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m Apr 2019
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
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happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
happy is a lie
If orangutans become extinct then the co-existing species will also become extinct. This is because the orangutan is a keystone species and those co-existing species rely on the orangutans to live.


































The Good Pussy Nov 2014
                        happy happy
                      happy happy ha
                     ppy happy happy
                      happy happy ha
                      ppy happy happ
                      y  happy  happy
                      happy happy ha
                      ppy happy happ
                      y  happy   happy
                      happy happy ha
                      ppy happy happ
                      y   happy  happy
                      happy happy ha
                      ppy happy happ
                      y   happy  happy
         happy happy        happy happy
      happy happy ha    ppy happy happy
    happy happy hap   ppy happy happy
        happy happy          happy happy
Jay Sep 2019
I never thought I would
Be this in love again.
But I am.
I miss you when you aren't around,
I adore everything about you.
Your smile makes me happy.
Your cheeks make me happy.
Your eyelashes make me happy.
Your lips make me happy.
Your eyes make me happy.
Every individual hair on your face makes me happy.
Your hair makes me happy.
Your ears make me happy.
Your neck makes me happy.
Your tongue makes me happy.
Your shoulders make me happy.
Your chest makes me happy.
Your stomach makes me happy.
Your back makes me happy.
Your arms make me happy.
Your hands make me happy.
Your fingers make me happy.
Your legs make me happy.
Your *** makes me happy.
Your feet make me happy.
Your chin makes me happy.
How you stand makes me happy.
How you look at me makes me happy.
The way you rap makes me happy.
How much you love music makes me happy.
The way you kiss me makes me happy.
The way you touch me makes me happy.
The way you taste makes me happy.
The way you shake makes me happy.
The control you exert makes me happy.
Your dominance makes me happy.
How chill you are makes me happy.
How much you loves me makes me happy.
The way you own me makes me happy.
The way you set rules for me makes me happy.
When you tell me what to do it makes me happy.
Being able to serve you makes me happy.
Being able to be controlled by you makes me happy.
How you expose me to new things makes me happy.
How you teach me makes me happy.
How you praise me makes me happy.
Every single thing about you makes me happy,
And that's hard for me to handle.
I have never loved anyone this absolutely.
But I love you.
Right now,
I want to forever be with you.
And that may not be what fate has in store for us,
But by the gods,
I hope it is.
Because I would love to spend my entire life with you.
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                          happy happy
                         happy    happy
                        happy happy ha
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
                          happy happy
            happy happy       happy happy
         happy    happy    happy     happy
           happy happy        happy happy
                  happy.                  happy
Hello Daisies Jun 2022
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
b e happy
Be h a ..ppy
Be happy
Be happy
Be HAppy
Be haPPY

H A  P P Y

I'm trying to remember
To be happy
They say it's a choice
I just have to tell myself
Stop crying
Be happy
I keep telling myself
Stop crying
Be happy
I'll repeat myself
Stop crying
Be happy
When will it work
Or will I just keep
Repeating myself
Stop crying
Be happy
The words lose meaning
It's just gibberish
It's mush
I'm mush
Can I love myself
Can I believe myself
Can I choose to leave
My suffering
I want to stop crying
I want to stop breaking
My own heart
It hurts
So everything hurts
Down the hole I go
Dark and desperate
Crying all the time
But if I tell myself
To smile
Will it help
For awhile
Then I'll fall
Crash into the abyss
My solitude
Give me no gratitude
Let me loathe myself
Til I can climb the hole
And breathe again
Does it really work
I keep trying
A broken record
I'm annoying for sure
But here I go

Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
Be happy
I can't seem to just
Be happy
Let my body rest
Let me do things I love
I can always climb above
But it takes me unreasonably long
To stop the dreadful song
And just be ******* happy
Or least
Halfway content

That isn't
This suffering
Love myself
And forgive myself
And forget the bad
And be
For just
A minute
Are you happy of what you left?
All the pain and hurt I’ve kept;
You’ll never know,
The doubt upon me you did bestow,

Are you happy you fled so fast?
Fleeing the love you so eager grasped,
Are you happy of the rules you escaped,
Because you couldn’t help but try them break,

Are you happy of all the promises you never proved?
Are you so cruel you stay unmoved.
Are you happy of all you’ve denied?
All my expectations that you defied.

Are you happy that you lied?
Happy you went against for what I cried,
Having said words too premature?
Ignoring all I said to be of unsure,

Are you happy that you’re gone?
Are you happy that you’re wrong?
Guess your not,
And guess you are,
Because you’ve resorted to bullying me thus far,

Are you happy?
That we’re through?
So if you are whys it seems untrue.

Are you happy to escape my whines?
Because I didn’t fall for your practiced lines,
Are you happy you escaped the standards I preach?
A standard your sorry *** could never reach.

Are you happy for this bitter pill?
My broken heart your wicked thrill,
Are you happy you got your prize?
Until you got bored and wished rewards of a larger size,

Are you happy that you won?
Do you think me not strong?

Are you happy?
That you’re weak,
Because no man speaks the words you speak.

Are you happy to be a worm?
As for all the others you did so squirm,

Are you happy?
That I hurt,
Are you happy?
Are you dirt?

Are you content with what you’ve done?
Are you happy with this story you have spun?

Are you happy that little’s been?
Are you happy that things go unseen?

Why can’t you just let me walk away?
Why do you play these games where I must stay?

Are you happy?

I doubt it true,
Because some what I believe you do rue,
It explains of the methods you choose,
Those methods you use to my protected heart ruse.

Are you happy of it all gone wrong?
Are you happy that together we will never belong?
Jack Jul 2014

Happy Birthday Wishes Sye

Sye, a few of your friends wanted to send you happy wishes on this
your 17th birthday. I hope you enjoy this.  


Happy Birthday Sweet Niece!
Sye, you are beyond amazing in your talents for writing, your beauty of soul and your caring and compassion. What a gift to our community on HP and the entire Universe that you are here! I am so very glad I met you!!! I hope this birthday and the year ahead are the best ever for you!
With much love,
Aunt Pamela


Seventeen, as cute as seven.
Funny as Hell, sweet as Heaven.
It's not hard to grasp just why
We love you so deeply, Sye.

