Breathe in,
And breathe out.
Breathe in,
And breathe out.
Breathe in......
And breathe out.....
The ear ****** screech of a thousand voices trying to shout over eachother penetrated my ear canals.
I sunk into my sofa,
The infinite space of it.
My friend's faces were melting off,
Like heated wax dripping off of candle sticks.
My sofa seemed to be a portal to hell.
I was sad,
My computer was sad,
My fridge was sad,
My table was sad,
My chair was sad,
Everything was sad.
Everything seemed to dissipate,
revealing the black nothingness behind it all.
Waves of colour exploded around me.
I must have been bathing in a melting rainbow.
This was all too much to take in,
It was like the universe orgasmed into my eye.
I was connected to something other than myself.
Gibberish wall textures whispered enchanting messages through my feelings. Displaying the inner workings of my mind across an infinite landscape of mirrors.
I stepped through a glowing worm, taking me back and forward in time.
They wanted to mend my soul, show the best I could be.
But before I could hear them tell me,
I was spat out by my couch.
Reality begun to mend itself back together,
I am back in my own home.
I saw infinity in a single moment,
And it is now trying to escape me.
I want the world to know what I saw.
If they all saw they would know what I went through,
But I can not recall simply with words alone.
You got to believe me,
When I tell you this story.
Everything made sense to me.
It was all narrowed down to a time frame no longer than the time it takes to microwave a pizza.
I was gone longer than an hour,
I was gone forever.
And now I am back,
Trying you pick up the pieces.
When you let your subconscious write for you, with no edits.