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Eva Ellen Aug 2015
Once upon a hell of a time,
Memories happen without warning,
Tomorrow never was
and some of us stay and some of us don't.
Will you,
Creature Untamed,
Future Imperfect,
Crack life open?
You can have it all.
Because it is just the right amount of wrong.
Hooked on a feeling.
It feels electric.
RL Glassman Aug 2015
Do not wait for the morrow
Or better days to come
For once arrived all tomorrow
Will soon be naught and done

Gently comes new sunrise
And nothing wanted achieved
Time like this only flies
And this few believed

Life to all seems sure and long
But time is only just fleeting
To say 'tomorrow' is all wrong
For there's an end to all heart beating

If you want something - do it now
For this day could be your last
In this time you must plow
Or it might just go too fast

So when your day gently does come
Hope all you wanted would be completed
And you're not thinking of what wasn't done,
But rather that you did what was needed
Written Nov 9 2014

..dislike this poem of mine, but thought I would share regardless.
Silence Screamz Aug 2015
Feed the broken monster
with the strangled mind
Replace the rusted screws
and tighten from behind

**** the broken monster
deep inside of me
Twisted rotten moment
no longer can I see
The monster inside of me peeks its head out at times
The calm after the storm.
The peace that comes about like a silent echo.
A sigh of relief.
We all knew the storm wouldn't last, didn't we?

Yet I stand in awe of the calm and the beautiful clouds painted like a work of art.
My soul and my face slowly turn into a smile.
I've been waiting for a moment like this a good while.
aniket nikhade Aug 2015
In the highs and lows of life
In the ups and downs of life
In the yes and no's of life
When confronted with any doubts in life hesitation will not work
Clarity of thoughts will make the difference
Transperancy in pattern of work must be followed by clarity of thoughts

Be clear in your mind with regards to what you have got in your mind and all that you want from life.

When the right moment of time comes strike a deal with the inner self
Once decided, then it's time to make the next move
Always it's better to watch and wait and then decide how to move ahead.

When the desire is to do something specific, then that desire must have a strong backing.
A desire must be followed by firm willingness to pursue and achieve the desire that's in mind
When the desire becomes strong and concrete it will then be accompanied by a willingness to face odd, which will come along the way.

An odd that comes at an odd moment of time in the middle of your way needs to be solved.
organize yourself, your time and space.
Find a way out,
An idea, method, technique, trick,  whatever may be the need of hour
Find a way out, which will get the odd out of your way.

Experiences from prior have always told one thing
Odds are always there for most of the time
Better deal with them, handle and tackle them
Learn from the odds that you face
In doing so the best thing that happens is you will have an experience of your own.

Even if you think it otherwise,
the other way round life had never been smooth, simple and easy
Never did it happen that after overcoming an odd everything in life became calm and quite, as if nothing happened prior.
On the contrary, after overcoming an odd the next moment of time will tell you how to move ahead in the direction of goal
Life had never been simple and easy
All that happened was it always seemed like life is simple and easy.

Always keep in mind,
always follow the same
Make a habit, register somewhere at the back of your mind
Odds do not change the rest of things in your life
It's important that you remain firm in your mind,
firm with regards to overcoming an odd and don't give up.

Never give up against any odds in your life
When you accept a defeat against overcoming an odd,
everything from the present date and time moves into the past.

Better face the odds as they come along your way
Give your best
Make every possible effort to overcome the odd
Always have something definite in your mind,
Both before and after facing an odd
Better to have something of own in life
Better to be what you are
Always represent yourself as what you really are in your life.

Consistency is the name of the game in which every element of your life plays an important role
Everything is of concern
Everything becomes important in life when it comes to getting consistency in life

A lot of events that happen in life can be experienced only once
They never get repeated
Never does it happen you prove your skills, capabilities, abilities and identity all the time in your life
Recognition comes over a period of time
Experience and expertise becomes a part of your life then
Experience and expertise always counts in everyone's life
They have got a place in everyone's life.

Not only when you participate in a competition, but also otherwise as and when an untoward thing happens, when something goes wrong, be honest at that time.
Honest and confident about yourself
Confident about your skills and expertise
Now when you know your own position and ranking face the facts and search for truth
Just because something went wrong it's important that truth must come out
Truth will come out only when honesty is there.