Birthday hugs from Norway!


Sweet Seventeen, a year so Sweet to bring Your Dreams into the World, Live them Proud and True, just for You!!
I Wish You a Very Happy Birthday Sye!
~ Venusoul7~


Happy Birthday "Daughter"
You are a Blessing who touches each life you enter,(as you have mine)
My wish for you this day, is that the Love and Happiness return to you ten-fold.
Happy B-Day Sweetheart! Paula


Hippy buffday to you!
Wishing you blessings anew
May your days be
Full of sunshine and laughter
And joyful songs too ***
Petal Pie


Happy Birthday Sye

A day of Celebration
of contemplation
The last remains of a year
The dawn of the new

A dawn...
Filled with wonder
With beauty
An adventure

Bask in the sunshine
Embrace the rain
From pain
Do you grow

My wish for you...

Live life
Open hearted

Your flower is blooming
Revealing the beauty
Within your heart and soul

Kelly Rose


17 candles a top the fruit cake
Your friends and family
Nigh to celebrate this great milestone
Wine glasses raised~
In honor of you
God has added yet another year
May your life be filled with so much joy~
And good health be your portion always
Happy birthday Sye…



May Sye have a wonderful birthday as wonderful as her poetry.
Briar Thornit


Hello young Sye on the occasion of your birthday. You are a young lady who has so much still to offer the world of poetry and you can only get better

Keep on writing Sye

Old man Joe


Happy Birthday Sye

Young at heart, a mind for words
may you have a day of joy,
With many happy returns,
have fun let it all go its your day
so do what ever is your fancy
Have well remembered birthday fun :)

Poetic T :)


Only friends for a while
yet I know you're so kind
with that beautiful smile
you'll never be left behind

This wee bonnie lass
has a birthday today
such a kind and sweet soul
in our hearts she'll forever remain

Have a fantastic day Sye **



Tae Sye

Wi' a' the monie ways tae say,
I find I lack skill;
Tae ye, wi' a' me greetings lay,
Pray, o't, tak yowre fill!

Och, sic a bonnie lass as ye,
My hearty blessin';
Sae monie mowre ye Birthdays be,
Wi' a' the dressin'!

'Tis a sma' thing tae say,
Happy, Happy, Birthday!

'Tis a' for thee
Dear S. Y. E.



Princess Sye you are amazing:) I have came to learn so much by you, and you have been a wonderful friend to me:) I hope this birthday finds you well:) Miles of smiles and much love always:)

Jonathan E Furches


betterdays 2 days ago
hello sye
my understanding is it is your17th birthday honour of that and your amorevolous nature
i give you, these word gifts.
two quotes:
"blessed are the curious,
for they shall have
Lovelle Drachman.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"
attributed to,
Audrey Hepburn
but really Sam Lenvenson.
my best wishes for a, eellogofusciouhipopp-okunurious (good)
hugs and kisses
p.s.amorevolous- loving and giving beyond self, nature.


Dear Sye,

Uh - 17. Young enough to be stupidly foolish and wise enough not to realize it. Your writing has touched many, including me. Thanks for sharing your inner self. Happiest of Birthdays to you Miss Sye. Wishes for many happy returns of the Day.
Your friend in poetry, Kim


"I look at you and see so much promise
so full of life and always ready to help
although I have not known you much
I can see your beautiful soul through your words.
You turn 17 today and my wish for you is simple,
I hope you have enough courage to stand your ground,
to write what's true to you and do all that you love,
that you follow your dreams and
be the beautiful woman you were meant to be.

Happy Birthday, Sye :)
- H.U."


Sye as in sigh but also the world, from Korea to marine flag languages and morse code like this ...-.--.
I saw your name as a barcode while shopping for words,
these are what I bought: Happy Birthday to you Sye the World.

Regis Keuren


Sweet sixteen plus one
Oh what fun
The Sye flower will blossom
More and more so awesome.
She is loved by many here
Who find her so Dear.
Happy Birthday Dear Sye
Now you may cry.

Grandpa john


Happy birthday to my beautiful little sis! I wish you the most spectacular of days and the best of years. You deserve all the happiness and love, life has to offer!

You have been such a great friend and are always so kind and supportive. You amaze me with your wisdom and talent, sweet one. I am in awe of you, gorgeous! I feel so blessed to have met you!


The radiance
Beaming from
Your golden heart
Eclipses the sun
Sending light
And love
To all who bask
In the warmth
Of your sweet

Love you Sye!

Your adoring sis,


Thank you Sye for your excellent poetry as it's a gift to us all. Best of wishes on your birthday; you deserve all of the attention you get and, thanks to Jacks rally of poets, this attention can get to you. With pleasure, I salute thee -

Peter Watkins


Happy Birthday Sye! You are going to go so far in this world sweetie! Have an amazing day my friend! Continue to write amazing poetry.
Peace and Love


Birthday wishes sent to you in hope that all your dreams come true x

Calpurnia Mockingbird


Oh, my Sye, my sweet, sweet, Sye
Wonderful sister and dear poet of mine
Words emerge from your stunning mind
And paint visions for all to read
But today is not about what you create
It's what God created 17 years ago
A wonderful person and talented friend
My non-blood sister to the end
Happy birthday my dear sister
Today is dedicated solely for you
Live it up and enjoy the wonders of life
And make sure to get some cake too!

Madalyn Beck


And now it is my turn. To my sweetest friend on your special day…
As you look above and see all of these people, your friends and family
from Hellopoetry sending you love and beautiful birthday wishes,
I want you to know that you are my best friend in the entire world
and I wish you all that makes you smile, every happiness and joy
this coming year and those to follow have to offer.

Happy Birthday sweet Sye.

