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Adya Jha Oct 2017
I want to unscrew the window grill and crawl out
To the vastness of the world
I want to throw stones at your window
And tag you along on an adventure
Make a space ship in the garage
Travel to parallel universes
Shoot the weird *** aliens
Even if it's all just the aftereffects of marijuana,
I'd like to smoke some with you
What do you say?
Will you be the Rick to my Morty?
A Mar 2018
"You don't miss me, you just missed the person that loved you so much you didn't have to love them back"
this line got me
Starry Sep 2019
Dearest darling Hill Morty
I am writing this told tell you them I wasn't able to talk to you my love. Our loving conversations  that which we have keep me sane. I cannot til we me and have that first real kiss. I can just feel it now.

Your lover
This is my love letters to my boyfriend.
Lucky Queue Oct 2012
I am Muerte, no not Morty
I am the big 'M'
Death incarnate
I will come for you, I'm coming to get you
And you will regret crossing my path
What's that? You're looking for the boss man?
Muerte, the big 'M'
Death incarnate?
Who are you kidding?
I'm not him, I'm Morty.
Watched a movie called Undercover Blues last night. Had an interesting character called Muerte.
Court of owls
New ink, new shoes
Clocks on, I'm about to run it

Fast as my pain's Timeframe, bout to gun it

I hope you feel something better my man,

I'm feeling something
I'm feeling something better than planned

Tuck in the winter, dam i fall into action
springing past Morty and summer
While I'm watching TV slumber
shaking off chains of reactions

is it a new start
call it innov8ing
or maybe to our past

memories,  atoms alternating
like the world sputters aspirating

Spit split straight portals compensating
I'm drunk on Dark matter ever oscillating

the wind turned to me
just so it could turn on me

Judgment for eternity
Experience is the same

it howled with certainty
MY Experience denied 3x

so now you hear me?
from this judgment

I'm always ripping free
I don't generate art

so you can whip at me
I might penetrate stars

The universe is an artist
so Why does it  ****** us

Aint the universe ever even heard of us?

I'm the passenger and still woozy the sickness
feeling the pressure but I gotta be a witness

compassionate, no judgment
we all have our reasons

~Got a spot that I  keep w33d in
Hidden with the green stem bleedin

we may have different heavens
but we come from the same soil
When others decide our emotions
Got so many reasons for defense,
reach out and tipped it for the deflect
emotions reflect the deficit of me breathe
I just shake my head
so heavy, I need rest

Court of owls
Port of vowels
I am Born of miles

So I adult when you consult the Occult

knowings the lotion but still decomposin
all this is music I just need to recompose it
Saved another life Now the reaper owes it

I think I've got amnesia,
Waking up to
Sir you had a seizure
Eyes always look like
Man...I wouldn't wanna be ya

is another form of slavery we sign up for

We live and we learn
Boomerang on the mic
I go and return

But its not just about living well
its about knowing the root of life

its Taking the threads in your hands
to rack the rains and crack the chains

Caught in the dream, my ego forgets
Sleep is such a shy death

*Court of owls
Port of vowels
I am Born of miles
in the Korn of howls
John C. Lily-> what was he about?
A Apr 2018
"You don't want to look back at your life and realize that you wasted it in front of a screen, do you?"

That's what they say.

And to them, I'd say
There are times that I feel everything around me is crumbling.
That I'm crumbling,
That my mind is turning against me.

As much as I try to fight it
I can't help the crippling depression and anxiety
that comes from seeing
a raincloud in the distance
Or sometimes, for no reason at all.

I can't control how the depression festers,
the intrusive thoughts that tell me
everyone would be be better off
if I wasn't around,
that there's a way to assure
that I'll never be caught in the rain again

I cannot count how many times I've turned to substance abuse to stop the thoughts.
I cannot count how many times the substance has worsened my condition,
Made me paranoid, Afraid of myself,
afraid of what will become of me
if i allow myself to stay

I cannot count how many moments I've had where I shoveled mountains of food into my mouth during a binge because I wasn't sure what to do with my hands.
I cannot count how many times I've punched a wall or slung everything off my desk because I needed to act impulsively in a way that would harm only myself.
I cannot count how many times I have thought of ending my own life.
I think about it every day.
More than once a day.

