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Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
I am sorry for the pain I put you through
The shame you bottle deep down
Though you have only yourself to blame
For why I am no longer around

Yet I feel guilt within
Should've held on a little longer
Promised I'd never leave you a thousand times
I thought our love was stronger

I learned nothing is what it appears
Not feelings or words trusted the most
Let the illusions fall one by one
As they crash I am forced to watch up close

You do not care how it makes me feel
To be neglected again and again
And endlessly stabbed in the heart
By the one I consider my best friend

Hoping to be more than a backup plan
You are cruel and careless sometimes
Sunshine warning heart's together
I can't compete with how radiant it shines

All I desired was to light up your world
Be better like you don't deserve
Lying to myself, I claim I tried
Over and over exasperation stabs each nerve

Dissatisfied with abilities
I resent you, myself, and all I'm not
Trying harder to accept flaws
Failure masks the good traits we've got

I'm a hopeless romantic
Painted the sky a false shade of blue
This is to let you know I'm sorry
It is not all your fault, I made mistakes too
There are two sides to every story
Sketcher Nov 2018
The fault-finder finds faults in paradise,
It's about time that we all realize,
The outer is a reflection of in,
If you find faults; it's your own problem then.
DancingEnt Oct 2018
We say that things will change
But with little to no effort
They all remain the same.
You deserve better. I'm sorry. I'm finding it's better to stay quiet so I keep you happy.
Camryn Oct 2018
You say that you love me,
but I know that isn't true,
because how could you ever love someone,
who has always lied to you.

You say that you love me,
and that you will until the world ends,
but I know that isn't true,
cause I lied when we were friends.

Please don't take it personally,
as it isn't only you,
because I lie to everyone,
and no one has a clue.

You see I have these masks,
that I put on for show,
and the face behind them,
the world will never know.

I can easily play happy,
I can easily wear fun,
The world has seen all my faces,
all except for one.

The one no one will ever want,
and the one no one ever sees,
the one with tears in it's eyes,
the one hidden with ease.

You accept all my sarcasm,
and all the jokes I tell,
but you don't seem to realize,
I'm in a personal hell.

So no, you don't love me,
but it's not your fault,
no one could ever love,
who I've locked inside  my vault.
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2018
Tell me what you expected
All the stress became too much
I thought I was strong enough to handle
Sadness breaking when we touch

The memories are tainted now
Frame after frame, pictures taken
Showing same smiles we've always had
But looking back pain awakens

Can't help but pick apart each scene
Stare at our frozen expressions
Trying to figure what really went on
After burning fateful make-out sessions

I guess I will never know
Probably less agony that way
Think I rub salt into my own wounds
Reopen them every dreaded day

Haven't I suffered enough?
Accepted much heartache at your hand?
Never thought we would be here today
I don't expect you to understand

It was my fault you thought I wouldn't leave
Allowed you to push me aside, disjoint
Of course you were sure I'd stay forever
But each person has a breaking point
I never thought I would reach mine
Kylie Oct 2018
At 4 am she lays in bed
staring at the ceiling
listening to her favorite song

thinking of all the things she's done wrong
or what would happen if she didn't done that
thinking who left and stay in her life
why would they left and stay?

she's not even special
a ordinary girl with a messed up mind
what's so unique about that

she blames even thought it's no one's fault
suddenly she starts crying out of nowhere
she's finally break down her walls

she's not strong as she was once
Eric Babsy Oct 2018
My vision was of a 3D puzzle
Open your eyes it is a surprise

Reflecting a ghost on the wall
Shifting glances a death to us all

The one that was supposed to help
To be my friend turned their back

Because they could care less
A gift I would lack

How do we get sent to death
When all I know could care less

I guess to them I am second best
Can you help me find the answer

Because who is in charge
They also spread the cancer

What time are you leaving
Because of this I am grieving

Because what happened was not my fault
Just got paid the answer you are not what ought
Eric Babsy Oct 2018
Learning to fly is irrational.
Logic is trying to be something your not.

We spread lies everyday.
Just to be a shroud the illusion is gay.

How can we act?
On what is at fault, that is fact.

Can we all just use the right time.
To bring forth our sharing; our love so divine.

Can we act without prejudice?
Someone hooked on hot bliss.

Help me survive.
I call out, because the shadow has no name.

To divide and conquer.
To sacrifice blame.

Where are the answers.
As we as people keep spreading the cancer.
farhan Oct 2018
In my court,
You were guilty.
But you pleaded not.
I was the lordship,
And our love was your defence
None was the prosecution.
And the result was your absolution.
A constant stream of arguments flow in my head (the court) as to whether she should be guilty of leaving me or not. I myself argue from her side that she should not be guilty. And that I put up a defence strong enough that the other voice shuts up (prosecution). I fight for her against myself.
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