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Anu Mehta Sep 2019
किसी ने सच कहा है, कोई तो बात है आप मे जो इतनी गहरी हैं कि हर कोई आपको पाना चाहता है, कोई तो बात है, आप मे जो इतनी गहरी हैं कि हर कोई आपके दिल में रहना चाहता है, पर उन लोगो को कौन समझाए ये आपका
दिल है कोई धर्मशाला नहीं……..
जन्मदिन एक विशेष अवसर होता है मैं इस अवसर पर अपनी Mam को ये एहसास दिलाना चाहती हूँ कि
आप मेरी ज़िन्दगी में बहुत ही ख़ास जगह है. ... ये रिश्ता ऐसा रिश्ता है जो भले ही खून का नहीं लेकिन ये खून के रिश्तों से भी बढ़कर है, सबसे पहले आपको जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं……….।
दोस्ती की मिसाल हो आप, ज़िन्दगी जीने की नई आस हो आप, चाहे कितना भी दूर क्यों ना हो, दिल के हमेशा पास हो आप । Happy Birthday to You Mam………………
उन दिनों की बात है जब मैंने Aishwarya Health Care में 07- Aug- 2014 Join किया था, तब मेरे लिए सब नया - नया था । नये-नये लोग, नया माहौल, Over all सब कुछ नया था । नये - नये लोगो की नई -2 बाते, कुछ लोग Mind Game खेलते रहते थे कुछ लोग निचा दिखने में लगे रहते थे कुछ समझ में नहीं आता था किस पे भरोसा करे, किस पे नहीं करे……….।
Company में (Aishwarya Health Care) सारे लोग अजनबी थे, उनमें से एक अजनबी ऐसा था जो मेरे लिए बहुत बड़ी अहमियत रखता था, वो मेरे लिए किसी फरिश्ता से कम नहीं था, उन्होंने मुझे एक नई ताकत और हर रोज एक नई प्रेरणा देता थे । Aishwarya Health Care में एक नया माहौल अनुभव हो रहा है । जब "Office (नौकरी) में मेरा मन नहीं लग रहा था, मेरा धीरे-२ से बोलना, कम बात करना और जब दुनिया मेरा मज़ाक उड़ाती थी, ऐसा मानो मेरी किस्मत मेरे से रूठी थी सबने मुझे ठुकराया था, जब मैं तनहा और उदास थीं! उस पल वो अजनबी मेरे साथ थे तब उस अजनबी ने मुझे गले लगाया था!! वो अजनबी और कोई नहीं वो मेरी Mam है उनका नाम Neha Sunder है वो Account & Finance Department के Sr. Executive है… बल्कि वो उम्र में भी मुझ से बड़े है पर उन्होंने आज तक कभी Sr. होने का Attitude/ Ego नहीं दिखाया । धीरे-धीरे हम दोनों का एक-दूसरे के प्रति लगाव (Attachment) दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ता गया । मुझे उनका बोलने का तरीका और उनकी आदतें बहुत अच्छी लगी । उनके साथ उठना बैठना और कई बार उनका अंदाज ऐसा भी होता है कि प्यारी मुस्कान दिल को छू जाती है । उनकी छोटी-२ चमकदार आंखें और उनके लंबे काले बाल अन्य लोगों की तुलना बहुत ज्यादा सुन्दर  लगते । मै Company में जब पहली बार उनसे मिला थी । तो वो मुझे बहुत अच्छे लगे थे, कभी सोचा नहीं था वो भी मेरे से इतने Attach हो जाएँगे जितना मै उनके साथ Attach हुई हूँ । जब वो मुझे छोटी छोटी बातें समझते थे, मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता था । पर मुझे आज तक एक बात समझ नहीं आई आज के समय कोई इतना अच्छा कैसे हो सकता है । Mam मैं एक बात कहना चाहती हूँ । thank You So much मेरी ज़िन्दगी में आने के लिए और इतने अच्छे Moments देने के लिए, आपके साथ बिताया हर लम्हा बहुत खास है । जब भी मुझे कोई समस्या होती थी तो वो हमेशा मेरा साथ देते थे । जब मेरे में बहुत कमियां  तब उन्होंने मुझे अपनाया था, बहुत कुछ सिखाया था किस से कैसी बात और कितनी बात करनी चाहिए । अच्छे बुरे के बीच में अंतर करना सिखाया था, Over All वो बहुत अच्छे है मेरे पास शब्द भी नहीं उनका धन्यवाद कैसे करूँ ?
