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Lacey Clark Mar 2018
My therapist recently asked me "have you ever tried mindfulness?"
I laughed a bit, remembering of the week-long mindfulness camp (sugarcoated for in-patient psychiatric care) I attended for troubled teens. I went to this twice.
This peaceful brain training was designed to give us a retreat when the world is too loud. During group therapy, most teens shared their experiences with domestic violence, yelling, S.A., running away, abuse. Endless. We were all numb, but there was so much comfort in being locked away with others who needed the respite as much as I did.
We would eat skittles and describe their flavor and textures. We would focus on our breaths. Make beaded art. Tell collaborative stories. Follow guided meditations laying on unfamiliar gym floors, giggling a bit as we "soared through clouds".
I jumped back into the talk session, remembering my dedication to mindfulness years ago. My anxiety followed me into adulthood. I think mindfulness can be out of reach, stupid.
And yet, I looked out of her dusty, sun filled window decorated with three vases of dry arrangements. My mind started to posture into how warm and antique this image felt. I felt hot, quiet tears building up from feeling that peace again.
we will have to revisit lessons many times in life
HoneyPotter Mar 2018
A perfect escape
away with the city's rush,
Stolen moment

Long trip is worth it,
the beautiful sea proved it
lose myself a bit.

Sun kissed while dancing,
listening to good music
with the wind's cold breeze.

Mind, body, spirit,
Lying on sands was really
a relaxing moment.

Was truly refreshed
by having peace from my own
struggles and thoughts.

Enjoyed life at last,
made every moment a blast
sad it ended fast.
Thoughts from my recent vacation. How I wish we could make our short work break longer than we should. Reality *****.
MAR Feb 2018
Looking into your hazel eyes I found a new world
I learned what it was like to find someone
Who wants every part of you for themselves
I know even now sitting here telling myself
That my heart can't afford to face darkness again
That surely there is going to be a moment
Where you'll look into my eyes
Grab my hands and wrap your fingers between mine
Hold me tight through the night
Wake up in the morning and look at me generously
As your body sinks into mine
And I will fall completely for you
And I will forget what it is like to be alone.
Part of my "Infinite Parts" series, dedicated to you.
Afeli Feb 2018
The moment I felt breathless

His dreamy eyes stared at me, while I traced his oxygen enriched blood vessels; they ran long, like roads mapped on his arms.
I could feel his gaze on me, just like it feels when the sun rays warms the cold.

The moment I felt breathless

He tugged my hair at the back of my ear, his fingers ran along my arm and found mine; his filled the gap between mine; completely.

The moment I felt breathless

He held my gaze
I held his.
P Marrero Feb 2018
Since you came, our fields
don't look the same.
You broke us down and
changed our ways.
We were once beautiful
filled with lots of green
and the calm blue of the sea.
You destroyed familys and dreams
and our hope simply disappeared.
María, ******* hurricane,
my little island is not the same.
My heart aches and screams
to see how it once were.
Beacuse we were once beautiful
and then you came.
On September, hurricane María came to PR and changed everything. I had to go through a though process just to continue with my life. I moved to another country to keep working on my dreams, but some people weren't that lucky and lost everything they had. Many people still don't have power and some things are going well. I just hope to see my beautiful island tbe way it was...
It’s 6am on an early Spring morning
The temperature is warm but brisk
An ever so gentle breeze kisses me from time to time
The beautiful chirps and whistles
from the proverbial early birds
sing in a beautiful chorus
A harmony seemingly made just for me

The trees and bushes; Glowing moms and dads to-be
of the sprouted buds
on the verge of delivering
their new beauty
The pansies arriving on the early train
are on full display
proudly standing with visibility for all
Tulips dance around them
surrounding them in a rainbow of colors
A whisper of lilac is in the air
Though ever so soft and subtle
it’s aromatic scent so pleasantly distinguishable

Morning dew
A ubiquitous presence
It blankets all in it’s life-giving properties
and releases the crisp and clean odor
of fresh cut grass

The scent of burning wood
from the neighbor’s wood burning stove
dives in and out
teasing my nostrils and passageways
with it’s delectable offerings

The Sun pierces the sky
with a fire red so dark and deep
it almost seems in anger
But I know better
For added to that fire
are the oranges like that of freshly squeezed juice
and yellows
as if a child took a crayon to the sky
All of this encompassed
within a soft cloud of violets and blues
The rainbow decided to take it’s cans of paint
and gush them out all across the sky
in exuberant glory
just so I could see

The gentle kisses delivered by soft breezes
give me a chill of excitement
and make my hairs stand on end
The familiar little bumps
running all along my arms and neck

The Sun fires back in retaliatory manner
with laser beam streaks
Striking me dead center
placing a glow upon me
Much like love
The Sun can be millions of miles away
and I can still feel it’s warmth

I stop and take it all in
Nature in all it’s beauty
****** and pristine
I close my eyes
and make this moment
Written: February 25, 2018

All rights reserved
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
No more to say
So this goes on

My retired brain
Theme: Then, nothing matters.
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.
Kris Fireheart Feb 2018
From her perch
Above the sky
Our Mother Earth
Feeds her children.
And with her
She watches us
Our large and
Another one from my short "feeling"series.
Kris Fireheart Feb 2018
To see her smile,
Beyond the sky,
Great Mother Earth who brings us life,  
And hear her voice,
Among the stars,
Our kind and gentle guide from strife,

I'd give it all;
One Hundred - fold,
And all the days 'til I grow old,
To pierce her veil,
Of endless blue,
Each second,  a treasure to behold.

To see a world,
Beyond the black,
I'd leave,  and i might not come back.
But were all men
So brave and bold,
We'd enter space with fierce attack.

"It's only human, "
I've heard say,
"To ponder over a life in space, "
But if ever
We leave this place,
Will it save our human race?
A moment in time.  That's all it takes to be inspired.  A starry night.  A comet. The SpaceX Tesla launch...
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