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Miguel Sep 2018
Replaying a riff four times perfectly
One missed fret and the entire day ends disastrously
Replaying moments of kindness and warmth
To overcome the feverish idea that I hold no heart

Every fourth step, threes end in ******
Maimed images constantly creep
This subconscious ludovico technique
These thoughts come and go in no particular order

A seat at the table and a serviette on my lap
What if I leapt out my chair and suddenly attacked?
What if I aimed the knife towards my hand?
I constantly question if that’s who I am

I will have a picnic with her today, all joy and cheer
When these intrusive thoughts will inexplicably get near
And terrorize my attitude as well as my image
Disassociating with a perplexed and horrified visage

I’m so incredibly tired of existing
A cruel and ironic fate
I’ve missed out on so many opportunities
All because of this miserable headspace
CP Aug 2018
I’m in the pool dancing and then I’m not
My mind is far and my body is static
I stand there but where?
I’m so lost but I haven’t moved

I’m at the bar talking and then I’m not
My mind is travelling and my body is marble
the words stop coming because I’m not here
But where am I?

I’m reading, devouring the chapter and then I’m Not
My eyes glitter over and my body remains

I travelled away but I don’t know where
Any empty true nothing
The world moved and progressed
The people around me walked and talked
But I stood there fixed
Thinking of nothing
Going anti clock wise in a wave of progression

I’m disassociating again. I don’t know why I don’t know where
And all I seem to do is glare
maybe into the nothingness , maybe into the past

I’m writing rhymes in my pad and then I’m not
the pen and the lines evanesce
I’d like to come back.
Emily Katherine Mar 2015
"you are so strong"

my eyes stared into nothing,
burning with the absence of tears.
i knew there would be a point
where i could not cry anymore.

what was everyone seeing?
because all i felt was weakness,

my exterior was bruised and beaten
but only inside could i feel the effects.
i was not strong
i was fragile,
and vulnerable.

frustrated by words of praise
i sank deeper into my delusions,
and perfected my 'brave face'.
i was not strong
i was struggling.

listening to the vital carts
wheel in and out,
my door never a separation
but a portal to demons
wielding gurneys,
charts and machines.
i was restless in my immobility.
i was not strong
i was numb.

calling for my mother at 4:00 am
she carried my weight,
she held my hand,
she washed my hair,
she changed my clothes,
she slept, barely,
at my feet.
i was not strong
my mother was.

days piled on;
hours lost in isolation
maddening my mind
and diminishing my willpower.
with every test,
and procedure
i felt helplessness
swallow the living light in me.
still, i complied,
i waited,
i did what was asked.
i was not strong
i was a quiet fire.

looking at my damaged body,
examining my inflamed veins.
my face was swollen,
my hair matted.
i shook in my skin
disassociating my identity.
i was not my condition
i was not my self disgust.

i can not say that i feel better
just different,
which is neither positive or negative.
reflecting on 10 days as a ghost
getting acquainted with myself,
filling in the blanks.
i was not strong
i was surviving.
She Writes May 2023
Life can be too much to bear
The weight of the world starts to wear

I am floating away
Drifting for another day

My mind - a distant land
A place I can't comprehend

It's as if I am watching from afar
A stranger to my own memoir

The world around me has lost its shape
Reality continues to escape

Wandering around; lost in a dream
Things are never quite as they seem
towards another end
the black sky of winter postures

¬fireflies like stars by
depictions of dancing¬

ochre soil of rock escarpments
flood plains, buffalo grazing
and you smile at me as we’re driving

it seems presence always has a way of disassociating

  I have so much to say
but when you’re attentive it all feels cliché

   just play me piano keys and ruminations

when the storms sink the streets
and drains overflow with branches
there’s always that desire to stand amongst it
Astor Feb 2016
People only like me for my short poetry
its not good,
its just things people have said to me
about the girl I love
I just wanna see some words I actually wrote
getting appreciated
Natalie Rae Nov 2009
look at the stream of life, the
streaming of consciousness,
each in their own contained,
bubble. their private world, heading
in one direction, toward

One destination.

