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Mark Wanless Jan 2020
reality the fictitious
truth moment by moment
Nishi Jan 2020
I moved on
It was not easy
I wonder,why i had to feel gloomy,
When i did nothing wrong

I was always worthy
I was always honest
I was always loving
I was always caring

I did so much for us
in return i got hoaxed
But whenever i think of me
I wonder why i have to be brood

I was flawless till end
I was astonishing and profound
So when i think of myself
I see,there is no reason to despair
Just realized life is full of blessings and shouldn't be unhappy for the things we couldn't achieve in life..because god never give us something which is not matching to our lives..nature gives us the best things which we deserve at the right time
Molly Jan 2020
The feeling when I jump off the riverbed and for one brief moment I am weightless, suspended before I submerge into the water

When I’m about to open a door to a friends house filled with people. The world goes silent while I reach for the doorknob

The pause I take before I’m about to say something that will change

The moment when I see someone I love who I haven’t seen for a long time

When I realize I’m about to achieve something I’ve worked so hard for

When I have to make a decision between two different paths

When I know I’m approaching the time to choose, but I walk between the two
One foot in each possible decision for a long time
Relishing in my indecision

The moment when tears well in my eyelids, the pause before they fall down my cheeks
They don’t fall until I let them

The time that passes between when you realize they don’t love you anymore, but they haven’t told you yet

When I’m about to bite into my favourite decadent cake, one satisfying bite dances in front of my lips before I devour. When you can taste it before you’ve even started

The pause between when I turn on the shower and the water actually starts falling onto my skin

Consciously living between who I am and who I see I can be
She’s so clear in my mind

The moment I reach for someone’s hand

The coat I have for in between seasons

When I receive bad news
And I feel nothing
Before I feel everything
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2020
Last day of 2019

To fill-up on pre-twenties thrills and dump old regrets before the etch-a-sketch of your life is shaken clear once more

What might be last chances to indulge the whims of the former version of yourself

And what might be impossible this year will become an accomplishable goal with the flipping of the calender

Have been counting down this moment for the last 24 hours and finally midnight is here
Obviously wrote this on New Year's Eve
Colm Jan 2020
If you're reading me
In this moment now
We are one and the same
Not just in eyes or in fixitie of mind
But by the air we breathe
With the dreams we dream
In mutuality of meaning
We are alive
You're reading me? Thank you for your eyes. (:
Carlo C Gomez Jan 2020
Suddenly all my clocks
have stopped

am I caught
in between time zones?

am I free
to misbehave like a child?

I'll jump in with both feet
and see

I can always
iron things out later
Ace Jan 2020
has a moment gone by
where I haven't thought
of you?
Erian Rose Jan 2020
Our love is different
Random and weird
But every moment spent
Makes me love you more

I'll spend forever with you
To be in your arms
While you kiss me
In the future we make
sweetsugari Jan 2020
darkness looks soft and bright if you are happy.
If you can't see that, that means you are not.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2020
Once I climb into my bed
My monsters all awaken
But when I sleep next to your side
I swear those beasts are shaken

And when I hold your body close
Imagine a future much better
To find the right way to get there
We must navigate together

I felt heaven for a breif moment
It's contained inside your kiss
I must admit you are the only thing
That touches my world with bliss
I love you
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