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Air carresses porcelain skin
His firm lips press eagerly to every nook
Hands graze over pert *******
Goosebumps appear as nails dig lightly

Teeth sink ever so slightly into pouty full lips
Lithe figure squirms beneath him
Brilliant twinkling blues stare at the dent in the lip
Leaning forward svelte tongue drags across


Finally sinking pearly whites into the dent
Ears perk as a hard moan escapes from deep within her
Releasing the lip leaves that wondrous mouth to catch
The sound that drives every lover wild


Her body like an instrument
To be stroked, trimmed, plucked
Until that magnificent all consuming music plays out
With tender strokes, pads lightly pluck taut rose buds

Body leans back over the arm
Ample spheres of beauty push out as the back arches
Flames of spun silk kiss the floor
Aqueous tongue traces a path up the center
Veering right at the last second
Drenching tightly drawn peaks by suckling with the inferno
Inside his mouth

Insides quiver almost tossing her over ecstacy's edge
Feeling his phallus hard against trembling thigh
Blood races to the pleasure center pulsating where his rod presses
Crying out passionately, followed by begs

"Please what?"  He asks.
Each word sending lava to her core
"I don'don't know!"  She screams frustrated

He chuckles further infuriating and confusing her
Knowing what is wanted he continues to tease
Pulling her forward with hands pinned behind her back
An exasperated sounds emits from swollen lips

"Tsk Tsk"  He admonishes
Subtlety grinding the tip of his staff against that hidden pearl
She struggles, yanking at her arms
Unable to escape the torment, trying to block it

Suddenly a door opens a soft mew fills his ears
Soft plush pillows caressed by firm ones
Mouths open as tongues greet eagerly,


He feels the change the point of no return
Lush curves push against muscles
Bare mound begins to move up and down his thigh
Moisture soaking through his jeans

A fierce cry permeates the air as his teeth sink into her neck
Replaced by tongue stabbing over, suckling hard
Yet biting again
He feels her pace pick up as she grinds deeper and faster

Pain equals pleasure
Pleasure is pain
He begins to crank up the heat
Nipping the ear lobe as fingers grip and pull on tight *******

Her body responds like a well played guitar
Cries and moans spur him on
Bites become harder
Pinches become twists

The pale silk flesh suddenly covered in red welts
Mews turn to groans
Groans turn to cries
Cries turn to screams

As the screams start his thigh is flooded with her ***
Moans escape his lips in time for her kiss to catch them
His member is pulsating, he needs to take her soon
Ruby lips are devouring his

Teeth smash together
Lips split and bleed
The salty taste the only clue
He feels her lips pressing against his neck


Feeling her teeth press deep into his neck is his undoing
Growling loudly as his body reacts
**** jumps up with steady spasms
Yanking the buttons off the fly

Fully engorged mushroom springs forward at the tip of
9 sleek thick inches
"Ahhhhhh" relief as the beast is let out
Unpinning her hands they immediately go for his shaft
Gripping tight

Air ***** hard like a kick to the stomach
Lips meet again
Twirling, suckling, dancing fervently
Hands everywhere no part left untouched

He slides a finger deep between silky folds
Pulling forth the sweetest nectar
Leaning forward tongue delves out suckling the heated sweetness
Her breath hot in his ear as ******* dip deep
Filling, stretching, pushing, adding a third elicits a guttural moan

Fingers curl up pressing against the soft ledge
Mouths crash together again
Hand grabs a fist of flames pulling back
Deep emeralds flash such fire stare back

Watching as her last effort to undo me occurs
Tongue glides slowly tracing her mouth lips
Fingers ease out replaced by the sword
Placing digits between her lips leaning in tasting her *** upon her lips
As his hard length slams home plundering Her tight volcanic well deep

Pulling out
Ramming to the hilt

Mouth swallowing every sound
Allowing it to fuel musical movements
In, out, up, down
Sliding, pumping
Biting, pinching

Flesh hitting flesh the clapping sound oblivious to us
Her heated well ******* his clock deeper
Hips lifting, gyrating meeting each ******
Opening to him like no other

Sweat covers naked flesh
Bodies collide over and over
Neither giving less than the other
Feeling her vice grip upon his shaft it begins to quiver
He increases the pinching, biting, and suckling