धीरे -२ समय बीतता चला गया समय के साथ हमारी दोस्ती भी गहरी होती गए । (Good Luck) एक सबसे अच्छी बात हम दोनों में कभी छोटी मोटी नोक - जोक तक नहीं हुई । समय का पहिया चाहता रहा कितना कुछ बदलता गया (जैसे - उनकी शादी हो गई और शादी के एक साल बाद एक baby boy हुआ) Mam का प्यारा से एक परिवार है । लोग कहते है शादी के बाद इन्सान बदल जाता है या फिर अपने घर परिवार में busy हो जाता है । पर मुझे कभी Feel नहीं हुआ की वो busy है या फिर Change हो गए है । आज भी उनके दिल वही जगह जो मुझे 5 साल पहले दी थी ।  I LOVE YOU MAM
Mam दोस्ती ही तो है एक ऐसा रिश्ता है जो जिंदगी के एक रंग में भी कई रंग दिखाता है ।
वरना बिना दोस्तों के रंगीन जिंदगी भी बेरंग सी नजर आती है ॥
Mam आपकी सच्ची दोस्ती से बढ़कर इस दुनिया में कुछ कहाँ है ।
आप जैसा एक दोस्त सच्चा है आप जैसा तो अपना सारा जहाँ है ॥
आप साथ हो मेरे तो डर किस उड़ती चिड़िया का नाम है ।
मस्त- मस्ती में बस हर दम खिलखिलाने का मेरे काम है ॥
जब हो कोई tension या किसी problem से हों परेशान ।
तब आप के साथ होने से ही हो जाता है सारी समस्या का समाधान ॥
आपकी नजरें ही कह देती हैं चल Anu इसे भी देख लेते हैं ।
और हर भी पल में यूँ ही मुस्कुराने की हिम्मत दे देते हैं ॥
जब होता है आपका साथ तो खुद में ही हिम्मत सी आ जाती है
और चेहरा घोर उदासी में भी खिलखिला कर मुस्कुरा पड़ता है ॥
आप ही तो हैं जो बिना कुछ बोले सब जान लेते हैं ।
और हर expressions को दूर से ही भाँप लेते हैं ॥
आप के साथ मिल कर हर बोझ हल्का हो जाता है ।
आप से मिलकर पल में ही मन को सुकून मिल जाता है ॥
दिन भर शरारत करना और रात भर उन पर खिलखिलाना ।
और पुरानी बातों का ताजा करके यूँ ही पूरा दिन बिताना
अब हो गए है आदत ॥
Mam वो अजब गजब शरारते और कई कारनामों का बबाला ।
वो शरारत की चटनी और शोर शराबे का मसाला ॥
वो code words का खेल और लोगो को चिढाना ।
और लोगो के नये नये नामों का बनाना ॥
सब वो शरारते याद आएगी…………………  
वो Saturday की planing करना और अपने Group का active होना।
वो पेड़ के नीचे खड़े होकर अपने Group में अपनी बातो पे खिलखिलाकर जोर जोर से हसँना…………
Mam मेरी सच्ची दोस्त सिर्फ आप है, सच्चा दोस्त रखने वाला संसार में सबसे धनवान है ।।
सब की ज़िन्दगी मे कोई ना कोई इंसान ऐसा होता है जो सब से खास, सब से प्यारा होता है। चाहे वो मम्मी या पापा, भाई - बहन आदि हो सकते है । ऐसा इंसान जिसकी जगह बहुत खास होती है । क्या आपकी ज़िन्दगी में भी कोई ऐसा इन्सान है तो निचे Comment Box मे उस इन्सान का नाम जरूर लिखे…………
मेरे पास अल्फ़ाज़ नहीं है कि, मैं उनका शुक्रिया कैसे अदा करूं, जिन्होंने मुझे कितना कुछ सिखाया है आप भी सोच रहे कौन है ऐसा जो इतना प्यारा और खास है, चलो आइए मैं भी आपको उस इन्सान से मिलवाती हूँ जो मेरी ज़िन्दगी में बहुत खास और सब से प्यारा है । उनकी आवाज़ में वो जादू है जो मैं इज़हार नहीं कर सकती, वो मेरे लिए उस खुदा की तरह है जिसका दीदार मैं कर नहीं सकती……….।
Ashwin Kumar Oct 2023
Hi Aishwarya, very very hearty congratulations!!
You deserve this
As much as we recruiters deserve success
After burning the midnight oil
For months and months

