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Zavid Apr 2015
If a battle were waged
and my side were losing
I couldn't find myself
doing anything but standing tall
but then again, I don't stand

If a day were to pass
and I were not to breath again
I wouldn't cry out
in a rage of unfairness
but then again, I'm not angry

If a note were to be sung
and by a sweet voice other than mine
I wouldn't doubt
that an angel of no other sang it
but then again, I'm not religious
Swords and Roses Apr 2015
I noticed a small scar on my German teacher's elbow today
It called to me, reeled me in, filled my senses
It whispered of days and nights thought long-gone
When any sharp object in reach would do
When any little remark or joke or situation would set me off
It whispered of the sound of skin parting
And the bite of metal
And the eureka! of blood
And the taste of satisfaction
It whispered of the moment of peace
When everything becomes nothing
And pain becomes everything
And nothing is painful

Then I remembered the tears of my mother
The horror in my friends' eyes
The shame I felt
The bitterness before each guilty slice
The stubbornness inside me screaming don't let it win!
The worry they feel
The pain I cause them
By causing pain to myself
And I return to reality
And she is still talking
Oblivious to my dip into darkness

I have won the battle
But the war will not be over for a long, long time
Mayuri Kende Apr 2015
From white to many,

From one to seven,

We live in that heaven,

Which is people driven.

We should rainbow our-self,

And then the battle is won.

Bending from white to many colors, as rainbow itself,

What could we have done, if we had only been one.

Rainbowing is an art, which we have to attend,

Coz every time we have a different self to present.

Our battle with life is mellowed, when we rainbow,

As winning seem as close as, those seven colors through my window.

The artist told me about it once,

The Almighty hinted when the creation of it was done.

Yet the juvenile me, always pondered,

That there is some magic happening, when it thundered.
PS: Rainbowing is an art to blend as per our environment. It means like rainbow we are one but we diversify as per the people around us and we hold the potential to adjust anywhere.
Reverie Dawson Apr 2015
Daydreamer thinking this world is something it's not.
Standing on stairs made out of air, climbing higher and higher with his eyes closed and his hands behind his back.
With the dark drying up everywhere behind him.
His dreams brighten up this world that does not know it's black.
The daydreamer is fighting off this fog that is trying to tear his mind out from him and not even knowing.
Daydreamers battling with there eyes closed softly.
Trying to forget the ugliest days, and making the day blossom in their mind till the day is bright with a incomprehensible glow masking all the gray and loneliness.
The daydreamer holds on to the hope that everything will be alright someday.
Never dampening that hope, but feeds it with their Anticipation on what the future may bring.
Daydreamer is the only one when they close their eyes it's not dark, it's not dim, it's bright.
And not only seeing the light as an adventure and a reality, but also the dark.
Riya Apr 2015
Monsters, Ghosts, Demons, Ghouls.

They live inside us.
We know exactly what they can do.
But when we share this news,
People, they treat us like fools.
They laugh, they mock
While we just stare in shock.

These creatures,
They don't understand us.
They don't see how we're fighting a constant battle
Not with anyone else but ourselves.

We're alone.

All alone.

These creatures just tease,
They mock while we scream.
They don't see our pain
They don't feel us suffering.
We're nothing but losers.

These monsters, ghouls, demons and ghosts,
They live inside us.
They fight a constant battle
And sometimes,
They win.
Dead Lock Apr 2015
So many people are dead
Because we had to settle the score
There truely is no hope
In this long and silent war
Kitts Apr 2015
There is a war we wage on God
When the heavens open up, his angels fall
Down to the ground at the end of our feet
Giving death to all that oppose the great Nephilim
Even Lucifer himself wishes to topple us with sending his demons
We just laugh at their pathetic attempts
Crawling up our legs like little ants till we just flick them away

The ground littered with a mix of crushed bones and mud made of blood
Blood flowed faster then wine from a Nephilim clay urn
Demon blood and angel blood mixed with human blood
All under the disproving glare of their God
War was the way of life for Nephilim, Humans, Demons and Angels
Godly and ungodly armor covered their rotting corpses on the battlefield called earth

As others fought a war, we played
Played with the bodies like children
Thinking nothing could ever stop our might
But what happened next not even the great thinkers could imagine
Watching as the sky weeped with water down onto the earth
Hearing screams echo across the land with my only thought being “how desperate can God be?

In all the history of man there was never rain
The Nephilim had never known rain either until that day
But neither did the demons and the angels
When the first drops fell the fighting stopped
the screams of panic rang out from all of the beings on earth
Forty days and forty nights the rains fell on earth

Many of lives were lost, but not all
Demons still continued their ongoing sins
Matting with humans to create more Nephilims
That was till an agreement was met between God and Lucifer
Locking away all those that dare touch the human females
All the remaining Nephilims fell to deaths hands
The mighty abominations finally died off
Killed from the fear that we put into Gods eyes

Humans soon forgot about the Nephilims and their ways
But humans forget a lot of things...
It did not help that the angels destroyed what evidence there was left
And history by word of mouth is bound to become just myth, just legend
But the bible of the christians still talk about the people
Born of demons and humans, the heros that are forgotten
I wrote this with a friend...
Brittle Bird Apr 2015
The way you can't look at me,
'cos I'm not the little girl I used to be;
your tired recollection
of each gene in recession;
your knife heart, sad heart,
raised by a bad heart--

but I decided it’s worth battling your
droopy-eyed disapproval;
but I want to run into this fog
with my arms open wide;
but I always thought I’d rather burn in the fire
than die in my sleep.
Day 15 of NoPoWriMo.
Alexandria Hope Apr 2015
You might think your battle over,
You might think you won
But I'm still fighting battles,
I know I'm not the only one
So don't sing of conquest
Don't poet out my heart
For you the politics are over,
For me they've yet to start.

And it's a bad business,
To war over love
But we lost the ones dear to us,
We're drawing blood just because
If I lay my sword down, let my armor rust,
Indiscretions and betrayal will never settle,
In the dust left by my travels, it's gotten out of hand
I never meant to leave it to the inheritors of my land
I'll not be a coward, even so I'd rather be
Than to know things thereafter, I'd rather not have known

And you can tell me your stories,
Of fights so long ago
But my fight is far from over,
And it's time to take it home.
Ella Gwen Apr 2015
Insatiable bile rises at the precipice of ecstasy, undeniably
life lived is a rolling wave of emotion as I rise and I

fall with the sequences of the sun at my back and
these oceans under my feet. One day may I strike a

balance? To arise and not to plunge from these summits,
simply then to collide with the challenger deep. For now

torn moments do sustain me and drain me; I cannot
win against water whilst water cannot last against light.
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