Sometimes I get so bad off that I can't do anything at all.
I know I can't die
my desk is already empty, i don't have the strength to throw a punch
The thought of food makes me want to *****

Those really bad times are when I turn to
my favorite TV shows for comfort

Watching a good series is like
getting ****** into a different world,
escaping from reality, all while
Being gently reminded that
there is good in this world.
that there are reasons to stay
Even if the only thing keeping me there in that moment
is the cliff hanger that was left for me at the end of the episode

If the distraction of the plot alone wasn't enough already,
the characters teach me

Katara teaches how to stand up for what you believe in and to never lose hope
Zuko teaches that you can shape your own destiny, and do what is right.
Toph teaches that you should never let another person define your abilities

Jim and Pam taught me that love doesn't always have to die as you grow older
Dwight and Angela gave me hope that things can work out in the end, even if the road is rough

Amethyst teaches that you should be comfortable with your body and its abilities
Garnet taught me to never be sorry for being who I am
Pearl taught me that it is possible to move on from losing someone you were in love with
Steven taught me that you should always stand up for what is good

Leela showed me that women can kick some SERIOUS ***, and that we should be proud of it.
Fry showed me that home is defined by being surrounded by people you love

Rick taught me that in the grand scheme of things, a lot of the things i blow up in my head are very very trivial, and that i should focus on more important things... like science!

Lastly, Morty taught me
"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everyone's gonna die, come watch TV"
I've just had a rough few days and leaned on watching TV to keep me from losing myself. I looked back and realized that many of the hardest times were made easier by shows that distract and inspire me. It felt important enough to share
Cyrus Gold Apr 2016
Eleven Fifty.
I see a nifty reporter fixing his tie,
Sipping in a teacup, drinking Chai.
He surveys the room for that moment of magic,
Not forgetting that the nature of his story is tragic.

He tells others that the invitation was a welcome gift,
Providing him the chance to debunk a particular myth.
The castle halls were filled with chatter and laughter
Spills of wine from wine glasses were happy disasters.

Eleven Fifty-two.
Night sky projects its color downwards,
Painting the city blue.
Stars mysteriously align with illuminating glow
As the chatter dies down, readying for a show.

With midnight approaching, beautiful words begin to appear,
engraved on the castle walls;
“you are the stars that ignite in the darkness of night.”
“…to where we stood.”
“I wish it was me.”
“I wish it was me.”
Recorded history of infinite love is all that I could see.

Eleven Fifty-Four.
A certain “Morty” is devouring shrimp to my left.
Ordering forty more, he's clearly satisfying his heft.
Our eyes meet for a second, my head nods
As if it’s a secret of his that I’ve already kept.

Eleven Fifty-Six.
It’s raining, a condition for her to “be”.
“Ooh’s” and “Ah’s” in the crowd but I can’t really see.
Time has stopped as the dance floor clears,
Anxious about this myth as midnight nears.

Eleven Fifty-Seven.
It’s not a myth at all - there she is! A living angel from heaven
Gracious in presence, magnificent in beauty,
We're staring at the star of a wonderfully vivid movie.

She’s wearing a silk-woven concoction of a crimson red dress,
A mask covering her face, necklace bears a family crest.
Legend says the people will witness her choice, hence
Her index finger points with a high-pitched voice.

Deafening silence for a moment… and then…

She picks a gentleman. That lucky *******.
Envious women are criticizing her; “Husky. *****. Witch.”
The man looks honored, almost intimidated
With her by his side, he clearly appears vindicated.

