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Brandon Mar 2012
I'll see her soul floating in thin space surrounded by adoring faces
of grotesque amusement. And I'll be there for her, through
the nova to super. A sparkle in the stars of a
goddess that sees all
and accepts the fate that she has chosen, beaming in the orange
afterglow of knowing that you'll continue onward with her through
her journey

An intertwining entanglement twisting spiral of
emotion spoken verse through shreds
of hair overlapping ears enveloped in the mind
of a poet the paper queen and razor king
the light plays a soulful time stretched across harpsichords
of ****** bone she stands amidst the destruction. A beauty of
tainted blood running in rivulets down her thighs. Looking at her vile
nameplate in the mirror. The object of her hatred her own soul.
Betrayed easily by a lovers hand

A lovers love convulsing putrid green from behind her eyes
a demon that's been awakened a last call for a feeling long since
forgotten but longed for breathlessly
yearning to feed on her hardened heart. Cold and barren
from years of other diversions besides blowing her
calming storm over it. A festering wound from whence came
her own destruction.

The bracelets left by a lovers palms greased for enjoyment
a monkeys paw make a wish but be careful
wishing is for lighthearted fools. Only time can
save her now. Stitching together her spine
with rusty wire and dull needles. Hinges that are necessary to
open up the door to the fates that twist her insides. Cotton
truly makes her tick.

Made of straw old and rotten hanging on a cross
a symbol forgotten. Watch the stitches unravel
and conspire into snakes swimming the oceans miles
drowning the last visage of hope. The soft white underbelly of a
faith long ago dubbed "unreliable" who will
save them now?

A circle with Cs on either end a faith an idea the doll
deserted in the corner of a child's room that never came home
with a broken arm and a cracked porcelain face waiting for
someone to wipe off the dust, make her feel wanted again. Shell
wait until the air caves in her delicate mouth. Blowing
holes through a time faded dress. Caressing decaying eyelashes
about to fall away

Caressing the downfall outstretched hands that reach
so far the decay sets in as ****** claw regression
into obsession
yet can never make it to the other side where acceptance
rules the heart and blonde hair fades after so long leaving
the ravished ones old and worn

A tower on a hill, the hair flowing still birth into
the warm womb of a bees nest built for a porcelain doll
long since face has faded to Raggedy Ann china *****
spreading her 1950's Compton pantaloons to the masses
wondering why none of them will invite her into their hybrid
plantations of rioting smiles and half lit eyes that never seem
to stop tearing

Ripping the seems of societies blunders the under stitching that
hides the batteries of a thing not present red hair fade to gray
as times progresses the  lines fade
into a remote inkling of remembrance. The hands that covered
her existence pushing her gently yet leaving painted bruises.
An art exhibit in the making. Pay me for pleasure
I bring but leave my soul to peace

Leave my peace to suffering
This is exhibit A. witness testify to a false maker
of false hopes a dreamers dream disappearing on the lids of
a waking being. So is the theme spoken in rainbow
brilliance the soul is trapped in a toys body break me discard me
no use for this
this is exhibit B. a lifeless rendition of a restless warrior begging
to be freed from his crime in watching his own hands  children
and a pregnant woman willing to sell her soul for redemption.
Break him, discard him but never let him forget

Time elapses travel to the future, Raggedy Andy and the soul
a machine cold and calculating everyone wants one for Christmas
unwrap the gift and sell it tomorrow
wont get much out of it. Devoid of extraneous packaging
it's lost it's worth and the scars are blessed tracing them with my tongue
a willing conspirator in your lie that you live day to day. Praying to whatever
that tomorrow you won't wake up and the pain will stop. Should have never
bequeathed my soul then because now I'll never let you go

