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Poetic T Jun 2015
Crimson seeping from fresh meat sliced,
As a screwdriver hit with intent.

Bone gives way like a hard shell sweet,
Giving up the soft pliable centre.

As the straws bladed beneath insert inwards
Thrusting, as twists give up what's wanted.

Thoughts ingested as dead eyes look up
Still warm....
MsAmendable Jun 2015
And our devious ways
Hide our smiles behind upturned cups
As we gaze; half lidded iridescent moons
Swirling in misty lakes,
And we raise our chilly glass to our lips
But not to drink,
For then we would be forgotten.
No idea where this came from, I was looking for painting inspiration!
Nikita Jun 2015

Its like every time you talk to me you're singing

Its like whenever you look at me
You're staring

Its like whenever you laugh with me
You laugh harder than before

Its like whenever you smile at me
You look happier for once

Maybe its just my imagination
But by the way your acting
Its as though you could like me too

But I know that that's impossible
My lie caused you to slip away
Slip so far in fact I could never have you stay

That's what makes it so difficult
To hear you sing, to see you stare, to hear your laugh and to see you smile.
Because I know its not me that happy about
She's the reason you sing, stare, laugh and smile

At least imagination keeps me calm.
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
his stare was enough
to melt my heart
that isn't too tough
mk May 2015
I can see my future
you can see my past
you’re giving me the answers
I’m falling fast
window to the soul
gateway to my world
I’m losing myself
you can see for yourself
my walls are tearing down
my heads spinning round
your gaze is strong
you can do no wrong
see my every sin
see where I’ve been
I can’t hide now
I don’t know how
you asked me who I was
but this stare is enough
for you to know who I am
& who I was
for you to know
that I am in love
// mahogany brown and so full of hope, your eyes have claimed my soul //
Rockie May 2015
You smile sadly at the screen.

You stare sadly at your thumbs.

You laugh sadly at the joke.

You watch your reflection sadly.
Javanira Waters May 2015
I want you.
Right now.

Your lips on mine.
Your hand around my waist.

My lips on your neck.
My hands running through your hair.

Heavy breaths.
Deep  stares.

I want you.
Right now.

In my bed.
Right next to me.
Holding me tight.
Talking about anything.

Gentle kisses in between thoughts.
Our tired eyes holding contact.
Slowly falling asleep

All I ever want is you.
this one goes out to the girl I want to be near and give my everything to
Grace Jordan May 2015
He's sitting there, with that intense stare, forgetting about the world and daring to care. He's not prince charming, if anything he's Shrek, but the ogre stole my heart in the end. He's beautiful, I hope everyone can see, with his open brown eyes. He's a mess I must confess but what matters is inside.

When I fell in love with him, it wasn't a fairy tale. It was tears and laughter and lies and growth. Nothing kept me going except a solid maybe and an urging instinct to leap into his arms.

When I met him it was even worse, we were looking for benefits and nothing else. But instead we found each other and a possible forever. Who would have known a thief was in my midst? Who knew he could just be it? Not I. Even though before I was interested I felt comfortable and that our hearts just might share beats, I never imagined where he could take me.

Maybe years from now I will laugh at my young heart, but I pray I look back and smile and show our grandchildren this.

How daring am I in writing. I said that aloud in written form. I admitted it. Who have I become? Its crazy how crazy in love I am with him. He changed the romantically cynical and dead into a dreaming sap.

All because he was brave enough to steal my heart. He traversed Wonderland looking for a fabled girl named Grace, simply because I intrigued him, and found instead my heart. In a turn of events, he found it so precious that he decided to keep it. My heart turned an honest man into a thief, but I would have it no other way.

Well regardless, now I must speak straight to you, my ogre thief. I am madly mad over you and happy to be your partner in crime or your princess, whatever any given day suits us. I love you, and that's what matters to me.

So keep on looking off somewhere with that intense stare of concentration and determination, because that is the you I love most. Just you.
Dee Bach Sep 2014
I’m radiating a smile,
In this moment I’m unstoppable,
I can do anything.
No one will break this smile,
For smiles are the most beautiful,
When worn for not everyone,
But for yourself
When you know you are
I’m radiating a smile
Because I know
I Will Be Okay.
A Watoot Apr 2015
Dragged in the corner of the room
My porcelain face started to crack
But I was made with eyes that cannot cry

I was given to you as a present
I was a sign of prestige for young girls
But I was put behind the wardrobe

I understand my looks gave you creeps
But my smile was genuine
Yet my stare was far off from this world

I wasn't given a life, only pretty colors
Etched on my skin were features of a human girl
On porcelain skin, I cannot show emotions
I have a victorian porcelain doll hidden behind my closet.  It kinda creep me out so i placed it behind my wardrobe.  I wonder if this is her life.
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