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Queen Bee Feb 26
A fresh start was needed, urgently.
The past has shown to much distrust.

A million doors and windows, closed.
Suddenly an unexpected entrance appears.

It started as an innocent "HELLO".
And soon become something more.

We fell ******* top of  one another.
And ended up holding onto each other.

With our whole lifes ahead of us.
We started building our foundation.
Brick by brick.
My Farhaan, I love you.
An unexpected blessing added to my life.
Addie Dec 2024
He left at dawn with stars still bright
To catch the tide by morning strike
With promises and laughter near
He kissed her cheek and she alike

He set sail with the highest hopes
Ready to conquer awaiting dangers
His bait is placed and rod set
Sailing a sea with many lurking strangers

Farther and farther he goes
Unknown waves hijack his boat
Rougher and tougher the sea becomes
The more he struggles to stay afloat

The sea roared and the sea raged
Waves were hungry for a wooden taste
He tried to swim, he tried to stay safe
However the waves decided not to waste

The sea still roared and the sea still raged
She wait ashore for his return
With tear stains and knees on the floor
So disheveled, she gained onlookers' concern
Jeremy Betts Sep 2024
She advertised everything I wanted
Upon purchase it was nothing I needed
If only there was more time allotted
The warning signs could've been heeded
With the foundation now rotted
I'm reseated all alone and resented
Not fully unexpected,
But fully defeated
Deflated and almost deleted
Then the process gets repeated

Lyla Aug 2024
when love blossoms
from a crack
in the sidewalk
of your life


a garden would grow there
if you let the concrete crumble
Inspired by George Washington Carver's thoughts on weeds.
noura Aug 2024
It was not supposed to be that way.
No green-purple spots in my eyelids, I said,
no graveyard asphalt on the back of my knees.
It was supposed to approach me modestly,
with blushing fingertips and eons of time.
I had imagined it would approach me modestly.

In the meantime, I could visit a brothel
or two
***** my heart out, spread open its capillaries.
Poetry is prostitution of the lewdest kind
and how lovely, while I **** my paragraphs
to eat a man
or two?
There was one
with hardened fingertips and no more than a second to spare.

I had imagined it would approach me plainly.
No sifting through mounds of shell and bone, I said,
no puppet shows.
No masquerades, and my veins were supposed to do their job.

This was supposed to be my play,
my knight takes rook,
my girl takes respite.
I was supposed to come out golden.

He was not cruel but it seeped out of him
like mustard gas.
Sickly, yellow,
I inhaled it with relish
acid burned its way down my cheeks
through my chest.
And how beautiful, to love and be loved
without feeling it crush your lungs.
Danielle Jun 2024
I have never known love at its awakening; To a mere happenstance, it unfurled in the simplicity of side by side walking through the streets, picturing each shared memory at every corner of it. Like we are the side story of someone else who has been on the same spot of the coffee shop, little did we know that we always share memories for someone else to tell.

Have you ever memorized each word that I said that day, from the first time we met, from the way I said each syllable and how I forced myself to not stutter? Although we cannot recall each scene day by day, what matters is that I always remember each fragment of our memory each time I say your name.

It's like a collision, but it's a peculiar one. It is perfectly meant to meet each other, like it is measured accurately and approximately. But is it really worth the time?
Poetoftheway Jan 2024

traveled cross country,
wrestling with extended
celebration and an
unexpected death;
the body maladjusts,
only to be disrupted
when time zones reset,
hard a-heels upon return,
packing up again for a
sacred pilgrimage
to a summer place
of sheltering, where poems
grow and dangle like participles
from local fruit farms, one
need only pluck and taste,
attach your moniker
and then feed them to the
joggers & walkers running past

send them all on their voyages,
hopefully protected from
travel disorientation and the
cycle of rebirth

with luck, bits and pieces of me
will accompany said word whispers,
them shreds and shards
requiring healing,
or just pruning,  
exiting old words,
fresh fruit berries,
roadside acquisitions  to b
carry me stained & strained
& happy new travels o‘er
this fruited plain
it's five o clock
yes in the morning
birdsong has woken me
an hour and a half
before my alarm
was supposed to
even after another
terrible night's sleep
to-ing and fro-ing
with tossings
and turnings
staring into the blank
of ceiling and wall
not enough comfort
or perhaps too much
on this slumped mattress
to slip deep enough
beyond those initial
stages of slumber
down into REM
i'm surprised to find
i'm not as angry
nor as drained
as i thought i would be
at such premature awakening
i can lie still
untroubled for now
contentedly listening
to the chattering
of these feathered neighbours
an avian symphony
of movements manifold
Kris Fireheart Apr 2023
I dream each night
Of  prophecy

Of things that might come true.

I dream each night
Of prophecy,

Of fate,
Or what have you;

I dream each night
Of things
That can't exist or
Can't be true,

But every time I
Dream of fate
And always dream
Of you.

And when I wake,
From the light
through my

I know it's happening,
The dream repeats
Itself again.

I dream each night
Of prophecy,
And all my dreams
Come true.

I dream each night
Of prophecy
And wake and cry
For you...
They say that 20 percent of your dreams are prophetic; of events that have Yet to happen. They say that dreams are simply memories of your days,  but that's not true... sometimes your dreams lead you to deja vu,; you have them, and they happen; the dreams have guided you...
Brian Turner Aug 2022
Unexpected smile from the lady beside me
As I say goodbye after a day's work in the office
Such joy,  such a great smile , such radiance
Perhaps we can can it?

Unexpected number plate 'Ph1 1LL'
As he undercuts me at the traffic lights
Calm down Phil
It's only 8 a.m the morning
I'm sure you'll get to work ok.

Unexpected gorilla bursts into my home
Heads straight to the office and grabs my laptop
Logs into my old Facebook account
And starts sending illicit messages and naughty pictures
You're welcome mate, grab a banana too

Unexpected kindness from the beggar at the parking bay
Tells me that the meter is broken so don't bother
I buy him a sandwich
'Ham and white bread will do'.
No problem mate enjoy
Inspired by Artist David Shrigley piece of art 'Elephant chooses to stand on your car' Tate Liverpool
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