Your smile lights the world,

Thank you to everyone who participated in this with me. I appreciate your kindness more than you know.
Mark Toney Jun 2020

Happy o
Happy or
Happy or d
Happy or de
Happy or dep
Happy or depr
Happy or depres
Happy or depress
Happy or depresse
Happy or depressed
Happy or depresse
Happy or depress
Happy or depres
Happy or depre
Happy or depr
Happy or dep
Happy or de
Happy or d
Happy or
Happy o
Life i
Life is
Life is a
Life is a b
Life is a ba
Life is a bal
Life is a bala
Life is a balan
Life is a balanc
Life is a balanci
Life is a balancin
Life is a balancing
Life is a balancing a
Life is a balancing ac
Life is a balancing act
Life is a balancing ac
Life is a balancing a
Life is a balancing
Life is a balancin
Life is a balanci
Life is a balanc
Life is a balan
Life is a bala
Life is a bal
Life is a ba
Life is a b
Life is a
Life is
Life i
So e
So ea
So eas
So easy
So easy t
So easy to
So easy to s
So easy to sl
So easy to sli
So easy to slip
So easy to slip a
So easy to slip an
So easy to slip and
So easy to slip and f
So easy to slip and fa
So easy to slip and fal
So easy to slip and fall
So easy to slip and fal
So easy to slip and fa
So easy to slip and f
So easy to slip and
So easy to slip an
So easy to slip a
So easy to slip  
So easy to sli
So easy to sl
So easy to s
So easy to
So easy t
So easy
So eas
So ea
So e
Moods t
Moods th
Moods tha
Moods that
Moods that f
Moods that fa
Moods that fal
Moods that fall
Moods that fall c
Moods that fall ca
Moods that fall can
Moods that fall can r
Moods that fall can ri
Moods that fall can ris
Moods that fall can rise
Moods that fall can rise a
Moods that fall can rise ag
Moods that fall can rise aga
Moods that fall can rise agai
Moods that fall can rise again
Moods that fall can rise agai
Moods that fall can rise aga
Moods that fall can rise ag
Moods that fall can rise a
Moods that fall can rise
Moods that fall can ris
Moods that fall can ri
Moods that fall can r
Moods that fall can
Moods that fall ca
Moods that fall c
Moods that fall
Moods that fal
Moods that fa
Moods that f
Moods that
Moods tha
Moods th
Moods t
Wait for tomorrow’s new day
6/21/2020 - Poetry form: Shape - This was inspired by fellow HelloPoetry poet Riley Cartwright’s shape poem “The Music in My Head.” Thank you, Riley - © 2020 Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
i am a happy happy happy dude

if you say i am not happy your being rude

cause i am a happy happy happy dude

every single day of the year

computer people can be happy too yeah yeah yeah mate yeah

i am a happy happy happy dude

i can’t stand negative *****

cause even in times i don’t look happy

i am the happiest dude around

happy happy happy dude, as i do my art

my art makes the world really positive

and that is what i try to be

fruit salad yummy yummy

right now for my tummy

people who tease me are negative *****

who use their big boy power to get what he wants

cause i am happy individual; as happy as can be

i don’t have a job but i still am so happy

if your happy and you know it do a ****

if your happy and you know it do a ****

if your happy and you know it

and i rather stop bothering me

cause i am a positive person every day

come on negative and truthful ***** show us your cool side

partying is only for positive people like me

if your happy and you know it do a ****

if your happy and you know it do a ****

if your happy and you know it, and negative ***** should *******

away from me, with their negativity

cause i am a positive dude, better than being all rude

i hate you if your negative, ya stupid old loomarri

i am so positive, i am really positive

the messiah is the messiah of death

and i am the king of living life

yummy yummy yummy i got love in my tummy

i think that saying i am a bigger boy is negative

and i am positive, really really positive

dad a tad negative until he grew old, but he still believes in fighting

i don’t believe in violence i am too positive for that

i believe in being nice to everyone we meet

come on aussies be positive like brian allan

come on buddhists be positive like brian allan

the messiah teases like a negative ****,, AND I AM NOT NEGATIVE


Raj Arumugam Jan 2012
See see Papa Trench Bottom
dig in the mines happily, laugh ha ha happily
and drink at night and hear him
snore before the day
happy happy Papa Trench Bottom
he he he he he ha ha happy happy
at home and at work
See see Mama Big Bottom
she she she he he ha ha happy
Dance happily Cook with joy
toss with levity
and puts dishes aplenty on the table
for all in the family to eat and be merry
See see Teenage Tough Dude
he he he happily walks in the streets
Cool at school
Very Pop with the babes
and eating lots at home, with gravity
very serious in look, sparse in his words
but loves his mom, dad and sis
deep deep within, ha ha happily happily
Happy Happy Teenage Cool Dude
And see Sister Barbie Doll Pretty
Curls and dimples and cute smiles all
Happy hours in the ha ha bathroom
many more hours texting and chatting
and lots and lots of FaceTime
Happy happy walking ****
all the way to work
and chirping all day like a Paradise Bird
at work at the Rainbow Fast Food Outlet
happy happy talking talking all workday
Ah See Happy happy he he he
she she she happy happy Family
Trench Bottom family he he he
and she she she all day and night
Happy happy Trench Bottoms
Happy happy he he ha ha Happy Family always
andy fardell Dec 2011
Soon be Christmas ...a special day
lots of pressies from Santa's sleigh
children be good or as they say
no big parcels coming your way

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas

Lights from the tree burn and glow
showing the way for santa to go
children waking from little no sleep
parents craving another 2 winks

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas

4am and Santa's been
all those wishes a dreamers dream
wrapping and squeals in lots of houses
turkey in now sherry starters

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas
andy fardell Dec 2012
Soon be Christmas ...a special day
Lots of pressies from Santa's sleigh
Children be good or as they say
No big parcels coming your way

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas

Lights from the tree burn and glow
Showing the way for Santa to go
Children waking from little no sleep
Parents craving another 2 winks

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas

4am and Santa's been
All those wishes a dreamers dream
Wrapping and squeals in lots of houses
Turkey in now sherry starters

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas
Wuji Mar 2012
You break my heart,
You move along,
And you are happy.

On to the next,
The next new best,
And you are happy.

You traded up,
I fell right down,
And you are happy.

Happy you were right,
Happy I was wrong.
Sad that you aren't tight,
Mad I saw your thong.

You conceited *****,
I built you up,
And you are happy.

Spread rumors like,
They're STDs,
And you are happy.

All of our love,
Been burned away,
And you are happy.

Happy you were right,
Happy I was wrong.
Sad that you aren't tight,
Mad I saw your thong.

