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Brigette Beck Mar 2016
The beast inside me lies dormant.
At least for now.
Someday soon it will awaken
And I have no idea when, but it will somehow.

It might arouse me from sleep in the dead of night
Or it could attack when there’s nothing I can do.
But, regardless, it will live again
And I'll have no control when it breaks through.

I can try to fight it, as many times as it takes,
But it will always return stronger than before,
An incredible force against my small power.
For now, though, it sleeps silently, unable to roar.

I'm simply numb from its absence
Numb from the temporary quiet of this beast
But it will awake once more, and I'll lose myself again
When from its cage it is released.
much love to everyone
A demon masquerading
as the almighty dollar;
she is cunning,
and she is tricky.
She is beguiling,
and she is illusory.

Deceitful and avaricious,
yet believers follow
aimlessly. To have her
in your possession is
nothing like how it
feels to be stripped of her.

Those who succumb to
her seduction are granted
luxury and leisure;
the pledge to idolize
her mindlessly is
engraved into our brains.

Indigence, starvation;
the deprivation of the
green goddess is malicious.
Free yourselves from the hold
she has on you; from the
worldly power she possesses.
Elaina Feb 2016
Awaken, smile
Wings soar, peaceful welling heart
Smile, awaken
Nick Feetchi Jan 2016
I was having a beautiful dream falling in love with you,
until I was awakened by the sudden impact of your lie.
Gemineyed Gypsy Dec 2015
The Moon and the Stars*

It all started one night under the stars.

Lying in the field on the clearest yet brisk last nights of summer's warm-held grasp. Telescope, blankets, friends and stars. We watched and waited as satellites and planes flew overhead; deciphering shooting star from orbital waste, relearning and recalling constellations recognized throughout man's lifelong past. Gazing into the wide open of the unknown with thoughts of extra-terrestrial, black holes, and the possibility of life after death.

The darker the night the more magic seemed to exist. After wrapping up our outdoor viewing of the universe, we headed indoors for peaceful sessions of passing the pipe while listening to shamanic throat singing and overtones, as our friends sat *gravely
entranced, zoning out to the wonders of the world covered by media through National Geographic and the world-wide-web.

It was somewhere a midst all this where I find myself; body calm and mind relaxed, propped up on the couch pondering the innermost immortal thoughts of the interconnectedness of life and death and sound and energy, spirit and soul as visions of spirals infinitely intertwining as one appear before my eyes. The sensations of what I imagine the reference of “getting the gears rolling” in the center of my brain as my pineal gland begins its first steps of decalcification brought about by the intentions of man.

Up until this point my life was on a one track path. A steady straight line towards the unknown, unawakened, and ignorantly naive, believing everything I had been taught up until that moment was a true solid fact. With this new sensation of the potential for higher vibrations within my own soul, my heart began to rapidly race but without pain and suffering, rather with the excitement of this new realized grace.

Awakening to this new idea, to this new age, to this *new way of life.
© 2015 Ashley Jean.
All rights reserved.
Intellectual property of the author.
Most of it happens
under the hex of
the small hours
between these brittle walls
in the chaotic silence of
while the neighbors rush off
to work

Not a sound
but the hum of
a ceiling fan
toiling the extent of
my thoughts
til it's actually time to
“wake up"

The gentle crunch of
Kitty's breakfast
rings with such soothing
even the crickets can't compare
Nothing can match that
care-free lifestyle I so long for

Long for...
How long exactly?
Three hours past dawn ought to
do it
unless dreary rays of light
burn through my eyelids
and rekindle the cyclical
that cons the day's authority
over sleep
wee hours
I feel sick to my stomach
Unable to move
These tired bones ache
With a desperate plea to be awoken
I want to wake up

I feel confused from everything
Unable to think
Not having that comforting certainty
Torn between how to think or feel
I want to wake up

I feel a hole in my heart
Unable to feel
The blood spilling internally
I want to find a way to patch this hole
I want to wake up

I feel im caught in a bad dream
Unable to awaken
My mind is a trap
It ensnares you and leaves you to fend
I need to wake up
I'm getting more and more sick as a result of my mind. My stomach aches, my head hurts, my heart beats irregularly and ive shattered my own perception of reality.  I just...wanna wake up, but I'm afraid of the dark...
Autumn Bliss Oct 2015
The trap door opened
And out flooded the light
I looked down deep
At the out of sight.

Out spilled loud emotions
And painful thoughts
And noisy truths
And out of sorts

How long had it all been hiding down there?
Suppressed and damp without any air?

I didn't want to be given the key
But now I'm going to re find me.
KarmaRich Shima Oct 2015
There's no happiness in anything, until happiness in self
An honest and beautiful soul is greater than any amount of wealth
Look within you and you'll find the key to your contentment
Don't let your path to money be futile and relentless
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