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Amaris Jul 2019
The blossom floats to the ground
It hits so violently all of hell shakes
Heaven gazes wordlessly from above,
Watching our actions, judging us.
One eye follows our every move,
Waiting for failure; maybe I'll never graduate
Let's wander past old brick buildings
(a collaboration)
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
My dad’s occupation isn’t cool
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
So I work very hard at school
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
My family struggles to survive
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
I dream and strive towards a better life
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
I dream of doctor, lawyer, even cooking food
I am a toilet cleaner’s daughter
I don’t want to be a cleaner too
once as a secret she confessed
she'd like to know whose birth would be her death

i like these kinds of thoughts too
back when i was in school
i was shocked by the phrase i passed by
'never shall those born to crawl, learn to fly'

and ever since i've tried to figure out
such and such
and why those born to fly
crawl so much
"Will you love me for fifty years?" The young girl asked beside the tombstone.

"Of course! I've loved you a whole week already, haven't I?"

And suddenly his hand was placed on-top of mine, and I looked towards him like glitter.

Under the arches, the school children watched the couplet conjoin as they face each other in bliss. The newlyweds and likely lads throw their flowers as they walk on the mud; puppy love if you ask me.

"Do you kiss boys, Muriel?"

"Sometimes, if he's charming."

"Well, aren't you frightened?"

"Oh, why should I be frightened? It's quite nice when you get used to it I would say!."
Based on the classic 1971 film, Melody.
Asominate Nov 2018
1, 2, 4, 8...
Chromosomes and cells of mine,
They duplicate.

My personality divides
Any and every time.

Meiosis -
My rapid mutations,
I find that they
Fuel my psychosis

High expectations
I let me rip me apart
I divide and split
Over and over again

This is the alien
That I've become
I'm never enough
It's never the same
Gaps of DNA through

Meiosis -
I know this,
I know that I'm not good enough
As a single, a one,
Tear myself in half to
Give them two
When I'm done.
Was doing biology in school and learnt what meiosis is... so I did the most 'Asominate' thing to do... write a poem about it.
Where did you come from how did we end up in the same place it couldn't have possibly been a mistake.
You and your smile came into my space when I felt it was too late, at a time that i thought i could only make mistakes.
And its only been a few days but is it wrong to say that you make me feel some type of way.
You say everyone loves the way your hair just sits on your shoulders just so fair but would you believe me if I told you i just don't care how much you say they like your hair the way i like it is a lot more rare
unlike them i can get lost in every curl of your hair and how each strand has a different way of curling.
I want to know what was it that made you deny a compliment because the moment i say you're cute you think its your que to shut me down.
The attitude you have in not showing too much care tends to slip up here and there but i know you still don't care even if its not fair i think I'm willing to take the dare that is liking a girl with such curly
Satvik gupta Jul 2019
When i was young,
Had funny days.
Bunking the classes,
Each and every day.

Our school started off with the holy prayer,
Division, subtraction everywhere.
Next came,  the shakespeare,
Learning literature was a nightmare.

We were just dozing off.

The recess time,
Doin' nasty things
Creepy crimes.

Sweet couples enjoying their day,
We singles
Always prayed,

Last thing i remember
Was the fight between us
Smoking hard
Inside the bus.

I hope u will remember those days,
Let's meet on someday.
Do ya remember those days ,
Had funny names,
And creepy plays
Robert Ronnow Jul 2019
I have no clue what Krshna taught Arjuna
but I like the name Atman a lot.
Atman. Atman. Where a man is at.
At all times. No matter what.
Gita, get in the action, gorgeous girl,
god is the answer, keep the meter.

Wisdom, none.
What Krshna tells Arjuna makes no sense.
I prefer mathematics.
Knowledge of how things are made and done
more than meditation on the Self
as a manifestation of the One.

I’ll never have to leave this comfortable planet.
We have this asset but can we sell it?
In Paradise Lost, Satan executes his plan
but God already knows all about it.
Still, whether it succeeds or fails is up to Man.
Same here, when it comes to nuclear armaments,
a distraction from the work of making life permanent.

It is all premised on the mystery
of invisible but sentient particles—
little Krshnas and Kachinas
nesting inside one another.
Meanwhile life goes on outside all around you—
WWII, the Napoleonic wars,
the Civil War which we’re still fighting.