yet separate, disparate, diverging,
Disassociating. Why is this? as
machines show no recognition, so
too, is the car’s shell aptly
assumed; purposeful, intent, yet is this

oh but there is not time to
Stop. to think reflect muse wonder for,
the stream continues, rushing…
flashing… by, in a droop, a mere
of the eye. is this an


the final great escape? or just
as we know it.
Timothy Brown Jul 2013

                                                                                                                    Making out

I don't understand what it's all about.*

                                                            Standing around a party devoid
                                                            Of any fun connection;
                                                            Annoyed by the blatant lack of direction
                                                            Among my peers.  My college years
                                                            Are being spent disassociating myself
                                                            From those hell bent on doing nothing of
© July 27th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
I. I cannot seem to picture holes in my body like most
people do. That popular metaphor they use to represent
loss. I think of those cardboard boxes that come in different
shapes, displayed in bookstores. Those you don't especially
need but feel like walking away with like they've
always been yours. One resembles an emptied
pool, another like a cake eaten so carefully, the sponge
remains barely intact, imitating a box. And yet, for some
reason, you don't want to put anything in them. They look appealing
as they are, empty. When a friend loses something, maybe a
blown-off cap, I picture a green oblong box neatly caved
in his crown, through his skull. I can't visualize a hole, or
a collapsed floorboard, nor dug-out soil. Assorted colored
boxes in odd shapes, at different locations and time, fitting
flawlessly, like an expensive upgraded sink, through people's
body parts. Sometimes I picture them with a lid on but
they're still visible: an obvious bright patch of cardboard ingrained
in someone's palm, or at one side of another's abdomen.

II. Holes, usually from gunshot, are intentionally plumbed
by nature and open till the other end. True loss, to become
irretrievable, has to have an element of reach and is then
restricted by space—tracing inevitability. You lose a phone
and you search through the rectangle case by your thigh,
and seize nothing, there's only cardboard and skin.

III. You lose someone. But an entire
box the shape of your body can't possibly replace you
or your whole skeletal system would pop out. So you imagine
that loss, an open cocoon, as a single *****—a heart, or
at least half of it. You can't tell whether that side is capable
of beating, but when you knock on it, it sounds the same. You feel that compartment in your chest and it's all solid and compact,
maybe even scratchy. You reach and your hand doesn't go
through. Of course, it never arrived like a bullet. You deliberately
chose to put something in that box. And as much as you
rather wanted to see that bright ear-shaped box empty, leaving
it's contents to imagination, you compromised, thinking
half a heart wouldn't take too much space. And losing
that person, you think back on the day you first got the
box. It was never meant to be filled, you imagine. It looked
better on a shelf behind glass among other colored boxes:
firm as new and all equally fragile, maybe even
bearing a scent or taste. I believe this is one way to cope with loss,
by disassociating it—turning it into a pretty spectacle you'd want to
buy but don't, just another section one passes in a mall.
Universal Thrum Aug 2019
Vaguely I recall a dream
ripping out handfuls of nose hairs
the black bristles like bundled corn stalks
filling my palms

Madame can you tell me
what it means?
its all blavatsky to me
Yes, I'm looking deeper
into your magic crystal ball
its shape so revealingly smooth
scraping the barrel both ways
feels worn but still slightly good

how much will this coffee cost me?
Does the girl behind the counter know her *******
are poking through the green cotton shirt
tightly hugging, transfixing
with afro nose ring red ivory skin
handfuls of round large lifted ******* protruding and
mystically speaking to me in tongues, sha la la la,
with the pull of gravity,
the pull of generations triumph and **** animal fuckery
I look for the clue,
for the answer to the why of the hard ******

for to hold this shining example of proportion
to taste her and feel her with every bit of my own
it feels like I would give up everything
leave my lover,
break laws and oaths
yet here I am tempered by the moment,
eyes on a dollar going into the tip jar, i hear her thanks
my girl placidly rocking in a chair outside


sweet home girl brings me succulents
in a dirt birds nest
now sitting in a sunny window sill beside
my mothers mothers christmas cactus,
one alive one wilted
I sigh at the thought of explaining the poetic meaning
regarding photos in frames
and look into the colored glass arranged
in blues and greens pinks and white
clear mother of pearl sheen glittering crystal
scarlet begonias and pink plumeria
among a coastal green auburn mountain river valley
leading to the sea

the fragrance of the cold hardy mimosa tree bloom at night
revived my spirit
after fainting from the heat
disassociating amongst the crowd
packed into stadium bleachers
receiving blasting electric guitar scoots and boots
third octave wails
John Mayer

get this
before the band takes the stage
as the lights go out
a grown man screams full throated war yip
into the back of my skull