Rocking to and fro harder, faster
Gasping as his clock twitches
Her hand reaches between them making a circle around the base
Gripping tight as he pumps in, tighter still on withdrawal

Ahhhs,  Ohhs, yeesssses!
Fill the room
Her emerald greens gaze deep into his striking blues
Arching hard her body beneath  his
Her ***** having such a grip he can't breathe
His ***** tense as he feels his own ecstasy approaching

Trying to move but wanting to hold on just a moment longer
The redhead leans up tracing his lips with her tongue
Slamming home three more times
Sacs draw up and he feels the release as it flies through his staff
Spewing deep into her red hot well

Her walls tremble, gripping and releasing after her own body
Explodes, her juices spurting forward mixing with his as spasms rock their world

Afterwards is calm and warm
Looking at her sweet flesh now a wreck, marks from his teeth, fingers and lips evidence of how hot things became

Lips meet once more in an almost chaste kiss
Bodies intertwined as they fall asleep
Each dreaming about the hours before.
Sleeping in blissful contentment
Just a taste of light rough play. Not all enjoy but don't judge what you have never experienced.  

Property of Jennifer Humphrey copyrighted.  Please do not use without giving credit to the author.  I can prove it is my work so please write your own don't steal mine.   JH
Morgan Winters Jun 2014
And I'm stuck.
I'm stuck on the freckles painted on your skin.
I'm stuck on your gentle carresses of your soft but rough hands, tracing endlessly pointless patterns on my back.
I'm stuck on your raspy voice after you've been laying with me for a while and are beginning to fall sleepy.
But I'm also stuck on the weeks of silence.
I'm stuck on the broken promises.
I'm stuck on the false hope.
I'm stuck on how one year ago, or even five months, you said you loved me to no end.
You said you'd never leave again.
It ended.
You left.
And I'm stuck.
"I think once you've thought about how a person sleeps, how they'd feel pressed up against your back, or your head on their chest, how compatible your bodies would be in the same space of a bed — once you've thought about that, you're ******."
Laney Mejias Nov 2012
Its hardest every night,
When The absence of you
Is as clear
And noticeable
As The emptiness i see
On The pillow next to mine.
When i roll over, and only feel
Cold sheets
Where your lips should be.
Oh, My darling, i remember
When you promised me
Every day
For The rest of our lives
and every day
After that.
Oh, My Love, warm My bed again
Kiss these lips again
Hold me close again
And dont ever
Dont ever let go again.
dry My tears by being near
Fill My head with your voice
And My heart with your Love.
Baby all i need is you.
I meant what i said
When i said
"until The day i die"
And i know you did too.
Im preparing myself
For The worst possible outcome
But hoping against hope
For The best.
Hope guides me.
A hope that at The end of The day
and The games that we play
You will see what is already
So clear to me.
Hope is all ive had
These last several weeks
That ive been battling,
And usually succumbing to
The bitter tears of loss,
And pain,
I pray these weeks dont turn
To months
God forbid you take months
Because even for months,
I will be here waiting,
Probably not patiently,
But wait, i will.
Because Love makes you forgive,
And look past faults,
And mistakes,
To The beauty of The soul
You want forever intertwined
With yours
Oh and i want it..
Want it so badly
That it consumes every thought
And action
In My wakeful hours.
And even when i sleep,
My dreams are haunted
by your absence.
Visions of Love and lust
And The sweet carresses
Of The young in Love.
Each night, when My eyes finally dry
And i fall prey to sleep,
What a fretful sleep it is.
All The things i yearn for
In The daylight hours
Come to me
In My deepest dreams.
I dream of your kiss,
Your laugh,
The way you hold My hand,
And tell me you Love me..
All The things im denied in The day,
My mind gives me at night
Hoping to ease The pain
Of The heart beneath it. But truly,
It only makes it harder
When i wake,
Not in your arms,
But tangled in blankets,
With The ghost of a dreams kiss
Still warming My lips.
Bron Kozakiewicz Nov 2011
To take a walk in the country  and to see the deer at play,
These are some of the finer things that make up a perfect day.
To hear the birds singing high in the sky
And the soft gentle drone of a dragonfly.
To see the sun shining on all it can reach,
On the Oak and the Ash and the Birch and the Beech.
To smell the sweet scents that are all around,
Of the beautiful flowers that reach from the ground.
And to feel the warm breeze as it carresses your skin.
Is what makes me feel good in the world I live in.
Douglas Scheurn Oct 2016
Ten million bombs,
In an organism,
Single of cell.

