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Oct 2020
Man  of twine and brimstone
Heart and Eyes search for home
Found! Found! A cave Alone
Cool and damp and Safe from heat

Filled with Berries; wine to ease
Ivy grown thick, grown to please
From both vines a lady breathes
"Give me you, I'll give home"

Man alone never knows
By his throat a thorn-ed rose
Drink to fill, she overflows
Cool and Vines and Far and She

Away! Away! City teems
Loud and Hot and Dry and Bleed
Oh so far away from he
Cave of Dreams; sleeps alone

Vined cave begins to moan
Song of Songs; Song of Home
Deeper come, Deeper glows
It sings to him, from the Deep

He can't, He won't try to see
The Cave - it's depths, can't glow sweet
The Song, The Vines, Cold - it sweeps
Further Deep, down alone

Cities Light, far it shone
Cities Rage, welcomed tone
Not Eyes, Nor Ears Yet Bone
Remembers alone the streets

Remembers alone the heat
The Laughter, the Bleed, the Screams, Dreams of Brothers, Mothers, Flowers, Turrets and hubbub, cobblestone and smiles, snarls and color, teeth and smirks, scent of sweat, sweat of Earth - to move, Bone alone remembers.
Embers die and flame grows

Man is cut, two roads shown
Song of Cave, Dead alone
Song of Heat, Colored Stone
There he sits and waits for breeze

To push him where, "Where?!" he pleads
No breeze comes, he sits at ease
Waiting, waiting, the vines reach
Waiting, the vines vine grows

And covers the man slow
Pulls and Pulls him deep, low
Where the lie of the glow
Where the cold and vine is free

Thick, Gnarled, Thorned and Twisting
Green but blind, damp - the frost seethes
Kneecap snaps upon stone slants
Screams turn song - echoes ode

And the eyes bleed to hope
Teeth Gnash indifferent-bone
Cave's Belly filled once more
And the city teems, it's more...

It's so much more...
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