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Nyx Oct 2018
I watched it all happened
I watched it all burn down
And yet I stood there watching
Without uttering a single sound

I knew all their secrests
I knew all their lies
I knew the real stories
All from each side

Trusted by all
They told me all things
But I stood there in silence
As they played a game of kings

Doing nothing at all
Even though i held the power
I just let them fall
Withering like a flower

Times have moved on
They are all no longer friends
I'm the last connection
There is no chance they will make amends

People fall apart
All rundown to different ends
Hatred and recentment burns
Though cast away by the winds

I see them all now
And even I've lost that spark
The one I once held
When the whole world seemed dark

As I stand upon the ashes
Of the loving people I once knew
That time gone and forgotten now
The very thought to which is taboo

Yet here I stand
At what was the foundation of the past
Holding the matchbox in hand
Crying, I thought it would last

I did nothing to stop it
I myself set it ablaze
So much for the peacekeeper
all she could do was gaze

And try and act innocent
Attempting not to get burnt
You would think after such tragedy
That I would have learnt

But its a burden I'll carry
Right down to my grave
Knowing I destroyed them
When they could have been saved

I let them burn
What kind of a monster does that?

I'm Guilty

Autumn Lewis Sep 2018
The button glares it's hideous grin beckoning me to give it one good push
Start Over is plastered over it's red polish
Why is the button always red? I question
I am numbed my core rotten as I stick in my hands in to see if my heart still beats
Everything fades and my senses feel as though it is just an anesthetic
I try to see but all I know is this dream within my nightmare
The button grows further and further away
Will I be able to reach it in time?
I don't know...
This is my experience being high the first time and my general mind set right now
Maria Sep 2018
I don’t miss you
I don’t need you
I don’t hate you
and I don’t want you back.

I don’t talk to you
I don’t write for you
I don’t think in you
and I don’t even care about you.

I don’t fell in love with you
I don’t destroyed your sanity
I don’t forgive you
and I didn’t say the worst things about you.

I’m not angry at you
I’m not saying it’s all your fault
But I’m so better without you
And I wish you feel the same.

I don’t wanna you miss me
I don’t wanna you need me
I don’t wanna you hate me
and I don’t wanna you want me back.
Published in @OneMudBlood Tumblr in April,2018.
Udit Vashishth Sep 2018
I know it's weird but so is our journey until now.
And for all my mistakes I would kneel down before you and bow.

You've been an angel in this relationship and I acted like a devil.
A disturbed soul, a crazy lover, a mystery that has not been unraveled.

I know I told you to go and said so many harsh things.
But believe me I cried too & every day this venomous thorn stings.

I even accept that I didn't behave like this only one time.
But see I have returned to the same place, I came back to you every time.

Because I believe, there's no one in this world whom I have loved so much.
Let's begin a new journey, don't let everything remain as such.

I hereby ask you to forgive me & give me another chance.
Looking at the good time we had, giving it at least a glance.

Let us become two flowers of the same plant and together we would grow.
I'll also accept being the soil beneath your feet & will also accept your NO.
Hurting the one who loves you is the sinnest ever thing you could do. So, apologizing publicly to tell how bad I was in this relationship and how good she is.
Matteo Palermo Sep 2018
It's not your fault
You didn't know
What you meant to me
But know that you do
What's that thought on your mind?
Has it changed?
Mica Kluge Sep 2018
We are so quick to blame the familiar.
Once fault is laid,
then the matter may as well be settled,
and it becomes someone else’s responsibility
to atone for our faults.
After all, there is nothing so unfamiliar to a man
as his own self.
This didn't actually begin its life as a poem; it was an excerpt from a novel I'm working on.
Sajal Ahmed Sep 2018
What is my crime?
Why do that?
What is the blame?
Do you leave me?
I'm innocent
I'm so so
I'm innocent
I'm not at fault!
I love you
So always say true
I'm so scared
About our relationship
If it breaks
My death is bound!
I do not want
To die
Leave you
I do not want you to cry
I do not want you to be alone
I do not want to see water in your eyes
I want you
Get angry with me
And finally
Love me.
You can cry me
Hit as much as possible
As much as kicks me
Still I will not let you cry
Because I love you
If I ever see you weeping;
If I ever see you wandering,
I will destroy this world!
Oath By God!
Andrew Rueter Nov 2017
There's a line drawn in the sand
It's a line drawn by the man
It's a line drawn by the hand
That feeds
Our breed

There are lines drawn on our faces
As sand hits the ground
These fault lines are from the races
Our lives have found
The lines get deeper
Like cuts on our skin
The lines get steeper
Like our chance to win

We're thrown into a landslide
We see the ground collapsing
For all the silly things we lie
And the things we say in passing
The momentum of this earthquake
Will never cease, only take
And these tectonic plates shift
When we live a hectic hate rift

I need safety
To embrace me
And save me from my world imploding
Before anyone can say they know me
But the planet is shaking
My mangled mind aching
I trap myself inside a steel vault
Never forgetting this is my fault
mitus Aug 2018
now who am i supposed to say good morning to?
or wake up to a text saying i love you
where am i gonna find someone like you
i dont want anybody stealing you,
you're not even mine anymore
but it still hurts to know somebody else likes you
and i know this is for the best,
our split,
i know someone will treat you better than i could have ever treated you
and im sorry we werent meant to be
and im sorry for how much it pains me
and im sorry if you want to talk to me but ive been crying too much and i cant see
we both know someone better will come along for you
i just want no part of it
i dont want to see pictures of you two
holding hands,
having fun,
loving each other the way we used to
and im sorry if that's a problem
but i cant stand you being happy without me.
and i still love you.
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