The nucleus becomes nuclear,
The ironic cliche.
Instructions to life is unclear,
Resurrection per touch'e.

The ground breaks and falls away,
Supernatural universe all around you,
Leading yourself away,
Venomous vapor clouds you pass through.

Written texts whisper secrets,
"They're secrets for none exist to hear it!"

Ink fills the veins in challenge,
Blood carresses the paper before you,
Eyes stare in mallace,
Rebellion is the potential in truth,

The light dims as you suffocate the beautiful lie.
Thirteen dice becames synchronized with your soul,
Chances are you will die,
Before your art feeds your home.

As sad as this is,
It brings us boundless joy.

From the darkest possible chasm,
Ascends our Chrystal-Rift ******.
Lianette Reyes Jul 2014
We commence the acencion into an oxygen void dimension of vivid colors and breathless serenity
your beach-breaze salty glaze compliments your starved gaze as you graze my thighs and sigh through Slytherin lips,
blindly searching for the switch buried in my skin, a surpressed sunset at your fingertips
You need me now, like an orphaned lover you miss me, your strong hands cannot understand the firm grip of my surreal sweet lips, the warm
carresses of my tongue, the twists, the complex concoction of intoxicating love-making physical poetry, Constructing
your perfect carnal high, I trace fairy trails down your chest into the fields of your belly, I paint roses onto your skin with my soft
puckered sips, I drink from you your pleasure and make it my own, you're not alone on this quest to fullfillment,  DO your fill and
you'll recieve in full.I'm at your command. Move me like your marrionette star, I'll repeat which ever wonders your whispers wish me to,
let us commerce in our spiritual sign language, catalyst mental eruption, hot and heavy streams of red-hot moans rivers into tropical atmosphere,
riveting the hem of my body as my soul slips through the strips of bone, the rib caging my bongo core as it crecendos into **** sore psalms, my palms
rooted to your crown as I combust into a comet, corrupted by the sublime nectar dripping off the rims of your mouth, connecting the dots to my being,
you found me
now come
Stacey L Jan 2011
I had the feeling, 
Like once you get home, 
From a flight or a vacation.
I missed this.
But I've been here the whole time..
Now I watch out my open-wide 13th floor window..
Taking it all in. 
The feeling of home.. 
The senses of surroundings-
All in one.
The air moist and cool as it carresses my face.
The wind, warm and comforting like a summers breeze.
Yet the smell is fresh, slightly of pine and mint.
Perfectly cut grass surrounds the smooth, dark, pavemented roads. 
City lights and holiday decora brighten up the vista. 
On the edge, the skylines shimmer with life,
Pointing up to the navy fogged space.
The moon, nowhere in sight. 
If you listened closer, you could hear the crickets songs..
Sleek cars pass by, overpowering the no-beat melodies with their traction, while mimicking the streetlights above.
Sounds of silence, and some of metropolis. 
Fly with freedom,
I could sit here all night, 
Let my legs hang out through transparacy,
Grasping on to a bar,
As if I were on the front row cart of a stopped rollercoaster.
Phoenix Rising Nov 2014
Black on blue
Eyes like the moon
Delicious, melt-in-your-mouth licorice
Call her sassy, but she sways savvy into your life
Binds your mind and body into one
Barrier destroyer of all dark forces, carrier of light
Pure and innocent, she carresses your mind
Vibration uplifted and intelligence becomes gifted
Quick, yet graceful
One of many doors
That your higher self knocks on
Irene X Chen Jun 2010
You were maybe a foot away from me, sitting to the side, accomplishing your task with silent efficiency. A chord rung out, emanating from your body; it drew me near. I stopped to watch, stopped to see, a man of beauty, a man of strength. No cries of anguish or pain, no cries of fear of structure or fear of imminent danger. Hope lifted in my heart; you had a different vibe than all the other guys. You could make me happy. You could keep me safe. You would laugh at my jokes and guard my wounded self-esteem.

And then four feet away, not that much later. We met for the first time, for real. A sudden recognition, an exchanging of names, a few witty (or ditzy?) comments. Four feet again, near the forbidden. Our eyes didn't meet, for you were distracted, lost in your own world of music blasting from your headphones. I traced the line defining your back with a marker that writes on air.

