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vircapio gale Mar 2013
a poetic rain,
in small print,
fills the white sky page
...and leaves it pregnant with a frontier glowing brighter
than the prime moved space attuned to matter's birth
--all the freedom still, and more... continues growing heedless of the dark surround

and as a bright lotus conjures flight from murky soils--
heavy, sinking, rooted into nether darks--
you digest even drivel as you read, and leap beyond,
celebrating its inherent scope, tendril values spanning all potentiality;
i squint to see you silhouetted there: silent poet flying in between the signs,
to re-sign brilliance on that plane,
and voice the silence intertwining muse and verbal ruse

producing in an everpresent rain the giving-rise to words,
the meaning prior and pretend, and signaled apprehension past intent:
deluge inspiration in the rents of earth, carry dust into the rainbow clouds, and see the shaking world alight in lovingkindness without end

speaking now in arts reversed,
in playing poems and writing at a pitch to sweeten tongues with memories relived...
speaking in the ripple-visage looking back at skys beneath a surface weight we bear,
and shed in holding breath in waves, and squinting tight
the urge to love a universes' birth, conceive
the poem that generates progenesis of stellar forms
words to twist the vital helix of all oneness beings into being fair
chiasmi of the night alive to sing expanse, to sing alive galactic seas alight
into the pan-flute of the gods re-tuned to shakuhachi tones,
tabla moans and pops of ancient memories reborn
make verbal love within raags beloved rivers smooth at sitar drone
... within the theater your poetic home enfolds

Blinded by love,* can a lotus grow?
through this, beyond chance, to realize...kinship with a chameleon?
with an ant in unexplored territory?
mysteries hiding
revealing deeper mysteries, the hues of Kerala regrown
unknown cloud of "known"-unknown rising...
unknown cloud of possible-knowns to be...
being past, unknown cloud to wash the earth...
allowing all other clouds, dharma-megha cloud returning to that ocean..
--what limits of versatility attain here in my underwater tears?

we can be A dog and a cat transfixed by a sun set
lizards versus spiders crawling for our meals
the dance and dancer one
and we can tend the gardens all our lovers left
or tend the Goddess Night in daring shadow walks with her to inner, spiraled light
that inner vined garden of her truth forever singing you are me
tat twam asi in hues dark maidenhood restrokes
euphoric agony contains a clue
where negatives dream each other through and through
in a subtle exchange self with self before a mirror that eats all reflections

italics are credited to the poetry of K. Balachandran, being either direct quotes or titles
Mariah Jan 2015
the year opened on two kinds of olympics:
Sochi and selfie.

we spent months looking for
one missing plane
276 missing girls,
and 43 missing students.

from Ukraine to Mexico,
Palestine to Venezuela,
to Ferguson,
the front of the battle lines
were crammed full.

their stories captivated us,
their movements motivated us.

we snapchatted, we vined and instagrammed,
we remembered their names.

Malala Yousafzai
to Mike Brown.
Eric Garner to Ebola.

we made some friends
and some enemies.

and I think,
when I look back,
years from now,
at the year 2014,
the first thing to come to mind will be,
"I was there."
here's to a great 2015.
L B Jan 2018
To love
you must find
where light convenes at daybreak

You must search
beyond impending greenery
assertive lace and pirate flower

Below the clouds of spring
that can’t—
be seriously taken

Behind time’s betrayal
where vined lattice
cages fragments of a smile

Why sophisticate such sense?

Far more to the extent
of will and heart extended
taste is answered
of when the sweet was gone

For presence is!
when savored sources—linger their endings
known—and not resigned

Melted...quiescent...priestly moment

It’s not Zenith!
but Twilight

who drops her eyes!

To love
you must—
must love

Jacquelyn Morgan May 2015
Noli Me Tangere
Do not touch me
I am the deer that eludes the hunt.
The thick beating drum that rests by my lung,
Is no ones to scoop out or to conquer
Round’ my neck droops -a necklace of daisies,
Withered off-white six-seasons sun-bright
A gift from the Artist;
Whose soul twined with mine,
Deep roots and thick vined.
Our fruits once plump ripe, now lie rotten
Plucked from my presence, forgotten
The essence of Wild & Free- we ran rapidly,
From, institutions, illusions, dogma, delusions
I am he and he is me. a painting, verse, a memory
& now I flee alone, paintbrush tail, no home
To hunt me is in vain.
I am the bohemian- I am never tamed
Noli Me Tangere
Do not touch me
this poem was inspired by Sir Thomas Wyatt's poem titled, Whoso List to Hunt
Sjr1000 Apr 2018
when the moon was
The ocean luminescent
she was a starry
eyed girl
with a northern star
and a direction to go

Epiphanies unfold
like ribbons in
the winds

they come
in wishful
careful planning

Throwing caution to the wind
she took the first boat to
the island.