The welcomed touch of another to soothe the decay build a house of
legos galore a horror left untold but whispered in empty space someday
it will reach the ears all will be out of place the blessing of scars and the blessing
of tides. Wash the dreams into reality
yet with your eyes squeezed shut you cannot see the smiles
I flash you from across the room. Another cold winter with plastic walls,
the floor rough beneath my paper thin feet. I am getting older and your passion
still falls to ripping me open and seeing what color I am today. Your
dream is my hell. A reality we all want but some never have a blessing
of the tides for you but not the patchwork of needle veins left on my

A ragdoll sows well after unthreading unraveled secrets that are being
spoken a hidden meaning in things known so well and held
so dear the addict is addicted the silver polish of another exit
and a feared exit (exist)
picking away at the surface he is relieved to see his own
reflection on fates tinderbox. Matches with his name on them and other
wealth's of knowledge he cannot comprehend. I take in his
apathy and replace him whole.

Existence is superficial floating ecstasy through a ravers midnight
meltdown the drugs that soothed soon are smoothed out of the system
a gentle touch the softest if skin paper thin paper thin
licking the edges and listening fast, a deep puff, euphorium. Wanting to
play tonight the caterpillar sees, puffing his own blue smoke fast.
bloodshot eyes hide the daylight from your stolen afternoon. The headboard begs
for some grease, let's at today, my love, let's break me again

The twins of wonderland and the cat disappearing a story
forever after faintly breathing from the lips of the souls
sought wondering
sharing a shotgun with a confidant the after taste sour and strained. Not
enough we all see into your twisted head. Plucking on my heart strings
too rough. Wanting to see me bleed. Not this time the queen of hearts will
soon beat you with a flamingo and send you flapping
through the hourglass a king of king and clams

A nursery rhyme for all children to sleep a child's toy finally
dies leaving behind soiled memories
a VERY OLD poem written long ago with Brook Ilges (Italicized.) this was a night long poetry rant. it falls into the "good for what it is" kinda category. It has no structure, no reason, no rhyme. Just hyped up teens spitting words to each other.
Jenny Gordon May 2017
Try this!  Another site I rarely visit [long since extinct by 2017], had that weekly challenge and this time it read as follows:

Using the poetic style of your choice, answer the question “Who am I?”, without using the pronoun “I”. Instead, write your “poetic biography” in 3rd person.

Here was my submission....does it make sense?

Yours Truly

(sonnet # CCCCXLVII)

No butterfly, perhaps a moth? just lent
Some precious time to try to fly while night
Reigns, ere the morning dawns.   A reckless wight
E'er chasing carefree; mayhap too, half bent
Unwitting on a troubled course, intent
On fun and happiness whilst grief its plight
Imbues with sob'ring grey, as if t'indict?
Where time's misspent in tracing romance' scent?
"Forgiven" as a blessing daily sought,
Its nameplate hangs for all the world to see.
And if Truth's lessons seeming dearly bought
May mercif'ly be granted taught, 'twill be
A better ending than this vain life's wrought,
If when time's up, it flies, O LORD, to Thee.

By Jennifer S. Gordon aka Cheeky Missy
Jennifer supposedly means "forgiven" and my la! do I ever need that every stinkin' hour.
Lorena Jun 2019
The Mason and His Statue

at first, I am a block of stone
and you are a chisel
carving pieces of me away
and then you are a diamond drill
and then I am polished
wheeled out of the room covered in stone dust and into the liquid darkness of a hallway
and ten arched windows pass me by
for the very first time I can see the sky

I’m in the middle of the room
with a nameplate on a stand beside me - did I have a name before?
I’m just me
and there’s more of me all around me
eyes reaching… quiet.
The doors open and the footsteps arrive
I hear water outside and see out the windows at the end of the hall and sometimes if I’m lucky they open them and I feel a breeze on the side of my face
but the funny part is -
the best time of day is when they close all the doors
and it’s just me and the janitor who’s mopping the floors

in case you were wondering
why I’m not there anymore
in the middle of the room in plain view on my pedestal
they took me down
too dated or too worn or just not new
wrapped me in canvas and put me in the back of a storeroom
where for the first time I experienced damp, and cold
and I learned that it was a bad thing to be old