He takes her hand, and presses her body with his
And stares deeply into her eyes,
But what he saw staring back
Was a tragic tale he didn’t realize.

The music brings the Midnight Princess to life
As their spirits move in unison, like husband and wife.

They dance, and in that small infinity, I'm lost in awe
Her lovely waltz on the floor moving without a flaw
Beautifully elegant art in motion
Is all that everyone saw.

Eleven Fifty-Nine.*
*This man is running out of time.
He needs to convince her to stay
Before she vanishes away.

The myth supposedly goes like this:
If rain continues to pour past midnight,
That gentleman hopeful would be futile in his fight
For her heart, blinded by her gracious and kind sight,
Not wanting to regret his actions in hindsight.

He holds her tight, their union a great show,
But he only had a minute, forty seconds ago.
The ballroom rallies in hope for this man to catch her by his glove
As he promises her tomorrow, and proclaiming his love.

The rain is heard from inside the castle corridors
The clock strikes midnight, chiming in three sets of four
And she fades, with the audience awe-struck by the gleam
Convincing us all she was naught but a dream.

We wished it were him.
We wished it were him.
Hoped he would lift the curse.
She left him feeling worse.
They looked perfect together, but
She deserves forever.

It’s an experience witnessing magic without a fault
And she sadly hadn’t been seen ever since.
I pray she returns to dance an endless waltz
With her one and only fairy tale prince.
Dedicated to a fellow poet friend.
Starry Sep 2019
Try learning that
You very first love
Is druggie
And has ***
When she used to be so brilliant
And loving
And full of life
When you two had
So much in common
That is pain
Right there.
This is the poem of my first love  who is in a desperate situation
Anna Mar 2018
I was so baked
The tv
Rick and morty
She looked at me

You're the morty to my rick
I giggled
Unfocused green-brown eyes

Ashley!! You're the rick to my morty!

Maddie Cribbs Jan 2019
I miss our Rick & Morty Marathons
and your attempt teaching me how to play Fortnite.

I miss the "I love you's"
and texts filled with blue hearts.

I miss your smile lighting up the room,
the gazing into each other's eyes,
and our quirky giggles
as we glanced at each other.

I miss lying by your side,
holding each other so tight.

I miss ******* anywhere
whenever we got the urge.

I miss our movie dates
and convincing our parents
to stay out late.

I miss our late night drives
and the way you'd mess with me,
turning the radio volume up and down
every time I danced insane
in your passenger seat.

I miss our first kiss on the rock
at Getty Heights Park
and our last in your car
dropping me off.

I miss sneaking out my bedroom window
and our late night smoke sessions.

I miss you sneaking up behind me,
picking me up
and throwing me into the pool.

I miss you holding me from behind,
looking in the mirror
as you whispered, 'I love you.'

I miss doing your English homework
and the inappropriate jokes
you'd leave on the shared doc.

I miss our long hour phone calls,
talking about whatever came to mind,
laughing hysterically.

I miss all your dogs,
but most of all Coco
and taking her to the vet.

I miss your family
and your mom's dinners
and persistence of getting me to eat.

I miss cheering you on at all your
hockey and football games
and supporting you through your decision
to join the Marines.

I miss getting caught,
and getting condoms thrown at us.

I miss our long texts;
good morning and goodnight;
good luck and it'll all be okay.

I miss "bby"
and "your my princess" to "queen;"
"prince" to "king."

The list continues,
missing everything about us.

But most of all,
I miss you.
...more than all the memories we shared. I always thought it would be you.
Kevin Eli Apr 2016
She loved animals.
Her favorite ice cream was mint chip.
She loved Lord of The Rings and fantasy.
Her favorite shows were Trailer Park Boys and Rick & Morty.

Her favorite city was San Francisco.
Her favorite beach was El Matador.
Driving through the canyons of Malibu at sunset,
Bottles of wine and sushi was her favorite date night for two.

