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Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Who is the real deaf
The one who can't hear through their ears
or through their hearts
I mean no disrespect against anyone deaf
Energies from one to another
are powerful and fluid
Just like a radio
They are used in the same manner
to share feelings and news
However noble
no one ever watches how the use
such a powerful force
that another hurts another
even through another
misunderstanding the voice over the air waves
until the designated listener is destroyed in silent craves
that some sick or some angered chose to use as a weapon
to silence another energy not quite as shady or
as of what form of disease that the announcer directs
their audiences at..
After such voices, from the announced message, are silenced
There goes another misunderstood energy and voice
over your "empathic radio receiver" which was people
never took time to weigh out the true power or reason of
makes the subject dedicated to from all of the announcer's
"sources and feeling"
Die in vein from treason.
what pretty day?

that the sun shines here

the moon lights near

stars surrounded them

the world seems wider

the trees become greener

the roses have a brightener

the colors have appeared shiner

the butterflies fly around

the birds sing soft harmony

the heart looks happy

the weather becomes funny

when you are nearly

when you are not far

you make me look younger

you make me looked smarter

and I love all persons

even my enemy that hate me

stay here by my side

stay here don't be away

the time passed as wind

Comes suddenly and goes hurry

Stay with me to see how is the sky

Becomes more blue and clear

Stay with me,

to shut my eyes

And open my ears

To hear the world sings

To see the fishes dance

And the birds come near
the near of you  is wonderful
Maxim Keyfman Jul 2018
today's ships sailed in the fog and all floated
and the light burned and the light went out and the
light was on and everything was on fire
the moon was in the sky and the stars and the sun
and clouds and fog
even apples in front were even apples burned like stars
the boats were floating today in the fog and everyone
was swimming and swimming
and the sea rocked swaying in the wind my huge rocked
and the mirrors broke and the mirrors spread out to small
small grains of light and darkness of night tasty light
on ships they will never stop and they all swim and swim
and paint brushes and paint them paint and canvas appear
they emerge from nowhere from where
yes yes yes yes yes my ships yes
and the lamp is not set that she did not know what to do today

fog spread through the corridors fog flood our ears and eyes
and that in my eyes that in your eyes oh crystals are hidden
about in the eyes of the unknown in the eyes of death and the birth of death
and what is death, what is birth, and no one knows
floated swammed in a distant ocean in the distant ocean which
consisted of stars and planets of stars and planets and marine environments
floated ships sailed in the distant ocean and my eyes burned and eyes
My burned and then again and again faded as never happened
what is ashes what is the disappearance and nobody nobody nobody
does not even know just everyone knows about the ships of the sea
which so many times rush in this ocean of the sea which all
clouds in the way they devoured and devoured forever
about floating floating in the sea wonderful gold ships starry ours

Dylan McFadden Jul 2018
My eye is never satisfied;
My ear is never filled...
By the beauty of a mountainside,
Or songs that give me chills

Every sight – a hollow view,
I look for more and more
Every sound – an empty cue,
Nothing to answer for
My eye is never satisfied;
My ear is never filled...
Ten thousand times I must have cried,
Then smiled – lied – with skill

Everything I see today
Will be, tomorrow, gone
Every sound will fade away –
A shrill inside a yawn
My eye is never satisfied;
My ear is never filled...
Does Meaning ever coincide
With life, and hope, and thrill?

I dream this dream, within a dream –
No substance, light, or power
I sing this song, without a sound –
My voice, the wind, devours
My eye is never satisfied;
My ear is never filled...
I might as well be groping blind,
Deafened – senses killed

I long to see that final sight
And hear that final word,
To show me Something in this night,
And assure me that I’ve Heard

Maybe, I never, seeing, See
And never, hearing, Hear
Because the problem is IN ME:
This heart of death and drear...

This heart, it must be satisfied;
This heart, it must be filled!
For, we all see from deep inside;
The heart always distills...

Inspired by Ecclesiastes 1:8.
Maxim Keyfman Jul 2018
Time in my eyes
Time in my window
Time in my mind
Time in my ears
Oh time!
Oh time...
Oh why!
Oh why...
Don't **** me!
Don't try!
Save me!
Save me!
Oh great Time!
Oh great...

Steve Page May 2018
His talking faster now for he knows his time is shorter than before. He flies from the Law to fresh words of grace and I struggle to keep pace with his passion that threatens to overwhelm his frail, well-travelled frame. Words that inspire, even as they are inspired, fired thick and fast, finding their target, embeded in my inscription as I seek the gift of accurate Word-made-flesh-made-word on paper transcription.
And now as I sit with fingers quivering, taking time out while I can while he's sleeping, I pray that the inspiration for the words that he's speaking will be equalled by my quick ears and matched by my quicker scrawling so that the church will hear just what the Lord is saying and can read the truth that is their's for the believing.
Thoughts on the guy who transcribed scripture for Paul.
uv May 2018
My ears cant bear violence,
which may end in innocent silence.
revenge is what it starts from,
and ends always in turbulance.
bombs and gunshots is all left to hear,
who will hear the voices and screams
of victims of the crisis.
its all over the world
a world meant for peace,
cant we just live in harmony
without the thought of greed.
i wrote this more than 10 yrs back and it is sad to see its more applicable today then it was back then.
Jolan Lade May 2018
I look and my brain is swelling
I listen and my ears are bleeding
I feel
Im desovling
Looking at the dark cornors
Listening to the white noise
Makes a gray world
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