then I was worn enough to be disposable
and they put me in the park
I’m by the fountain - come and find me
there’s no barriers and no nameplate telling you what to see
and yes, the wind blows and I’m a little more exposed
but I’m free
I was going to explain my feelings behind this poem, but if I wrote it well enough then you'll feel them - and explaining is cheating anyway.
Àŧùl Jan 2015
And then he coincidentally fell on his back,
All were up perpendicularly each of his paws,
They put a nameplate to him,
It was just the word DOG inverted,
People had never seen anything like that,
They tried to assert what happened to him,
Someone said, **"The animal has gone back to GOD, the creator now."
My HP Poem #736
©Atul Kaushal
nmo Jul 2021
your name
is still on my door’s
next to mine.

i haven’t had
the strength to
change it.

you know how much
i hate doing
mundane things:
cooking dinner,
washing dishes,
folding clothes.

but sometimes,
you just need to do it;
you know…
the work.
Irate Watcher Aug 2014
They call me Subject B.

Belly full with the pills
they fed me, still hungry,

legs pumping
to pendulum this swing,

inside a playground
that ignores my miming,

shrieking and throwing feces,
at hairless beings who nox me.

Dreaming of melting
the swing's chain, I fly
feet dangling over
cages of sick chimpanzees,
to a distant galaxy
that grows banana trees.

Awaken I see
empty syringes strewn
outside the crisscrosses
of my cage, trenchcoats
storm like flurries.
I still cannot read my nameplate.

I hope on my swing,
pumping my legs
back and forth,
back and forth,
back and forth —
glassy eyes watering.
louis rams Oct 2011
( story  03/14/11)

I saw a man coming down the road
Head held high, eyes were strong.
He stopped and asked of me
If he could have a bite to eat.

His clothes were all torn and tattered
I asked him what was the matter.
He looked at me and his eyes turned down
His face changed from a smile to a frown.

Hard times I have come across
I was let go by my boss
He said the times was making him downsize
And he had to let go of people to survive.
Everyone was doing the same
People losing their jobs was quite a shame.

Being a farmer who had hard times too
I knew exactly what he was going thru.
So I invited him inside to sit for a spell
For traveling these roads could really be hell.

He was given some soup to take
the chill out of his bones
And was told by the farmer that he wasn’t alone.
He was then given some dinner to eat
To this man it was quite a treat.

The farmer told him he could bathe and
stay the night - and if he wanted to leave
He could leave at first light.
He laid out some pajamas for him to wear
Even gave him some clean underwear.
The bed in the spare room was “ oh so nice”
And he slept peacefully throughout the night.
When he awoke there was breakfast on the table
Coffee, ham and eggs, and cream cheese on a bagel.
After having breakfast he felt like a new man
He looked for the farmer to shake his hand.
He thanked the farmer and asked him his name
He pointed to a wooden nameplate which said:
J. CHRISTHISSON- but some call me J.C.
He then told him he put a fresh set of clothes
On his backpack, turned around and didn’t look back.
So he put on his new clothes and out the door he went
Thinking that this man was heaven sent.
As he walked  a mile down the road
He felt guilty that he didn’t thank him properly
For being so kind to a man in need.
He ran back to the farm house and knocked at the door
To be greeted by someone he had never saw.
“I am looking for the farmer who owns this place!”
That would be me ! What can I do for you?
He said : no ! that can not be ! It was a younger
Man, not as elderly with a beard and shoulder length hair.
He gave me dinner and invited me in, let me bathe
And to have a good nights sleep, then gave
Me these clothes and breakfast to eat.
I don’t see how here you could have stayed
When my wife and I were in another county far away.
But there has been stories going around
About someone helping people when their luck was down.
As he said that - the strangers back pack fell
to the ground ,and he heard a clatter.
The man looked at him and asked what was the matter.
He opened his backpack and a wooden name plate fell to the ground
And broke in three- when he looked he could not believe what he saw.
The three parts said : J.CHRIST-HIS-SON
And a cross and rosary laid alongside with a note with one word.
Now who could this man have been ?
Ellen Bee Dec 2013
I never make resolutions.
I feel I'm just setting myself up
for failure.
January always brings changes
for me.
That's just a coincidence,
I think.