She loved music and concerts:
Sublime, Tool, The **, Reel Big Fish, 311 and all of the 90's alternative.
She could play the piano and the bass,
But was a pro when a pen and sketchbook were in her face.

She never fired a gun, but loved archery and fishing;
Unless we ate, it was only for fun.
She was the best at make up and constantly changed her hair.
She was always worried what others would think,
Although I never cared.
She was wild and beautiful, that's why they stared.

She valued freedom over everything.
She never got a tattoo, although she wanted one.
She loved motorcycles, but never owned one.
She loved taking risks, jumping or falling.
It was why she stumbled while she was here with the living.

She loved me, but we never married.
She didn't want kids, but loved them truly.
She didn't want to be held down, she wanted to be carried...
Her dream was to grow wings... To drift like a fairy.

I rather see her fly free than be locked in this worldly cage with me.
I just wish our fates weren't separated now by me having to age... I  wouldn't be stuck here on Earth with such a long wait to see her face.

Best friends, lovers. I was your boy, you were my girl.
On the beach, or under the covers.
The memories are priceless, forever shared with one another.
I wish we made more before it was over, but it was enough.
I won't cry over this, but it will be tough.

I'm coming soon my love... Not today nor my intention, but I promise to live with meaning and more careless abandon; to let go of what doesn't matter, and remember your favorite things, whether I am down here, or beside you in heaven watching the angels' wings' flutter.
Love you Lace. Rest in Peace.
RosesAndAngels May 2016
Watchin NCIS while eating fishticks, I decided to check my skype with just two clicks. Upon entering the domain, I found myself in a talk of pain. First of poisoned pizza, and knifes, and even earlier the fantasy wife's. Not too soon I learn to ignore the vid, rick and morty, I soon realized it was 10 40,                                                                            
      The meme world ruled by the fabulous, King Ash, was honestly made of a **** ton of trash.
**** ME
I know that I feel
way to high that I spill
Raindrops from the sky  
and I've known that I've tried

Just imagine, one day you'll be the one who's asking. For help to no avail. Your health done plummet and crashing, drove like a nail, and then I'm blasting, hocus pocus bad spells. Locked up without any bail, but still wouldn't tell and the fact is that I've given every minute I can spare. Time isn't replaceable and that just isn't fair. But I can't stay in my lane and I might trip on the politicians game. Never fake stay the same. Pulling rank ***** as I focus and aim at a snitch.

I know that I feel
Way to high that I spill
Raindrops from the sky  
And I've known that I've tried

I know that I feel
Way to high that I spill
Raindrops from the sky  
And I've known that I've tried

I know that I feel
Way to high that I spill

Blowing back clouds. All about that loud. And I wear it proud . Turn those tricks, face the facts hand me the stack and watch it flip. ***** knows the quality of a ****. Look at the story of Rick and Morty and how they came and went. Calling the shorty cause I wanted get faded and bent. Y'all try to catch up and yall *****'s feeling spent. Empty pockets so change the topic because you just paid rent. This music game I've only begun to scratch the service not even a dent. Because to this **** I found meaning while surrounded by worthlessness never felling content.  Dealing with ******* until it becomes intolerant. when they never got the hint. 

I know that I feel
Way to high that I spill
Raindrops from the sky  
And I've known that I've tried

I know that I feel
Way to high that I spill
Raindrops from the sky  
And I've known that I've tried
Platinum Oct 2024
Ouch, A pinch brought me out of where I was
Where was I, who was I, i suddenly felt the urge to sigh
Ooooff, it was my birthday, I was turning 18, another rating, said my friends who were also anticipating
Was I alright?, Miss Chad looked at me in fright

I don't know, Just started looking at classic **** a little to deep
I suddenly knew what to throw away and what to keep
Some birthday gifts just weirdly started spelling the word "creep"
Am I but another lost person or lost sheep

Nauseous, I thought I was sick
I turned on the TV and started calling Rick and Morty, Morty and Rick
It amounted to no time that my homies started seeing signs of the ick
From chilling with the mandem to playing the ladies's pick a *****