Seasons slipped by. You stood just six feet away in your savvy black bowtie. Fake, yes, but still considered formal. A cheap imitation at the very least, but to one of us, it's all the same. Closer yet, a foot again, only a seat away. I drew my fingers across the top of your surprisingly smooth hands, tracing your veins, the veins that carried your blood, faintly pulsing, speaking softly of gentle carresses and sweet nothings.

Eight feet away, across the classroom, I caught your eye. Mountains moved and dams ruptured as cool, silky waters quenched insatiable fires. There were things I noticed for the first time: the kindness that pampered children underlaying each tone, the strength that upheld the weak resonating from your arms, and the love that would not hesistate to sacrifice sparkling in your eyes. Suddenly, desire gripped me like a reawakened flame, heat up to par with the heat that causes your veins to bulge. I realized that those veins now contained my life's blood. My lifeblood.

I watched you run alongside me, ten feet away, racket up at guard. I've never told you that when you serve, you look exactly like the man on the back of the team shirt; indescribable yet immortalized for an eternity. Eternity, a neverending length of time, the amount of time I want to spend with you and you alone.

Twenty feet away, even further but still closer than ever. Twenty feet, the span of a hallway perhaps, from one set of locked doors to another heavy set. Still close, still close, for no matter the distance, we can bridge this gap. With what? With love. My love for you, and yours for me.

The lines before you sing softly, over and over, three resounding syllables: I love you.
Malaya Sanchez Jul 2015
I watched how she walks through the pavement
With her chin up and shoulders straight
I watched her dainty hair being blown by the wind
And how she sit and light her smoke
I watched how she see through the horizon
I watched how she cringes by the wind
I watched how she walks
And enter a house with a cat that doesn’t talk
I watched how she makes dinner
I watched how she stares at it
I watched how she flicks through tv channels
With no interest whatsoever
I watched her light another pack
I watched how she amuses herself with the dissolving smoke
I watched how she silently carresses the cat
And scratches his head, the cat likes that
I watched how she decides to go to bed
I watched how she looks into nothing
I watched how she cries more
And love less
Think more
And sleep less
Wallow more
And eat less
Die more
And live less
I just watched her
And couldn’t save her
Then I realized
I was her

-Malaya Sanchez
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
The smell of Iron carresses my nose.
I undress.

Looking in the mirror.
Scars decorating my skin.

Others- Ugly.
Me- Beauty.

My eyes take in every inch of myself.
Is it ****** up to say I got turned on?

My eyes dart to the corner of the room.
There lays a lifeless body, bloodless.

My eyes dart to the bathtub.
Filled to the rim with crimmison.

Blood is boiling.

I walk accross the blood soaked floor,
leaving ****** footprints in my wake.

I pearch on the side of the tub.
Stick my toe into it.

A sigh and a shiver of pleasure escape me.
I emerse myself in to it.

I grin...

Razor teeth on display.
For my victoms who are forced to watch.

© SamanthaReganess
Gidgette May 2016
What does your heart cost?
Can it be bought?
Not with money
That's a silly thought
A million kisses,
Maybe two
Gentle carresses
And "I Love You's"
Late night laughter,
Secrets whispered and kept
Promises of smiles
No tears to be wept
"How was your day?"
Asked with care
The complete reasurance
That I'll always be there
What does your heart cost?
I'll pay any price
Just to hold your heart
And see love in your eyes
Kittridge James Oct 2012
Rust and gold fall soundlessly to the sodden ground,
the smell of autumn all around.
Soft crunches beneath my feet,
the euphoric tone of my heartbeat.
Wind sweetly carresses my cheek,
leaving me unable to speak.

All the colors so vibrant and gay,
my only wish is for them to stay.
Autumn is my time of year,
nothing to lose, not much to fear.
I climbed the old solomn oak tree
and beyond the horizon I did see.

So cool and carefree, but it isn't only me.
You've proven how happy I can possibly be.
Just stay right here by my side,
lay with me and enjoy the ride.
Geno Cattouse Mar 2014
Down in meadows where sweet grass grows by the inch by moolite -a girl I  know she would stroll.. quietly ,barefoot and beautiful.

Flowers and rose petals filled the air as she strolled to valley.down.deep. this girl I know who couldn't sleep. the green valley way down deep.

