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Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Bee Plus

Sure it’s nice to learn, but I could never sit still…
(Humble!  Sit up properly in your chair and stop moving about!)
I had my head in the clouds; never my mind on the quill…
(Humble!  Are your listening!?  What was I talking about!?)

The teachers liked to talk and I would nod my head,
But I was only there in bee form;
My head was elsewhere, so I would forget,
Everything they taught.
Humble wants to go outside!
Not bee stuck indoors.

There she goes again,
Talking about subtraction and multiplication, or something.
The truth is I never listened.
She could bee saying something really interesting,
But the sun outside, it glistens!

The sun calls to me and says come out and play!
So when the lesson is over, I am the first bee away
And out of the door,
Like a flash of lightning through the corridors.
I know I’ll have to come back after lunch,
But right now!  In this moment!
I can fly once more!

Somehow I know the answers to the questions they set,
But all the knowledge in my head, when they ask me, I forget.
If it ain’t right now, then it will never bee needed;
So can’t we, just for today, just leave it bee?

They keep on talking about the future of the bees;
But dude, I just want to have fun, so give me some peace.
Yeah, I did the homework and I didn’t even get paid.
I read page, after page, after page, after page
And at the end of the day…
This ain’t that great.

“Well maybe you should get up and teach the class!”
So I did; I got it right and I even made them all laugh.
Then the teacher gets annoyed and tells me to “Go outside!
With the other boys and wait for detention!”
I guess she needs to bee the centre of attention.

Aww Man!  Why you taking all my toys?
It’s just a bit of fun.
I can’t help being a joker
And then you give me even more detention!
For saying,
“Aww Man, you a beekeeper-smoker!”

I can’t wait to grow up and leave this place.
Sure, I’ll go and sit outside again,
With all the cool pupa’s in the breakfast club group.
That’s ok; we’re all mates
And we’re quite aware of what we’re going through.

So there we all are, just having a laugh,
Until we hear somebody shout “Oi! Get your bumbles back into class!”
We reply, we can’t; we’ve been thrown out again.
Then they tell us “Well, just sit there and bee quiet then!“
Aww Man!
Can’t I even catch a break?
Everybody needs to just, chill out…
At least now it’s nearing the end of the day.

Eventually, the teacher calls us back in
And then she surprises us all with a pop quiz!
Aww Man!  We don’t know the answers;
Why you always picking on us?
And of course, you know the result…

I was third in the class;
I got a humble bee plus.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Beeside signs.

One day Humble was in his nursery class learning,
About the A-Bee-See’s;
When the teacher, Miss Guide-Bee,
Told them all that later that day,
The would bee meeting the Seebee.
She asked if they would all listen to what he had to say,
Because it may help them in the future, maybe, one day.

They were taught about what bee’s needed to do,
In the future to co-exist
And how every part of the bee machine,
Was needed to continue helping the hive to live.
If every bee knew their role in society
And did not criticize other bees for the way they chose to live,
Then maybe, with time, things would all work out alright in the end, maybe.
Imagine if we were all, all we could be.

He said look out for the signs that nature sends out for us.
If you believe what nature is trying to tell you
And if you truly trust,
Nature will lead you along the road you are meant to bee flying.
Some bees give up believing,
But if you trust in the law of nature and her insight,
She will help you steer clear of the darkness
And you will always fly in the light.

If you see a sign that says this option may be good,
Then listen to your heart and try to trust.
Maybe it will not happen as you would like it to bee,
But nature sees the entire world and eventually,
If you trust in destiny
And realise this is how things were meant to bee,
Then hopefully you will avoid the negativity
And hopefully you will find the bee you were meant to bee.

All bees make mistakes, but if you learn from them,
You can change the future and your life can bee re-written,
From that point forward; if you want it to bee.
So if the universe is screaming out, that is a bad idea bee!
Then listen to what the wind is saying, for the wind is free,
To blow its air wherever it may choose.
So fly like the wind; choose to win and not lose.