Now I'm at a refute to leave
I'm no longer able to play "lots to take, less to give"
Wait, I now have my own taxes and bills
The money I have at my disposal, gives me the chills

Hold on, wait, is this truly maturity
This isn't what my friends told me I should be expecting
Well, it's happened, and at least, I know it can be handled
***** maturity, ***** grown-ups, alas, they are still boats you have to paddle!!!!!
Third Eye Candy Jul 2018
The Misfortune of having you all to myself
has Irony’s respect. Only games without masters
call Love “ Sensei “. And every one of them
thought Irony was Abe Vigoda
sifting through the entrails of a Tuna Melt, at Morty Yang’s
looking for the cookie choking on a Bilingual Mobius strip
of impenetrable punchlines.
And always late to a funeral like The Good Gin.

we slept on a bed of fails
and our lives as footstools on soap boxes began
as only the best endings require
before waiving the usual fee, and diving into the role
of a last time nobody knew was The Last Time.
chewing up the screen between  intimate strangers
calling all the shots on the set by telepathy
like a betty davis that would never ever not help you
if it helps to sniff glue
or to hardly ever do
and then stop.
or not.

yeh, We Got THAT betty davis.

we found the most corrosive script
and mangled that baby with the camera obscura still rolling
And that guaranteed we had something to show the wolves at the door.
that would generate the buzz in the saw
that you Can’t UnSee.
and what follows?

anybody’s regret.

we slept in cots on the Lot, a lot.
but that was all in the papers that we rolled
to smoke the ***. in all the rags in Coolsville.
our collapsing star rising on page six
of a Charles Bukowski restraining order.
and as I recall, there was no catering -
for locations that devolved into gothic cathedrals
that slept with your expectations to get the part.
and we didn’t know that was a thing.

But hey,
you made it hurt
like you already

we flipped a coin to see who would yell “ Cut “ !

And then...

now it's all
you do.
Starry Sep 2019
Hill Morty MD
As we talk on imvu I can feel the desire you have for me for I am an empath. I can feel nothing but love or connection with you. What ever tries to ruin us only makes our love for eachother stronger.

Starry Sep 2019
Hill Morty MD
I am glad you have your dream girl in me.  I want you to know that we were made for one another. You want to work with me, love me, start  a family and also storm area 51 with me. I am honored to be your girl.

Starry Sep 2019
Before you
Hill Morty MD
I was thinking to my self
To believe....
In true love
Belle Wickman Dec 2017
I’m from living my life through video games
Listening to music to drown the bellowing voice of my father
Sleeping through my life

I am from trees for climbing
Horses for riding
Dogs to love
The oak and maple trees in the front of
The house that I’ve grown up in

I am from twice baked potatoes and sweets my mother bakes
I’ve come from the hard workers of Iowa
People who hide their emotions at all costs to not show softness

The “keep to yourself” to “go socialize” and “make friends”
“watch your mouth” and “don’t be so loud”
“get off your computer” or “don't be on your phone”

Staying up every Sunday night for the new Rick and Morty episode
Watching any new cult Netflix shows
Waiting for season three of Stranger Things
Time between filled with Youtube

In my room Bob the traffic cone that has more of a story than me
a book filled with drawings
A dresser filled with books and memories
A computer full of video games
A part of me people don’t know

From the pizza and balloons on Valentine’s Day
The chocolate macaroons and puppy chow around Christmas
Turkey noodle soup after Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner
All the potatoes I can eat in a night when they are made.

Most importantly I come from San Diego, California and Illinois Born and raised Parents
Traveling with my mother and siblings
Having sand between my toes
Loving the life I live and every moment of it.
Ankit Tripathi May 2018
You said from your ideal self
i heard from the real you
its a tale of the time when
the imperfect me met the imperfect you

Your fingers swirling stars,
you turn back when you want to whine,
your feeble likes and strong dislikes,
moving castle is your favourite story,
Rick and morty i have never watched but heard enough
to hold a talk,
random cartoons dose takes me high,
kiss smileys every morning and every night.

