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The way, she did to me
Is the way I did to her
The way, where hearts broke
The way,
I will never return to

The way where
Sun used to long last
The days spent in the past
Still, when thy feeling arises
My day neither sets, nor rises
Poets frankly speaks about an injury he inflicted to his beloved to take revenge.
Dr Zik Jul 2017
Sunsets every eve
Sunrises every morn
Day splashes light in dark
Seeds peep out in hurry
Birds tweet in joy-full song
Departure needs forgiveness
Arrival bows in norm
O’ my Lord!
Bless me
My dear mother passed away on Monday, June 19, 2017. May Allah (God) bless her with Jannah. Amen!

Dr ZIK's Poetry
Mandi Drake Jul 2016
Rosé makes me romantic
I guess
Because it's pink
And it makes me tipsy
Like love should
I guess...
And it reminds me of
The wilting pink roses
On my coffee table
Cute love
I guess...
It becomes less than cute
I bought those flowers
For myself
Oh, by the way.
Solaces Oct 2015
So I follow you.
Like I have been for the past three nights.
Only this time you walk toward where I want to take you.
My sanctuary awaits your screams along side the others.
You seem to be oblivious of me.
My moment has arrived.
Not a soul watching but me.
When you turn the corner is when I will make the grab, the hook, the capture that quenches this thirsty urge!
As we turn the corner I find that you are no longer there!
I also find that I have been captured instead!
All along I was the one being followed!
I was the one being followed
Silence Screamz Aug 2015
Life is cruel and unkind
Boiled over with wasted time
Count the hands of moments lost,
tick by seconds, minutes tossed

Temperature rises and hits the mark
A hundred degrees turns too stark
Bed of sand and heat wave sear
Weigh it down with constant fear

Mercury rises an internal kind
Cuts right through a melted mind
Turn it off, burn the fool
Anger mounts then its cool
inside my head when anger mounts
it was the
of 13

when a city
consumed in a
Cronut crazed
heat wave

the tenderloin

slicing the underbelly
of Hell's Kitchen

packing meat for
Russian oligarchs
pouring fistfuls
of petrol rubles
down the
thirsty gullets
of glutinous

their distended
bellies welling
with aching
from an
stay at an
All You Can Eat
zero interest
courtesy of
Uncle Sam’s Diner
somewhere off the
West End

getting fat
on the land
and rebuilt
on the dust
and detritus
of an expired
Great Society

Bloomie's metropolis
rising on the rubble
of razed neighborhoods....

the vertical leaps
shooting ever upward
the heady windows
framing portraits
of endless replication
offering the amenities
of the vain comfort
found in ghettos of
soulless high rises
and the billowing
gray perspective
of blanched out
street cafes
brewing $9 lattes
and big box
boutiques busy
busking the
latest rage
of sweat repelling
yoga mats and
wearable apps

America’s Mayor
Giuliani paved the way
he arrested all
the squeegee men
confiscated their Windex
dumped it down
the sewers and filled all
vacancies at Rikers

a year after Sandy
rolled up the Hudson
breaching the banks
of West Street
licking the streets
clean of urban
flotsam the
surging boom

Bloomie bankrolled
a red carpet
for his global
fraternity of
unleashing a
tsunami of

washing away
the fading
memories of
Captain Sully’s
cool headed
lunch pail
heroism proving
that 727’s can
walk on water
was now passe

Lou Reed
left town
the wild side
monetized by
the belching
banality of
Urban Hipsters

babes in toy land
embarked on an endless
shopping spree
where credit limits
never expire and
giddy narcissism
greased with entitlement
orders up room service
as the next course
in this endless
movable feast

Music Selection
Philip Glass
The Hours

walking the High Line in NYC.....
fragment of extended poem
posted today in response to NY Times article
on the anonymous purchase of NYC high rises
by global oligarchs
Brianna Sep 2014
I hope the rain stops and the leaves change from green to red for you.
I hope the fog fades and the sun comes out to shine down on you.
I hope when the morning rises and you're tired eyes awake you feel peace...

I hope the night stays a little longer and you find that sense of adventure again.  
I hope your eyes stop hurting and your lips stop cracking from the days you've been crying.
I hope when the morning rises you feel love again.
Pamela Haddad Jul 2014
Walking slowly in the dead of night, hoping to get away
From the troubles I have in sight, wanting them not to stay
Disguised with darkness I tread upon this street so gloomy and grey
People I see there is none, oh what an eerie day
Continued my trip in the darkness, moving away from light
No chaos there just calmness, no need for proper fight
Weirdness present all over, not a soul perceived
Life has reached a closure, this is what I believed
White coats moved towards me in a multitude of sizes
No humans yet I see, a hand from underneath rises
"I think she's better and can leave this prison of hell"
They didn't know that I weaved lies to seem so well
Running out of confinement, they realized their mistake
Failing their assignment, allowing me their lives to take
Amelia May 2014
kissed you like the nights
   kiss the night sky
         until the sun rises.

kissed you like my lips
kiss the ends of cigarettes.

kissed you like my blood
turns to alcohol.

i should have kissed you,
but you never let me kiss you.


— The End —