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apricot Sep 9
In the realm of eternal sunshine,
Where the skies are forever divine,
The clouds are made of cotton candy,
And the breeze whispers sweetest wine.

The flowers bloom in vibrant hues,
Their scent fills the air with dews,
The bees and butterflies dance in delight,
In this place where time stands still and bright.

The sun shines bright with golden rays,
Warming the souls and brightening days,
The waves roll in with gentle grace,
In this haven where all is in place.

The stars twinkle like diamonds at night,
A celestial show of pure delight,
The moon glows with a soft embrace,
In this realm of eternal sunshine and grace.
Stream the album eternal sunshine by ariana grande!
Ruheen Jul 2020
They do have the best stories.
May not be very bubbly
Or comedic,
But thrilling,
At the least.
The most fascinating
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
A cold glass in hand
So delicate on the nose
Wine of Italy

Such a rich sweet smell
Sparkling pink with berries
Of both rasp and straw

Sips from a Rose Sea
Tendrils coil down my body
Flowers bloom warmly
Had my first who!e glass of Rosé wine today with a friend.
I'm not a drinker, (so I'm naive in the ways of alcohol) but it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Not something I'll make a habit of doing either lol cuz I'm a lightweight. Me and alcohol don't mesh well, that I can be honest about.
Drink responsibly always!
Know you limits!
Lyn ***
Uncrowned King May 2018
You are nothing like the others
You're not the best or the worst

But all i know is,
I'm attracted to you

Every time we're on the same room
My eyes are always darting towards you

Thinking, "I have yet to know you"
But it feels like I already do

When you're near
The air becomes thicker

"It's the little things you do that makes me feel uneasy"

Just like a black hole—
Complicated but devastingly beautiful

I can't escape
I am engulfed

But the feeling can't be described
It's between peaceful and disastrous

But I'd rather have this feeling
Than to feel nothing at all
It has been a while! Hello hellopoetry!
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Beautiful so much & she is cheerful,
Her soft & creamy blush is so lovely.
Unto her my attraction is wonderful,
My crush she is a new bubbly crush.
I** will for her be mine I'll be dutiful,
Kind she is so attractive and plush.
And I will be realistic about future.

Fulfilling my duty I will never rush,
United as friends we are going along,
Loving her through the unseen I am,
When I will be successful, I can stand.
Atul is respected by her & it's obvious,
Never promised anything improbable,
I am definitely up for working so hard.

I have found an inspiration for work.

A sunrise is imminent after this night,
Slowly will vanish this darkness,
Surely he has learned in life,
United we stand together.
Redness in your cheeks,
Especially brightens your eyes.

You will never find me gone,
Onto another attraction,
Up above the limits we'll go.

Too much expecting I won't be,
Hunting your freedom I won't be,
Atul will succeed for his parents,
Then you can join him here.

I am glad that you are the inspiration.

Well-versed with life I am now,
In an Indian angel I put my trust,
Linked deeply can be our destinies,
Land of dreams be our destination.

W** I wait for is your beautiful heart,
As for the added benefits I will get,
In my lovely but lonely life I am,
Tthrough crests I have no companion.

Far from grief I am right now,
On the cusp of beauty I relax,
Really I know my final destination.

Youthly are your ways today,
Ostensibly my love for you is seen,
Understandable is your caution.
Bhumika Fulwani, I assure you that I will wait for you.

My HP Poem #1406
©Atul Kaushal
CastorPolydeuces Dec 2016
I'll rate you bubbly, you rate me bogus
and we'll be happily fraudulent in our demise.
just ramblin, idk.
CastorPolydeuces Nov 2016
i dream of foggy bliss
a floating lagging sort of luxury
reminiscent of drug induced
bubbly bogus happiness
my dreams seem more real than reality, even though they're outrageous.
AM Apr 2016
what I want is to know
you've been infected
by my blushing cheeks
whenever you call up my phone,
by the heat of my body
whenever you hold my hand,
and by my bubbly feelings
whenever you're around me

"so I've heard love is contagious," she said
*"I know, that is why I love you too," he smiled
L Marie Nov 2015
I wouldn't quite call it love,
I would call it feelings
And to me, that is stronger
For love is just a feeling
But so is my disappointment
And my hope and anger and
Explosive anxiety;
Feelings include my best days
And my worst, the bubbly in
My chest and the butterflies
Bursting throughout my belly;
They include my dreams and fears,
Every thought that passes me,
And you, my friend, bring it all
Out of me, like a siphon.

I feel disappointment when
I don't get to see your face
And I feel hope whenever
You smile and anger whenever
I let my anxiety
Turn my best day for the worse
As I feel butterflies and
Bubbly inside and have dreams
Of us, yet my fears always
Win, but you're still in each thought
That does travel through my mind
Because out of all the feelings,
As I have many feelings,
The strongest feeling I have
Is just love for you, my friend.
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