Of you I'm so proud
Of course, always have I known
That, extremely talented are you
Not to mention, dedicated and hardworking
Nevertheless, quite the feather in your cap this is
And gives you bragging rights, it does!!

From "Jagame Thanthiram" to "Archana 31 Not Out"
And from "Gatta Kusthi" to "King of Kotha"
Always, have I been enamoured
By your ability to act in a variety of roles
AND play them all to perfection
By your expressions
Which change as frequently
As a chameleon changes its colours
And finally
By your utterly bewitching beauty and charm
Something that can be replicated not
Even by the most celebrated divas of Bollywood!!

An amazing actress are you
And an even better human being
Nicer than Keanu Reeves
More humble than Johnny Depp
And at the same time
Extremely outspoken and brutally frank
There ain't nothing
That you can achieve not
I endeth on this note
You are under arrest
For the crime of stealing my heart!!
Poem dedicated to actress Aishwarya Lekshmi, who just won an award for "Best Actor Female (Film)" from OTTPlay app for the movie "Ammu" ; her first direct OTT feature to be dubbed in many languages; though a Telugu original.
judy smith Jul 2016
Veteran fashion designer Tarun Tahiliani believes that the Indian fashion industry has become more organised and a little more professional.

Best known for his ability to infuse Indian craftsmanship and textile heritage with European tailored silhouette, Tahiliani believes that the Indian fashion industry has become more strategised and cemented over the last 20 years.

"India's propensity to consume is gaining an international audience and this is changing the competitive landscape," Tahiliani told IANS in an email interview.

"It has certainly become more organised and a little more professional, and obviously the market has exploded, but I think that we still have a long way to go in terms of being more business oriented and there's still room to get more organised and professional," the designer added.

Eulogizing the new and younger crop of designers, Tahiliani, who has over two decades of experience in the industry, believes that they are doing well in terms of the handloom and textile industry.

"What's really heartening to see is that there are so many younger designers who are going places and are doing so well in terms of the handloom and textile industry... it has become more organised. I think handloom was very localised in terms of weavers with a certain look from a certain area sold through certain channels," said the Co-Founder of Ensemble -- a multi-designer boutique.

"There has been a lot more creative freedom and other regions are experimenting with textile alien to their region, especially if they are more lucrative. As long as people appreciate traditional craftsmanship and embroideries, machine work will never replace the richness of hand embroidery," he added.

Asked if the plus-size models are yet to move into the mainstream industry in India?

"Well, they should have moved into the mainstream long back. But are not normally associated with very expensive high fashion and couture," Tahiliani said.

Having draped most of the leading ladies of Bollywood like Priyanka Chopra, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Madhuri Dixit-Nene in his creations, Tahiliani says that fashion is his muse, not a Bollywood star.

"Art, architecture, interiors, history, travel and maharajas... My inspiration comes from many things. Sometimes it's from beautiful inlay work that I've seen in a fabulous monument; other times my inspiration can be something as simple as a beautiful kanjeevaram weave," he said.

"Ultimately, however, my inspiration comes from India's rich traditions of craftsmanship, particularly when it comes to things like embroideries that we have in India. Nothing is more amazing than beautifully executed, intricate and fine technique. I don't design clothes keeping a Bollywood star in mind, but rather for the new age contemporary woman," he added.

Tahiliani is all geared up to showcase his collection The Last Dance of the Courtesan at the FDCI India Couture Week 2016 on Thursday here. He has artistically blended fabrics like cotton jacquards, cotton silks, crepes and cutwork jamdanis with Swarovski crystals for the range.

That's not all. He will next participate in the Vogue Wedding Show and then the prestigious Lakme Fashion Week, to be held in Mumbai in August.

