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Iwo Andrzej Jul 2019
Running from the bottom of the empty bottle
Looking at my veins they're opening a portal
See the reflection in million pieces

Painted in red
I'm alone
at the end
This is the time I need you Jesus
But I've gotta feeling he's freezing us.
fixing a broken mirror, it cuts you open
Blowing my candle out but it's still smoking
I feel alone, so I smile
My room is rotten,
I need your attention
I guess it's easier to buy new stuff when old stuff is broken
in the distance we all go the same way
From the birds perspective, behind the raining clouds it overcrowds

I see
first the bouquet
then a display
My portray
Oh look!
Now they pray!
Now they act like rain, on a sunny day.
Remember the church on next Sunday aswell.
Now I see the 50 shades of grey
Now I understand We only feel loved when we're fading away.
Like rainbows, we only feel our existence on a rainy day.
So I walk my path, with a burden filled with more weight
I need a stronger bag
It's hard when you have no defence, but constantly being under attack
You hear them say death fades to white and peace
But here it's all black, stuck in the midnight. Peace ✌️
Iwo Andrzej Jul 2019
I need a friend/
Not that mainstream **** were we only pretend/
I'm loosing myself, I need a friend/
These lights goes out, the darkness sorrounds me, I hear a distance whisper within - it feels like the end/I just needed a friend.

This society is giving me headache/ I trust no one, pain is all I know - let me bleed, don't call the medic/
Suicidal escape, give me one reason to stay, and I'll take it!/
Fake love, fake friends, fake dreams, fake it till' you make it/
I hear angel screams/
We lost our path, and everything is not what it seems/

I've been broken hearted/, not this love ****, but before it all started/I'm feeling kinda different, and certainly unloved, misunderstood and unwanted/

I make it all bleed out - drain myself from misery/, not a single drop escapes until this soul is empty/
I need a friend/
Not that mainstream **** were we only pretend/
I'm loosing myself, I need a friend/
These lights goes out, the darkness sorrounds me, I hear a distance whisper within - it feels like the end/I just needed a friend.
Iwo Andrzej Jul 2019
Heartfelt cold type of a guy, lost in life
No place in this world for my type, standing on a crossroad, praying hands to the sky. I just need a guide
Enternal thoughts, creating this concrete writer, I got fuel for words, abused enough to start a fire.
I'm hearing distance whispers, numb in my feelings, penetrator of wombs, demons speaking to me through the ceilings.

My tounge with words from deeper than ether
Shadow men, down under - working against the beginning, they wanna' destroy the beginning, so they aiming at the end.
You can call them mates, but you know it's only a pretend - The black man was first on this place.. They took you for friend, you took them for slaves

Do some research, know your ******* place
This world is the dumbest *******, they don't even bother to replace these men, schooling indoctrination must be working well.

Don't you see it's a race against the race
Snowflakes melting, screaming "let's accept more gays!"
**** the biological functions, its a self destructive, non breeding phase.
Trust me, you'll loose if you take the backdoor In a straight forward race.  

Whispering in my ear, EVERYDAY it's getting clearer and clearer
"Tie the robe tighter" aren't you tired of not being able to be your own provider
Trying to keep whats left intact - but I'm a shattered fighter, broken inside out can't remember last I slept, ****!
I don't wish to be the survivor, my luck is out - joker mentality makes my life way harder
Balancing on the edge, looking at his inferno, the same way I'm looking inside my fridge, hungry.. But but no food to taste, not feeling, I'm ****** to the bone pain is temporary, I never understood that term, all my life I had to carry, weight of the world
I see many.. Stupid ******* weak people, they are so many.. I know.. But few working brains controls all the dumb

Dante described hell, but forgot everything is inside yourselves.
We are stuck in the Dark, possessed and doomed to always fall.
Here is life, a gift from god, only a slave will embrace. The catch is no fun, so let them chase.

The Devil is singing my name, I always felt life was a curse and a gift it's all the same
, I don't like surprises, I play my own life like a throw of dices
I smell beasts and burned skin, far away you can feel the winter is coming, they arises, but I have Snow.

