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Moonbeam Sep 2016
Come with me down the rabbit hole
It does look scary
But it'll awaken your soul
Knowing the truth is worth all the pain
Keep ahold of yourself and you won't go insane
Every problem we face DOES have a solution
There is a way to have a peaceful revolution
Keep your heart present and don't get lost
Choosing hate over love comes with a cost
Right action, compassion, and empathy we need
Not fear, propaganda, judgment, and greed
Leila Valencia Aug 2016
Shut slowly. Inch, inch - quietly careful
Tirelessly weary
Ever so close yet seemingly distant

Before air could Not pass, a slight crooked hand slips through the seal
The eyes believe its a welcoming shake, so opening - inch, inch
It's gilded gleam deludes, the captured gaze. Ones Hypnotized.
Before you could open your eyes....

The charred hand covered in scars of the past shakes yours.

Do feelings come fast?
Hatred burns inside?
Do you recoil from the truth?

The past the present. Works the same. Yet if you let it, the past will hold - from the present....
Always, when your door inches towards you, Close your eyes and..... Shut!
Needing to move forward but something from the past is holding you back
L Seagull May 2016
Words turn meaningless
Swallowed by stillness
In this dark place hidden from life
Where responsibility doesn't reign
Creativity fell asleep
Not dancing
Ankles shackled down to the floor
When did emptiness become so heavy?
Give me a rhythm piper
Spin me alive
Storm my senses
Shake up this bottled up feeling
Make this darkness explode with

For now I will continue on my fours
Been trying to work on a very important project, something that took years for me to develop. But now that it is so near to coming into life I start feeling so awfully uninspired. Just staring at the floor in the library hoping that thoughts will finally start flowing
Loveless Apr 2016
The star splits
Into numerous fragments
As per the will of heavens
The fragments awaken
And choose their possessors
Merging with their hearts
A new power inside them arise
Third part of poem angel
A poem with various interpretations.
Though I'm writing it as a story but still it have many meanings and it means what you understand out of it.

Other parts coming soon...
i love people for the way they are.
I love the quirky laughs.
I love the strange looks people get on their faces.
I love the way people talk about everything and anything.
I love to see people for who they are inside.
Because that is what should matter, right?
What should matter is what we do and how we do it.
But somehow society has altered our thinking.
They altered us to stress about our latest Instagram photo
When we should be caring about eachother's feelings.
We've lost our way.
We need revival.
Today's world. Enough said
Cné Mar 2016
Mentally beginning anew,
Shower and storms scramble,
A mind, a mess, stuck in the cold of blue,
Writhing in pain without preamble.

A season after the cries of winter,
The tears of petals shed,
Flows hope once more enter
Where a broken heart bleed.

Relief of breath ooze,
As fragile blooms of forgiveness peek,
Through darken days of self abuse,
To nurture the delicate emotional physique,

Healing in time blind,
Pure instinct survives,
An emotional breakdown of the mind.
Until finally, awaken spring arrives.
In winter, depression manages to take its strong grip on me, almost strangling me. Spring is a breath of fresh air to my mind, with its negative inner voice.
Ambika Jois Mar 2016
It burns me up inside
How together you appear to be
I know my own temperament
It’s magmatic, though its not what you see

Like a scorpion, it stings me bitter
The poison spreads into my eyes, trachea
Like a starfish surviving on the shore,
I deny my slow death and call upon my inner mafia

I fight myself away from the border
Right by there, I see you cope
A concentration chamber, my mind has become
I burn like paper, letting my ashes elope

With the itsy bits of rubble remaining
Somehow I awaken, with a brush and pan
I kneel and scrape, dust and cleanse
To become a phoenix and rise from my death again.
“‘La Douleur Exquise‘ (French) literally means “the exquisite pain”; it comes from a medical term which defines a pain which morphine cannot dull. It’s meaning has become something used to describe that indescribable pain of being hurt by the one you love.” ~ Pamela Haag (
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