"I will present my Ready to Wear Autumn Winter 16-17 collection at Lakme Fashion Week. It has been inspired by the works of Mrinalini Mukherjee (late sculptor) and the journey only gets bigger and better from here," he said.Read more at: |
Ashwin Kumar Jul 2023
You may think that you are just another actress
But there is something truly special about you
Your eyes burn with a fire
That refuses to die, no matter what
Your expressions are priceless
If magic truly existed
Your smile would have worked like a love potion
Sweeping me off my feet
And into your outstretched arms
When it comes to acting, though
You show a wide range of emotions
Happy, sad, angry
Confused, depressed, disappointed
And whatnot!!
You are truly the Queen of Mollywood
And the Rising Star of Kollywood
However, success hasn't gone to your head
You are humble and unassuming by nature
But you don't have a filter
When it comes to expressing your views
Something that I can totally relate to
All in all, your mere presence
Has the capacity to render me speechless
And I am ready to watch any movie of yours
Irrespective of the genre
You are the reason I am able to smile
Through all the pain I face in life
Of course, I am sure you have thousands of ardent admirers
But you mean the world to me
Just remain the way you are
Keep chasing your dreams
And I am sure you will do wonders
Take care and wish you all the very best!!
Yet another poem dedicated to the Queen of Malayalam cinema, actress Aishwarya Lekshmi.
She is fond of sunsets,
yet prefers sunrise.
She cares about the weak heart,
yet is uncaring about her own.
She is surrounded by devils,
yet manages to find angels.
She is kind all the while,
yet mean at times.
She is faithful to the windy winter,
yet admires the soft summer.
She is passionate about her love,
yet apathetic in an irregular manner.
She is roughly foreseeable,
yet effortlessly unpredictable.
She is able to be whole,
yet unable to have a piece.
She is easily melted by the fire,
yet controls the tough cold core.
She lives in her own fantasies,
yet awaits an unpoetic reality.
She is a prepossessing paradox.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Every time you read a poem,
it would be different than previous.
Poets shape verses accordingly,
and add warmth into raw words of obvious.
A poem is a mystery to everyone,
filled with pain and desires.
Poets shape verses accordingly,
and arrange the words before they expire.
A poem can make lifeless person feel alive,
but make the mind a horrific place.
Poets shape verses accordingly,
and let words flow in their own space.
A poem could be difficult to understand,
because it possesses calm and clash.
Poets shape verses accordingly,
and avoid words to turn into ash.
If poems would be written on the skin,
everything would bleed and shed.
Poets shape verses accordingly,
and instead of vintage words turn red.
-Aishwarya Kulkarni
Ashwin Kumar Apr 2023
Your expressions can ****
Before one can even utter the words "Avada Kedavra" !!
Your eyes sparkle with an intensity
That can melt even boulders
Your smile is filled with a dazzling light
Which is so bright
That it can even turn Hell into Heaven
As we are often told
"Laughter is the best medicine"
Well, your laugh is so divine
That it can even bring people back from the dead
Your sense of fashion is an art in itself
And can even put London and Paris in the shade
Most of all, you gave up a career in medicine
In order to pursue your dreams
With a courage that would have made Godric Gryffindor proud
I can't wait to watch you on the big screen
Because there is absolutely no one
Who can do justice to the character of Poonguzhali
With such a silken grace
As I am sure you will
Malayalam actress who plays the role of "Poonguzhali" in Ponniyan Selvan 2.
judy smith Aug 2016
Fashion designer Manav Gangwani feels that the Hindi film industry acts as a catalyst for the Indian fashion industry.

He believes that since Bollywood has a huge fan base, it helps in getting a designer’s brand recognised.

Gangwani says the Indian couture industry has significantly evolved over the past years and it is the responsibility of the fashion fraternity to keep this evolution constant. “Over the years, I have always added a modern twist to the silhouettes in my couture collections. The couture industry has significantly evolved over the past years. I think it is important that we keep this evolution constant,” Gangwani said in an earlier occasion.

The designer, who has styled Bollywood stars like Hrithik Roshan, Kangana Ranaut and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, believes that associating with such celebrities does a world of good to a designer’s creations.

“Bollywood certainly acts as a catalyst for the Indian Fashion industry in terms of retail. In one way or another, the designers prefer to commercially dress up a celebrity outfit for a film rather than showcasing it exclusively on the ramp. Since Bollywood has millions of followers, the brand recognition through it goes a long way,” Gangwani told in an interview.

The designer, who also had the honour of dressing the King Of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, shared that the “potential customers are more discerning than ever and have a growing penchant for exclusivity”.

The growing couture industry has set high standards for aspiring designers and that intense competition makes designers put their best work forward, he added.Read more at: |
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2023
Right from the moment
Did I clap my eyes upon you
In the movie "Jagame Thanthiram"
Felt, did I
That, was there something special about you

Lies in you, a burning intensity
Which can reduce your enemies to dust
With the same frightening ease
Did the West Indies dominate cricket
Many a decade ago

Not a big role did you play in "PS1"
Or for that matter, "PS2"
However, come when your scenes did
So enraptured were we
Unable, were we
To take our eyes off you
Never had anyone played the role of "Poonguzhali"
With such simple elegance
Combined with wit and humour
Of the highest order

However, "Gatta Kusthi" was it
Where came you, into your own
Transitioning from a fiery wrestler
Into a traditional housewife
And back
With remarkable ease
The scene where you single-handedly took on those armed goons
And beat them to a pulp
As though it were child's play
Will remain etched in my mind forever
Seriously did I think
Hath arrived, a new superstar