Before the outside world interferes in your way of doing things
Once and for all understand, realize and accept the fact, which clearly states, who you are based on your prior performance
No need of going into what the world says
In the world outside most of the time there is always something for sale
Time changes
Attitude differs
Trends change
Important that when all of this happens, the person inside you remains the same
Also otherwise the outside world works in a very different way
In the outside world it's all hype
The hype that's created around you
It's all fiction
The fiction that gradually becomes a part of your life
Followed by imagination, desire and dreams.

It's all about life and the world in which you live and work, not the outside world
That's the bitter truth of life
Each and everything belongs to you
You are part of it
Still you will often come across the fact that you are not part of every group
You are not like others
Others are definitely not like you
For one reason or another, many individuals hide themselves from agreeing upon the fact as to what they really are and this not only matters, but is also of concern.

It's always better to be a small part of a larger picture
Better than doing something insignificant of your own and remaining satisfied with the same
Simple things in life don't take much time
Over a period of time you learn them on your own
Later they become part of your life and your habit
It's always better not to get engaged in more than required proportions in doing simple things of life
Over a period of time you become used to it and they become a part of your life.

In the highs and lows of life
In the ups and downs of life
In the yes and no's of life
As and when you get confronted with any doubt in life
Better to wait for a moment or two and then move ahead in life.
Mysterious Aries Aug 2015
What are we doing here?
Strangers uttered to each other CHEERS
We live in two different world
But for unknown reason we were being furled

To a place beyond the outer space
For me a miracle that can't be untraced
Though reason was so unclear
All I know I'm so happy I met you here

Occasion that may take a day or two
Time that set for me and you
A dream that certainly will past
But for me.... truly a moment that will last....
Definitely for all of you GUYS... Thank you for the FRIENDSHIP...
I need a moment with my muse....
I need shadows in candlelight...
I need a "You're so ******* beautiful"...
To feel it, for a night.....
I need the pain as he bites me...
The taste of blood within my lips...
Only to be soothed by the gentle way
He slows his every kiss...
I need his searching fingers
And his lip stains on my skin
I need his cross upon my tongue
I need to relish in his sin....
I need a moment with my muse...
I'm dying fast inside
It seems without his smirk
I'm more dead than I'm alive
Just a few slow
Long hours
I swear,
I can't think
To even write.....

Unless it is about him
Then that's all there is
All night
Writing of my longing
Writing of this want
Writing to forget him
Though with writing
Not forgot
I swear
A tiny moment
So I can shut my eyes
Paralyzed upon his heart
Warm against his thighs
I just want to inhale him
A little piece of him
So that I may live a tad bit longer
To write of him again....
Though, I'm tired of writing missings
I rather write of memories
Newer and not old ones
They're fading
Don't you see....
I'm starting to diminish
My luster,
Getting dull
I need a moment with my muse
I need a moment to feel whole

Within his arms
To taste him
I'm a ranting
Moons and mainly midnights
Do drive me to be sick
Without him I am aching
A moment only
Not an issue
I'm happy on my knees
Praying for his pleasure
Pleasing to be his
All I really need
Is a moment
That never ends.......

©MV (scribbling)
ZainaMusic Aug 2015
The road I choose

was meant to be

I've  been waiting for this

Time. My moment.

My entire Life

Begging God

to make a

Way for me

knees would get numb

countless hours

I spent

Praying. Asking him

To open those

Closed doors

that stage

belong to me

its just calling

my name

Zaina oh Zaina

I could see it

That light that

Shines so bright.

It's my time now

And nothing

I mean nothing

will stop me now

By: ZainaMusic
Ann M Johnson Aug 2015
Made a real Splash today on campus at Carribou Coffee
I spilled a coffee named , "True Inspiration, all over my shirt and book bag at the campus Carribou Coffee, You could say that I am literally drenched in " True Inspiration". What a way to make a " Splashing" , first impression. I joked with the coffee store clerk "that I made a real splash on campus and it was not even the "First Day", yet.
( I went to campus to meet with a Graduate assistant, for tips on making my transition into my new school easier).
Rabab Liakat Aug 2015
What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce!!
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