There he waited, an
apprentice to an ancient art
Preoccupied and isolated

She of the northern
had a sense of

Settling into a
parallel universe

They were like
two kiwi bushes
across a fence
3 years later in
vined embrace
Produced the fruit
that never ripened
and over night
was gone.

She took the
last boat back
the northern star was
encased in fog
the southern cross
She couldn't miss it.
I remember that morning
Your sprawl next to me
Your face obscured by the pillows
Too many pillows to count
Scattered across that too big bed
While we occupied only the prime real estate
Center stage
Tracing a line
down your spine
For this moment
This is mine
Suddenly over you roll
Your eyes intent and locked on me
We gravitate into each others' space
I could feel the magnetic pull
Arms twined
Legs vined
Torsos pulled so tightly together
That I swore
For a moment
We occupied the same sphere
I passed through you
You passed through me
I achingly loosened my hold
It felt as though each rib popped free
Taking you on your journey
Next to and far away from me
ashton Nov 2018
before you,
i didn't know compassion.

before you,
i saw the world as a vast wasteland, in which, i had no direction.

before you came into my life,
i had a permanent twinge embedded into my chest,
with no way to get it out.

but then you show up.
you appeared when the twinge turned to suffocation.
your voice eased the unpleasantness and my misery.
your perspective on life is so intriguing
and you make me want to learn, to dream, to love.

i will never be able to repay you for what you've done for me.
i can never show you the world like you disclosed it to me.
i would give anything to preserve the grin on your delicate face.

you gave me the bliss of getting to know the world,
and i am determined to make you feel cherished and adored until you won't allow me to do so.
Paul Idiaghe Jul 2021
I never meant to fall

but sunrise greased your chassis.
The crest and fall of your jaw—

the blade and bend of it,
mudslide contouring of it—

dropped me ribless at your feet.

O promising land, crisp field  
of flesh, whose fireflies

steered my eyes in the darkness—
your land, where my eyes had strayed—

scaled over eolian caves, the slick
basins of your clavicle, onto
the hexa hillocks clustered
like honeycomb chambers
on your abdomen.

I never meant to fall,

but the cursive lines of you,
I might have trod with loose eyes—

even now, there is a voice
drawing them to strike
at the aquifer beneath your waistline,

voice of vined thirst,
of torso and tug—
with them, I struck and drowned
after ‘Waist and Sway’ by Natalie Diaz
Jonny Angel Apr 2015
They pick melons
in green vined-fields
as far as the eye can see
because no one else will do it.
And some eating melon,
think life is easy.
I pass no judgment,
only excrement,
spitting seeds.
shooshu Dec 2015
by absinthe
& the vined
insignia of
by a
carmine seal.
a fragrant
of her
presence -
Lendon Partain Dec 2013
My lips wither, to slugs with salt upon their backs
Hands into the sadness of dark oceans of bile melt
I'm the ice heart
Of the gates

What I did does nothing.

When you walked from my life to mechanisms I crumbled
I creeped and creaked into you again
Through your ears and out your tongue twisted
You vined me down your veins then kidneys then bladder and I infect you

Through your pelvis I came again.
You leaned lurched your back flexed your stomach stretched your abs

I flew back fluxing to your stale heart of an excuse

Me crying in the floor holding my dignity in my **** spitting.
Collapsing my chest for a grasp full of your breast
Fling yourself upon ever stake you see vampire girl
Succubus woman
Killer of dreams

Now sitting with your head in a toilet.
It was better in my toilet.
Elizabeth P Jun 2013
The path of flutters float above me
Like a silk scarf
Of orange  & black waves

I halt to listen
To the quiet whisper of the trees
To the harmonious call of the jays