Truly versatile, art thou
Thus did "Archana 31 Not out" prove
Where played you, the role of a teacher
Struggling to discipline a class full of troublemakers
And at the same time, facing a future full of uncertainties
Due to ongoing layoffs
Not to mention, facing rejection after rejection
When it cometh to marriage proposals
Quite the emotional rollercoaster did it turn out to be
And truly did you own the character
Rooting for "Archana", was I throughout
And when came the ******
Truly inspirational, was your speech
Showed us all, did you
The importance of taking our life in our own hands

Blessed with beauty, art thou
However, it stops not there
An exceptionally skilled actress are you
And a humble and down-to-earth person
Who, nevertheless, is afraid not
To speak her mind, no matter what
May you continue rocking and inspiring young artists
And shall the Lord bless you
With all the love, happiness, peace and prosperity in the world
Poem dedicated to my all-time favourite celebrity; actress Aishwarya Lekshmi
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2023
When all hopes are dashed
When nothing goes right
When water turns into sludge
Gold turns into rusted iron
Love turns into Hatred
Happiness turns into Despair
Friendship turns into Betrayal
And last but not the least
Good turns into Evil
I think of you
To the world, you may be an actress
But to me, you represent Hope
Your smile tells me
That everything is going to be all right soon
Your laugh tells me
To forget all my troubles
And come up with jokes instead
Including those that make fun of our government
Without the fear of getting arrested
Your sweet voice tells me
To listen to Harris Jayaraj melodies
So that I can stay calm
Even when facing an angry cobra
Who is itching to send me back to my maker
Your expressions tell me
That life is an emotional rollercoaster
Full of ups and downs
And sometimes it is okay not to be happy
Or to experience mood swings
And finally
Your dance moves tell me
That sometimes you just need to play kuthu songs
And dance like Legend Saravanan
No matter what the society says
And yes, I don't know you well
You probably haven't even heard of me
But thank you for entering my life
And finding a way to keep me sane
Even when I am surrounded by chaos on all sides
And there is no escape route
Poem dedicated to the Malayalam superstar, the one and only Aishwarya Lekshmi!!
the white moon and all the bright stars,
the bitter espresso and all the cold nights,
the unclear intimacy and all the prolonged talks,
the cozy sheet and all the free glimpses,
the hardest fall and all the vague hugs,
the heartfelt love and all the bad kisses,
the wild heart and all the improbable dreams,
the sacred trust and all the naked thoughts,
the correct intuition and all the wrong decisions,
the lost soul and all the hidden scars,
the slow poison and all the forgotten memories.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Ashwin Kumar Sep 2023
Your smile is like a drop of honey
Your laugh is like a Resurrection Stone
Because it can bring people back from the dead
Your voice is like one of the symphonies composed by Beethoven
If looks could ****
I would probably be dead by now
If I were to make eye contact with you, that is!
Hey, I was just kidding!!
But yes, your glare is so intense
That it can even force Lord Voldemort
To fall at your feet
And beg for mercy
Thus giving him a taste of his own medicine!!!
Your expressions keep changing
Like the colours of a chameleon
If someone were to wake you up
In the middle of the night
And force you to act
You would do it as naturally
As flying comes to Harry Potter
Yet, in spite of all the fame and glamour in your life
You are as humble as Michael Faraday
With a heart as pure as that of Goddess Sita
Again just kidding, you are as human as I am
Only infinitely more beautiful
From the outside as well as from the inside
And I am extremely thankful to you
Not only for your movies
But also for inspiring me to write better poetry
In a way that even William Wordsworth wouldn't have been able to pull off!!!
Dedicated to my all-time favourite filmstar - actress Aishwarya Lekshmi
The chaotic street;
And rushing crowd,
Processing in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic mind;
And thundering veins,
Artistry in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic skin;
And gleaming bones,
The stupor in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic tongue;
And communicating fingers,
The fire in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic heart;
And vibrating lips,
Pervading in the midst of the chaos.
The chaotic soul;
And sparkling eyes,
Authenticity in the midst of the chaos.
shifting or steady,
seasonal or structured,
The chaos has to be intriguing.
How beautiful the chaos is!
How peaceful the chaos feels!
Verses hold relevance like a broken crayon,
The magic in the poetry; the comfort in the chaos.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
judy smith Feb 2017
He has given a luxurious twist to the dying art of weaving and popularised the use of Khadi. Award-winning textile designer Gaurang Shah is more than happy that the Indian fashion industry has welcomed handlooms. “As a textile designer, I would like to say the Indian fashion industry has embraced handlooms with lot of admiration and helped revive our ancient traditions of weaving art, like the jamdani weaves, that we use in creating our fashion pieces,” Shah told IANS.

