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For you I could pretend that I'm happy even though I'm dying inside.
For you I could pretend that I'm strong even though I'm hurt all the time.

I thought I love you for a good cause.
I changed eveything for you.
I became quite unsure if who I was.
When I look at my reflection, I ask "Who are you?"

I don't even know myself, molded a pretty lie for you.
Love? What is love? It's untrue.
I'm so sick of this fake love.
I'm so sorry but it's fake love.
I got inspired by "Fake Love" of BTS :)
Check it out :)
anshika gehani Jan 2019
If dark is so bright and so pure and so naive,
Then dark is what I want,
What I want and desire,
and suffice in me,
What I want to cure my crave,
Through the curves of innocence and words unspoken,
Through the politeness of the laugh,
The words and works of the purely courageous,
The big hearted and lovely person you are,
And where to start and what to say of the love you share with the doomed in ways,
The curing and healing by your starring eyes,
The glare of that wondrous smile,
A wanderer in the race of players,
The guide I wish I could steal,
That perfect eveything that you carry,
In the treasure box inside your peels,
Inside your peels, Inside your skin,
Is an angel poured from Lord’s brim,
A pretty soul, A stupid chum,
The thing I have fallen for is the cherubin’s grim.
What beauty I speak I wish I could show,
Coz every time I see you,
I see a world of Jovial.
I write poetry
for eveything else
has failed

My life has no bottom
It's Hell down inside
my well

Do not feel like you are
Do not feel at all

Go write some kind of
It's better than digging wells
"Remember when they kept saying I was too blind? I think I was just too in love, too naïve and pure." She quietly mutters, her eyes gazing upon the Vanilla Latte, as they sat in their usual sport in the café. Jessica sighs as she remembers those days clearly.

"You still think about it?" He says, glancing at her. She's grown up so much, beauty is still shines on her face, but the innocent vibe changed into a mature one.

"Of course I do… It feels like yesterday" She smiles at the thoughts, her tinkering smile makes his heat beat all over again. «What happened to us?» He asks himself, suddenly forgetting the answer. "I was blind not to see, weak to not accept".

“I would never forget how cute you looked”.

“Kris ―Now isn't the time for you to tell me that”.

“I know I'm wrong, but that’s the truth. If only I could travel back to the past, like in a time machine― change it and make things right for us”.

“But you can’t do that. Face reality Kris, I've grown up, you said you've moved on, there's no point getting in a time machine now” She says as tears threating to fall from her eyes. Shaking his head he feels like his world is slowly breaking. How he missed her a lot during these seven years, her lavender shampoo which lingers, the caramel hair she had is now dark brown giving her a more elegant charm and that smile which  made his heat beat faster everytime, but she was changed “ You let go even when I asked you not to, saying goodbye to everything we had.” She sobs. She's right. He’s the only one to blame for everything. It was all his fault he left her for the dream he could never reach, all his fault he let her fall into a arrange marriage into someone she hated and most of all, he was the one to blame for the pain she's still suffering.  


“Forget it, I have to go, someone's waiting for me and I don’t want to keep them waiting " Pushing her seat she quickly walked away.

«Why did this happen to us?» Remembering all the good moments they had, wanting to say those words that never come out before. He went to chase after her, the long forgotten Vanilla Latte. As he saw her, about to reach her, eveything slipped infront of him.

Getting into the car,  Jessica left just like that, just as fast as his heart broke. He last saw her leave with some stranger, who she was forced to be with, because of him. Everything was because of him.
Mya Jun 2018
I'm only perfect
When the lights are off
And so are my clothes
Matthew Randell May 2015
He's quiet in class,