I look upon this glorious place
With wonder and delight
My eyes of hazel glance upon
The bark of maples and oaks
The tails of chipmunks in the beings
Of bark and branches

I venture back to my vined enclosure
And just turn back to say
"Trail of Ever, have a good day."
CA Guilfoyle Mar 2015
Wind and dark the night I pine
stark the grasp of longing
branched and vined
blue mourning
deep in soul
an echo

When through my fingers
your hand slips
taste of your
fleeting kiss

Paper winged
when torn, I stutter, stammer
spiraling and falling
only in dreams softly sweet
once more a butterfly
brilliantly winging
ryann Oct 2014
Rilke whispers to me…sedentary body of rush…heat pushes

out from the head…throat desires chianti and kalamata

open book, eyes look…words creating doorways

empty landscape. behind her mind prisoners break free, slam gates

mossy, tendril-vined romantic escapes. the time to absorb is over

the well is full…scribble, scrawl so fast...body relaxed

making music with the fast clack, clack of her old Olympia

chair thrown back, mad dash to each bookshelf and book stash

hunting for a line to feed her burning imagination…Nag Champa

flowery smoke signals inspire ancient thought…burns down slow

slower still...ashes rot…distant voices creep closer…the black ribbon is drying

words begin to resist the page…door opens...silence is crashed

beautiful stanzas fragment… enters and permeates every room~
love this man
Twinkling golden tealights, in a saxophonic haze,
Champagne, cocktail dress,
A whirling, dancing maze.

Outside on the terrace, in the dark and silent night,
Black suit, green dress,
Melding in the moonlight.

Far away shines the moon, lone and quiet still,
Clouded face, wavering,
Watching balcony sill.

The scintillating tunes trip on, a merry-go-round of tracks,
Hot night, collared shirts,
Stick to dampened backs.

Green-grey smoke drifts easily, from curling moustached lips,
A cuff-linked hand, a bubbling scream,
She lies within his grip.

The green silk dress rips gently, on vined terrace wall,
A prayerful glimpse, lunar eclipse,
Succumbs and starts to fall.

The black suit man stands over, to the strains of 'Love knows best'.
Yet a glaring moonbeam stops him,
Its point upon his chest.

Then in the light of hidden truth, his rash resolve resides,
A guilty conscience, grey not black,
He runs, he slinks, he hides.

And turning gently to the form which cowered on the floor,
A face so sweet, so far away,
The moon has seen before.

It cloaks her gently in its light, and shyly hides its face,
Breathing slowly, as in sleep,
She drifts from time to space.

Then rising like the sun in the dreamings of the moon,
A Venus, white and shining still.
She wakens from her swoon.

And hurrying, she hastes inside, to a wheeling mindless world.
She runs from light, her; light's own hope,
A dream newly unfurled.

But, behind a moonbeam spindles, and on its gentle loom,
Are hung the lonely whispers,
Of the love-song of the moon.
Anne Jul 2018
Oh! The rosy peach bestowed
Cradled by your tough hands
Golden hour picnic, pillow throws
Sheepish beams through my flax lens
Mystified sunsets, sweet regrets
Only the glancing nightingales know

Oh! your sinful mondegreens
Your mock, addicting melodies
Beguiled, silly all of me
Omitting what they all mean