See me with,
Someone new,
And you are happy.

Rose my fist,
Flipped you off,
And you are happy.

Called you a *****,
An open door,
And you are happy.

Happy you were right,
Happy I was wrong.
Sad that you aren't tight,
Mad I saw your thong.

Sad and alone,
All by yourself,
And you are happy.

Crying over,
Past memories,
And you are happy.

Cursed every,
Word you've said,
And you are happy.

Aren't you happy you were right?
I'm happy I was wrong.
Sad that you're even less tight?
Mad they all saw your thong?
I am happy.
Matt gonzales Mar 2015
People always say everything is temporary and thats what my happiness is like. you see my happiness and depression are polar opposites my depression looms over me like a storm while my happiness is like the little rays of sunlight that break through the storm every once in a while.
well you see i have compiled a list of things that qualify as “my happy”
My happy is when i can eat an entire ******* chocolate cake and not feel like a total fat *** afterwards
My happy is falling in love with a band or artist music and listening to them no stop for a entire ******* month.
My happy is finding a good anime and binge watching in a entire night
My happy Is finding a book and reading it within a day.
My happy is when you invite me over to your house to play with your cat.
My happy is a cup of tea in the morning

My happy is when I play pokemon
My happy is when im driving down the highway at 70 miles per hour with the window rolled down blasting  MCR
My happy  is when i can pull my self from the sheets of my bed that are weighing me down to go and take on the day.
My happy is when I chase the dragons smoke and it  engulfs my lungs with a hug like a relative who is visiting out of town.
My happy is the day i will wake up and the other side of my bed wont be empty reminding me that I’m always alone
My happy is when I down my pills that take away the pain.
My happy is when I am up in my glass castle in the sky where nothing can touch me or hurt me.

but you see the thing is its only temporary then I come crashing down like a angle that has just defied god.
as I lay in the shattered pieces of my castles memories of happiness reflect off the glass like movies that I can only watch but never truly live.
My happy is when I can go through the day without ever wondering whats the worst possible thing that could happen to me.

My happy is knowing that I made it this far.
See the thing is I saw my self not making it because I thought i was going to be in a body bag at the age of 15 with my wrist slit and have some ****** funeral service where people whispered lies over my casket like “i wish i got to know him better”

My happy is knowing that I will leave this town in five months time
My happy is knowing that I will never get to see your face again.
My happy is knowing that I will never have to deal with high school again.
My happy is knowing that I will someday find that permanent  happiness
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy +

If was a ship
and i saw me sailing
in an Ocean of Dreams.
I could look up in the sky,
i would tell me what i see,
look at them Shiny, Shiny;
all above me.
And the more i see me,
the convinced i'll be,
And that makes me
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy.

If i was a bird
and i saw me flying
in the fluffy Clouds of Peace.
I could look down to see all that is green,
i would tell me what i see,
look at them Glossy, Glossy
all under me.
And the more i see them,
the more am convinced
and invisible to jealousy;
And that makes me
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy.

merry happy buddha of all

happy buddha is here again

cheering go get ‘em fella to be ready to shrive again

making people laugh again

happy buddha us here again

you see buddha checks on the women and men

and buddha checks tom **** and harry

and my good mate ben

everyone is saying, yeah

the happy buddha is here again

go happy go happy buddha

go happy go happy buddha

the mighty buddha has reigned supreme

no matter what your voices really mean

ready to pump some iron again

ready to party for everyone

yeah happy buddha is here again

you see we never tell our secrets, no

because if we do, noone will show

here in this place where we meet and pray

happy buddha is here again

happy buddha is here again

go happy go happy go happy buddha

go happy go happy go happy buddha

for now the mighty buddha has reigned

happy buddha is here again

he is making the sky appear blue again

and the devil will get ya if ya don’t get to buddhas side

and that’s the truth
Mims Jan 2020
I  was so happy to have him after i lost you
i  WAS  so happy to have him after i lost you
i was  SO  happy to have him after i lost you
i was so  HAPPY  to have him after i lost you
i was so happy  TO  have him after i lost you
i was so happy to  HAVE  him after i lost you
i was so happy to have  HIM  after i lost you
i was so happy to have him  AFTER  i lost you
i was so happy to have him after  I  lost you
i was so happy to have him after i  LOST  you
i was so happy to have him after i lost YOU

no matter what part you choose to emphasize, the phrase stays the same. over and over again, i repeat it. i lost you, now i have him, over and over and over again.

I  was so happy to have him after i lost you
i  WAS  so happy to have him after i lost you
i was  SO  happy to have him after i lost you  
i was so  HAPPY  to have him after i lost you

i was so happy to have him after  I lost you
i was so happy to have him after i LOST you
i was so happy to have him after i lost YOU
-i lost you
Be happy,
You are alive,
Be happy,
You can read,
Be happy,
You can write,
Be happy,
Life is hope,
Be happy,
You are loved,
Be happy,
You are you,
Be happy,
You add value,
Be happy,
You are important,
Be happy,
You really matter,
Be happy,
You have purpose,
Be happy,
God loves you,
Be happy.
Be happy.
You are hope,
Be happy.
You are life,
Be happy.
You have food,
Be happy,
You have water,
Be happy.
So many reasons to be happy,be happy. Do not take your life for granted because others wish they had what you have.
What is Happiness? Is it Success?
Is it Achievement that creates so much stress?
Success creates money that creates Pleasure and Bliss
But this is not what true Happiness is!

Happiness is not money, otherwise the rich would be glad!
There are people who are successful, why are they sad?
Happiness is not Pleasure that depends on many a thing
True Happiness is Peace, it is a state of being

Who doesn't want to be Happy?
Who wants to be Sad?
There may be a few, but they are then mad!
Everybody in this world wants to be Happy, wants to smile
But most have miseries that are longer than the Nile!

Money can buy pleasure, but it can't buy Happiness
Money can buy medicines, but health we can miss
Money can buy a diamond ring but love it cannot bring
Money cannot buy Bliss, though it can buy many a thing

Happiness is like a shadow which we cannot chase
Further it goes away, when you are in a race
Those who seek success may become an ace
But they are sure to end in the misery maze!