Sits at the back,

Never put's his hand up,

Friends he does lack,

On his way to lessons,

And before school,

He's beaten to a pulp,

He spits blood and drool,

Every day he runs,

Faster and faster,

Trying to escape,

His self-proclaimed master,

Scared to roam the playground,

Scared of having fun,

Hopes it will get better,

But they've only just begun,

Eveything is better now,

He's laughing, playing games,

No more bullies in the school,

To tease him, call him names,

He decided to tell a teacher,

And then he told his dad,

Went to the head,

Said it made him really sad,

The school rang the police,

And had the bully arrested,

They took him away in handcuffs,

The one who had molested,

His gang disappeared,

Without a trace,

For they had no leader,

They had no ace,

Everybody cheers,

Fans of the Victim,

Some guy has hit a teacher,

Now in one foul swoop he's knicked 'em,
Autumn Dec 2012
is humanity's ignorance pure disgustance or is it beautiful?
it very well could be beautiful how much pain one human could endure
yet its disgusting how humans thrive on the downfall of everything
Or maybe us, humanity, is simply eveything or is it nothing?
peter oram Dec 2011
lived attety-at
the top of our block
in  a flattety-flat.
He hadn’t a name
as far as we knew
except Doggety-dog
of floor seventy two.
He was blackety-black
with a belly of white,
he would oftenly bark
but neverly bite.
He didn’t go out much,
he mostly stayed in
(and I’ll tell you just why
in a minitty-min).
But once in a while
he’d goggedy-go
To visit Miss Whizzit
one storey below
to borrow an egg
or a spud for a stew
and carry them back
to floor seventy-two
for Mr MacWhister -
he  also lived there
but he spent all his
time in his armity-chair.
and he never went out,
no, alas and alack
cos of terrible pains
in his backety-back.
Now for Doggety-dog
there was nothing such fun
as the days he went down
to floor seventy-one.
Was it cos of Miss Whizzit?
No, it wasn’t that –
It was cos of Miss Whizzit’s
for as soon as Dog-doggy
caught sight of its face
he would chase it and chase it
all over the place -
up the walls and the curtains
and out through the door
and all down the stairs
to the bottomest floor
and then, when he’d made
that poor catty-cat shift
he would quietly go back
to the top in the lift,
while Cattety-cat
(and the egg or the spud)
remained somewhere below
in the rain and the mud.
Now eveything might have
gone on in that way
for ever and ever.
It didn’t. One day
(I remember it well,
for there was an eclipse)
while Miss Whizzit was frying
bananas and chips
she heard on the landing
a terrible din
and the door it burst open
and Catty burst in
with Doggety-dog
hotty-hot on her trail -
oh how Doggy did bark!
Oh how Catty did wail!
Catty leapt on the stove,
Doggy-dog did the same
and both of them ‘mediately
burst into flame.
“Fire! Fire!” cried Miss Whizzit
“What creature is that,
that  is chasing my highly
inflammable cat?”
- but then she remembered
what mother had taught her
and over them emptied
a bucket of water
Catty leapt off the stove,
simultaneously so did
the dog, and the stove,
being ‘lectric, exploded
Now Mr MacWhister
one tall-storey higher
was sleeping and dreaming
when someone yelled “fire!”
so often, so loud that it
made his poor brain sore
he leapt from his chair
and grabbed hold of his chainsaw
his blanket and telescope,
blue-and-red braces
(you never know what
you may need in such cases)
and threw them all into
a velvety sack and,
forgetting those pains
in his backety-back,
cried, “Oh, how many years
have I waited! Oh is it
not time now to visit
exquisite Miss Whizzit?”
- and he ran down the stairs
with a rattety-tat
and burst with a yell
into Whizzety’s flat.
Now when poor Miss Whizzit
observed him appear, oh,
she blushed like a beetroot
and whispered, “My hero!”
MacWhister meanwhile,
overcome by her charms,
had lifted her up
in his spindelly arms
and  sighing “my love,
oh my lovetty-love!”
he carried her up
to his rooms up above
Now Doggety-dog
and Cattety-cat
Were left all alone
In Miss Whizzety’s flat
where normal conditions
were slowly returning
and both now had almost
completely stopped burning
(though if I am honest
I have to admit
that they smelled pretty bad
And still sizzled a bit).
“Come, Catty,” said Doggy,
“let’s get this place tidy.”
They did so, and when
by the following Friday
they’d heard not a peepety-
peep from upstairs,
they decided Miss Whizzety’s
flat was now theirs.
And now life for the two of them’s
twice as much fun –
it’s a permanent chase
round floor seventy-one,
while MacWhister and Whizzit
gaze out at the view
from their flattety-flat
on floor sevently-two.
Tysheanna Nov 2015
Oh oh oh oh she use to be the sweetest girl oh oh she use to be the sweetest girl but when a good girl gone she gone forever and see you can't make it rain without stormy weather and its funny cause when it rains it pours and listen this wouldn't never happened if I wouldn't have gave him my all
This wouldn't never happened if I never traded in my love for lies but I take the L cause I don't want to see my brother lose even for I been through it all
I could never fill my mother shoes and nah I don't want a no handouts I just want to tell the girls that can feel me that I just play the cards that a ***** deal me and see eveything I been thru try so hard to **** me
but I just want to tell the girls that can feel me that boys are all the same in my eyes and I'm tried of running into the same types of ****** but listen ****** are the same in my eyes and see I just don't want to hurt anymore.
        This is just a little something and I want to give a big shot out to all the real men's out there....
Her breath catches. she turns over. it doesn't matter, no matter what she does, she won't sleep. that itch is there.
she lies on the flat of her back, staring at the colours swirling on the ceiling with the shadows dancing with them. she starts thinking about him again. the way his hair curls at the end, the way it moves when the wind blows around, the way his face scrunches up in amusement, the way he holds himself, how he leans in when he speaks, his lips, his face, his eyes...she lets her mind wander...aswell as her hand...
her breath catches again, but for an entirely different reason.
setting a steady pace she drives herself insane, physically with resistance and mentally with reminders of who she can't have.
two years gone and she still can't stop. she loves him. everything about him, the air around him, even. she adores him and it's killing her.
her legs widen to accomadate her rising arousal, a low moan grows in the back of her throat, pushing her forward making her desire vocal, unlike the love that has crushed her heart over and over, again and again, she can't stand it anymore.
her speed increases and she breaks a sweat. she's crying now, thinking about the rehashed fantasy she built in her brain. how she'd loose herself to him, give him eveything, let him take her to places shes never been before. She cries because she knows it'll never be so, all she'll have is her own little bed and her own hand for company, no strong arms to hold her as she falls asleep, no sweet lips to kiss goodnight, no growing passion pushing into her ever so warmly.
suddenly she bucks, screams out in pain and passion, and curls in a ball to live through the aftershocks and the screaming agony her heart holds, she pretends he's holding her and slowly falls asleep.
Francisco DH Nov 2012
you are gone agian this time for two weeks
and for what?
For Skipping class for HIM, that guy you say you don't like
You say you are not gay or even Bi and yet you spend time with him

