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ShowYouLove Feb 2018
When you smile, my heart skips a beat
When you sing, I move my feet
Your bright bubbly personality is a breath of fresh air
It always makes me better knowing you are there
You brighten my day and make me smile
You possess a beauty that is always in style
You shine like the sun and the stars at night
You are a constant source of warmth and light
You are my friend, this much is true
You are my friend and that's why I love you
Douglas Goins Feb 2018
I was born with a deficiency.
& I smile because of it.
Fireworks that light up the sky.
Don’t explode color for me.
The seven colors of the rainbow.
Don’t lay out Roy G Biv for me.
Multifunctional digital cameras.
Don’t upload colorized for me.
The fireworks.
The rainbows.
The cameras.
All come out the same.
I smile because I am used to it.
Because it shows me the world for what it is.
I’m not distracted by the flashing lights.
Or the colorful reflection after the rain.
Not even the still moments of a photo.
So I see what’s real.

I live with a deficiency.
& I smile because of it.
I will never know the color of her hair.
As the wind blows it during a cool summer day.
I will never know the color of her eyes.
As the sun allows them to shine with beauty.
I will never witness her skin tone.
My deficiency doesn’t allow it.
I smile because I’m used to it.
Because it shows me who she really is.
The very essence of what makes her glow.
What my deficiency does allow.
I see her soul.
What her hair cannot conger.
I see her heart.
What her eyes cannot frame.
I see her love.
What her skin cannot contain.
So I see what’s real.

I will die with a deficiency.
& I smile because of it.
When the world becomes fragile.
I won’t see the red of the flames.
When the world becomes damaged.
I won’t see the blue of the flood.
When the world becomes a waste land.
I won’t see the color fade.
Because my deficiency took that a long time ago.
I smile because I’m used to it.
& it made my life beautiful.
Even though I saw black & white.
My canvass was colored with my heart.
& that is where my imagination runs wild.

I was blessed with a deficiency.
& I smile because of it.
Because I knew never to be afraid.
J Feb 2018
I remember everything.
I’m not sure
if it is more
of a curse
than a blessing.

But I’m grateful.
Because of this,
I remember how
you made me feel;

like I can fight
a horde of monsters
and a legion of demons,
and I can win.
I remember.
Kirby Walton Feb 2018
Calm is the sights and sounds of twilight and sunrise
Peaceful is the soaring eagle in flight above
Grateful is the blossoming flower receiving the morning dew
Joyful is the sound of children's laughter as they discover their world
Disappointment is when I turn on my television and all hope is lost
Eliz Jan 2018

I lay my head on his shoulders
And inhale him into my life.
With these moments spent,
I am left to replay this memory whenever you are away.
The temptation to kiss but yet held strong to obey the promise made.
To love me wholly.
Holding on to the request I asked.
To give me time
To love me before kissing me
To love me before hugging
To love me before holding me, physically.
For love isn't present only in the flesh,
But, in the heart of the beholder.
For love is more than an 'I Love You'
Thank you so much, dear.
Eddie Matikiti Jan 2018
I am learning to be content
In all my lot
Whether I have plenty or little
Through rough patches, hills and valleys

It is not about what I have
It is about who I am
I am content
My perspective has renewed

Seasons & times take their turn
Though it rains, through the dry spells
Storms, hurricanes and winters
The sun shall rise again

Things may work out or not
Yet I remain unruffled
I face my days with blind optimism
Contentment being my guiding force

I'll be as steady as a rock
Eagerly awaiting morning-time
I'll be grateful for each new day
My radiance will outlast it all
Smudge Jan 2018
They smile, you smile,
They laugh, you can't not,
Their eyes light up when they see you,
It melts your heart,
It stops your thoughts,
It tickles your soul.

They cry, you guard, you nuture, you kiss better, you tell them the pain won't last.

They are so generous.
They gift you love,
They gift you joy,
They lighten your world,
They make everything worth while,
And this is just when they smile.

You teach them right from wrong,
You teach them numbers and colours,
You teach them,
It's OK to cry,
It's OK to be mad,
It's OK to be tired or frustrated,
Let the emotions come but ensure they remember,
It's OK to let them go.

They will challenge you,
They will teach you just how strong You Truly are.

They are the Ultimate 24/7,
They are so Precious
No purer love than that of a parent.
Why waste time dwelling on stuff?
I mean really think about it.
It's time we enjoy the little things
in life.
Wake up and appreciate everything
and everyone.
Even if it's the simple drinking of
magnificent water.
Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2018
I made it...
Though I haven't much of what it takes.
I certainly saw some pretty dark days
Though I have had my fair share of heartbreaks,
The Lord has blessed me in many ways.

I  made it...
Even though I've waddled in emptiness
And had my share of disappointments
And my equal share of Loneliness
I have also had so many blessed moments.

I Made It...
Though  I had my share of sorrow
Despite all this and through it all,
God kept me here to see tomorrow
I know by grace I will not fall.

I Made it...
Even though I made it without any money
And have had my share of Troubles,
I know my joy will come in the morning
For my meals will be served on many tables.

I made it!
I made it..against all odds, in spite of all, I'm grateful to God for life and providence.
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