Nite breezes whispered sadness of love adrift like the echoing bubbly,babbling brook as cool grass mingled with achy feet she walked her cares to the valley down deep.

This lady I know is lovely and rare and full of sudden sweet surprise. Like the ones that sparkle from her sleepy eyes. I think she is layered and her sorrows are deep and her pain she does keep quiet and hidden
Way down deep.
So, I somtimes wonder and conjure  what it be to hold her hand ,put her head on my shoulder sing a lullaby low and deep and stroll together on the winding path that would take us by starlite and moonlite and gentle brook to.lay us both down  in clover and Jasmine.
stroke her brow and whisper.her away to sleep in the peacefull valley with windmills up on the hills.
That  place in her joyfull surrender in the green valley way down deep

This woman I know is soft as surrender and tough as iron but the girl inside still dreams the wistfill fairytale ending while doing and going and fixing unending. Regret like a stone on her shoulder, head bowed and sweet.she has kept to the task but now weary for rest and gentle persuasion.
There's a place in the gloaming where dreamwalkers meet a misty suspension. A warm sunny place a snow capped and glistening winterland an azure briney ocean and sand.
Sahara of rippling sand like sweet music rippling forth from a merciful harp that draws her up upwards and aloft  to soar and skim in freedom then she sails the Caribbean trades with the wind in her hair still dreaming wide awake.. she.sits on the bow and seaspray carresses her hopes . Salty misy and cool and she dreams in a dream inside of contemtment unending. Then soars aloft again infitfull sleep then plunges to depths of secrets well kept to.the valley so green and so deep.
To the valley
The valley of sleep.
To green meadows
In the valley.down deep.
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Have you ever imagined making love in the sky?
The cool breeze blows on your face as you stare in your lovers eyes.

Have you ever imagined that pleasure could steal your breath?
The touch and carresses from your lovers hands causing you to melt.

Have you ever cuddled all night and you wake up feeling like you would explode.
The feeling so intense that you decide to make your lovers home your abode.

Have you had a kiss underneath a water fall?
The tiny drops of water  giving you chills as you respond to your lovers call.

Have you ever wished your bed could be set on fire?
As you give yourself away while fulfilling your intense desires.

Have your body ever ****** by the brush of your lovers skin?
Or the warm presence of your lover deep within.

Maybe you should find this lover you dance the night away with.
Without you feeling reserved nor shy even for a little bit.
Hannah Rae Aug 2015
The night of stolen kisses
That my lips didn't deserve
Carresses you wanted for her
Touches that would later hurt

The night you held me
In a way I cannot forget
You looked at me like I was everything
But I wasn't what you wanted

The night of mistakes
That will forever haunt me
Sleeping next to you
Was everything and nothing

The night of many things
That turned into losing you..
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Washed in amber hues,

Drenched with delicate light -

Glistening accumulations of natural gold

Outstretch into the night.

Infinite beauty of vibrant shades,

The familiar shadows’ carresses,

Paints the perfect masterpiece

And unintentionally undresses…

Life in its richest; bordered

By synthetic restraints

May never mask

The wonders the world contains.
Jonny Angel Aug 2014
The full moon
looks down upon
the lonely hearted,
casting its glow
upon chisled-faces,
with streams
of dried tears,
fearful of the morning.

And when the warmth
of the bright star appears,
we lie hidden still,
silently waiting
for the return of night,
when moonglow carresses
us into our lost dreams
& we write of pain,
yet again.
SG Holter Sep 2014
Resting my back against
A back resting itself
Against mine.

What was lifted from my eyes
That made the end of summer
Seem so bright?

This could be a hospital, but
There is good health and honest,
Unpaid care in the walls.

Wherever I am in a room
I can reach out and feel the
Warmth with which

A goddess would sign her
Every most self-mirroring

Feeding me dinners, and gentle
Strokes on my arm by my
Side in the

Cinema, taking it easy. Talking,
Loving and getting to know.  
Slow. In and

Out of a place of light in weight
And colour, being asked nothing
But not asking,

And calmly, gratefully accepting
Carresses and other gifts.
Being given to,

By someone who loves to give.
Sometimes I have so much hope
For humanity.
betterdays Nov 2014
i slip into
the embrace
of the sea,
this morning
and it,
welcomes me.

the salt,
carresses my skin
and the cool water,
captures my mind

i swim out,
past the breakline
and into the green

who knows,
what swims beneath....
when i dive
i see nothing,
but seaweed
yet there is,
a whole world
down there...