I am glad you got caught
you know why?
Cause it is your punishment for all the wrong you have done
Never learning from your mistakes
For playing with my heart
For the things you have done to your sister
for the things you have done To yourself

I feel like I should just give up on you
Just leave you alone and forget
But My heart cries out no
My mind says no
My body says no
Eveything cries out no

I love you ,you stupid ,cant you see
I shed tears when i found out
I dont know if i can handle it
You told Her, Sam,  that you cut yourself for her
and you know what i saw
A girl who doesnt care for you
She rolled her eyes and they screamed " I dont care"
But guess what I do

I care if you cry
I care if you get hurt
I care if you hurt yourself
I care IF you get Suspeneded
I Care with ever fiber of my being
But it seems that you don't

There was a goofy green frog, Eli was his name
He danced for Princess Malia, it's how he earned his fame
She adored sitting on her throne to watch him entertain
He boogied and did back flips, he loved this little game

Eli had a tiny frog house with eveything inside
A couch, love seat, TV, a bed was double wide
He kept it very tidy with a broom, vacuum and pride
His favorite was his Fry Daddy, for flies deep fat fried

Princess Malia, of course, had a castle on the hill
Waited on, hand and foot, she only had to chill
Wore gorgeous dresses and diamond tiaras at her will
But bored with her lavish life, Eli fit the bill

At 3:30 on the dot, the small frog danced everyday
The Princess got so excited, the help did hear her say
She got seated at 3 pm and that is where she'd stay
Right on time came Eli, grooving and twisting all the way

Eli entertained...and the Princess did demand
That the frog be introduced, then he kissed her royal hand
The two became fast friends, as quick as fast friends can
She moved his tiny house into the castle, that was grand

Eli and Malia were just as tight as they could be
The frog quit entertaining, a great playmate was he
The Princess, lonely no more, was perfect for he and she
They lived happily ever after, Eli danced for free
Rexhep Morina Nov 2015
Let us meet there,
let us witness the beauty itself,
Simplicity in the purest form
cherish these moments for infinity.

Where the sky kisses the earth,
where the sun gives birth to sunshine,
where eveything seems meaningless,

Let us meet there,
let us be bold, and feel everything so deeply,
realize that we are one with it,
hold hands and unite in these moments of infinity.