Gokarna, bijapur, karwar, veenu, manipal,
are few places I can count
an endless list of lab tours and
campus walks are not to be forgotten…fading is inevitably bound
I never told you that sometimes I walk behind you to know how it feels,
when you move on, far away from me.

After long notes and longer nights,
I am writing with the fewer words that I can find.
That street I pass every night knows I am hurt,
I scream your name with all my broken parts,
They say its a phase but I know its a ‘scar’,
only you can heal it with your gaze and touch.

I wonder how your smile has changed over the phone calls,
your breathe is all i know,
Its been long since I felt it, before I was caught in the right and the wrong.
Moral correctness is morally flawed,
because it listens to the stories of knightly mountains,
not the thin brook flowing down its bleeding rocks.

I am a burning candle who lights you when around,
but now you are gone I stand burning endlessly
I want you to cry, cry in my arms while my tears run down your neck,
silence be broken with pain and sorrow,
till the room is filled with smoke and the candle dies,
With the fading weep and drying tears darkness spreads in the world,
let the Gods above know that we have broken apart.
Janica Katricia Feb 2017
Do we really exist in the world?
Or are we just a part of another reality.
Just like what Rick and Morty was travelling through.
Like what the Fullmetal Alchemist discovered.
The other side of the gate.
What if we die now?
Do we continue living in the other world?
Or do we die in all the alternate universe?
Do we get a second chance in living?
Do we get the chance to say goodbye to those who we are afraid to leave behind?
How easy will it be?
How hard will it go?

Are we living in the ultimate reality where
it is easier to break hearts than to love?
where it is easier to steal than to gain something?
where it is easier to run away than stay and fight for it.

What it in the other side,
there is more happiness than this?
what if it does not require drugs to laugh our ***** off.
what if in the other side, it does not require violence to get through peace.

Is this why they have forbid us to commit suicide before its our time, because they forbid us to know the truth behind all of this and we are still not needed in the other universe where we are still kicking and breathing?

They say everything has its purpose.

Do you know yours?
Starry Sep 2019
Do you do these
To me
Is it to add an another
Trauma on my frail mind
I wish I never meet you.
Starry Sep 2019
Hill Morty MD
I am happy we have met on imvu and area able experience things together that we wouldn't on our own. Like get in **** on imvu. Other being a doctor I am turned on by you loving loyal personality and that we have a lot in common. I ache for you.

2D World Dec 2017
Lost my savagery when you savagely killed a savage who acted so savvy
But couldn't manage being a manager managing a team full of degenerates
That were below average but couldn't use it to his advantage
He couldn't move like a cabbage in the patch and his eye was patched like patchy pirating spongebob off of nick
Left in a bit of a pickle pickled up in a jar and couldn't pick out the edges so he cropped himself out the pic
Later on the script got flipped his mind drifted out to sea with flipper and his lights dimmed out because Nosferatu was flipping the switch
He quickly got suited up like a quint and everyone thought he was quick to quit but since he couldn't see he'd just squint but it was too dark like a window tint
He took in too much oxygen so they doused the splint and gave him a mint but he couldn't take a hint that his breath should be put up for rent
He was I and I was he and nobody could beat the heat he'd surpass twelve inches and you couldn't walk in his feet that'd just be another challenge he could defeat
Before all that he tried to get them to sign a treaty but they didn't treat him nice so he played a game of trick or treat til they gave him something nice to eat
In the end he made amends started trending but skipped the trends, sent a friend request but ditched his friends and began to tie up loose ends
He ran out of ink so I finished the story of how I became glorious and victoriously found the glory adventured like Rick and Morty and now he's finally made his-story
#ADestinyYouCanNeverFulfill     #ThisIsOnlyTheBeginning
Anna Mar 2018