Krshna says behead your brothers
without prejudice or justice.
So it transpires in the nuclear fire.
Whatever forever.
The poem has gone to glitten.
Teacher, teacher—tiger!
--with a line by Etheridge Knight
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Don’t bee late for Flight-school

Ok…Are you sure you have got everything that you need?
There is nothing you have forgotten?
Nothing you want to get before you leave?
Are you sure you don’t need to use the lavatory before you go?
Oh!  Have you got enough honey?
Enough clothes to wear?  Some beeswax for your hair?
Are you sure you are ready to leave?

Don’t worry about me Mum, I’ll bee ok.  
I have been preparing for this day since I can remember.
Oh!  Have you got your mittens?  It gets cold in September.
Mum; chill out.  I’m going to bee fine
And the next time you see me I’ll bee able to fly!
Now Son; are you sure you don’t want me to give you a lift?
No Dude; thanks, but it’s only a short trip…

It’s time for me to go.
Oh I know, I know; don’t bee late, hurry along
And go and meet your mates, don’t bee late.
I’m sure he will bee ok Love.
We love you Son.
Yes!  We love you Humble!  And his Mum gave him a great big hug!
I love you guys too and I won’t bee gone long.
Just a few days and I will bee done
And then you can say “You know he flies as well now, my Son.”

With that Humble walked out of the door
And soon he met his mates, all four.
They were up ahead so he ran to catch up.
Oh ‘ello Humble.  What’s up?
Hey Bee-Real, what are you doing here?
Just walking little Prince here to flight-school.  He fears.
He worries too much if you ask me;
Got no sense of direction, see.
Oh well; what will bee, will bee.
Hey Humble.  Hey Prince.  How’s things?
Don’t ask.
Bee-Real laughed.

Hey Humble.  Hey Blondebee;
What do you reckon we are gonna see,
When we walk through those big doors?
Bee-Real said “You’ll see ‘em all flying about an’ that, I’m sure.
They got nothing better to do, I’ll bet ya.”
Hey Tiny Dancer.  Hey Hum;
Today’s gonna bee fun!
Yeah, for you it is, you already know how to fly Mr. Superfly.
Some of us just have a natural ability; Hey ladies.
Said Tiny Dancer as two bees flew by.

Humble and the others,
Had to walk through the offices of the Bee-Air institution,
Before they were eventually lead to the building,
In which their training instructor was waiting,
For them to begin their training mission.

So there it was…Flight-school.
Wow!  That’s cool!  
Said Humble as they opened the huge doors,
To reveal a huge area painted sky blue from wall-to-wall
And in the centre of the large room there was a swimming pool.

What’s with the water, Bee-Real?
That’s for when someone fails.
If your wings get wet because they are not like a shield of steel,
Then they say pack your bags.  It’s time to bail…

Well; see you later guys.  I’d love to stay, but I gotta fly.

As Bee-Real left and the small group of four joined the line,
Flight Lieutenant McFly began to talk.
After a little while the training had begun
And soon it would bee time for the tests…

As Humble walked up to take his place for the first attempt,
The Flight Lieutenant said,
Show us what you got kid!
And Humble did!
He flapped his wings as hard as he could!
He rose off the ground a little and then he floated back down.
Nice attempt.  Try again.  
Some of the other bees were joking behind the Lieutenants back.
Hey you; I can see what you are doing over there.  
Stop clowning around.

Humble tried three times and it didn’t work.
Tiny Dancer tapped him on the shoulder and said My turn.
Then he leapt into the air and flew around the room.
Well done lad.  You really know how to zoom!
It seemed like everybody else did too;
To Humble at least.

Eventually, all that was left was one last bee.
Even after being trained by Flight Lieutenant McFly,
Humble was running out of time.
Everyone else had learned to fly.  They were all watching.
There he was…the last bee in line.

Nobody believed he could do it;
Not even him…
Until he only went and did it!

Humble soared into the sky!  He flew so high!
And so fast around the room
And as he passed the bees below, he shouted out Zooommm!!!
He was gone in a flash,
So quick to dart back up into the air
And as he landed in front of the cheering bees in his class,
After flying behind the artificial clouds and trees,
The lieutenant said,
“Congratulations!  You have all passed!”

Nobody fell into the swimming pool.
Humble later found out that nobody ever does.
As he flew home, he felt, so cool!
And all along the flight path that he took home,
Could bee heard the sound of Humble B. Bumble,
Qualified flier,
Humming along…

At last Humble had found the right note to sing his unique buzz.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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