as i stroke,
my way back and forth across the cove...

the worries of the landlocked cease,
and i am...
at one...
with the rythm...
of my body,
as the water,
past each and every,

it is like...
weaving liquid silk,
into the weft,
of my tattered soul ...
and in doing so,
renewing vigour
and purpose.

the sun rises,
and the surfers come...
at last i am done....
and leave the water,
slipping quietly
back on to the sand...

and back into the less fluid
being of me....
patched....and embroidered
ready .....for another day
i swim most mornings at dawn break.....sometimes
i beat the surfers the fresh water....
Dakota Schmidt May 2010
The razor rests upon my wrists
Scarred with time
And the impossible mountains
I've tried to climb.

He will never know the secrets
Behind my pain
As the blood carresses my skin
Like scarlet rain.

No more suffering and no more tears.
No one will remember my lonely final years.
Locked behind my enclosing death,
I whisper those undeniable words as I take my last dying breath.

I love you.
Just something i pondered with(:
Ryan Long Mar 2016
As The soft gentle wind
Lovingingly Carresses my face
I am reminded of your
Unending merciful grace

The cool touch of night
And the stars you placed in the sky
Reminds me of your love
And that your presence is nigh

The moon and stars set up above
Like rare jewels in a fine setting
Testimony to your craftsmanship
That no one will be forgetting

Your creation is beautiful
Your fingerprints you left
Your glory is all around
In every valley and mountain cleft

Lord your name
Above all others be praised
Your glory shine
And worship be raised!
Evil Undertow Aug 2015
Sleep now
Coal and diamonds will be my blanket
Crooks and sleeves my pillow
Dirt the scent that carresses my nose
Dusty winds my lullaby

One eye keeps watch
One eye stacks the z's
Palm nuzzles revolvers ****

The cold is my warmth
Outlaw is my creed

A hail of bullets will be my alarm clock
Your blood will press snooze

But eventualy
On the run in the desert will be my doom
martin challis Oct 2014
The smooth force of ****** skin
carresses and moulds me in stone.
I stretch to the contour
groin the hollow
nurtured and naked
for sacrifice.

Grave friend, grey faced
steady eyed friend
shallow edge
great heart
melt with heaviness the torsion
in each of these limbs.

I surrender time to the mother of you,
dry tenderer, assauger of guilt, you
who holds up day, and lets down night,
who bundles and sprawls me
like a rough shouldered parent.

I search for the place of no light in you,
close my eyes to your dreaming
seek out eons you’ve sloughed off
and deeper, how your weight pulls the gravity out of me,

I surrender
and can fall no more into the rocking
rocking lap of you;
mother how can I fold into you
how can I surrender
how can I add my breath to the sigh of you?

MChallis © 2005/2014
Jayne E Jun 2019
Long before the sun has said hello
your face lays so close on my pillow
your breath carresses my necks nape
this is the way we both love to wake

Flattened palm warm laid on my belly
movements slow we choose to dally
our bodies joined from toes to hips
in sleepiness we let all pretences slip

This is my favoured way to wake
with you knowing I'm yours free to take
so with my body I show you how
I need you to be one with me now

Your breath warm, fervent in my ear
inevitable, no choice, I pull you in near
(draw you to my inner atmosphere)
excited molecules cause quite a reaction
undeniable unfightable hot attraction

My ardent moans and ****** sighs
undo any maybes or hesitant why's
my radiated heat, wetness invites you in
your warm firmness signals let's begin

Slowly deeply hips rolled and ******
no stolen kisses unspoken deep trust
delicious delirious both giving over
surrendering my body to you my lover

Your hand so tender upon my breast
my hand on you 'tween my thighs wrest
passions rising hearts beating harder
breaths short in this our sweet ardour

The world still quietly sleeping without
inside our loves expression plays out
your lips your teeth carressing my neck
my cheeks aflame I am at your beck

I feel your excitement building higher
the ****** the pull the heat of our fire
it brings me on pushes past the breach
desire for release you squeeze my peach

More urgent now still close we hold
movements stronger deeper more bold
I crave to feel your ****** letting go
it triggers my own hot lava to flow

We both are gluttons here it is true
never getting enough me nor you
always needing to push on until spent
smile in soft repose at passions vent.