I stood in front of your apartment
I noticed it's green
I noticed there's a nameplate.
it says.
Jun Lit Jan 2018
Will anyone look for that One Alone?
When this book on loan
has been returned
to the Library of Lamps as all its oil is burned?
When the waves retreating
have finished erasing
the messages I whispered
those etched with sobs unhindered
on the sands seemingly numbed
on the seashore of your heart succumbed?

Will anybody wonder what’s going on?
The nameplate’s gone
on the face of the closed door
of that room on the upper floor
that a while ago was Altar of Magnum Opus
of the tiring writer’s stylus
and Tabernacle
of a cramped leg muscle
of that voice that preached Darwin’s epistle.

The gong’s now muted
Just yesterday it was calling unrelented
upon fellow believers demented

The sun now starts to peep
As stars bid goodnight to sleep

The frail shadow shall lay down, no scent of frankincense
in the tomb of forgotten replies, with reminiscence -
     of a hundred “wait till tomorrow” in any sense,
          a thousand “just a minute” in any tense
               “see yah later”, for a thousand “Whens?”
                    “soon . . .”,  and now just silence . . .

Life leaves a million lessons.
and yes, I, we, will always remember . . .
Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Victor P. Gapud (18 October 1943 - 29 December 2017), an esteemed mentor, colleague, entomologist, taxonomist/systematist, nationalist, teacher, scientist
Robin Carretti Jul 2018
What would it
feel like? lets put our thinking
caps on just meditate, Poem up-
sophisticated? let's negotiate
Feeling light-heavy-weight
(Songs to Orchestrate),
But without a nameplate
Poem alive to her heart rate  
*        *        *        *        *        *
Am I seeing stars without you?
The same,  old thing copycat styles,
Who is up-be the first one today
Wake up today my hand waits for your
  second hand
He will hold your sorrow I recond?
She said:

"I will believe that with poem up tomorrow"

Bring an appetite and
your face smile over the yonder yellow
But the good thing, no diamond
ring fancy

The Likewise complacency
Her heartfelt sewed into a stitch
'He tried the tender loving care
But tomorrow it couldn't be switched

  The poem inside illusions turns out
to be  real or fake can you tell
I truly love my mornings
But you're the dark one at night
Like her flowers for funerals but
without a bad night

Happy marriages
surprise for only you
Her pansies purple dots
Hot pink hair
Don't forget me not

The words had no rhythm- you
know exactly how his body flows
His cool breeze walk
Even today like a kid with his chalk
And getting up the next
twenty-four hours if_ tomorrow
didn't exist any more fun hours?
How things (Pop up) like him
With my 'Poem up'
To gaze at to inspect so much to jot down
My bucket list

There's a place for me to go all day
Picnicking the fun "Jubilee" the feel-good
but If? It was the crazy eight company

I felt doomed OH! Jeez

( Transformational)

A poem of prose sensational
The image Rose corsage with a poem
The fictional King or Queen
stand confidently not to sit

Someone's miracle will never happen
Poem up no tomorrow -without a heart
to shine on glisten

We didn't light the candle we forgot
Imperfections they stay with us
Without perception what will be with us

The pictorial starts to play we wanted
something simple each and every day
to wake up too----?
Taking someone's breath away

To the infinite all over the website
but who will see it tomorrow
Wrapping your arms to be loved
The people have not been loved

And here to the (Eternity)
One day creation we
live the gravity
There are so many people we
don't know anything
about like strangers
walking in the night
Poem up text

They flew their poem warm nest
'Robin's' somehow but where?
Fireworks up my heroes
Those are the true men July 4th realism

