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Lost Soul Nov 2019
I feel the pain, I feel the sorrow...
And my surface to you is so shallow...
I hate this game, I feel ashame...
Because I left you with so much pain..
It's so insane, who am I to blame...
Because life is getting so **** blurry...
I hate the rain, teardrops of pain ...
It's all going down in vain...
It's so insane, who am I to blame...
I had to take one for the team...
You and me we ride or die...
But I couldn't let you face this pain...
So I left to ride and die...
This insane roller coaster called life...
I had my ups, I had my downs...
It's so insane, who am I to blame...
I'm feeling this so much pain...
Here I'm again, writing down to gain...
Nothingness to fill the vain...
To my true love I hope you're  fine...
I'm sorry to leave you in so much pain...

I remember them days when I used to say...
I'll love you every single day...
It's hard to say that I'm going away...
But it's the best for you and me...
I'm going insane, who am I to blame...
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time...
Seems like can't find my own way...
I hope you're happy , I hope you're okay...
I hope that you found your own way...
Am I wrong for thinking that way...
To leave everything behind and walk away...
Am I Sane? Who am I kidding...
I let my happiness slip away...
Here I'm again, writing down to gain...
Nothingness to fill the vain...
To my true love I hope you're  fine...
I'm sorry to leave you in so much pain...

I tried it once i tried it twice but I couldn't go...
And they told me I'm better off without you...
I can't let go, I won't let go, please don't go...
You the only one I truly loved, please love me more...
And suddenly I can't smile anymore...
Do you love me? Truly loved me? Answer me...
Is there someone in your life? Please answer me?
How could you let go of me so easily...
We were meant to be together one family...
Now I know you said you loved me blindly...
How could you let go of me so easily...
You the king baby I was your queen...
I give you my heart and you broke it piece by piece...
And you told me you didn't do it intentionally...
I'm praying now, I'll pray more but it's hopelessly...
I need you now, I want you now, please stay...
You the only one I ever loved, love is pain...
No I'm not happy, no I'm not okay...
You left me with so much mess like a hurricane...
Here I'm reading again, trying to gain...
Nothingness to fill the vain...
To my true love I know you sorry I feel your pain...
Please don't be worry I'll get through this I'll be okay...

@abdo360 || Lost Soul
abby Nov 2019
I want to trust myself and my intuition
I want to trust in my own greater visions

the abstract ideas that fall from me and feelings with unknown faces make it hard to even see.
Tenant Nov 2019
Evening blooms
Splendor in a flower's touch.
Bud sprouts,
Divinity's Greek anemone clutched

Seized tightly in a snake lip
Flower represents ****** love-
Time slips.
Passion flows through wild daffodils
New beginnings foreshadow future ills

Narcissus over pound looms
Reflection broods
Love loves in hammer's grip
The Calm Nov 2019
Breaking the chronic trust between my heart and your smile
Like teaching my heart how to beat,
like learning how to walk again after a fall
One that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get back from 
No accord, no pact, no agreement could be made 
The writing on the wall facing the rain would fade
The chalk outline on the floor where my body once laid
disappeared into the water, taken up by the rain.
Breaking the chronic trust between my heart and your smile
In another universe we are together
In another universe, I could freely watch you smile.
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2019

Genre: Observational
Theme: All I know
Winter Sparrow Nov 2019
To see, is to inspire.
To touch, is to feel.
To understand, is to listen.
To be, is to act...

I lay here. Thinking.
I know what I am.
What I can do.
Not about my limitations though.

For I am sill man.
I am flawed.
I can be monstrous.
I can hurt.

Let me replace your insecurities with compliments.
Feed your romance with candles and poems.
Let me give you that thrill of being alive.
Let me remind you what it means to live and breath.

Let me not just cover you from the demons,
But give you the tools to fight them.
Allow me to sweep you off your feet on your darkest days.
Allow me to smile with you on the brightest of days.

My will to fight will never die, this is me.
My morale may be broken but my spirit remains.
I am who I am because of what I am.
I do what I do, because I know who you are.
Tony Tweedy Nov 2019
So lonely now the road I travel so far from what I have known,
Empty and in darkness, borne by pain, so I choose to walk alone.

Where are the faces that once I knew so well?
Abandoned or forsaken along the pathway to this hell.

Craving with a longing to know for real true loves hold,
But too scared of hurt again , safe but empty, I sit out in the cold.

Heart of many fragments and a mind that feels the same,
Trust and loves' illusions are the things I have come to blame.

How can I escape here? What is there to do?
For even if I could love again I could have no trust in you.

Something so fundamental broken and seemingly beyond repair.
So obvious to all who see it, they fear getting close enough to care.

A form of emotions scarecrow born of mind and shared by heart,
To chase real love and trust away before it has time to make a start.

So tired of being lonely, of being caught up in this spell,
Much too afraid to step outside, to replay what led me to this hell.

I seem destined to endure loneliness' never ending empty burn...
Broken mind the only ear to heart's desolate and pleading  yearn.
How do you fix it without trust? How can you love without trust? How can you be loved if you don't trust?
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