J.C. honey-tiger (grroowwlll!) 30/06/2019.

A little ditty about the 'fire'...
Vyiirt'aan Nov 2017
Waking up to sweet lilac rays
The tingling sensation that carresses
My nostrils

I awaken, but my head is chained
To my bed

In solitude my body rests
But when it's solemn it rots
Under the lilac morning sun
In the field of martial arts
The lesson i was taught is to love
No anger can win a war but a determination of sympathy
The kicks of passion and the blows of carresses
Soft tender punches to a painful-less action
All to a triumph of victory.
To keep the calm is to stop the war, ablaze of cover fired seized in touches of shouts
Who is it that i have never met, one who loves to surrender
Effectivenes can buy a surrender rather than a story of words of sympathy in tears
They only make a good story and buy temporary times
Now see what the future has not on your side laying by the successful' pillow
How nany of chances can you blow to have a series of a hit goal
You nail your opportunities to the wall and cry for desires of dreams under rehabilitation
Thats the way to say the insane are brighter than your conscious
You live in a poverty of deep thinking while the answer swims by the surface floor
And why wish to step too high before you can walk on the possibles(captioned seeable & achievable Things)
How ignorance has made you ran a race to the start line as life drives to the finish line.
Which color do you paint life.
Dreams, possibilities, extraordinary, father-mother cry, run of hustle.
Vyiirt'aan Dec 2017
The vivacious odour of the rain that carresses me
Tracing along my skull that entices me
Indulge me in your epiphany, dear cloud
Please give me your company

Amongst the night that traces the vivid tracks
Consuming the landscapes of hope and glee
Amidst the midnight sun, a song unsung
By the canid critters traversing the path

Please do guide me and sing
For me - for them eternally
In grace and peace, I believe
I'll return to haven once more
Vyiirt'aan Dec 2017
Respiratory chambers inhale the frigid air
And distorts its inner peace
Visions flounder and loud noises
As the water carresses its surface

The water retracts yet the peace remained violated
Simultaneously being unexposed to the change

I exhale but frail air merely makes me meek
To the fumes of an alternate similarity
older poem
Jayne E May 2019
As inked black night wraps all around me
It's in your arms my body yearns to be
as this darkest hour all of me carresses
it's my one true love, my heart he possesses

my need of you pure, transcends all physical
encompasses mental, feelings, spiritual
emotional landscapes lit upon our canvas
horizons painted with loves sweet missives
tenderest moments be carried on ardent kisses

it's you my honey-bee from here & for forever
your love for me the most precious treasure
I see  your inner beautiful light shining out
a gift so amazing I feel compelled to shout
to the heavens the stars all of the universe
how much I do love you, my
honey-bee through this, my humble verse.

J.C. honey-tiger 05/05/2019.
McKenna Pickett Apr 2023
Every now and then
I become 10 years old

I'm laying in my parents bed
melting into worn sheets and heavy blankets

I can hear my sister on the phone
she's chatting about some math test

The walls were always thin

I can hear my mother with the vacuum
and my father and brother cooking breakfast

They are toasting english muffins
and scrambling eggs

The bacon is sizzling
and the hash browns are crispy

I can smell it now as it floods my house
seeping into the hallway and into the room

The birds outside are singing
and the sunlight is golden as it carresses
my weary, aged eyes

But I am 10 right now
my shoulders have no weight to carry

And I feel as though I am one with the wind
slowly floating away from where I should be,
back towards home.
Jayne E May 2019
Its true its you my honey honey bee
how could there be another for me
you have my heart to never be apart
my honey honey bee so let us start

to never end this true love connect
took me by surprise not to deflect
as you opened up my heart flower
gave me shelter under loves bower

the wonder of you and all the bliss
carried on your words by your kiss
still blows my mind in every way
nothing now for us but sunny days

with honey dripping from your lips
and love coating your fingertips
carresses push me past the breech
to heights of ecstacy never reached

I cannot live life without you now
nor imagine just in any way how
its possible for me just to exist
without your daily love driven kiss

So take me honey-bee I am yours
you're my star bright guided course
by the light of moon bright and full
I'm helpless to resist magnetic pull

Nor would I want to fight such joy
or resist such bliss my honey boy
in your eyes I see my entire future
you're ardor our loves embouchure

J.C. "honey-tiger" 12/05/219

— The End —