Never the word softly
communicated or
killing her softly
A poem is here to stay every day
But when today we spoke  
You just about woke
Long inhale smoke I told you
to stop take a fresh breath of air
Today post your poem up
tomorrow "My Fair Lady"

Please kiss your family today
not tomorrow to feel sorrow
A plethora of your
words might have felt like many
But it was the quality not
the quantity

Tomorrow he's the power tie
  The poem piece of words pie
You were neatly pressed
all steamed like your fresh
French dark roast coffee

"The Titanic" crew
always something
reminds us of others
We are stretched to the oblivion

Like the rain in Spain stays mainly
in the plain make it simple

Another memory of emotional
timeout for
A nice poem up gives us a reason
to cheer

We wake up Mom is there
she is always everywhere
Her smile she is in your heart every mile

Reframe your thinking
The men looking at your dress
Poem up, tomorrow without
anything to confess
Quite a cupcake lemon
You are my sunshine
Poem up Bunny hop the
Carrot sharp eyes
Like a key lime pie

Strength is a gift like
a poem up
all thumbs up

Three separate columns
Like the Italian Colesium
I was thankful to see the world
Sometimes there are
no tomorrows
So make the best of the poem day
This is a poem up feel good a cheer wanted every moment to stay never leave its scary about the next day that how I feel I want so much to live each day to be happy not in tears is that what you want to let me know were friends open up
Shivang Ambardar May 2016
I walk through the main door, heaving my gaze on every little thing I could see,
Daggering signs of unkempt mess, spread all over the floor,
Fringing little pieces with signs of dust obscured upon,
Every little memory I could reminisce, every solitary object thinkable,
And I realize, that I’m standing in the same living room,
Which once filled with unmeasurable content, Is now long forlorn,
With the walls brushing out It’s colour, floor musty, ceilings ambiguous,
Belted, I stride towards my parents’ room, still average sized, albeit dullish,
With the purple colour turned pale white, windows covered with hefty dust,
Spots where there were perfectly sketched paintings, now withered,
And my small buried light of hope dashes, bursting into flames.
Next I enter my room, the place where it all began,
All the hopes and ambitions, the curious revelations,
The curtains, once a heavy shade of blue, were now worn out,
The walls had spit out it’s true colours,
And the essence of the cologne was still there, but rotten.
I stand for a while, motionless, allowing the memories to rush down into me,
Eyes closed, while my eyelids flicker, as if reliving it all,
Shredded with the load of despair, I walk out,
Through the living room, and as I ponder upon all the long buried mystical memories,
I close the main gate, lock the house,
And keep the key exactly where I found it, under the rugged doormat.
The nameplate read “Home”.
Andrew McGinnis Sep 2013
when he saw the nameplate
on his dull, grey cubicle,
it reminded him of an epitaph on a gravestone
sentencing him to a life
and death of reading e-mail

he would not be remembered
he would not be missed
but his inbox would never empty
and his boss would be ******.
A single bullet was all it took
And I needn’t have wasted that,
He sat alone in that dismal cave
In an old Field Marshall’s hat,
His eyes were sunk in that pallid face
A demented cast to his jaw,
He didn’t move as I knelt and aimed
And put an end to the war.

It was getting late, it was ‘68
When I ventured into the cave,
My friends said going spelunking was
A bit like digging your grave.
‘Expect big rats, and giant bats,’
They said, before I’d begun,
So I added that to my haversack,
Just to be sure, a gun.

It wasn’t a normal cave I sought
But one by the autobahn,
Where I’d seen a crevice opening up
That nobody else had done,
It seemed to lead deep down in the earth
Could easily close, if found,
So I took a pick, a dynamite stick
And burrowed into the ground.

I had a lamp on my helmet, like
A miner’s, casting a beam,
And climbed on plenty of rubble
That had collapsed in a steady seam,
It led to a concrete tunnel
Plenty of rock strewn passageways,
A giant work of construction that
Lay hidden in former days.