I might have slipped into a concussion then

fitting the dose

a man brings me a beer I tell him I don't want
and won't drink, but for a sip
and for a moment I think I'm poisoned
sick from the gas or the slipped mickey
my skin leaks into a cool film
and on the precipice of the shake out
crumpled into the fold out chair
somehow I'm breathing
standing and escaping
into the flouresent halls
and into a white tile bathroom
in a mirror my skin a whiter shade of pale
than the clogged porcelain
on my way out into the streets,
touched by the warm summer air
a louse attempts to fill me in on marriage,
flagellating himself for some unseen ex-wife

I tell him to leave me alone
and the simplicity and elegance of candor
disarms him long enough
for the burracho to grunt
"Never get look like you should be left alone"

Earlier in the day
I walked into a head shop
to buy papers
the guy at the counter asked if I had ID
I don't
He said he can't sell without ID
smirking with a thumbs up
I dropped three doll hairs on the glass counter
and put the papers in my pocket

Love always, until its sometimes, then its never

but then again,

Cue Kipling
low and slow
Ben Jun 2013
Disassociating from life
A self-assured little leaf,
Adrift upon the dry winds of doubt
Never to land, or to be landed upon in turn

For what view is old,
May yet be born again
Through experience
Through rationál
Through the ever twisting enigma of lifes currents
For what is the finish, without the journey

For life does not have a meaning
Besides the one we give it
Thoughts on our views that we have about life and whatnot, and how they change over our lifetime
My name is Elan Gregory. I am mixed race writer. If you do not relate to being African American, please call me “they.”
If and when referring to me when I am absent, please call me “them.”
Because of the failure of whiteness to assimilate into blackness. The biological acceptance of being from Africa.
Because of these patterns of disassociating from humanity that is imperialism.
Because of segregation.
I am not mixed race until the others who accuse me acknowledge they are as well.
A light skinned French father and light skinned English mother make a seamless offspring that is perceived and experiences confidence being “pure white.”
Everyone is pure mixed race. Not pure black or white.
So to those that resist evolution I am “They or Them."
I have three books published. "Organic Intelligence," “Lucid", and "Escape from Liberty.”
More recently I have been solely writing poetry. It is much more efficient and intimate.
I decided to write books to try and expose the urgency of deconstructing social construction. When in the event of socially constructed human dynamics there are practical (dialectical) ways in navigating and understanding what it means to be human.
Social construction is a verb. Not finished. An enforced process. Sometimes internal. How can it stop? When does it stop? How does it feel? How did it happen? Who started them? Why?
Many of the issues in society that I thought I could influence enough to change things for the better are still becoming worse.
Poetry I feel has more urgency and immediate potency in terms of energizing new events and movements.
storm siren Oct 2016
Loving someone so much creates an ache in your heart.

- Your chest is tightening due to the anxiety that floods your senses.

- You keep trying not to let stupid words trigger you worse than they have.

- You can't type to save your life because you're shaking too bad.

- You're trying to cook but you end up forgetting what you're doing because you're too distracted by blind hatred.

- Your brain is overwhelmed by its' malfunctioning chemicals and you're somehow still more stable than someone with less abbreviations.

- You find that so funny but you know it's even actually kind of terrible.

- You're so confused because you, the girl who literally said horrible vicious things to someone just so they'd hate you, so you could off yourself without guilt and so they wouldn't have to attend your funeral, thereby ending a friendship in the one of most painful and selfish ways possible, are somehow considered a good person.

- You go to confession multiple times and still don't feel forgiven.

- You remember your views align much more closely with Wicca than Catholicism, but you still call yourself Catholic.

- You just don't understand why people are so stupid.

- It would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that it's technically slander.

- You can't come up with anymore feels because you're disassociating. Oops
Alexis Jan 2018
Can someone please just tell me how to be?
Can you explain the way I can be sought after but not obsessed over
How to love someone without clinging to them
How to feel without breaking something
How to move on without disassociating
Can someone please just tell me how to be?
So that I can stop being apologetically me
GL Thompson May 2019
When you're lonely
You feel only
Lonely thoughts.
You don't wanna be stuck indoors disassociating,
I need a boring colleague.
But I've tried worrying before.
More thoughts -
I know you think I'm offshore,
A matador for you and me
Don't like your score?
Offshore offshore
A poem written by a song lyrics generator online, which I've used to explore the idea of the reliance on the internet, and it's self awareness to be able to create it's own art based on learned sentence structures of popular music, based off a trigger with my input of the word "friend".
The end product is a rather postmodern reflection on the world. With the bot's work exploring loneliness and anxious thoughts. Explored with a subtext of wealth, with the repeated use of the word offshore - very much exploring societal issues in the late 2010s
Lace Nov 2018
Winter is cold knuckles
wet socks.
Closing your eyes to the cold wind

