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Lost Mar 2017
I'm happier,
I promise.
I'm doing better,
You don't have to this,
I'm sorry that I'm hurting,
and I know,
you are too.
But what I don't understand,
is what I mean to you.
You say I'm your best friend,
but you don't act like it.
That night we hung out,
you made me feel things again,
and as much as I hated that,
I loved it all the same.
I'm happier,
I promise.
Now that you're not sad,
even though,
it hurts me,
I love seeing you smile again.
I care about you,
in more ways than one.
I can't escape it,
I wish I could.
Believe me,
I wish I could.
I'm happier,
I promise.
Even though I'm lying,
I know it's what you want to hear,
so I'll just fake it.
When Ed Sheeran makes you fall for your best friend
Crimsyy Mar 2017
My Melancholy,

I cannot welcome you anymore,
I can't run towards you
with open arms.
You make me think of the moment when Cinderella's  only hope
was reduced to shreds;
You tasted just as hopeless,
just as irreversible,
unleashing this desire in me
to turn my back on you.

**A/N: Looking forwards to happier days ahead  (: what did you think of this one? Please comment... thankyou for reading! ^.^
Julia Mae Sep 2016
if it's any consolation,
i won't ask to see you again
if it makes you happier,
i'll pretend you don't exist
but you should know,
that i am never going to forget
thinking of The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by Brand New.
Jordan Fischer Dec 2015
Is your life an epicentre for death when two of your best friends, mother and brother, are dead before you can grow a beard.
What if you add the mothers of two more best friends, followed by your own grandmother?

It's the thoughts like these that lead to the bottle or the nearest crutch.
What if the crutch you seek was the cause of half those tragedies?
Should you look elsewhere even if it holds you up?

You were always happier than me, but maybe you had help.
Maybe this help numbed instead of soothed.
And maybe I shouldn't have been sleeping when you needed to talk.
But maybe now the crutch that let you fall is the only thing helping me walk.
Àŧùl Dec 2015
Oh Time,
Come be my friend.
Oh Destiny,
Let your sun shine for me.
Oh Time & Destiny,
Because you can never make me beg.
And that's a challenge,
My own efforts will show it.
You just need to wait,
Just wait for my sheen to blind you.
My HP Poem #926
©Atul Kaushal
LoveLy Oct 2015
Breathe in deep.
Take in all that pains you.
Let it touch your life
Breathe out fully.
Remember it'll be better in the end.
Growing up happened faster than I thought it would;
Now I pay bills and visit my parents.
I sleep in this recliner where I would stay up late,
Talking on the phone with liars until I fell asleep.
"Dulcet tones into a receiver," I called them before.
Now I know better.

My feelings aren't hurt anymore,
And now I've forgiven almost everything.
I'm too strong now for the backbiters of the past,
And they've grown into harmless strangers
Like we all do.

Sometimes when I hear that song,
I feel the hurt again, but that's all it is;
A feeling, fleeting, gone by the double bar line,
And I feel so much better.
I cry much more for happiness these days.

Growing up is happening so quickly,
And now I'm waiting in the recliner on an engagement
That will have the harmless strangers smiling politely.
Their feelings aren't hurt anymore
And we all know better now.
It's like clockwork.
CJ lebron Aug 2015
The closer I am to you
The better your beauty I see
The closer I am to you
The happier I am
The closer I am to you
The more like heaven it feels
SweetChaos Apr 2015
Little Ms. Perfect sat inside,
With her nose in books,
Watching her GPA grow.

Ignoring the world outside,
Buzzing with life,
Just below her window.

It didn't interest her,
She had a plan to stick to,
A way through the life that she knew.

Until the day that little Ms. Perfect,
Realized life isn't perfect,
And away those plans went.

Now when she looks at her days,
Without regret,
She says they're days well spent.
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