Towards shadows, towards pain
deep into the forrest, where no soul is to blame!
No stop of me,  I'll be Like Gump, life is like a box of chocolate, and sometimes you'll get Trump
**** your illusion, not understanding we're all ******* prophets, there is no such thing as coincidences
you are useless, because of the lack of knowledge.. If you are woke, Add a D between use and Less.

inside terror, keeping my eyes away from the mirrors.
God created this life, why all the pain if he is our guide through hard times and internal wars.

I spit on it, and threw it away, and tossed it.. Life is a gift? It's more like poison Turning upside down, I do the Kriss Kross dance - cross
I'm strong, and yet weak in my knees to pray, not to the sky, but the other way, I'm searching for the light in the darkness - Lucifer carries on what I wanted

I just want  everything to turn black, and silently disappear
, feeling this pain coming to an end, darkness within I don't longer have to pretend, I'm Linking all the dots, last walk in the park, nothing else matters
In the end!

Coming thru, cold as ****, nothing but some feelings getting blocked, I eagerly wanna bite the apple, I'm hungry and I'm stucked, I'm in my own prison of Eden, I'm so mental ill, I don't take pills unless it kills, and serpent  fears to be eaten, I'm soulless and Lost, Like George Bush, - look inside the coffin, connect to the sky, wait a minut.. Is that Steve Jobs?
The bite of the apple, it's so crystal clear you all blinded  bought all that expensive hi-tech gear.
Snakes do what it takes.

Living like cancer, I'm not a survivor
Keeping it Blair witch in the woods I see rituals, they call it illuminati, all seeing eye, you can't escape then border between illusion and reality, tri-an-gles, and all seing eye
It's the eye of a tiger. Ask Eldrick, all the money in the world didnt turn the hole in One (Holy one) any brighter.

White privilige, ***. I can't turn any whiter, throw the dirt on my body, Bury me in sandcastles, as if digging was your hobby, do your ******* ****

Got these skeletons inside my closet, playing Marco Polo inside my brain pineal gland, I try to save it, I can't stop it! Your third eye is key, so detox it.

, I'm ready to cut it, the feeling of living a life, that's not worth it, cut it!

I pray to jesus, but then the devil walks in.
I guess only one of them listens and understands
it cuts me inside from my soul to my pride, that's not living life, feels like a dream, so I won't open my eyes, to realize the real me, pin me to the cross, I let me sacrifice. I can't live life with these two eyes.

Yeah depression is keeping me busy and just alive, it's like the heart  and my brain is synchronized,   I'm slowly forgetting, all the things I've been missing, put it on a milkbox, like all the lost souls, which enforce these sources of adrenochrome,

So I walk towards the sun, with my teeth biting my tongue,  I keep my feelings locked , affraid of the scenario where I'm the loaded gun, not affraid,, just a bit paranoid, has these inner dialogs, wait for me, stay away from me.. No, don't leave.. Ahh... ******* RUN! I feel the cold blade playing like a violin on my arm, let me drain until empty Ness embrace my soul, where soil covers my face, and the rotten heart is invited down to his place.

Daddy ain't around, and momma searching for love, I'm attaching to any kind that reminds me of love, just wanna feel warmth like dragons in game of thrones so much cold, and a bit of snow
Mommi ******* told me, she made a mistake the day I was born. I'm spinning around - lost my compass, ah I'm finally gone
looking back, only  smelling burning rotten meat, I hate I ever was born. Hard and soft, I would do anything for love.. Take a short way  to hell where I ******* be-long, I'm finally gone, burning inside out, you really wanna know? OK... Yeah the devil has all your friends and two horns.
Iwo Andrzej Mar 2020
I'm a one man army with no agenda. Walking these lonely streets, no race here, I'm crawling the trees like a ******* panda//
reminiscing back when we're only kids, while smoking my *****//
On top with the perfect view//, phone is turned off - doesn't matter/ i got only few. // But the few/ are more than enough, I rather be comprimized with a crew// so small that I can feel the love.//

Standby while/ I'm walking//, thinking about life
forcing a smile/, but I see our youth in deep suffer-ing// - locking their skeletons inside their closet, affraid if somebody just suddenly walks-IN//
To see throu the shallow disquise,/to finally see the transparent truth hidden in their eyes,/
Ambitions they all aiming to the sky, in the end they all just steve without the jobs - take a bite of the apple, eden are falling.//
Somebody is on the line
the shadows are calling/
since birth of mankind we broke the rule of law, in this world we all are born in/
They run from their fears, phones blowing up, but forever on decline//
Yeah my words speaks truth, without the talking//