Break through the limits, push our selves towards our true being,
rejoyce, dance, and acknowledge
that we are the creators.

We are the light that shines through,
the darkness that isolates us from the truth,
the truth that gives wings to our souls.
Sajid Aug 2015
He woke up in the morning as usual
He hated tying up stuff
He went for breakfast that he never did unusual
He ate some bread and cheese stuffed!

His daughter came running to him
Hey dad ,"wazzup" she called
She wanted him to tie her hair
As mom was at the mall

He tied' her hair any how
To escape from the hatred ,
She got up and realised he had to tie' his shoes
And after that she came again for her soes to be tied..
He did it all....
For what could he do he did it all along...

As he walked out of the house the lock was a lace
He had to tie it for the door to open in pace
Odd he felt but in a rush he was
He did it any how and walked up to his car
He saw a tied knot on the car and the grass beneath was tied......
He started going mad after all and just kept on opening all the ties......
His hands were soaked in blood as he was tearing the ties not opening them......
He pulled the laces and red liquid came frm them all...
From the car from the soil from the concrete road...
Eveything that came in his way he pulled all the ties apart.

A loud thud on the street ,
he was hit by a car..
.. His eyes were closing.

He opened his eyes...
Heavy breathing,
He was zonked and all was a dream,
He saw his hand they were red.... all around was red
There was lots of hair on the ground
His daugher ,bald on the floor
Her head covered in red..
Finally you came, been waiting forever to see
the one who was made perfectly for me
Been looking for too long and decided to give up
and forget about everything
About my gaurdian angel, love of my life,
one person perfectly made for me... My Everything
Now when i look at you, i can see
everything that you mean to me
Love, Affection, Perfection, Protection, Eveything! ... My Gaurdian Angel
Emily Coon Dec 2010
Addicted to this feeling you give to me,
Oh how I wish there was a we.
Unable to spill the beans on how I feel,
Still large wounds need to heal.
Make the first move, I'll be yours,
Wishing that there was more.
Logic held back what was there,
Fear making eveything unfair.
Plain as day for all to see,
It was clear as mud for me.
I was left out of the loop,
Simply put I had been dooped.
Your witty comments, and silly jokes,
Were very far from being a hoax.
True blue you had been,
While I explained, "We're just friends."
Is it wrong to dream of love?
After all I am so young.
Zenobia Dec 2009
In my eye's you've been half a circle
Not yet fully grown to be whole
Troubled heart...with mix messages of your youth unfold
Trying to fine a structure in your young life
Being rebelious, as most teenage kid's do
Attention drawn onto you
Seeking your own independence
Leads you to choices of big trouble
Not wanting to obey and play by your parents rules
Is a disobident child being a fool
Every course of life we've fed to you
The importance of being true
Eveything and everyone you feel, is against you
Deep down I understand your pain inside
I once was a teenager too
You have to show up and not continue to deny
Cause no soft landings will be the cure you seek
With being a follower and not a leader
Is like being a puppet on a string
It takes away your chance to stay free
To get respect, you must show respect
Or else sign the deed, me
You will regret your own unplanned...."Agenda"
When you get locked up
To only throw away the key
You'll be just another young teenage black man
In the system, with a number

(upwc) 2009,  by: Zenobia Lee /LadyZ710
REAL Oct 2013
snow fell
on my city

and the grey clouds streched aross the sky's

i sit inside
drinking the tea of memories
oh how they taste good

i'll walk out later
with my friend
around the city we will go
on the snow we will walk

on the train we will ride

will i see familliar faces walking around?

who knows
i bet the snow as hidden everyone from me

i'll sit inside as i watch the snow
and my mind will melt

will the storie go on
or will end it a dramatic pause?
and never to resume again...

i hope the snow doesn't freeze
our storie

footprints will be left in the snow
just mine will be there i suposse

i'll wait for spring
when eveything will bloom
Your mind is a wasteland; desolate
But this hell you live in is indefinite.
You believe you are worthless.
But my dear, your life is precious.
You've made a promise to try to recover,
Yet you still dream of pulling the trigger.
Your thoughts get the best of you, and the shots begin.
One shot, two shots, three shots, four, still you dream of the end.
A blade used to be your only companion,
A friend you've long ago abandoned.
The red painted across your canvas of skin,
Wasn't enough to bring the thougths to an end.
Going from a blade, to a gun, to a bottle of jack,
Soon to ****, then drugs, you can't turn back.
You couldn't imagine your life would turn out like this.
You probably believe you're one ****** up mess.
Darling it's okay to admit you're shattered.
But you need to realize you actually matter.
So try to believe me, when I say you are loved.
You are my whole world, and if push comes to shove.
I'd give up eveything, to prove you're of value,
And to heal your pain.
But for now, do me favor, try to remain.
Kelly Flint Nov 2011
Here in a conversation
Her face in your mind
Her name on your lips
But there is nothing to find

