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Sam Tate Mar 2019
The sea is calm and tranquil;
Pebbles cover the sand.
I take a step and falter,
Held steady by your hand.

The darkest storm and thunder,
That burns its way to history,
Is nothing I can't handle,
In the moment that you kiss me.

The sunsets in the distance;
It's warm smile touches the shore.
It's beauty only paralleled,
By you, of that, I'm sure.

The highest mountain grows,
Extends into the sky,
Reaches up to the heavens,
and watches you while you lie.

Flowers spring from the grass,
Their colours light and joyful.
They grow only for you, my love;
With hopes that they'll delight you.

The birds sing in the morning,
With tune and grace divine.
Their celestial song is sun,
To entwine your heart with mine.

I've seen Aphrodite's eyes,
Been shot with the arrow of Eros,
But even the tales of Homer,
Aren't able to describe this love.

For you, I'd live or die.
My world is yours entirely.
My soul, my mind, my pulsing heart.
Are yours in their entirety.
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
Small town.
Familiar faces.
I would pick this place
out of all places.
Where kindness is contagious
and love spreads like fire,
this is the place
that makes me like
a writer.
What can I say, I just love living in my small town! It inspires me so much!
m Feb 2019
Behind these eyes lies a universe unseen
I've forfeited my own memories for the details of these dreams
No one knows
Because I'm selfish
I don't want anybody else's footprints in the sand
I'm afraid
That if I hand it over it will no longer be mine
But if I don't, it'll never exist
And my ideas will be born and die within their nest
gabrielle Feb 2019
the wise one, said things
that should be done.

a wise one, gave meaning
to my poems i've done.

my wise one, understood the things
i didn't notice i've done.
"your passion controls you and
that makes you a better writer,
your writing obey no rules.
you wrote something,
oblivious that it speaks not one
but different stories. "

you made me a better writer, you did.
Anna Skinner Feb 2019
men are sharks and weakness is blood  
circle in the shallow waters of my insecurity
eyes flashing with hunger  
bite off a piece of my heart, help yourself to seconds  
let the leftovers go stale  

there’s blood in the water
like hieroglyphics
like liquid hourglass
memories from a wolf pack that swallowed me whole
all that’s left is a jangling bunch of bones
calcium wind chimes
the ghost of my screams will be the trumpet
your beating will be the drums
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2019
To everyone who has shown support
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
You have no idea what you have given me
Just by reading each work of art

The validation I always yearned for
Recognition for how much I've put in
Have allowed me to realize I do have true talent
Inside my head within

I appreciate every last view
"Likes" and "Loves" even more
When I see a poem added to a collection
It reminds me what I do this for

It feels good to see my writing trend
And end up on the front page
But that doesn't compare to that time I won the daily
Overnight my poetry was put center-stage

Now "Backspace" is up to almost 50,000 views
Far more than I thought I'd ever get
And the number slowly keeps climbing
It's to all of you I owe this debt

To the one who added one of my haikus
To a collection where it was read
And the one who reposted a song I wrote
Or anyone who shared some of my work with a friend

To each follower who looks forward
To every new piece I create
To all who took the time to send me a private message
To thank me for posting and say they relate

What really fills my soul with pride
Is reading the comments you leave
Some people are so kind and positive
Their encouragement hard to believe

If all the compliments are genuine
And the words they type are true
My achievements are the result of dedication
So I owe my success to the thousands of you

This is for those who consider themselves fans
For the spirits I have inspired
For anyone who has been touched by my rhymes
To make an impact was what I most desired

These stanzas are not an adequate way
To express the depth of my gratitude
But I have no money or other assets
So it looks like y'all are *******

Just know that I do pay for your admiration
In the currency of blood, sweat, and tears,
I've spent more time writing than clocked in at work
And I held a full-time job for five years

So this is my display of love
For all you wonderful people I don't know
And the others I do that have offered praise
And watched my skill develop and grow

I will forever be thankful for how you have helped
My confidence and bravery
Because of you I haven't put down the pen
Whenever a reason to live hard to see

You have no idea how much your thoughts mean
On my worst days this is where I escape to
So this is my way of saying I am appreciative
I couldn't do this without all of you
1000 poem!!!! I can't believe how much progress I have made on here. It's been a couple years but I have found more inspiration and motivation here than the previous eight years without hellopoetry. I thank you all for EVERYTHING! Hope this makes all my followers smile!!!
m Mar 2019
Isolation to escape the pain
Dreaming to self-medicate
unsatisfied with the life ascribed
So, I built my own island
The only inhabitant, I was the queen
But I soon became lonely
So, I created some friends
To do all the things I'm afraid to do
Fragments of my self
Eternally multiplying
Now I can no longer be alone
Forever haunting
Trapped in a mirror maze
The more I see myself, the further I stray
"Who am I?"
This body asks itself every day
It can never find an answer
All it knows is that
By becoming everyone
It became no one
i never outgrew my imaginary friends
Hunger Feb 2019
I am writer,
I am not a fighter,
But the pen is stronger than the sword,
and spilling blood isn't as powerful as a single word,
Fear that of which the writer will write,
Cause the writer is always right,
And his knowledge is what you think of till the end of the night.
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