“It also reinforced its unparalleled beauty around the world,” he added. The designer says that one must acknowledge the passion and intense amount of production hours every weaver at the looms puts to bring out timeless pieces of handlooms.

“The fashion industry did contribute to bring them back into vogue in recent years,” he said. Shah showcased his latest collection of 40 garments titled Muslin at Lakme’s Fashion Week Summer/Resort 2017. His anthology for the gala was inspired by romance of nature.

Giving details about his range, he said: “Our collection incorporates weaves and techniques from West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The amazing all-in-whites collections integrate gorgeous Mughal motifs and geometric patterns on Khadi, chikankari embroidery and Parsi gara.”

The designer’s collection involved 50 weavers working relentlessly for over six months. Shah, whose handloom creation made its way to the 69th Cannes Film Festival when Deepshikha Deshmukh, producer of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan starrer “Sarbjit”, stepped out in an ensemble featuring Paithani and Kanjeevaram details, says that handlooms are a glorious heritage of India and it is important to preserve and help the artists’ community grow.

“I would like to add that a few years ago this beautiful art was fading away. Thanks to persistent effort and motivation from label like ours, followed by the efforts of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, that pushed Indian handlooms to higher level of acceptance,” he said.

Shah began his journey in the textile world with just two weavers and today the label works with 700 weavers, and the number is still growing.

“The biggest contribution we as a designer can make is to keep our artisans motivated and also help them gain confidence that it is a highly profitable profession,” said the designer, who has styled the stars like Vidya Balan, Sonam Kapoor and Kirron Kher.Read more at: |
judy smith May 2016
After Aishwarya Rai Bachchan gave us some impressive red carpet outings, all eyes were on Sonam Kapoor as she made her sixth Cannes appearance in a row. And boy, she lived up to our expectations in a whimsical Ralph and Russo sari-inspired gown with half cape. Her styling was bang on with pink lips, dewy makeup and middle-parted neat tresses.

Designers give thumbs up to the actor, without a second thought. “Sonam looks spectacular. I love the dramatic outfit. I loved the fact that Sonam wore no jewellery (except for a ring) and kept her hair straight with some interesting eye makeup,” says designer Manish Malhotra.

“I love this look. It is a great example of something experimentally grand and classic at the same time. I also like the jersey in the top portion, which adds a very modern and sporty vibe to a traditional embroidered half cape sari inspired gown. There is a duality I can sense here and it has surprising familiarity in terms of a classic Balenciaga vibe,” says designer Rahul Mishra.

