at any way

we deal on nother day
there was idle and revlot on that day
we couldn't meet again

the last deal was established
i found great party happened
the part was for her married

she said," i will marry my nearest neighbor
as no way to get my marriage be late more"
the deal time needs to be know the weathwer and ts conditions
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