I seemed to go on forever
Then ran into a barbed wire cone,
Blocking one of the passageways
And a sign, ‘Halt! No Go Zone!’
The wire was rusty and fell apart
As I pushed it away to the side,
But then the sound of scuffling rats
Brought the gun out by my side.

Then finally it had opened up
Into what would appear a cave,
With flags and banners arranged about,
The glory of former days,
A corpse sat propped in an easy chair
In a uniform from then,
And there, attached to the shirt front was
A nameplate, ‘Bormann, M.’

Beyond, and under the banners was
A barely human form,
Who stared at me in the darkness there
As if I’d not been born,
The greatest conqueror of our time
And there’s no disputing that,
Lost in pain in his vast domain
For there der Führer sat.

David Lewis Paget
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
My Epitaph
by Michael R. Burch

Do not weep for me, when I am gone.
I lived, and ate my fill, and gorged on life.
You will not find beneath this glossy stone
the man who sowed and reaped and gathered days
like flowers, well aware they would not keep.
Go lightly then, and leave me to my sleep.

Keywords/Tags: epitaph, epigram, death, grave, stone, marker, nameplate, tombstone, inscription, life, days, flowers, sleep
Knight pen Nov 2024
  I speculate your beauty in these world
With this splendour isn't of blood
For I couldn't identify who's nameplate own
For which your smiling face is but a rare gem 💎

When you speak, thousand of  aid ⛑️, added up to my den
For which caused me,me of all people
Spate because Iwas in gaze
Your face are fireflies which flew around my pen 🖊️
Glittering,how so bright in the darkness
Your heart I see, it's unsaken Star ⭐✨
Well I don't think 💬 more to fetch
Since I really ****** fight through my dream
Dragging all my soul,this maybe the only reason I get with thee
And I know you, would show up
Since you and I need one soul

You've get this splendour bodybuilding
And it's very splashy to everyone
For it's like a star to every wondering bark
What could a man speculate about an angel
Who showed in my books,my dream,when I take a look at the summer's faces and even in the mid night 🌃,when it's dark 🌑,you shine.
This has been what I've long wait for
For which I left for a journey which I could not noted an headline for
I went to Sea, drowning at the waves
But not did I see but only the image of yours
What I desire for
When though, I've shun from the sea to the sky,
Looking at the galaxy, nothing amoung your part I do see
Natural you are ,how are you
If be it,what and many years
That had passed without you without you and I been loved
It is but a waste in this world 🌎

Allow me your love,to serve as a wheel of change
In my life,I wish a change
If your love could effect
You and I should be singular
I shall build you a spaza in my heart.
A poem about a secret admitre,been In love,but unknown to heart so sadly love and joy
Animesh Ganguly Jul 2017
It makes me sink
that we have come this far
and I am still unsure of
how you’d remember me?

Would you flinch
when picking out china patterns?

Would your heart stutter
when choosing nameplate designs?

Would your heart place you in conflict
when doing things without the partner
you had dreamt of such minutes with?

Would your mind need to be calmed
if it arose at the mention of my name
or would it skip your attention
without needing to dismiss it as a coincidence?

When I speak of all things certain,
I don’t speak of us

Thus, I am sunk wondering how you’d remember me
Thus, I am sunk pondering how I don’t have a choice

I’d wish, though, you don’t have a choice either
that I always emerge a feeling hard to suppress.
Zywa Apr 2020
Browsing through my photos
I chose the colourful elephant
as my nameplate in the web

My skin feels every fly
that lands on me with telelegs
as if I ever promised

to be connected with them
and ready for them

But I want to be there
for those who feel the vibration
when I stamp on the ground

I sweep away the flies with a kiss
maybe they find without wings
their home close by on the ground

I am there too, in every colour
recognizable while I dwell
where I dwell and work where I work

There is so much to experience
that nobody needs to go anywhere
if he gives attention
For Maria Godschalk #67

Collection “Lilith's Powers" #3
Mark Allen Feb 20
It’s 7AM
yet another morning
and still I wake
thinking of her
and us


So distant
spring light
slips cold
through the needles
of that ****** sticky pine
outside my window ­­
with dark illumination
a small rectangular space
of this world
called mine ­­--

In truth,
“Room 116” –
a cold reality I saw
in tarnished brass
last Christmas Day
when I peered beneath
the plastic nameplate
temporarily hung on the door.


that shiny sign barks
to separate more officially
this solitary shipwreck
from the loud living ocean
of widows without.