Winter is not being able to
out of bed.
Disassociating to the point

Winter is standing outside
feel something.
Never telling anyone that you can’t

Winter is how you made me feel
deep down
I need to get in touch with
the other

Until next year
blushing prince May 2018
For the longest time I've kept my immediate family away from myself.
In retrospect my introversion and quietude as a child bordered on hostile. Most of the time i thought things but never said them. I now wonder if half my memories and excursions with people were all made up in my head while i sat there and said nothing. It's difficult opening up to people because no one ever asks and when they do it's never the right questions.
For a while i thought perhaps i had been autistic without even knowing but without proper diagnosis i am unable to say for sure and i highly doubt it now.
The thing is, while i very much enjoy words and nothing brings me pleasure like listening to my favorite people speak to each other while i pleasantly nod and wait for my turn in order to produce a monologue i had been preparing all the while with the proper pauses almost like i had gone back and done multiple revisions i find it difficult to banter. I am unable to jump from one topic to the next. I cannot for the life of me poetically jump from book commentary to the latest gossip as to why the barista at the local coffee shop wastes so much time talking about tattoos when all you want is your daily dose of caffeine. I must admit that this never really bothered me before. Yes, I comprehend that without dialogue it is not possible to keep relationships or even a simple job. I understand that without having anything interesting to say you will quickly lose friends and resort to whatever internet personas do all day. I've always been seen as the sensitive presence. Most of the time that I am zoning out people will agree that i'm just thinking about important things even though really i'm unable to stop myself from disassociating or even severe daydreaming at times. In fact, most of the time i am just there. However, when i'm alone without the impending life-or-death situations of being responsible for acknowledging the existence of other people there is a sense of liberation. I will go about my day hastily jumping from one task to the next. I am often bewildered by those that cannot bear being in their own company. They will seek any alternative rather than being alone and let me just say that there is a difference between being alone and being lonely and while i have felt both these with the same intensity i cannot say that which I am more perplexed by.
Stephanie Franco Dec 2017
Sometimes I have good days
Where I feel like sadness
Has absolutely no way of catching up to me.
But then there are other days...
Those days of blank emotions
And completely disassociating myself
From the rest of the world.
I don’t feel real.
I feel numb and loose.
And I drown myself in defeat.

These feelings-
They come out of nowhere
To a point where I feel alone
In a crowd of lonely people
Who are just trying to get by their days
With the same old routines
And the same old smiles.
Sadness is a funny thing, I guess
Oh, the irony.
Sav Sep 2019
I feel the fog coming in.

Disassociating, disassociating.

I forget what it feels like to be truly happy.

No, that isn't right...

I forget what it feels like to feel, all right.

100% alright, okay.

It's been a constant battle for the past, forever.

Dealing with the demons at my doorstep.

I get better, I get worse, hit rock bottom, empty purse.

I get worse I get better,

I get numb.

Numb is how I can best describe it.

When I look in the mirror I don't even see me.

I see a skull with baggy eyes.

I see a face without a mind.

I'm not sure which direction I am going in.

I have everything I ever wanted,

more or less.

I have a roof over my head, I have a pet, I have a girl.