She hides a secret
Only that we know
She wont say a word
Wont let it show

You asked me once
You asked me twice
No more gambling for me
I'll roll the dice

I liked you can't you see?
I still do
She took that away from me
She took away you

I asked for a favor
A simple act of kindness
For her to watch out for you
Not take you in blindness

She let me believe everything
All the lies she told too
I'm still hurting from it
Are you?

Until this very moment
On this very day
I was scared to tell you
Scared you would walk away

But I have no more fear
I know what I must do
Say how I feel
And waht my heart feels is true

I still like you
I'm not even sure why
But when I think about it
It makes me want ot cry

Obviously I care about you
Your happiness and all
i'm going to try and forget
Everything that made me fall

The way we act when we're alone
Your body close to mine
And how you looked at me
The way your eyes shinned

I want it to be done
I want you out of my head
I second guess eveything you do
If only you caould have said

Said what you wanted
And what you wanted from me
That last night on the lake front
Where it went from us to we

I wont forget you
Not in a million years
but I'm done crying over you
You don't deserve my tears

Funny thing is
that you don't even know
How I'm writing this poem for you
And how it made me grow

I understand the reasons
I don't think you do
Because one day you will find her
The girl that completes you

Fall in love with her
Give her everything you can
Because one day she will be gone
You'll be left a lonely man

One day you'll see what I mean
My wish will come true
That we could have each other
I could've been with you

Don't know when it will happen
Or how long it will be
Maybe the universe will do it right
And make us a we

Goodnight and good day
I wish always for you
To hope you find someone to love
As much as I loved you.
Rob Atkinson Dec 2012
I've been fighting with myself for so long
I know that you need the let things go
because you cant control eveything
And why would you want to control something
if it doesn't exist under any other condition?
But I want to fight for you.
I feel like I've given up so much in my life
I just beat myself down,
convincing myself that I deserve it.
I close off and let everything crumble around me,
I give up so quickly.
Focusing on wanting to make others happy
at whatever cost that may be,
even unto myself.
I've grown tired to the taste of the imagine I create
"Caring about someone means letting them go."
Why is that the saying?
I understand people need space and time to grow
but why does it have to be done in that manner.
What if I fight for you?
What if you don't know what you want, what you need
and it turns out to actually be me,
and I'm just letting you go when I shouldn't be
all because it means I "care."
Maybe this is something that should be fought for
and not so readily given up.
I've been told all is fair in love and war
so why do we fight so many battles to then so easily give up that war,
Hoping that in honor of our struggles,
sometime down the road
they will return.
This makes no sense.
I've already suited up for combat and readied my gear
I'm hitting the point where I'd rather fight the war and die
then retreat and wait.
I've done that for mostly my whole life.
Now I've found Something
worth fighting that fight for
And this time I won't give up.
A distant light
flickered with the brittleness
  of life,
once seen, then gone,
then seen again.
The very air seemed callous
of its treatment
   of this wan, pathetic beacon
   in the void.
We felt no humanity now --
all traces scorned as weakness,
cast off as useless weight.
There was nothing but us,
and the vacuum of our souls.
No common ground
to share with any other thing --
we had gone beyond (at first by accident,
but then and then again by choice) --
we destroyed eveything
we might have turned back upon,
becoming "more than",
instead of "once was".
Our sanity cast off
with society's rules --
a tragic dream of a different
   mother's brood.
Death meant nothing,
for we drank blood
from a different golden chalice,
and cleaned our wounds
with someone else's salty tears.
Suede Skies Apr 2013
My despair,
My sorrow,
The unknown,
And fear...
        They are so complex.

They are all the same to me.
Each an intricate, subtle phenomenon
That I either am missing,
Suffering from,
Or in love with.


I have so much love concealed--
Perhaps conspicuous--
And packed inside me right now
And I, honestly,
Have not a single clue
How I can contain this passion
For eternity.

