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V liv Nov 2018
I love you                                                              ­                          I hate you
I miss you                                                                                       Stay away
I need you                                                                                        I'm okay
I crave you                                                                               I am fulfilled
Your smile                                                                               Manipulation
Your laugh                                                                                    Your lies    
That voice                                                                                       That yell
Those eyes                                                                              That grimace
 Come back                                                                                   Goodbye
 Unbreakable                                                                               Inevitable
Just the beginning. I'll never get over it unless I write it all down so here it comes.
Jennifer DeLong Nov 2018
Raging is my soul
A fire hotter then ever
******* Witch
A VERY ******* witch
It's karma coming for you
This will be fun to watch
It's truly entertaining
To see what karma
has in store for you
You can only play
You can only lie
With your handsome face
But selfish soul
You tried to use me once more
So karma's coming for you
Maybe with the pain
The loneliness your gonna face
You might feel a smidgen
of how , I hurt & toiled
So ,  I say so mote it be
Karma's coming
Shes knockin on door
So , I will grab a chair
This witch is having the last
Poor little man
you should never play
games with a women
who has a witches soul
© Jennifer Delong 11/16/18
Sketcher Nov 2018
I go home to an empty room,
And stare at the white wall,
Reminds me of the recess kids,
That pick on me when we play ball,
Waking up to eternal doom,
Then out of bed I crawl,
There's just way to many stresses,
So I just hide away and stall,
Eventually school starts way to soon,
Feeling worthless and small,
Always having second guesses,
It's just a constant inner brawl.
I'm white...
Cryptic Nov 2018
Your smile? I'll blush again
Your touch? I'll be happy again
Your hug? I'll be stupid again and again
jules kerleen Oct 2018
i just want to disappear
get a chance to eat the warming scones from the oven
and just melt away in stars and sky of navy and grey;
i just want to disappear
to fly and to leave anywhere i want or desire or dream;
i'm dreaming of melting away from where i am
for i am floating already,
why can't i just disintegrate altogether;
yes a distant memory;
forever alone isn't something you would think of until
it actually happens;
although it's not something you realize unless you've
tried love and
and been scared, afraid of what the
person on the other end of the letters is thinking;
i just want to disappear
far away into the hands of someone who cares
not just about my picture but my pulse,
someone who looks not just at my eyes but at each
individual colouring strand inside
my plain brown eyes;
i just want to disappear so no one will have to face
my retched thoughts and unattainable dreams;
i just want to disappear so my friends won't have
to look at a scared
                     ­              unhappy
lonely person and have sympathy for me if they even do;
which if i were on the outside of my slinky body
i wouldn't;
i wouldn't just want to leave but disappear for it
seems that it's what i'm best at;
i just want to disappear
from my picturesque world that you couldn't
even take a nice picture in;
i just want to disappear
from my ocean of held back tear,
my shield of fearlessness,
a fake smile that a murderer would wear,
the impression i have on the other lives of people,
and just
i just
want to disappear,
to run away,
and to not have to cause any drama or half broken feelings to anyone,
to not correct people for their non-existent flaws that are really
my own
personal balled up feelings;
i just want to disappear,
fly away into the clouds and heavens of an unreal dream;

i just want to,

i just want to disappear,



fly away

and never come back
never have my flimsy feet touch the beautiful ground
never let my ruined soul harm a single cell of
anyone worth anything to a single thing;
i just want to disappear
i just want to disappea
i just want to disap
i just want
i just

- nameless and remaining
at times of depression of what externally makes me sad i read some audrey hepburn quotes and cried my eyes out while trying to type this into my computer because for some reason i was feeling inspired? i don't have a clue what i'm doing with my life right now so this poem in a literal representation of how it's all going. love this ** Jules
Tanay Oct 2018
When they met,
They were both young and stupid.
Under the tree of love, they sat
Kissed by the arrows of cupid.
He saw a fire in her,
It burned bright.
He was in awe of her
She was like a light.
A light he had sought for
But, couldn't find.
In his core
He was in darkness, he was blind.
Until she came along
And turned him into a different man.
She was like a beautiful song
Her name was Ann.

Tanay Sengupta, Copyright © 2018.
All Rights Reserved.
It has been a while since I decided to pick up the pen and write something. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: All characters or people (if any) mentioned here are subject to my imagination. I am yet to meet someone to whom I could dedicate a poem like this. Hence, I made up an imaginary person and wrote a poem for her.
Nyx Oct 2018
They just keep...
Talking                      &                    Talking
Endlessly spilling out lies
Falling from their mouths
Effortless, as it were their native tongue
Like a special kind of language
They simply go
On                       &                       On
Can't they hear themselves?
Do they not stop and think
Is there not even a moment where
They wonder if this will hurt anyone?
It's like they are stuck in a loop
Round                      &                      Round
Stop whining would you
You're getting on my nerves
Considering how often they're caught
Its a wonder how they haven't learnt
How difficult is it to drill into your head
I've heard it that many times
I would rather be dead
Play                      &                      Repeat
Oh woe is you my dear
Another victim to the play
Weeping and posing
Yet another perfect alibi
Peer a little closer
It's amazing what you'll find
She isn't crying my dear
Yes, she's laughing within her mind
Pathetic                      &                      Clever
Strangely enough both at the same time
What they do is self inflicted
Incredibly beyond stupid
But we fall for their tricks don't we?
Meaning they aren't entirely brainless
Though patience is running thin
The longer it goes on
At the end of the day
I'll be gone with the dawn
Keep going why don't you
Laughing                      &                      Taunting
A puppet master who pulls the strings
Stirring the *** round and round
Sprinkling in tears of sadness
Peppering in fuel for rage
The funny part about it is
They are the ones trapped within the cage
With each lie that's spoken
The chains get tighter still
By the end of the night
It won't be so much of a thrill
One                      by                      One­
They will all leave you know
People grow old, tried and weary
Childish tales no longer amuse them
No hope for you then my deary
When you build your life on lies
And people begin to see past the foundation
Once you break down their trust
There will be not a sliver of salvation
As the last grains of sand
Fall down the hour glass
Ask yourself then
Was it worth it?

Stop it.
There is nobody left to save you

I really hate it when people lie and act like a victim
without even attempting to try and fix things themselves
or think their bad actions are justified
****** hell
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