Happiness is something that everyone seeks
Happiness can be found on three little peaks
The first peak is Achievement, the second is Fulfillment
But the ultimate Happiness comes with Enlightenment

On the first peak of Happiness, what we get is Pleasure
We become Happy because of material treasure
The Happiness on this peak is not very strong
We are Happy for a moment, but it does not last long

The second peak of Happiness is called Fulfillment
It comes from being satisfied, living with Contentment
It is letting go of Pleasure that comes from Achievement
And living with Peace which gives Bliss that is consistent

But while we have Pleasure and while we have Peace
We will have Sorrow that will make our Bliss cease
If we want to be Happy, then Life's Purpose we must find
This is Enlightenment, it is transcending the mind

The Mind is a monkey, it steals our Peace
It makes us desire and it continues to tease
It swings like a monkey to a past that is gone
And robs our Bliss because of a future not yet born

If we want to be Happy, we must still the Mind
We must be still, Consciousness we must find
In this state, we are not caught in a thought
But this Bliss to enjoy, we sadly forgot!

Because we are chasing money, success and wealth
We lose our Life, we lose our health
We may have all the money that can give us pleasure
But we will not attain Peace which is the real treasure

Peace is the foundation of Happiness
Where there is no Peace, there cannot be Bliss
Therefore, we must make sure not to lose Peace of Mind
Then, true Bliss and ecstasy in life we will find

Far happier are those who have Peace in their tank
Than those who have a lot of money in their bank
Money is important, but it can't buy Happiness
With money, can you go shopping for Bliss?

But more important than pleasure and peace, is this
Finding Purpose leads to true Happiness
Who am I? Why did I come to earth?
True Bliss is realizing the purpose of this birth

When we overcome ignorance and we realize the Truth
We are free from sorrow when we get to the root
When we realize we are not the Body, Ego or Mind
All misery and suffering, we leave behind!

But to reach this state of Enlightenment is rare
To be Enlightened in Life, not many people care
We are ignorant that from misery we can be free
If we evolve on the Happiness peaks, from one to three

Everybody who is born must suffer pain
We become miserable again and again
But the one who realizes that who suffers is not me
He from the triple suffering is free

Because we think we are the Body, we suffer aches and pain
Because of the Ego, we are miserable again
Because of the Mind, we live with worry and fear
The Ego, the Body, the Mind, create many a tear!

But once we realize we are none of the three
Then from all miseries, we can be free
We can live with Bliss and Peace Enlightenment makes all miseries cease

Happiness is thus, not what we are taught
Alas! In the Success race we are caught To make money, is our primary thought And what true Happiness is, we forgot!

If you want to be Happy, pause for a while
You can be always Blissful, with a smile
Don't try to become Happy, then, Happy you can be
If you realize you are the Soul, not Mind and Ego, ME

True Happiness is being in that state of Consciousness
True Bliss lies in a state of Thoughtlessness
When we **** the Monkey Mind, we can have true Happiness
But ******* the Mind, we don't know this

The Mind is like a monkey, notice EY is its tail
It is Ever Yelling and Ever Yearning and it makes us fail
When we still the Mind, and its desires that create a thirst
Then we conquer Sorrow, that otherwise makes us burst!

There are many ways to be Happy and be glad
Count your blessings and you will never be sad
Discover True Love, the fountain of Bliss These are simple ways to Happiness

Success is not Happiness,
Happiness is Success
Those who don't realize this, end their life in a mess
They just zoom from the womb to the tomb
And all they have is misery and gloom

Instead, look at the Yogi who is always in Bliss
He is never in a state of unhappiness
Ever-united with the Divine, he knows it's all a show
Nothing is ours, the Yogi knows that we come and go

Do you want to be Happy? Then Happy you can be
Then realize that the peaks of Happiness are three
If you run after Success, Happy you will never be!
But if you are enlightened, from misery you will be free

To be Happy, you must live in the 'Now’
To be Happy, you must take a vow
Moment by moment, enjoy this treasure called life
Be enlightened, and you will be free from strife

Are all Successful people Happy? The answer is ‘no!'
But all Happy people are Successful, this truth we must know
We must realize the truth that life is a show
We will live with Peace, Love and Bliss, and go!

Not only will we be free from all suffering on earth
Realization will free us from Rebirth
It will free us from Fear, Worry, Anxiety and Stress
And give us Joy, Love, Peace and Bliss

So are you seeking Pleasure?
Are you seeking Happiness, Peace and Bliss?
Then Evolve from one Peak to another Peak
And you will attain the Eternal Happiness you seek.
What’s the use of crying, in a Yesterday that’s gone?
What’s the point of worrying, in a Tomorrow not yet born?
Why not live in bliss and joy and peace?
In the present moment be happy, be happy, can we please?

Be happy in the NOW, this moment is a Gift
Smile and dance and celebrate, don’t just exist or drift
It is in this moment, that we can choose to be happy and glad Let’s not
lose this moment, to memories that make us sad

Yesterday is a place, that we just can’t go
The past is an illusion, it’s like a dream- a stage show
There is no way of being happy, in a moment that has passed
The only thing it will give us, regrets that will last

The future doesn’t exist, it’s just another dream
It looks so very real, as long as we worry and scream
How can we be happy in an illusion of the mind?
Let’s wake up to the NOW, let’s not be blind

Everybody wants to be happy, who doesn’t want this gift?
Who doesn’t want to enjoy their life with a lift?
Everybody wants pleasure, nobody wants pain
But they look for it in wrong places, stressed and in vain

Of course, we can be happy, in every moment of life
It’s a choice for us to live, with happiness or strife
If we decide that we want bliss, joy, and peace
Then we must be happy before this moment will cease

Happiness is not only becoming a millionaire in this world
Are the rich the only ones happy? See this truth unfold
There are many who are fulfilled and content in life
Though they have little, they are happy and they smile

What’s the secret of happiness? It’s being happy in the NOW
Not shuttling from the past to the future, we must not go
We must learn to remain in the present moment with ease
Then bliss, joy, and happiness will blow like the breeze