Within the cerulean summer nights
Wee golden stars dusted on the blue
Upon the laced, vined canopy ignites
Sensual aroma romance and libidos blooms
And you called me by your name
Your beautiful, vexing name
an old copy of my poem from my past self
Antonyme May 2018
My eyes reveal
the soft dust particles
floating on beams of light
playing on the cracked,
vined bricks,
Flowering on waves along the wall,
conveying on the stretch of broken stone,
winding on the bubbled pains to the wooden frames
natural blinds serving their purpose
my eye flitting to the top of the wall
a forest, growing
into the light.
magalí Nov 2022
It's always a house.
In shelved books, in five-drinks-in five a.m talks, in cheap rhymes and lavish ones—commonplace for anywhere you can find words on, a standard metaphor to stumble upon. Infrastructure lets itself be borrowed for anatomy and soul: a soot-tainted chimney standing for smoker’s lungs, the fire burning warm at its feet for scorching anger, the crayon scribbles on nursery wallpapers like the prints of anyone an angry smoker has ever loved, shutters as eyelids and walls for bones and tablecloths for clothes and pillars as brawn.
An easy metaphor, a house as a body. A lazy one. Sluggish, yawning Metaphor, craving a nap, a break from being used up. Boring enough to make me look up from my page and at everyone else sitting around the table, writing about vessels vined in breezeblocks and headache diagnoses from front door knocking. Dreary enough to make me want to leave the room.
So I do. The door closes shut like a wind’s mistake, clicks, and it stands between me and the other side of the bone-white wall, an oaken bodyguard of drowsy writers working on.
Go on. Look around the room.
Chair. Tables. Walls. Oh, a roof leak.
No. Really look, I mean.
Lining paper yellowing in the places where hands and chair tops brushed past for years. Shiny furniture with dust collecting in the crannies out of sight. A bowl of food (dog one, full to the brim—human one, empty with a filthy rim). Rusty hinges and inherited silverware.
Marked up, unkempt on weekdays, prettied up for visitors, its value found in numbers, its keys given out for access, put up for rent or sold to the best offer, filthy, hungry, painted, remodeled, lived in, abandoned—and they won’t let me back in now, but I’m scratching on the body-guard's wooden trunk to write down about body-like house limbs.
Niesha Radovanic Aug 2019
i want this flower to bloom.
i want the bees to **** the nectar out of me
like, a good morning kiss,
wet and addictive.
i want your fingers vined around my throat,
as I puff syllables of smoke out.
i want the hummingbirds to caress my ears in lullabies.
i want my stem to arch on the flower bed.
i want your hazel eyes to dazzle in mine.
i want the stars to constellate us under the moon.
i want to find you in these sheets of darkness.
i want to collapse on you like a sunset,
slowly and then all at once.
i want to end with the scream of a mandrake root.
Dennis Willis Apr 2019
So I'm thinking about you
and this barrier
between us

Wielding poesy as if
hacking through
a gnarly vined mind

It's a pastime
of mine
then there's you

Singing herein
an' playing critic
to my Tristan

We emote some ****
eke closer
to satisfying wordsound


Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Amelia of Ames Dec 2018
When my brother
Slams me
On the cabinet
His arms on my neck

It is the fault of our cultures
The years we’ve spent chipping at each other
***** *****
He with curses and volume
Me with ivy vined words

When I come back from the Ivy tower I’ve gardenened
When he come back from his wall of sound

My words are more poisonous
His anger is more violent
We tear each other apart.

Though you may go off to become an adult, by sad alchemy you may grow to be even more skilled at being different. Seeing each other again you transform into children with adult bodies and deadlier weapons.
James M Vines Oct 2018
I have a neighbor that needs help. I write a great many poems but many are about how we can help each other. If anyone would like to give just 5 dollars you can find the fund raiser at facebook under the name of James Vined. I know the site got a typeo and won't fix it readily. Thanks
Preface: hide who attest
mine poetry may not be zee best
boot to wicks press,
     one dum minted whoosh,
     aye gently imp pull ****
     eyes zing from chest...
tug *** a lee till bitta chump change
     boot an over
     powering literary force
     to pocket earning e'en

     for a mud hest grange
(hmm...who knows maybe
     formerly owned
     by Jessica Lange,
thence might ease silly
     colt heave hate
     my bow vined financial range,
     cuz this har chap
     (decades older than
     average college student –

     an insignificant “NON FAKE”
     dare re: free fact),
which dirt poor status
     aye trump pet as
     newt so strange.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
noel hunger asp hire for:
hub bridged over River x Kwai zee version
though still subtitled
(bah jaw edge, deface value
of dis washed out buck.)