This love,
Is the foundation
Of the listed things
That are too complex,
That are almost hungry
For my emotion's fiery cry
That bleeds a burning tear.
Catherine Paige Jan 2011
when you see these beautiful tragedies
and you can watch as the cannabalise
on the souls of the minds of our dreams
full of nothing but blood lust and greed

and as it creeps into your life
in the slow transport of demise
if you stop halting time and holding breath
if you just look and breathe it in and let run away with you
the beauty can **** you so slowly that the agony
the agony is a sick pleasure

when the rise and fall of your chest
feels less than endless
when the nearness of end is so blue
it fills your bones with a fire
the fire you searched to set a light through your whole youth

words scraping at the roof of your mouth
"Let me out! Let me out!"
loud enough, they cannot scream
saying things in your mind

things you wish they could hear
things that might fill them with fear

and the way you put it all together
isn't the way it was supposed to fit

and everything you’ve done
and eveything that has been done
is projected on your thoughts of you

what you were at the start is never anything of matter
your middle and end are never like the start
This was written on January 30th, 2011
REAL May 2015
its been 6 months
6 months more
and itll be like its been a dream
water like time
draining out months
i dont remember everything
but i do remember  you
thus i know it had to be good
oh i dont remember eveything
-im sorry-
but i know it felt good
right from the very sounds that poured from your mouth
and the way your eyes rolled back
and shutting them tight

we've said it 1000 times
and we'll always say it one more time

even though youre mad
ill make u smile
even though youre sad
ill make you laugh
even if youre happy
ill make you ecstatic

-im sorry-

im so ******

i know!
Natt Rozanska Mar 2012
Because you have this way
Of looking at me
That makes eveything else
Fall away.

How can I exist alone,
Or with anyone else,
When you have the abilty
To do that?

You have to promise
Only to look at me
Without recognition,
Without revealing anything,
And I'll stop asking questions
Without saying anything.
How am I the one in the wrong?
I just don't understand,
When you were the one who kiiled us?
Left me unable to stand.
You stabbed me in the heart,
And you twisted the knife,
You took away everything,
I live an empty life.
I prepared my life around your wants and needs,
And I was still happy, I was,
I loved you for everything you were,
I even loved you flaws.
I still do love you,
And I miss you so much too,
I always will,
Long after this life is through.
You have no idea what you're doing to me,
Have you ever devoted you life to someone,
Who just threw it away?
I don't wish this pain on anyone.
I hurt so much,
But then the pain turns to emptiness,
Then the emptiness, not filled, but consumed,
By lonliness.
I except eveything,
All the problems we may face,
Yet you ran straight away,
This isn't a race.
Just come back to me and talk,
We'll talk about you and me,
We were happy, and we will be,
Just come back, you'll see.
uv May 2021
Once again we find our selves in a spot.
Where eveything outside looks rosy
And all dark within.
We find ourselves locked and caged
And the moving world moving with all its gait

Once again we hear the sounds of despair
When everything was just on the brink of being glorious and fair.
We find we have more to bear and be aware
And the part where we learn still has a humongous share

Thankfullness and humbleness
Emphathy and hope
These are few friends to make
They will pull you along just like a strong, unbreakable rope.

Hold on, just hold on
Pandora dO Sep 2012
When a person
writes tons of poems,
it doesn't necessarily mean
he actually is a poet.

A poet isn't a poet
just because he wrote a poem,
as there's so much more
to being poetical.

As a poet
you can see
all the beauty in life,
and you always know
how to find the right words
for describing something.

Allow yourself to see beauty.

As a poet
you use space
to work out things best.
You don't need to understand
every single little detail
to derive a message.

Give yourself enough space.

As a poet
you need time
as you use time to think.
Poets do not act in a rush,
we think eveything through
so the end result will be perfect.

Don't live in haste.

As a poet...
There is so much more.
See the beauty,
give yourself time and space,
and the chance to flourish.
© 2012
I've seen many poems about being a poet, lately. Here's my version.
Inspired by the words of my college supervisor.
Natt Rozanska Jul 2012
Because you have this way
Of looking at me
That makes eveything else
Fall away.

How can I exist alone,
Or with anyone else,
When you have the abilty
To do that?