Can someone tell my mental health that?
amber Apr 2018
disassociating *******
consciousness, far from here
lost amongst the clouds in the sky
as I come down, they follow me
fog lays softly upon the ground I walk on
AnonPixie Dec 2019
She’s a dark enigma
But only to herself 
She shines such a bright light 
So kind, forgiving, beautiful
Little does a soul know 
She hides so well 
An evercarbon fir
She bares nothing 
Skin, bone, teeth 
So human but so alien 
The abyss calls her 
Asphyxiates her slowly 
Wraps around her mind 
Taking her away 
She follows the rabbit 
Everything is forgotten 
A lucid life dream 
Everything so tangible 
But left behind 
Infiltration of the mind 
An inward corpse
Walk all over her 
Take advantage
Arielle Apr 2022
No one ever told me one of the HARDEST parts of therapy and trauma therapy and finally working on you, is that you'd discover the things you've hated the most from others are in you. That all the trauma and abuse you've been through some of it has remained and morphed and became a part of you. That along the way you've also became the problem, that along the way of other abusing you you've become great at abusing yourself and others at times .. you have to actually face the fact you've become a disgusting version of yourself. And you also have to face that in the years since you've been broken since childhood you've also collected more broken exes broken relationships, broken friendships. You've hoarded your trauma's you've hoarded your brain you've hoarded your house you've hoarded your memories you've hoarded your friends. I've spent so many years masking and chameleoning to partners . Family . Friends . You name it I've molded I've adapt ... But then I've also lost myself so much and this therapy woah has brought up a lot and woah do I feel confused .... Man I've had moments of excitement and happiness and moments of total rage and loss and sadness... Therapy for trauma is hard. I've been in and out of hospitals and therapies and treatment since a teen and every time I legit did think I wanna change I did wanna die I did hate life and everyone in it I thought I was ready .. but I never really was . I never was ready to face the fact that I may have all these traumas and disconnects and issues that was caused by others but I've mutated it and am also the problem. And I'm working very hard at recorrecting my negative habits and behaviors I've developed along the way.

Healing brings such heart ache too why does no one talk about that too ... Once you finally start healing from your trauma's it's extremely painful and heart breaking. I feel like lately I've been mourning my child self and my teen self and my 20s self for all the hurt she went through ... I repressed and masked and people pleased so much back then that I forgot to feel . I forgot anger is okay and you can express it healthy . I forgot having a voice is okay I forgot having boundaries is okay I forgot I am a bad as ***** who can do whatever she wants and if the world doesn't like it they can go **** on my big ****** up toe nail!

I'm almost 32 and I've had a good I'd say 23 years of people trying to dim my light or tell me I'm to much or to emotional or to expressive and I've repressed myself so much it's to a point of rage and sorrow and hate and sadness. I'm so thankful for this therapy and opportunity to grow and reflect and even see myself in the light I hate, but hey there is only going up right ... If I hate myself for who I've become I can either continue living my life like I have all theses years or I can fix what I hate about myself in my head ... Since my head likes to lie to me so much all day and tell me how fat and horrible and pathetic and useless I am ... Let's go to the gym and work on that body you hate ... Lets keep going to trauma therapy and group therapy and really do the homework and work on yourself ... If you hate yourself ... Welp what do you hate Arielle ... Write that list and work on those things, talk about them on therapy. You can't get worse then you really are if you are this horrible person this pathetic person this useless person you say you are.. so if there is no getting worse then this. There can only be going up right ....

It's not at all perfect and I may sometimes come off online like I am happy or got my **** together or I'm getting my **** together .. NAH WHERE IS THE **** ARIELLE .. be honest ... It's been totally **** guys ... I'm doing the hard work and the therapy but I'm struggling and mourning and in bed a lot lately and this isn't like me . Sure a day in bed sleeping a lot after days of **** sleep . But lately this isn't like me especially with Jon here. But again that's okay I'm mourning my past trauma my past hurt my past repression of feelings . They say there is seven stages to grief.

Shock and denial. This is a state of disbelief and numbed feelings. ...
Pain and guilt. ...
Anger and bargaining. ...
Depression. ...
The upward turn. ...
Reconstruction and working through. ...
Acceptance and hope. ...

In trauma treatment right now I feel like there is also much going back and forth between all these stages.. and moments where I think I'm at the end but nope ... And I have to come to accept there is so much trauma and pain to grieve over that it's gonna take a while and makes total sense to go back and forth and all over the place ... Just because they say these are these stages I ain't a regular kinda girl so it's not gonna go the way it would for most and I need to accept that.

I have so many moments during this trauma treatment where I'm having flash backs or disassociating and then my mental state feels like I'm me at different kid stages or teen stages and my ability to cope that day or that moment is based on which Arielle is currently present .. 11 year old Ari 8 year old Ari 13 year old Ari 15 year old or 17 is who you'll usually get and I can't even imagine how frustrating that is lately for the people around me who just don't get it and see a 32 year old being immature or abusive or whatever .... Ptsd is a ****** mental illness. I'm working on fixing these issues of mine but I'm also learning sometimes it's not me the problem anymore and I can step away from situations even if it's not my norm ... Man re raising myself is fucken hard as **** ... Can I return this child ... I don't like her hahaha (clearly using humor to deflect my **** feeling right now, if you've even gotten this far in reading my post I'm sorry for the diarrhea of a post. I've got a lot of self haltered and grief I'm dealing with.