Let this dog gone prime mate
     ova simian sketch out
     his general doggerel to free
     unleashing a swiftly tale lord
     of the flies - harried styled
     brush stroke strengths
retracting in sanity claws,
     which cha still

     might find me
     barking up wrong tree
arf find yarself cat
     a tonic taking a nap -
     inland of doctor ah zee
     akin to a termite
     expending her/his energy
     thru wood to bore
sear chin faw income

     an arduous slo
     vac book king chore,
thus, i spruce quest more
or less Asian non-
     conformist poetic poor
je ne sais quois lacking a roar
re: boar re Alice
     sin wonderland score

ring low marks de jour
no to entertain
     as minimumalist NON lore
real and hence...whoosh into
     circular filing cabinet
     ye will store
this non-formal
     un axed faw reap ply,

     which doomed communique
     will n'er take cyberspace tour.
Pixar could nada pay enough
     for this trainer
     of apple chomping antz
thus, i wonder if any chance
     whisker of employment
vis a vis this contrived

     virtual “FAKE” toy story
     qua ratatouille poetic brew
could materialize opening
     virtual community chest
     into a likely
     monopoly winning chance
such an idea generates me
     to shrek out with

     excitement n contra dance
just in case a glimmer
     of some prospect exists
for this self anointed bard,
     and one who dislikes formality
    nonestablishmentarian presents
     brief poo whet tick summation,
     sans technical skills,

     he hopes to enhance
p'raps earn enough moolah
     to sight see Arc d'Triumph,
     Louvre, Paris France i offer
     the following poetic expression
     for ye to take a glance
and help this
     intuitive **** sapiens

     income to expand and en-hance,
which byte size
     bit torrent humor
     without strong arm, nor lance
     might cause ye to prance
away after misinterpreting
     mishmash rave as rants
mainly part time need
     motivates prose ache stance

     a subtle intent worth hiring,
     deuce sway au currant series
     binary electronic charge
and ideally affect hypnotic trance.
I betcha never red a blue per
     poe sting like this faux
     iambic pentameter electronic wire
awe third by boyish

     looking blood muggle
     father up in years,
     (whose nonpareil courage
     to face voldemort
     never does tire)
and alas two grown girls, would NEVER
     consider him a worthy hire
to rake in gobs of legal tender,

     vroom to satiate unquenchable
     game of thrones hunger    
     asthma thirst qua
     knowledge iz Saul powerful
for raw bits of
     computer know how
     or general learning took choir.
Quiet Oct 2020
Man  of twine and brimstone
Heart and Eyes search for home
Found! Found! A cave Alone
Cool and damp and Safe from heat

Filled with Berries; wine to ease
Ivy grown thick, grown to please
From both vines a lady breathes
"Give me you, I'll give home"

Man alone never knows
By his throat a thorn-ed rose
Drink to fill, she overflows
Cool and Vines and Far and She

Away! Away! City teems
Loud and Hot and Dry and Bleed
Oh so far away from he
Cave of Dreams; sleeps alone

Vined cave begins to moan
Song of Songs; Song of Home
Deeper come, Deeper glows
It sings to him, from the Deep

He can't, He won't try to see
The Cave - it's depths, can't glow sweet
The Song, The Vines, Cold - it sweeps
Further Deep, down alone

Cities Light, far it shone
Cities Rage, welcomed tone
Not Eyes, Nor Ears Yet Bone
Remembers alone the streets

Remembers alone the heat
The Laughter, the Bleed, the Screams, Dreams of Brothers, Mothers, Flowers, Turrets and hubbub, cobblestone and smiles, snarls and color, teeth and smirks, scent of sweat, sweat of Earth - to move, Bone alone remembers.
Embers die and flame grows

Man is cut, two roads shown
Song of Cave, Dead alone
Song of Heat, Colored Stone
There he sits and waits for breeze

To push him where, "Where?!" he pleads
No breeze comes, he sits at ease
Waiting, waiting, the vines reach
Waiting, the vines vine grows

And covers the man slow
Pulls and Pulls him deep, low
Where the lie of the glow
Where the cold and vine is free

Thick, Gnarled, Thorned and Twisting
Green but blind, damp - the frost seethes
Kneecap snaps upon stone slants
Screams turn song - echoes ode

And the eyes bleed to hope
Teeth Gnash indifferent-bone
Cave's Belly filled once more
And the city teems, it's more...

It's so much more...
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2020
Standing around a lot
                          obsessing about slim
and her vegetarian
                    lifestyle plus the eternal
wait watching whilst in
                           static positions with
persons of like mind who
                          are known locally as
conveyor belts due to their
                 constant rotation between
the same reference points
                  transporting grape vined
information which without
              doubt gains mass with each
telling to those who are
                 in the habit of consuming
such diatribe thus inevitably
               ending up with Goss Hips.

— The End —