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Anna 1d
Worms for dinner ! Worms for lunch
Worms wriggle in my red fruit punch
Anna 1d
who do you see in the mirror when it is dark ?
behind me lay the women, the girls the girl
I was
In various states of decay.
Anna Jul 3
How long does it last?
the roses wilt and leave, lifeless.
I dry them, beg them, bottle them.
Forever in a heart shaped jar
Forever sits on my alter and gathers dust
Taunts me

I used to be alive.
Anna Jun 18
Mouth open shove in the calories
As fast as I can chew it wipe my face
Another chomp I have the biggest waist I have seen
Fat oozing over my pants too big now to even try to hide
Sitting over I feel the rolls I avoid you
But I stare again and again I
Anna Jun 10
happiness eludes me like
a frightened rabbit run rabbit
I leave out lettuce
They eat at my table and leave
Anna Jun 9
believe it or not,
my silence bleeds
a pool of almost purple.
it runs down my chin
drips onto the carpet.
you can follow the trail
spelling nothing, nothing
Anna May 11
these trees hang heavy hollow
if you’re small enough you
Might have a home
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