Man healing brings such confusion and pain ... Along with the good stuff to. I guess you really can't have the good without the bad huh
blake Jan 2019
breathe. in. out.
what do you see?
computer-ruler-pen-calculator. sticky note. sticky note.
bag. chair.
what else do you see?
i don't know.
where are you?
does it matter?
who are you?
i forgot.
what are you?
Kriti Gupta Jun 2019
There’s a barrier in my mind
While I try to cry over what you said last night
I know that it’s more than fine
So why the hell does it keep me up till light

The xans do little to pass the time
Hands shake ‘baby come back to mine’
My soul leaves your body, its time to fly
Disassociating our very lives
Murad Husain Feb 2017
Tonight I am disassociating myself
from all the worldly belongings,
To be able to feel lighter and stronger!

Tonight I am letting go,
Not out of humility,
To be able to survive the pain!

Tonight I am getting into the dreamy shell,
To be able to get explicit clarity
on the journey called life,
Tonight I am transcending myself
from one to many ~~
storm siren Nov 2016
You can do everything.

all the breathing exercises, all the mind calming techniques, all the grounding rituals, take all your meds at the appropriate times and with food, go to therapy, do the worksheets, make the changes, but you'll still falter sometimes.

and it could be anything, and you could see it coming and not even know you're seeing it.

it could be a song, a word, a noise, an action, anything.

for me it's the sound of rain on roofs.

and you'll fall back into the darkness and the hatred where you think no one can find you or pull you out again. You'll slip under the raging black sea, and let it consume you entirely
as black water
fills your lung
like rapids

and it burns but you let it happen.

because it was too quick, too sudden, for you to stop the water from drowning you.
you try to stand but you can't find your footing because there are no sandbars for you to stand on
only water.

and you thrash but sooner or later you're dizzy and your throat burns and everything is spotty and you can't think

and you're gone.

replaced by a shaking shell of the memory
of not being able to move your arms
and the thunder and rain drowning out your screams
and each blow to your head making it harder to make any noise at all
(and people wonder why you have memory issues)

and finally, when it's over
you're shaking and shivering and your sobs are so violent that they don't make any noise
you can't eat for weeks and when you do you just throw it right back up.
you can't look at your brother
or hug your father
and the disassociating gets so much worse that your arms bleed and ache almost constantly.

your "friends" worry, but not enough to do anything.
your teachers worry, but not enough to ask why.

no one ever asks, so you never tell.

and while you shake and shiver in the car
because you remember it all so well
and you just want it to stop
but you can't get enough air
and you're an absolute wreck,
there's light drifting down to you
through the murky black water.
it's bright and blue and warm
and suddenly you're on dry land
and can breathe
but you're looking into eyes made of galaxies and storms
and you're afraid if they see you this way that they'll leave,
because you're such a mess
but you can't pull it together.
but he found you, in that deep, dark water.
and he pulled you from it,
and helped you breathe again.

and you wish you could show some type of gratitude,
but you know that even if you said thank you a thousand times over,
you'd need a better word than that.

and you sooner or later smile,
and it's like the water and tar never took hold of you.

so maybe you can be better, with a little help.
Asking for help is okay. just remember to say thank you!
Dreams feel like reality and reality feels like dreams
Everything is intermingling together
Been off my medicine a few days, don’t know if I’m finding myself or losing my way
I’m not going off the rails
Emotions are in check
Just disassociating coming out the wreck
Numbness and blindness the medicine creates
The things you don’t realize until it’s too late
2023 I went off my meds for good and found who I am. I thought I had known, but never did I show.
kain Sep 2019
I couldn't be less seen
If I was invisible
The air crushes inwards
Like I'm buried under the sea
I'm disassociating slowly
Floating away
Into cyberspace
While people argue semantics
I walk slowly away
Tomorrow, I'll probably be fine. I'll talk again, and no one will notice that anything is different.
It's not that no one cares. I'm just good at hiding the fact that I am feeling anything but fine.
Man Feb 2022
in space
it's a silence so deafening
screaming has no meaning
to escape
this life
that doesn't satisfy me
in the clouds
and let me know
when you come down
so i can catch you
re-entry can burn
it's something you still
haven't learned

— The End —