Our mind is like a monkey, it jumps here and there It doesn’t let us be happy,it wanders like a hare
If we truly want happiness, turn the monkey into a monk Being in the present moment fixed like a tree runk
The way to joy is ‘Surrender’, to the Lord’s divine will
Not living with hope and expectations, not worrying about bills

The future will unfold, as per the Lord’s divine plan It’s for us to be happy, whatever comes in our pan
Why live in regrets, of the past that’s already gone
It’s the Master’s wish that happened, why regret all that’s done?
The way to joy is to accept the Lord’s divine will And not curse and nurse, and rehearse every ill

Happiness is simple, if we learn to live in the NOW
Joy and bliss are possible, for those who go with the now It’s not in the
future, nor in the past, but in the present
We must realize that happiness happens moment by moment

Be happy in the NOW, that’s the only way to be
Don’t be worried in tomorrow, to there we cannot see
Don’t rehearse the past that’s dead and gone
Be happy in this moment, as if we were just born
Spiritual Poem By AiR
olb Nov 2017
happy is when you feel those butterflies for the first time
happy is being nervous on you're first date
happy is when you can be yourself around a new person
happy is when you can feel someone looking over and smiling at you
happy is not being able to contain your smile
happy is laughing all night long because of the person you're with
happy is when someone looks at you and smiles
happy is being spontaneous
happy is the little things like watching your favorite tv show
happy is sweet gestures like hand holding
happy is sharing thoughts and feelings
happy is not wanting to leave
happy is looking up at the stars at 11:30
happy is having the best hug of your life and not wanting to let go
happy is not being able to sleep because they're all you think about,
but when you do fall asleep you still have a smile on your face
happy is waking up with that same smile still on your face
i can't begin to explain how happy i am. it's crazy
Do you want to be Happy? Do you want to Smile? Do you want to remain in Bliss, all the while?
Do you want to Discover, how to always be Glad?
Do you want Freedom from being miserable and sad?
Then, just follow the A to Z of Happiness
And you will reach the state of Eternal Bliss

What is happiness? Do you even know?
It's about that Smile that gives your face a glow
It is being Joyous, it is being Blissful
It is being Peaceful, it is being Cheerful
True Happiness is being free from misery and stress
It is Eternal Happiness that comes from Truth Consciousness

We have been taught that Happiness is Pleasure
Believing in this myth, we have lost the Treasure!
We believe that Success is Happiness and seek Achievement
We don’t realize that true Happiness is Fulfilment!
We are so lost in a life of excitement
We don’t discover the ultimate peak of Enlightenment

Happiness is not Pleasure that comes from winning a race
When will we get out of the anxiety of the chase?
True Happiness is living in Tranquillity and Peace
It is a state where all miseries cease
The Truly Happy one discovers the Purpose of his Birth
Blissful is he, who knows why he came to earth!

We all seek Pleasure, we don’t want Pain
But why do we become unhappy, again and again?
We want to experience Peace, Love and Bliss
But we live in Fear, Anxiety and Unhappiness!
Little do we realize that the culprit is the Mind
It steals our Joy and Peace, making us Blind!

If we want to be Happy, we must flip from NEP to PEP
From Negative to Positive, first, we must take this step
We must **** the Mind that says, it’s King
Still the monkey that causes suffering!
We must pull the Triggers that will make us Glad
And eliminate those Joy Stealers that make us Sad!

There is a way to be Happy, at all times
It is not just about Money, Nickels and Dimes!
Of course, Money can give us Pleasure, it can make us Smile
But Money can’t buy Happiness, all the while!
If we want that state of Ultimate Happiness
We must flip from Mind to Consciousness

Let us learn the Secrets that can create Bliss
Make others Happy and you can have Happiness
We can be Happy if we Give before we are gone
And not be miserable and again be Reborn!
If we discover Karma, the Law of Action
We can learn to be Happy without a toxic Reaction

The Secret of Happiness is to Accept, not to Wonder
To eliminate all Hope and live in Surrender
Happiness is neither in a ‘Yesterday’ that is gone
Nor is Happiness in ‘Tomorrow’, not yet born!
Truly Happy is the one who makes this vow
He will be Happy, ‘Today’, living in the ‘Now’

If you want Eternal Happiness, start a Quest
Unlearn what you have learned, put your beliefs to test
Happiness is something else, get to the root
Overcome Ignorance and realize the Truth
To be Happy, first tame your Monkey Mind
Then, Bliss, Love and Peace, you will Find!

Eternal Happiness is when we discover the Purpose of Life
Then, we are free from all misery and strife
When we realize, we are not the Body, Ego or the Mind
We are the Divine Soul, when this Truth we find
Then, we are Liberated from the Triple Suffering on earth
We can sing, dance and live with Mirth

To be Truly Happy, we must achieve this Goal
Not live as the Body or Mind but as the Soul
We must realize this world is a Leela, a Cosmic Show
We are mere actors, we come and we go
When we realize that everything is Maya, a Cosmic Illusion
Then, we escape from all sadness and delusion!

Enlightenment is the Ultimate Peak of Bliss, of Happiness
It is a state of living in Consciousness
It is living like a Yogi, in Eternal Bliss
United with the Divine, free from unhappiness
Just learn the Happy Mantra and live in Bliss Just follow The A to Z of Happiness

Happiness is a Paradox, don’t try to be Glad
‘I want to be Happy!’ this will make you Sad
Happiness is within, for Bliss, do not search
Don’t think you will be Happy in a temple or a church
Rejoice in ‘Today’! Don’t think you will be Happy ‘Tomorrow’!
Just choose to be Happy and wipe away all Sorrow

If you really want to be Happy, just listen to me!
For I have learned how, from Misery, to be Free!
I have myself evolved from Achievement to Fulfilment
I have experienced the Bliss that comes from Enlightenment
Just follow me and you are sure to live with a Smile
My A to Z will give you Bliss, all the while!
andy fardell Dec 2011
The longest night begins from the longest day
as past the year departs us
thus old brings in the new ..
a new day for living
a new year born from past

Happy new year happy new year
still drinking Christmas cheer
happy new year happy new year
a toast for all to share
happy new year ...happy new year ...happy new year

the auld lang syne departs from lips
holding hands release from grasped
as words sure tumble out
stuttered from the taste of golden stout
a new bore out a drunken hast