Narcissistic behavior/ every-where, they believe in nothing but still hopes for a great savior/, don't you ******* even dare//to look up there //
Biggidy bang out of nothing/ and yet you really feel you are something!/
but listen youngthing/, see my size and the streets I've walked in/
No use of words, here around the cold steel did the talking/
End of discussion /

I was only 6/, walking with my *** just wanna  to play around like normal kids/, we got pulled over by some elder boys/
Robbing and destroying our souls like fukcing toys,/scattered in bits by bits
A cold blade pressed against my throat/, since that day something inside me became cold/. We quickly became men because we had no ******* choice/
We left our childhood behind/
No place to feel love and be kind/, no place to start worrying about what's going on in the mind, no place to be scared, we ******* walked in like we're were ******* blind./

Never wished for anything in this life,/ not even a father's present, but still depression knocks on my door, screaming " ******* Surprise" /
I'm the lost one, I stand when they sit, and I sit when they rise/
I was born in concrete/, and stones make my heart heavy when it Beats/ darkenss is my home/ look at the shadows taking over, the got me outgrown/ Demons eating my flesh, trying to get into my mind, eating all the way to the bone/ **** Jon snow, my mind is more than cold/, I'm the spin plot, winter is coming/time to loose the game of throne /
Its been a while since I last wrote something.. But after todays reflecting time... my pen found its way back to the sheets again..

Thoughts on our generation and how i have to withdraw myself from reacting on daily basis.
Luna Wrenn Mar 2020
its pathetic how you could let me
lay here without trying to save me
i’m cold and scared
but this is what you wanted.
you wanted me too be empty
and soon there will be
a void in my chest
soon you can cut
deeper into me
and harvest whats left.
i won’t scream now
because I'm lacking breath
your hands never left a
mark when
i was full of blood
but if you could see
the inside my brain
the damages
had been done.
Isabel Mar 2020
i know she doesn't like me.
i see it every time,
the way she talks,
the way her smile doesn't reach her eyes,
the way she avoids me, only me.
you've said it already,
again and again.

i tell myself it's not your fault,
you still like me, it's just her opinion.
but why don't you try defending me,
i’ve been with you through thick and thin.
how many times do i have to be there for you
until you tell her you disagree?

i get it she doesn’t like me,
but why do you say that to me,
i know all you are trying to be is honest
but sometimes it can't hurt to be ignorant of judgement.
Artem Mars Mar 2020
Arsenic in my personality traits
I’m not unique
But I’m hardly the same
I try to make myself heard
but I'm just the same as everyone before me
I just wish
I could do something
my own
I manipulate the people I love
I gaslight myself
make them feel bad
make them cry
Make them think that I will remember them in my future
half of them I will forget
the other half will end up a painful memory
I miss them like I've grown up already
I want to help
But no one helps by lying
attention seeking
help me
Corey Jones Feb 2020
hearing those fragile words.
i had never felt more seen.
more felt than in that moment.
i was really just a gentle stir in many nights.
for many women.
but tonight, felt honest.
tonight, had become a separate charring entity.
it filled our conversational air with a breath of warm life.
one I had long since forgotten.
it was almost combustible.
Willow Branche Feb 2020
Lies, Lies, it’s all a bunch of lies,
Everything that comes out of this hole of mine,
Lies, Lies, why are you surprised?
You’ve caught me before — time after time.
So many lies got me confusing myself,
So give me the liquor off the highest shelf.
Except I don’t drink, I don’t kiss, I don’t tell,
Ive created a paradise in my own private hell.
It’s built up completely of my perfect little lies,
I’ve become the person that I most despise,
All I do is cheat and look you dead in the eyes,
Tell you what you want to hear and listen to your cries.
No remorse, not a care, not a single **** given,
My truthful story, it must stay hidden,
Cause you see all these things are wrong and forbidden.
You threaten to leave me, and I know you’re not kidding.
So I must keep up this clever disguise,
I must keep lying to your beautiful eyes.
So I ask you now, why even try?
Do yourself a favor, and just say goodbye.
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