You have to promise
Only to look at me
Without recognition,
Without revealing anything,
And I'll stop asking questions
Without saying anything.
Jameson Blackmay Dec 2020
We should be afraid
of those incapable ones
because they are capable
of eveything
Ariel Taverner Oct 2013
She told me that life was harsh
That it was never fair
Everybody would turn against you in the end
Everybody would betray you
Despite little time spent with you
Quality over quantity
I always felt this connection that could be formed
But it never worked out
Every time I reached out and threw myself on the ground
exposing eveything
Surrendering everything to you
Putting myself in the most vunerable position ever
And you just turned as if you hadnt noticed
As if I didnt matter
As if I disgusted you
How could your own flesh and blood seem disgusting to you
Why wont you help me
My body is ripped as I scream to they sky
please just look at me Please anything ill do anything
But in thr end you were right
**I dont matter
Timothy Stout Mar 2015
I love you
When I say this, I mean eveything about you
I wouldn't pick or choose
"Oh I like this better,
I could do without this"
How selfish
How greedy
How hateful

And when you sit there in silence
I sit there too
Thinking of you
Thinking of your eyes
Thinking of your smile
Thinking of your laugh
(These are rare, so I enjoy them when they come)

In the good and in the bad
Easier said than done
Oh trust me,
It's hard
It's painful
It even sometimes drives me to tears
But the good makes the bad worth it
Your depression
Your anxiety
Your worries
Your pain
I will stay through them
I will not abandon you

So I lie here, pondering:
Do you feel the same spark,
That same rushing sensation
That I get when we meet?
I can only hope so
Because I love you
And I hope that time stops
*before that love ceases.
Em Apr 2016
I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said.
There is nothing left for me to do that I haven't already done.

You know what you did.
You broke me, us.
Then you handed me the blame.
Convinced me that it was entirely my fault somehow.
I gave you honesty,
And body.

Eveything that I was capable of giving you, was in your hands.

You never loved me.

You never cared about me.

It was all a game to you.
I couldn't see your game plan,
you were always two moves ahead.

Planning and scheming how to get my

Well darling, you had it all.
It wasn't good enough for you.
For you it's the chase, the thrill of it.
My problem was that I loved you too much.
More than you were capable of returning.
You don't always win at this game.
Time will show you, dear.
You will see.
written in the midst of a heartbreak from a boy who didn't have one
Izzy Mar 2015
"I love you."
just three words
alone they mean nothing
but together they mean everything
from the special person, from you
they mean eveything
David Bojay Nov 2014
I haven't written about anything serious lately. My mind is pretty occupied these days. I really don't know the reason behind MLA format, why deduct points because I didn't double space. I don't know, it's not so important. Everything is blurry sometimes, reality is pretty awesome once you get the hang of it. Winter is coming, I haven't really bought anything warm in a long time. I don't really regret diving into the ocean of psychedelics, I just think it was really stupid of me to get caught up in them. I'm walking by a group of adults smoking cigarettes, I love the smell. I don't really know why, but it reminds me of a lonely winter in a forest. Maybe one day I'll fully understand why I can never write about one subject at once. Until then, the art of life will be in the same paragraph with the art of death. I was reading this artical on the internet, and it said that the most natural way to die is to die the same way you came out from your moms wound; crying and covered with blood. I've thought of the many ways that could possibly happen, it wasn't that heroic. I'm remembering so much at the moment. I never want to feel any doubt, I've had enough of that. I just want to make people laugh with my stupidity, and have a lot of ***. I love sharing thoughts with people, but sometimes I love the satisfaction of being the only one that has access to them. I stopped relying on people this year, I feel different. My priorities are starting to get together throughout time. Keep my heart baby, keep my heart. I found love finally. I used to be buried in whatever feeling that was when we stared at eachother. Although I will never face it, everything I love is going to leave me one day, and that's just real **** I'll say with no doubt, but what's the point? I will always feel for eveything.
Aprajita May 2016
Guilt, so dark
That it fills from inside
Makes you hollow
Of the work that
Is not practised in a long time

Do they even feel it
Do they even sense
That plight of mischief fonds
I see that finally my soul is torn

Care for eveything
That came in the way
Making everything special
With charming ways
But I see the fight is in vain

Changing circumstances
Put forward by a runaway dream
I see a new horror
Coming to the reel

And the beautiful eyes
That used to be
Are placed in the onset of dawn
But with a tinge of blue light
So bleak, but
Only if you see
A feeling for life

— The End —