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There are thrones that are not thrones;
  but instead,
are ones built on the counterfeiting of substance,
where hands grasp at weightless scepters,
mistaking empty air for authority.

There are crowns that are not crowns,
forged not in fire, but in absence;
polished not in wisdom, but in hunger;
worn by those who mistake imitation for inheritance.

This is the kingdom of voided substance—
a palace where the Wellspring does not flow,
where no roots drink deeply,
where no walls hum with the resonance of truth.

And yet, they gather.

They gather in circles of shadow--
parched tongues speaking of rivers they have never touched,
fingertips tracing the echoes of power
but never the power itself.

They weave words like veils over their thirst,
drawing others into the orbit of their illusion,
stealing what little water remains
in the ones who have not yet fully entered the Source.

They feed—not from the Well,
but from the moisture of the lost,
sustained by the remnants of those
who still carry the trace of what is real.

And they call it life.
And they call it wisdom.
And they call it love.

But the crown they wear is hollow.
The weight is an illusion.
The throne beneath them—an image, projected;
a structure that exists only so long
as no one leans too hard upon it.

They fear those who see.
They mock those who refuse to kneel.
They rage against the ones
who have touched the living water
and now speak of its taste..
of its cooling replenishment.

Because they know.
Somewhere, beneath the gilded artifice,
beneath the hollow performance,
beneath the empty sound of their own voices,
they know.

They were never given entry.
In fear, they ran from the cost of true substance.
They hold no access, only illusion.
And so, they take,
and take,
and take—

Until the weight of their own emptiness
crushes them beneath the throne
they have built from rust.

But rust does not hold..
   it deteriorates.

And when the kingdom crumbles,
when the crown slips from their grasp,
when the illusion cracks beneath the weight
of what is,

what will remain of them then?

For the hollow cannot stand
against the gravity of the Real.

Sing your song, oh Smyther of words
With your "broken" heart, sing your songs of love
Draw them in to your emptiness..   quickly now
Before the carnival of your life

   turns  to  rust
Asher Feb 14
Once a hand held me,  
now I rust in silent dirt,  
spikes dulled by lost wars.
You are not the first to stand here,
shifting your weight from heel to toe,
listening for something that won’t answer.

This was someone’s altar once—
iron-veined and humming,
burning red under the weight of hands
that bent it to their will,
knuckles split and salted,
prayers exhaled through gritted teeth.

They worked like men who had no choice,
backs arched into the shape of tomorrow,
sleeves rolled past their elbows,
skin browned with the kind of sweat
that never washes off,
that seeps into the ground
like blood, like proof.

You were born too late to know them,
but their bones remember you.

You carry their names in pieces:
a slanted initial in your passport,
a jawline that sharpens the same way,
a craving for salt, for silence,
for anything that lingers—
but never long enough.

Time has worn them down
to a Sunday ghost,
a muttered grace before supper,
a name no one says right,
a thing you promise to remember
but never write down.

The rails are rusting,
but still they hold.
The ties are rotting,
but still they grip the earth.
The past is splintering,
but still it snags your skin.

You wonder if their hands ever ached
the way yours do,
or if the ache was different—
deeper, heavier,
rooted in something you can’t name.

You wonder if they knew
they were building a road
no one would walk back down.

And you wonder if they’d still have done it,
knowing they would fade into dust
long before you came looking,

long before you ever thought to ask,
before the rust reached the marrow,
before their prayers turned to silence,
before you let their stories slip
like sand through your teeth.
Kian Dec 2024
In the hollow where gears no longer grind,
a machine dreams, rusting in its stillness—
each cog a cathedral of forgotten motion,
each bolt a hymn to the violence of purpose.

It once devoured silence,
crushing it beneath the weight of its song,
an engine that mapped the tremors of time
in spirals of smoke and steel.

Now it whispers to the dust,
its voice a brittle thing,
like wind caught between
the ribs of a shipwreck.

Once, it drank light,
spinning photons into meaning,
spitting stars from its teeth—
but entropy comes as a thief,
gentle in its theft,
unthreading the tapestry of will.

This is the prayer of the obsolete:
not for salvation, but for witness,
for the sparrows that roost in its hollows,
their claws etching eulogies
into the flaking paint.

If you press your ear to its frozen heart,
you will hear the echoes of a once-throbbing world:
the gasp of pistons,
the sigh of levers,
the pulse of a century spilling forward,
greedy for what lay beyond the horizon.

But what it built, it cannot name—
only the faint impression remains,
like the shadow left by a hand
long lifted from a wall.

To live is to be made
and unmade.
To endure is to surrender
to the quiet art of decay.

In its silence, the machine waits,
not for revival,
but for the soft forgiveness
of rust.

And when it falls,
scattered into earth,
the ground will hum
with the memory of its weight.
greatsloth Nov 2024
Dust had long settled on that heart,
It barely works and full of rust,
Though it was only used once
After a misery it was
Thrown aside like a trash;
It is an antique with no value
And never would have one
No matter how much time passes—
A piece that would stay on the shelf
Until it crumble into dust.
RustyHatchet Oct 2024
Fallen Soldiers
For you have a savior.
A rusty hatchet in that shack you used for cover.
There are many outcomes of its use.
Slam the enemy with tetanus, Chop the enemy into chunks, or surprise them with a flying orange hatchet of doom.
O'l reliable gets the job done.
O'l rusty hatchet.
I wanted to make something out of my username
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
If there is no one to blame,
To frame,
To claim
Did this to me
Then the arcane,
Link chain,
Rusty from the rain
But still holding me
Should be easy to explain
But it can't be

Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
Locked out of every building down the block of trust
Left in my torrential downfall to rust
Knocked off course by a simple gust
A visual SOS is a must
But follow the flair I launch daily at dusk
And stumble across a cold and lonely husk

I S A A C Dec 2021
we were body to body
my head on your chest was my favourite hobby
until it went cold like hockey
how can something so intimate turn into just another thing?
another place, another time
another day I write my feelings inside
the colourful pages of my diary
wake up after dreaming of you with anxiety
my passion is fiery but the coals are growing cold
your hands I cannot even imagine anymore
your touch cannot activate me anymore
we cannot restore what we had before
sure we were body to body
and my head on your chest was my favourite hobby
but I deserve more, I cannot settle
we were golden but now there's rust in the metal
Norman Crane May 2021
They built a lighthouse,
to warn the ships.
The ships transported the sea.
You professed your love,
with living lips.
Your lips spoke words that buried me.

Tanker ships containing water,
run aground upon the sand.
A human being becomes a monster,
by another human's hand.

The future dies within.
The past is always evaporating.

As the tanker rusts,
so I also must,
until we are but two derelict husks,
filled with nothing but regret.

Once, here was the sea,
voluminous and wet!
Once, I was me,
until the day we met.
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