Happy new year happy new year
still drinking Christmas cheer
happy new year happy new year
a toast for all to share
happy new year ...happy new year ...happy new year

go celebrate the new go celebrate in style
and sing into tomoro sigh ..
a difference in a different style

Jipi Jay...Jipi Jay
sing to our friends not seen any more
Canción del adiós..Ce n'est qu'un au revoir mes frères
a toast for all to share
Τραγούδι Αποχωρισμού...Happy new year......
Llegó la hora de decir adiós, digamos, al partir, nuestra canción
oh yes, i'm so happy
cause i get to hear your lies
i'm so happy

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you tell lies on me
i'm so happy

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you call me names
i'm so happy
i'v fame!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you break your promises
i'm so happy
i'm joyous!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you gave me some attention
i'm so happy
i'm in heaven!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause i get to be used
i'm so happy
i'm amused!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you spare me a few minutes
i'm so happy
i must be nuts!

oh yes, i'm so happy
cause you let me love you
i'm so happy
i'm through with you!

oh yes, if i was so happy
cause of you
i'll be happier
now without you!
Eva May 2020
Happy Mother’s Day to the person who’s always with me
To the one who helped me become the person I’m today
To the one who taught me to treat others how I treat myself

Happy Mother’s Day to the person whose approval I craved
To the one who helped me understand that nobody will ever care for me
To the one who taught me that I’m a piece of garbage myself

Happy Mother’s Day to the person whose laugh I was scared of
To the one who helped me know that I’m undeserving of love
To the one who taught me to hate the mirror image of myself

Happy Mother’s Day to the person whose voice haunts me
To the one who helped me avoid responsibility and criticism
To the one who taught me reasons why I should **** myself

Happy Mother’s Day to the person who made me scared of thinking
To the one who helped me breed hate in who fundamentally am
To the one who taught me that others will always be better than myself

Happy Mother’s Day to the person who made feel guilty of my depression
To the one who helped me find innovative ways to hurt me without a trail
To the one who taught me that everything wrong is a fault in myself

Happy Mother’s Day to the person who made me a mom to my siblings
To the one who helped me get rid of my carefree childhood joy
To the one who taught me that in life one can only care for themself

Happy Mother’s Day to the person who isolated me of the ones I loved
To the one who helps me know my worth in negative numbers
To the one who taught me jealousy and that I'm hers  

Happy Mother’s Day to the person who fed me lies as facts
To the one who helped me befriend an ED princess
To the one who taught me that was the only way to be one

Happy Mother’s Day to the person who made me scared of accomplishing my dreams
To the one who helped me endure years of abuse and neglect as a mask for love
To the one who taught me that I could never be truly happy

Happy Mother's Day to the person who polluted the word mother for me
To the person who made me dread being a mother myself
To the person that I'm horrified of emulating and ******* other child's life up

Happy Mother's Day to my mom
This is poem I wrote for the woman that give birth to me on Mother’s Day 2020 after a big fight and a lot of crying. This represents that while many people are thankful for their wonderful mums, some of us don’t have a good relationship with our mother or aren’t close to our blood family or simply, not everyone has a mother. That’s okay. It’s that’s you, I send you love 💕
kitty Nov 2015
I’m so incredibly happy.
Happy in the light of a burning room
while my tequila spins me around like my lover, like my muse.
Happy when I sing, happy when I walk,
happy when there’s nothing to ignore,
happy when the only thing kissing my cheeks
is the marble lips of the bathroom floor.
I’m so happy when I cry, I’m so happy I could die.
My baby, my heart and my mind,
I’m so happy when you’re happier in her arms than mine.

I’m so incredibly happy.
So incredibly happy, it’s so incredibly sad.
The best I can find is at the bottom of a bottle,
tasting the bitter sting of everything we had.
A Mareship Sep 2013
Happy thing -
Come fiercely.
Bend me like a tulip at midnight,
Make something out of me,
Smoke out my *****
And saddle it in gemstones,
Gallop me like a tongue-twisted
Traveller into the
Whole globe’s bedrooms.

Happy happy thing -
Push me!
Make something out of me!
Kid me,
Front me,
Strike me dancing like a hot
Hand me cigarettes that I’ll light
From the last one,
And the second to last one,
And the next one.

Happy thing!
Ohhh come colourfully!
Make the world all-a-bright,
Make red as red as a big red love
Or a spitsuckled cherry gumdrop
Of red-red-red-red-red,
Make yellow smear itself
like crushed cats eyes,
Make pastels all pennysweets
And green so luminous that
Clock hands can’t even dream of it.

You beautiful
You happy happy happy thing…!
Songs are burning!
And planets are droaning!
And London is sleeeeeeping,
And the morning is leaping at me!
Is it leaping at you?

My happy thing,
Come noisily.
Sit with me jabbering,
******* with me,
Snog me,
Pull apart my face and
Absolutely ******* drench me
In come.

Happy thing,
Pierce me,
Make me a Sebastian,
Riddle me with spears and watch me
Laugh out the blood,

Happy thing,
Come quickly.
Take my hand and run with me.
They’re shooting at us,
Making saints of us,
And they’ll get us y’know, they’ll get us, they’ll get us –

Happy thing
Come on now dear,
I know the watercolours are running but
Don’t they look pretty
dropping as keenly as our tears –
being caught is just another reason to escape!

Happy thing,
Don’t swallow that.
Are we lowering ourselves?
Are they poking holes in us?
Oh no,
Are they sinking us?

Happy thing,
I hope you always
Come fiercely,
Colours aren’t the same now
And ******* is just a drone of biology.
I promise that
next time we'll be immortal.
Next time we’ll have learned
How to really, really run.
'manic depression...a frustrating mess...'
brandon nagley May 2015
Happy art thou who tradeth machinery for flesh lovers,
Happy art thou who push out technology for thine sisters and brothers!!!

Happy art thou who turn in gun's for roses,
Happy art thou who follow thy prophets, Abraham,Issac, Jacob,

Happy art thou who exchange war for true peace,
From west unto east shall thy binding's be treat's!!!

Happy art thou who give hugs and unforgiving kisses,
Happy art thou who miss someone, for I seek mine own Mrs!!