Waves of women working without,
a seamless sea of timeless rhythms ­­--
pounding once­-proud planks,
crushing rough beach stones to sand.


I sometimes ask that this door
stay shut
to save my tired eyes
from following
those widows with walkers
(so many widows with walkers!)
as they migrate their way down the hall.

Like flocks of grey geese
gently beckoned
they fly
toward mystical meetings
called “bingo,” or “quilting”­­--
inviolable appointments written
(or so I think)
on their dry wrinkled foreheads
by a loving invisible hand.

So yet another generation
of mankind’s best
shuffles blissfully toward
their eternal inheritance of one.


Though the door is now closed
I hear them
click shuffle shuffle click shuffle shuffle
gliding and gabbing sans men
past one
one sixteen.

But oh yes,
it’s Friday!
Soon Rachel will be here
to change my sheets
and touch me
on the shoulder.
I don’t care if it’s
only good training
as long as she comes
with her smile
and her smells
and that magical left hand.
I won’t tell her that I know about
those cold historical digits
or ask her
(though I’d like to)
who hid them,
and when,
to name this room mine.


She’s a wife to a man
who will never know
that a cracked
on the edge of the wall
for his
wife’s touch
at a certain appointed hour.

He, he holds her full each night.
Sleeps by her side.
Calls her his own …
and she, his.
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel.

I can imagine her hastily changing
the plastic name on that door
before my sons brought me here
that sunny November day.
She was careful to be sure
I did not see
some other’s name,
and strives to permit man’s desired deception
of being the first
to rule this space
and to live for that touch.
Good wives are like that.

I had one once …
yes God,
I still remember …
how I’d lay in morning darkness
by her side
and listen to the music
of her rhythmic breath
close enough to smell her
sweet hair
as stray strands tickled my face.
I’d always feel an urge
to grab her hard right then
pull that wild hair tight behind
her beautiful, delicate ears
and kiss them brushingly
with the corner of my mouth.
But I loved her too much
to disturb her quiet sleep
with such noisy violence
so I’d try to be still
and patiently await her waking touch ­­
knowing that it would come, and soon,
I focused like a terrier
on a treat held aloft.
Obediently waiting
my turn to be loved.

I sometimes fear
(or is it hope?)
that maybe she sees me here
pathetically pining for the touch of another.

It may be that she,
even from there,
can still read this living mind
of mine
as it now wonders who waits,
and for whom,
and why?

Darling, can’t you hear me?
If so,
you know
that they’ve tried
to call me
a ‘widower’
ever since you left.
And you hear
how they struggle
with that unnatural ‘er’
which sticks
in their throats
like a cancerous growth
on the end
of a perfectly good word.

They know, and we do too,
that something is amiss
in this:
a man without a home,
a me without a you.

I’ve tried five years now
to fool myself
with pride.
I imagine it ordained from above
that I suffer
here in your place
to save you this pain.
It is a “nice thought,” isn’t it?
Sentimental ******* of course.
Honey, don’t deny that, please …
you know how the world goes.

Can’t you hear them now too?
click shuffle shuffle click shuffle shuffle
they are
talking, talking, talking
as they
click shuffle shuffle click shuffle shuffle.
And every single sound seems to me in order,
reminding of that unnatural ‘er.’
They are doing fine and
of course
am not.

Here, it’s late in the evening.
There, I do not know.
Perhaps I’ll see you!
Yet still, maybe not.
my love,

— The End —