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Stanley Wilkin Aug 2016
Long ginger muzzle
eyes burning
through the copse, fixed upon
the snuffling vole eating
grubs in the moonlight,fangs
like stunted darning needles
revealed in its widening jaw.
hunching in the grass
it crawled cautiously forward
and pounced
like a god on an acolyte
quenching blood-lust-
the fox ate again that night.
SassyJ Jul 2016
Energetic vampires crucify as
their feet sink on the ground
arms afloat in fits pounding
their body is entirely hammered
to sit in conclusions of others
Their form is a liquid chameleon
one that flows like a gel of misery
Their emotions are on the gear drive
like dying wax on a gassed chamber

These dark energies are permeable
as their existence fasten death
on our calm natured souls
Their doom is a constant taunt
a blackened hole of dark form
The horn they raise is evil
like an adventure wire of unbalance
For my destiny I hold them not

Their eyes of desire vibrate
like a treasure of lost beads
They beat in a sack and ****
as we duck on the underpass
Their nails are hardened and long
as they gnaw all that is not theirs
Their teeth protrude and grind
grounded in the egoistical trespass

Their palms are calloused and aged
prearrange in a planned plot
Their aura electrified to burn
spreading a life threatening smoke
that haze of the unnamed display
As one rolls like a wrestled ball

Let go and rise up from the witched prey
Tilt the strength and dull their day
Filter their strength from your glory
Shadow them with the light and shine
*Go beyond, fly above, as they live below
innocent sin Jul 2016
You're going to have to pay
I will make you regret what you've done
You took away her innocence
I will take your life with this gun
You carry on like nothing's wrong
I see through that disguise
You work your muscles so you don't feel weak
I will make sure that pain subsides
You don't even know me
I am sure of that fact
You should really look out for me at night
I will put a knife in your back
I'm coming for you
Sleep with one eye open
Brent Jun 2016
it's my fault
i was too careless
and brought my
precious items
it's my fault
i got mugged

it's my fault
i was too daring
that i wore so-called
provocative clothing
it's my fault
i got *****

it's my fault
that i got preyed upon
it's my fault
i became a victim
i got mugged just the other day, and this is just what i felt and also what i see in society. just to let off some steam.
Jill D Barker Apr 2016
Coiled, grey March –snow patches slow to disperse on the townscape -
trying to turn the year.
A grey plume drifts through the low sky, like smoke but not smoke,
slow to disperse
reforming and palping like a long streak of foam on the sea; a grubby bag
turning, plastic and drifting
dividing in the sky: a shifting exclamation mark pulls out of shape
turns pale to vanishing, is gone.  
A sound like pages riffling, like a thousand paper fans rustling, a darkening in the air
turning in the low light all together
wheeling , breaking, re-combining, stretching again.  Sky geometry.
Still that dry whisper-clustering
of many wings holding close formation, turning and swooping together.
The cloud is back, is gone, is back again – endlessly
The grey light feels unnaturally late
above the Eagle Rec
starlings are moulding shapes, most beautiful murmuration.
The complex maths of defence – stay close, stay close –
turn, wheel, stay close.
Against the pale dusk the moment stretches beyond bearing,
that high, remote plasticity floats on as the light hesitates
dragging out the turn towards darkness.
The hawk must be near, striking into the crowd -
spin, turn on a wing-tip, wheel close, divide and turn: with luck
she will take your neighbour.
The black bunched crowd drops as one, to roost, to rest.
Stone Fox Apr 2016
He halted..

Snuffing the air, he turned tail and galloped off.

Without much delay,
We gallantly dragged our efforts; shooting at the poor beast in hot pursuit

I was unwilling in this sport.

In my heart of hearts I hoped instead we might manage to tame him.
This Mighty Majestic Beast of Burden was too rare to see Death.

But once our chase had been executed the  noose in our hands drew tight,
Ensnaring the monster in our trap as we had him.

We had him cornered.
The Beast was upon the ground-doomed.
The animal was at all our mercy.

I felt some repugnance at paining the animal-but those were the orders.
This was a case of necessity-this was **** or be killed.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Hunted and stalked
She was caught
Forced into the car
Out in the woods so far
No one heard her cries
Hands behind her back tied
She tried to plea
His hits just made her bleed
Shoved into the dirt
He was gonna make her hurt
He killed his prey
She dies a little more each day
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
I'm being hunted, I am the pray
Eyes darting everywhere, thoughts in disarray

Drove by him on the street this morning, our eyes locked
**** now he knows the car is my only thoughts

I had moved away from my home town
Hope upon hope I wouldn't be found

But I still work in this God forsaken place
In this **** town every day, so now I'm being chased

I don't understand why he won't let me be
It's been so many years, why can't he just forget about me

Although I know in his drug addled mind
I'm the one that got away and left him behind

He is truly crazy, that's what scares me the most
And I know all the demons he host

He's lived most of his life in prison, or on the streets
He's one of the homeless like many you meet

But he's a dangerous CRAZY
Of that there's no maybe

He told me a few years go of the women he's ***** and beaten
If he would die there would be one less demon

****!!! As I sit here writing this, out the window I spy
Him nonchalantly just walking by

Why ******* now does hunt me this way
I feel like crying in dismay

But I'm at work so I hide my fear
**** if he hadn't seen my car he wouldn't know I was here

My client is handicapped and his father old
All of this their mind couldn't hold

If he's still here after my work day
I'll have to lure him away

After all it's just me that he craves
And I know he will always till either him or I lie in the grave
Needa Lim Mar 2016
Do not try to hold my gaze,  deer

I won't sit still, I would stiffened

I'd tensed my muscles

Haven't you heard, my deer?

I'd devour you

Haven't you heard, my deer?

I'd stay in the cold

Haven't you heard, my deer?

I love solitude

Haven't you heard, my deer?

I have a frozen heart.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
A zebra can never change it's stripes
Nor leopard change it's spots
One will always be the prey
Just like you and I
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