Happy art thou who travel carriageway,train,car, or van,
Happy art thou bikers who as free spirits ride the sands!!!

Happy art thou mother's who bear sacred children,
Happy art thou father's who giveth thy son's new buildings!!

Happy art thou man and wife to giveth thy other half thy self,
Happy art thou lovers,seekers,romantics ,went through heaven and hell!!!

Happy art thou lonlie's as' me
Us lonlies fly in the breeze,
Yet we are the ones at the top of the world's hill watching,

Afar off in the distance,

Waiting for god to take us home where we belong!!
Classy J Dec 2019
I hate ******* happy songs.
You know the ones that encourage you to sing along?

I hate those ******* happy songs.
You know the ones that get stuck in your head all day long?

With those repetitive melodies,
That bash the eardrums like a hammer.
Those **** happy songs.
With their optimistic audacity,
That tries to infect me like a cancer.

I just don’t understand?
Talking about sunshine and rainbows.
The type of **** I cannot stand.
When the government is listening to our convo’s in our condo’s.
Selling the info on demand.

I just don’t understand?
Clapping all our hands.
Or dancing like a maniac,
Which makes me think your either high,
Or just plain mad.

I hate ******* happy songs,
You know the ones that encourage you to sing along?

I hate those ******* happy songs.
You know the ones that get stuck in your head all day long?

With those repetitive melodies,
That bash the eardrums like a hammer.
Those **** happy songs.
With their optimistic audacity,
That tries to infect me like a cancer.

I just don’t understand?
They’re not even remotely realistic,
The type of I **** I just can’t stand.
With words that are not only dumb but simplistic.
I can’t tell if they are pacifistic or sadistic?
Torturing me with things I will never have.

I just don’t understand?
Clapping all our hands.
Or dancing like a maniac,
Which makes me think your either high,
Or just plain mad.

I hate ******* happy songs.
You know the ones that encourage you to sing along?

I hate those ******* happy songs.
You know the ones that get stuck in your head all day long?

With those repetitive melodies,
That bash the eardrums like a hammer.
Those **** happy songs.
With their optimistic audacity,
That tries to infect me like a cancer.

Yeah those **** happy songs.
That are way to long.
You know those **** happy songs.
That get wedged up one’s ***,
Like some thong.
You know those **** happy songs.
That the radio puts on repeat all day long.
You know those **** happy songs.
That bounce back and forth in your head like ping pong.
Yeah, I hate those ******* happy songs!
Oh, lord please just end this song!...
Thank, you!
JB Miller Oct 2020
Happy birthday.
Another year has gone by
And hopefully well spent.

I haven’t seen you this year,
Nor will I see you the next time I wish you a happy birthday.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen your face at all.
Or heard your voice,
Listened to your laugh,
Or seen your smile.

What happened?
What happened to us?
Why did we pull apart like we did?
I mean, I know why I walked away.
I walked away for my own sanity.

But you,
You don’t have an excuse.
No, you just walked out.
You just walked out and left me here.
Left me alone.
Left me broken and hurt and scared and sad.
Not knowing what in the hell to do with myself.
You left me here to bleed out.

But that was years ago, right?
So what?
The past is the past.
Doesn’t matter now.
Okay, I’ll accept that.

I’ll pick myself up and I’ll walk on.
But why is it that whenever I hear someone say my name
For a split second, I think it’s you?
Some days I’m disappointed when it’s not.
And other days
I hold my breath hoping it’s someone else.

Happy birthday.
Another year has gone by of you breaking promises.
Another year has gone by of you breaking hearts.
And treating the people that love you the most like ****.

Happy birthday.
Even though you never call me on mine.
Even though I remember your birthday better then I remember how to breathe in the morning.
No matter how much I try to forget your birthday I’ll never get it out of my head.
I’ll always remember the day you were born,
I mean, how could I forget the day that my worst nightmare was born.

Happy birthday
To the one that crushed me.

Happy birthday.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday.
I repeat it as if it is a mantra to give me my sanity back.

You don’t have to answer my texts,
That’s fine.
I just want you to know that I’m wishing you a happy birthday.
And for every year that you have the same number
I will continue to wish you a happy birthday.

I you feel like responding, you will text back,
How have you been?”

I will respond with,
“I’m doing fine,
How about you?”

And then you will go on a tirade for 20 or 30 minutes about how great your life is
Or how sad it is.
And then you’ll ask me,
“So, what've you been up to?”

And I’ll probably get one "I've been good" out before you say,
“Yeah, that’s nice.
It’s been good talking to you.

And I’ll sit there holding my phone in some state of shock.
I’ll try to replay the conversation.
Trying to replay every one of our conversations.
Trying to see where it went wrong.
Trying to figure out where the laughs and the “how are you”s and the “oh my gosh I missed you”s
Turned into “I can’t stand this conversation.”
“Make her shut up.”
“I have to go.”
Where did that switch happen?

Even though you treat me like **** and looking back you always have.
Even though you took the person I was and you pushed her away.
And you pushed her inside a box and stuck her in some damp closet where I couldn’t reach her.
Even though you turned me into someone I wasn’t.
Someone I didn’t want to be.
I will always wish you a happy birthday.
Cause even though you used me so much,
Part of me still hopes you love me.
July 9, 1998
Happy, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy, Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday To You
Bada The Cute Little White Bear
Martinez May 2015
Oh boy, I'm happy today.
How can I not be,
when today I have awaken?
Or, that I'm able to see the sun one more time?
Today I'm happy because I can make someone else happy.
Today I'm happy because I get to be with family.
I'm happy because no matter how many I have,
I am grateful for the life I have.
Today I'm happy because I have food to eat,
and a bed to sleep in.
I'm happy because no matter what I know I have people who love me
as much as I love them.
Today is another day to be happy because you don't know
if you may fall in love.
Today you might have the probability of meeting the person
which whom you're going to spend the rest of your life with.
Today is another day to be happy just because you were able to make it
till one more day.
Today I'm happy because you are alive.
Today I'm happy because no matter what, God loves you.
Today I'm happy just because I love you, and no matter where you are
Today is a day to be happy with."
Repeat for tomorrow

— The End —