Designer Rina Dhaka also loves her look, but believes that subtler looks can also work the same magic . “Sonam looks gorgeous. The outfit has a lot of volume, and yet it is controlled and figure hugging. I would call her a drape crusader,” she says, adding, “However, unlike Indian actors, international actors are going for understated, simpler looks. We guys tend to take on too much embroidery, making it look theatrical. These looks are bridal by western standards. But our audiences like this.”Read more |
His lips are not of sinners
yet the taste is slowly turning bitter.
Hell is here and I fear my love for him.
Kisses are getting *****;
with a tint of innocence, however quirky.
But he has a pure soul and a fine mind.
There’s fire all over in this,
and he’s seeking peace.
I want to calm him with the blood running in my veins;
vigilant enough to burn him with my flames.
He likes speaking in between breaths.
I like making him shut in breaks.
My words are less to describe his eyes,
delightful and dangerous at the same time.
He is aware of the strength in my arms,
I’m sure of making him melt in them.
Magic in wild and colors in life,
makes him want the dark more.
He has a heart of a King,
still demands demon wings!
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Ashwin Kumar Jul 2023
Let's say I am in love with Ms. B
Being a hypothetical situation, there is no need to use proper names
So, here it goes
Dear B,
You mean the world to me
For you, I am willing to do anything
That is, of course, anything ethical
You can rant all day as you like
I will listen, understand and empathise
I can be a shoulder for you to cry on
Your happiness, is all that matters to me
You lose your temper? that's fine
After all, it happens to me too
More frequently that you would imagine
You need some space?
Of course, I will give you space
I understand what it means
To be surrounded by people all the time
And thus end up losing the opportunity
To have some "me time"
After all, not only am I an introvert
I am also autistic
And too much talking often drains the hell outta me
Except when it comes to topics I am comfortable with
Such as trains, Harris Jayaraj music, food, Harry Potter
Agatha Christie ****** mysteries, cricket, tennis
And of course, anything to do with Aishwarya Lekshmi
Anyway, I will do my very best
To make our relationship work
I will always be there for you
Through good and bad times
Of course, that doesn't mean
That I will be overprotective
You must have your independence
I'm pretty sure you can take care of yourself
However, when it comes to a situation
Where you end up biting more than you can chew
You just have to say the word
And I will be at your side
You have a few male friends
With whom you are intimate?
That's completely okay with me
Of course, my best friend is a woman
You should be okay with that
Remember, it works both ways
Then, there is the sheer pain you have to go through
When it comes to having a baby
In order to avoid that, I am open for adoption
Or even test tube babies
Of course, only if you are okay with either option
Remember, I will always love you
Whether you are at your best
Or at your worst
However, I expect the same from you as well
As I mentioned earlier, I am autistic
Which means I am socially awkward
And also socially awkward
Though I come from a vegetarian family
I eat a lot of meat
Chicken, mutton, prawn, pork, beef
You name it, you have it
Of course, unfortunately not within the boundaries of my home
Also, my political views are often radical
For instance, I do not consider Kashmir as a part of India
And I am all for a radical redistribution of power
On the basis of class and caste
Such that the poor and the underprivileged get back what is theirs
In fact, what has been theirs for three thousand years
Also, though I was born a Hindu
I actually pray to Jesus
That is, I have been doing it for the last nine months
But I don't go to church
Nor do I follow any traditions or rituals
Jesus is simply a friend to me
I believe everything will work out eventually
If I place my faith in him
Finally, I am not interested in ***
Except as a means of reproduction
I need emotional and psychological intimacy
I will share everything with you
And I expect the same from you as well
If you are okay with all this
Then we can be a team
Until Death do us part
If you are not okay
Then maybe we can just be friends
If you are not comfortable with that as well
Then we are free
To go our own separate ways
On this note, let me end my musings
And return to reality
How’s this happening of me holding a pen again?
Trapped in the wit and bound by each vein.
My vision is blurred but my mind is clear;
I’ll take a paper but there’s something I fear.
Combination of thoughts made up inside my head;
The part of life simultaneously alive and dead.
The stars and the moon just one glance away;
Nobody knows how much these eyes weigh!
The eyelids are lift up to feel alive;
Emotions hit and put out the main five.
The dark isn’t enough to devastate;
Oh it's already midnight and the following date!
I can hear my name called out by the adjacent river;
Winds and waves leaving me to shiver.
This world is numb and cold;
My soul is drifting apart and it needs to be hold.
Look I am still breathing;
But my hands are freezing.
Yet I complete the poem and put a full stop of done;
Miracles do happen, I’ve recently experienced one.
Now I keep my pen & paper aside;
This happens all the time and I’m always abide.
Twenty-four hours of exertion and sound;
It requires some peace to be found.
This is an unending chain;
How’s this happening of me holding a pen again?
-Aishwarya Kulkarni
Clumsy knees,
Wrinkled eyes
& rough palms.
Beauty is everywhere,
See what is behind the dark
& for this you need to look from within.
Make your heart fair,
Also, your thoughts clear
& this would be a clean place.
Winsome mind,
Complimentary lips
& a kind soul.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
beautiful thoughts shouldn't be confined:
silence is experienced deep in the water;
soft yet strong, denying to alter...

spirits and fleshes are reluctant to combine:
now the time is slipping;
slowly the lights are also dimming...

unconscious about the belief:
dark, jovial and fragile feelings;
exploding inside and bleeding...

some like talking, some prefer to be quiet:
some show, some hide;
should confined explosions be dried?
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Burden or Relief?
Love or hate?
Share or split?
Choice is ours to create the
Bond, or extricate?

Escape or accept?
Joy or pain?
Hope or fear?
Choice is yours to ensure the
Concord, or discord?

Life, deeply
Unfurls the pure truth
Of combat
Within us,
Choice either to win or lose
Or walk towards love.

- Aishwarya Sridhar
Shadorma is a Spanish 6-line syllabic poem of 3/5/3/3/7/5 syllable lines respectively. Simple as that, And proceeds on, with unlimited stanzas.
Slow kisses and fast heartbeats,
Soft fingers and crushed sheets.
No inch untouched with your violet lips all around,
Cover me with your skin because I desire to be brown.
Gasp close to my ear and make me moan,
Let the fire flow from flesh to bone.
Run your palms through my hair,
Look me in the eye and make it worth a stare.
Drench me with the wine so white,
Decorate me at the sinful night.
Allow my neck to feel your tongue gliding,
Tolerate your back to undergo tracing.
Mind full of power; but body being hungry!
A forbidden soul; taste of **** poetry.
-Aishwarya Kulkarni
Perfect, Is It?