You used to look at me with this goofy grin
**** em! You’d scream at the top of your lungs

We drove through the ice and rain
broken windshield wipers
Heads stuck out the windows
I have never laughed so hard

I looked at you
my best friend
The rick to my morty
The **** to my pipe


i don’t know what your smile looks like
Your words are strange and unfamiliar

You laid in the bed, blue eyes closed, entangled in tubes
Pink stuffed animal unicorn
Heads almost touching but not quite
I have never cried so hard

I no longer look at you
i don’t know
Someone I used to know
Starry Sep 2019
Hill Morty MD
I know you that you made mistakes that you are not proud of but remember that you are human. And humans love each other unconditionally as I do for you. Remember that I am human as well
I hope we can one day be coworkers and lovers and have a family.
mariana Jun 2019
i like you
i like you like i like the rain
i like you like i like music
can we dance together?
can you give my heart a little electricity?
bring me back to life please
ive been longing for someone for so long
you dont know
but i can wait for you
just like i can wait for season 4 of rick and morty
just like i can wait for the water for my coffee to heat up
i can wait for you
i can wait for when you have time for love
ill be here for you
ill always be here for you
i like you
Starry Sep 2019
Hill Morty MD
Just that sound of that name makes me wish you were here with me. I cherish each kiss that we share. As they are authentic. I love when you talk to me on imvu and so intimately. How we have hopes for a family.

Love you all ways

Abeer Nov 2023
a pause is when we stop talking, remember that
pauses are important. you should pause in the middle
I should not avoid the mirror
the face, myself trenched in only ugly feeling.
ironic, because in any public transport, when I see
beauty, I recognize a feeling, a chance as it grips away
discontent, bruises in my flesh, not physically, leads to
metamorphism into a cacoon like Jerry
in that episode of Rick and Morty, powerless but friends
with the smartest person, who is now dead
think about the forbidden energy gap in thoughts of negative,
emotions of everything and everyone, who said
things, unheard, boundless by the measure of the height of dread.
I must be dreaming because I wish we were dead,
I wish you were here, to see the poem as it unfolds
(chronic pain), nothing is left that brings me hope
but the chance to leave everything and start a new life, back from
the cocoon and face me
but I wish we were not dead
the forbidden energy gap is the energy difference in the valence and conducting band of any crystal, the concept is used for describing the conducting of electricity under an electric field in metallic crystals and semiconductors
Starry Aug 2019
Hill Morty
How I missed you
Since you have died
Leaving a hole in my heart
But when I look up at the night sky
I hear you say
You are my person
And you'll always be my person
And I whisper I love you with everything
Even my DNA.
Starry Sep 2019
Hill Morty.
When  you send me those gifs on Tumblr
I feel like I am special and worth somethingand desired. But no just by anyone but the most intelligent and loving young man and skilled  doctor on the planet. I wish to meet one day in the future.
Jae Elle May 2020
there exists in me
these reveries
that flutter ‘round
my bones
like the last time
you were in
my bed
& the first time we
were alone

your voice is
& it murmurs deep your
solemn sultry song;
it’s one I long to keep
before forever
turns too

I see your face
within his
& your will within
his wit
he inherited your
heart of
& being
a little ****

you find me in
your sunsets
in wisps of incense
you found me screaming
on the floor
the day I heard
you broke

I’ll love you in
your fire breaths
in creepy YouTube
I’ll hold you deep
inside my chest
each Rick & Morty

Davy will love
you in Pokemon
& the Pikachu hat
that was saved
but the greatest thing
he’ll ever own
was the love for him
you gave
three years.
I miss you so much.
Starry Sep 2019
Hill Morty
I just want you
To kiss me
Softly and gently
Under the moon
On the hospital roof
In the light
Of the moon
Like you said you would
And see that sparkle
In your eyes as we kiss

— The End —