Do not give up,
When you could bee flying up,
On a dream, along the jet-stream.
Now; please open your books…

Remember, if you see a sign of happiness this way,
Look for love, for it will bee near-by;
That is all I have to say…

For the rest of the day, Humble was looking out for signs.
On his way home he saw a sign that said Bee Happy.
It was outside a shop, but Humble realised it was a shop for babies.
So he carried on looking and saw a couple of bee’s kissing.
He didn’t know what this sign could mean, but he knew he was listening.
Then he saw two newly wed bees;
He heard them talking about where they could take their honeymoon.
They didn’t know where they wanted to bee;
They just knew they wanted to get there soon…

…Eventually Humble arrived home and as he opened the door,
He saw his parents holding hands, very much in love.
His Mum was watching BeeTV as his dad, Dude, just snored.
Bakes-a-good-crumble said hi love, how was your day?
Did Mrs. GuideBee give you a message to pass on to me today?
Or is everything ok?
No; today we just talked about what I wanted to bee when I grow up.
So what did you tell her love?
I don’t know yet, but being in love sure looks like it could bee good;
Oh and Blondebee wants me to go out with her
And her parents on the weekend.  
Is that ok?
Sure Honey…
Go have fun with your friend.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Way to bee!

As Humble walked with his parents into the bee nursery,
He saw the other proud parents with their own little bees.
Eventually the teacher said, excuse me parents,
I will have to ask you to say your goodbyes;
We must proceed with today’s event…

As the parents left and the larvae bees took their seats,
The teacher, Miss Softly-Spoken said
Today children we are going to have A Spelling Bee.
I would like you all to welcome The Spelling Tree!

The Spelling Tree walked in with a miserable face.
The Spelling Tree was Mr. Dictionary in a tree costume
And he didn’t like this place.
One day I will get away from here, you will see…
Now, now Mr. Spelling Tree, no need to bee grumpy.
A is for Air.
B is for Bee!
C is for Cloud, said Mr. Dictionary…

He really didn’t care anymore; he just wanted to leave;
But life in the hive wasn’t all fun and games.
You were given a job that you had to do every day
And this one was much better than his last position.
He was fired as a clown for not being happy enough…
The irony of misconception.

The rest of the day, the children played many games
And they all became friends in the end…

As the parents returned to collect their children,
The larvae were playing a game called,
‘Guess what I am meant to Bee!’
They were pretending to bee whatever they wanted to bee,
Imaginatively and figuratively.

Humble was buzzing his own little tune,
So out of sync with everybody.
The other children were trees and clouds and flowers and leaves!
Humble decided to pretend to bee a Bee.
He did it so well, nobody else could tell,
What he was pretending to bee.

As the families all left, Humble, of course, was last to leave.
His parents told him to say goodbye to Miss Softly-Spoken
And she said
“It was a pleasure to meet you today Mr. Humble B. Bumble…
Way to Bee!”

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Alek Mielnikow Jul 2019
Old breadcrumbs litter the placemat where
my little one had sat that morning.

That morning I told her she was running too
late to finish the PB&J with fine
pineapple pieces she had made for herself.
She gobbled the thing up in seconds, and with
a mouth still full she walked over and mumbled
bye. I wiped juice leaking out the corner, and
with a snort and a kiss to her forehead I
said see ya’, have fun. And with that she was out
the door, her red backpack one strapped like the
baseball boys did.

All that’s left are these breadcrumbs. I can’t
get myself to clean them up and throw
them away. I see them every day,
every meal, every middle of the
night as I peck on pineapple PB&Js.

As much as I know these crumbs must go, I don’t
regret for a second letting her eat that sandwich
the way she did. It was hell to raise such a rebel,
but she was never going to let anyone stop
her from what she wanted, including me. And she
makes me proud. I’ll clean it up eventually, but
for now, my little one’s breadcrumbs stay.