Why are we even bothered by 'perfect' in everything?

What is perfect? -
A cherry on the cake?
A first kiss?
A candle light dinner date?
A latest phone in hand?
A big mug of coffee?
A wallet full of notes?
A Jacuzzi?

Nothing has to be perfect -

Ever tried that fluffy and not so fancy vanilla home-made cake?
Ever tried to mess a kiss out of laughter and remembering it later?
Ever experienced a power outage and eating dal chawal on the dining table with candles?
Ever recalled those times when you met your relatives and friends only to talk and not for clicking pictures?
Ever tried a cup of tapri chai giggling with loved ones?
Ever thought of spending time with yourself and not those hard earned bucks?
Ever enjoyed dancing under a rainfall?
The little things around us make us happy. Why are we focusing on materialistic things?
Materialistic things play a negative role in our lives and it looks good only on social media.
Let nothing out of what people show off on social media affect you.
The inner happiness is prime and for that you need no word such as "perfect".

- Aishwarya
There is a hollow feeling within us
supressing the voice to identify us
Never has that kept us in loneliness
But had established a sense of emptiness.
Is that the sound of silence within us,
the emotions of our past reminisce?
Or is it the fear to face the future of us,
with the lack of confidence in us?
Whatever be the silence in us, let the hope in us,
Ever kindle the silence with the sound of endurance.

- Aishwarya Sridhar
Looking up in the sky;
counting the stars with you.
Flying with the wings so high;
seeing the sun shine besides.
Collecting all the reasons;
knowing about none.
Comforting all the seasons;
whispering to the wind.
Connecting the glittery dots;
glowing in your eyes.
Tying up all the knots;
following the destined paths.
Dressing up with all the grace;
crushing the flowers with smell.
Holding onto each place;
remembering about every bloomy spring.
Wanting of warm magic;
wrapping under creased sheets.
Welcoming the day with beans being classic;
wondering about the spice of love.
Falling on the ground;
dancing like brown leaves.
Rising up with your sound;
listening to the delicate birds.
Looking up in the sky;
counting the stars with you.
Flying with the wings so high;
seeing the sun shine besides.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Can you hold my scars once more;
and be completely mine from day to night?
Can you strip your thoughts once more;
and heal my heart with a not so sinful bite?
I want to yell to feel better;
and express every letter.
Crying will gradually make me think a little less.
However my soul is relishing this mess.
But I am not going to cry ever;
as you will be safe inside me forever.
I am longing for your touch
and intrepid to be burnt.
I am longing for your warmth
in the freezing climate.
I am longing for your spark
and look into your eyes.
I am longing for your brightness
in the pitch dark existence.
I am longing for your passion
to get merged with your flames.
You are the fire,
I’ve been longing to perceive.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Everyone over thinks,
but no one is ready to accept;
each mind moves a thousand miles every day.
Everyone is unhappy,
but no one believes to be;
we are fooled by ourselves and the world as well.
Everyone is judgemental,
but no one wants to be a prey for one;
the only attitude we all possess is being casual.
Ego is put at priority
Comparison is considered fine.
Defeats aren't always welcomed
Victories need to be refused at times.
The problem is :
we think we all are smart,
we think we all are grown ups,
we think we can never be incorrect.
But the problem is :
we all are living in an illusion of acting smart;
the lives portrayed aren't the lives lived.
We belong to the generation which is gormless.
The generation which is accepting more epitaphs than odes.
The only generation which simultaneously relates to :
poems and proses,
highs and lows,
puns and quotes,
tricks and tragedies.
We're all adamant kids,
falling out of change.
We're all dead fishes,
conforming water.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
Even if you react,
it won't change anything,
it won't make people suddenly respect you,
people won’t trust your words soon,
it won't make people care for you,
it won't magically change their minds for you.
Sometimes it is better to let things be the way they are.
Let people go if they don't want to stay.
You cannot expect people to understand you every time.
People always don't get to know where you're coming from.
Chasing for answers and asking for clarifications will mentally suffice you,
But what about emotional stability?
You must not stick yourself onto what is happening around you.
This process of not letting things affect you, is a very slow process.
There is no need to rush yourself in this learning because it will make you
not bother with things for time being.
If you want to be happy, let this be a slow process of learning.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni

— The End —