Aleksander Mielnikow (Alek the Poet)
This one was very emotional for me to write.

I cried while writing it, and I haven’t cried while writing since Dear Daughter Of Mine. I mean, I guess one can say I cried while writing (I must attest…), but I don’t believe that counts because those were slight tears of joy that didn’t even roll down my face. I can get those from laughing a bunch, or after ***, too… wow, now you know a bit too much about me.

Anyways, I’m quite sadistic, so I hope this poem makes you cry too. Enjoy.
Axel Jul 2019
When the sun rose today,
We didn't know he would go away.
He wasn't my friend but when the sun rose today,
He felt like a family.

When the sun set today,
His name was spoken in our prayers
And our words came out like our tears
Sounded up the moon with his face on our faces.
translation for the title:
"We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return"

my senior passed away today and he had cancer, I cried even though we weren't close at all, but still he felt like a family and I pray that he's in a better place waiting for us up there. <3

Al-fatihah (for the Muslims)
Luna Craft Jul 2019
I knew a kid in highschool
Rather to say I knew him would be an overstatement,
He was a friend of a friend at most,
The boy that sat directly in front of me in my economics class
Second seat from the right, second to last from the back
The corner of the classroom between the whiteboard wall and the windows
I remember that scene like a diagram,
I couldn’t tell you anything I learned from the class but,

I knew a kid in highschool
He was best friends with my childhood best friend
He wasn’t quiet, wasn’t loud- he was a normal highschool boy
I remember the last words I said to him
Well not quite, I remember the vague idea
Something along the lines of it only gets worse
He was talking about the theoretic project where we role played
Each kid acting out as if they were in the real world
He said he was overwhelmed by the amount of work
I told him it only gets worse

I knew a kid in highschool
He killed himself during the weekend
The Monday they announced in I was sick
I was sick
His obituary isn’t up on the internet anymore
Neither is his facebook, he is nothing but a yearbook page
The page to a book I couldn’t afford
He is a memory on bookshelves filled with dust

I knew a kid in highschool but I had to ask a friend to confirm his existence
That I didn’t just make up a daydreamed suicide
I’m so tired of wondering what’s left of us when we die
I spend most of my life running from evidence of my existence
No photos, no yearbooks, nothing with me or my name
I knew a kid in highschool
Nigdaw Jul 2019
I walked and watched the seasons change
Through the winter cold and rain,
My coat zipped up to my chin
Hands gloved with woolen mittens,
I saw my breath like steam escaping

I walked and watched the seasons change
Saw spring wave it’s magic wand,
Bringing life to trees and plants
A fantasia of riotous foliage and colour,
I felt alive, my stomach fluttered.

I walked and watched the seasons change
In summers warmth the spreading shade,
Gave welcome relief under treed avenue
Where I grew each day and never knew
I headed towards this present day.

To me now it's always autumn there
Along the road I knew so well
Colours fading into golden brown
The walk is over, the mystery gone
My winter of discontent will follow.
Steve Page Jun 2019
It wasn't so much childhood trauma as it was a soap melodrama. But I wasn't the protagonist and I soon realised that I had become redundant to their narrative.

Part way into the 8th series I left to star in my own spin off at a boarding school set in the Chilterns where I had greater success. Oh, yes - there was the occasional well-choreographed cross-over, but nothing substantive; and I successfully developed my own independent brand.

Years have passed and we don't do cross-overs anymore, but they may turn up for the occasional, one-scene guest appearance.

I prefer it this way. It's not Made In Chelsea, but it's my own reality drama.
Started this a while ago with the first couple of lines.  I wrote the rest watching an upper class family on a strained day out.
Francie Lynch Jun 2019
Today is the day
Before the school year ends;
No matter what the calendar says,
Whether you're off to work,
Or if you shave,
Tomorrow, recall, is Summer's first day.
No more classes, no more books, no more teacher's ***** looks. :)
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