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Jan 2015 · 535
Joanna Jan 2015
Before you I was a closed off person,
I buried my heart under layers of clothing and it never went on excursion,
But something about you brought me out of my shell,
Yet if you ask me what it is something that I could never tell,

Before you my heart was protected from feeling sadness or rage,
But your love cut me open and ripped my poor heart right out of its protective cage.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 216
Joanna Jan 2015
Every time I think I've forgotten how it felt to be with you,
my memories seep back in and leave me feeling blue.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 315
Moving On
Joanna Jan 2015
"He doesn't deserve you" she whispered to herself, but her emotions betrayed her soul,
She looked and felt older, her heart slightly colder, because loving him had taken it's toll,
It was a one-way street in which to him she gave it her very all,
but he was never there, he never cared, he didn't even try to prevent her fall,
She made excuses for everything wrong and told herself he could find redemption,
it seemed as if with him, her perfect sin, she could always make an exception,
He made her feel as if she was hard to love, and she would always wonder what was wrong,
She would lie awake at night and wonder why with him she couldn't be strong,
There came a moment when it all made sense, she knew what she had to do,
He wasn't worth it, and he never could be, because you can't love someone who doesn't love you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 475
You decide
Joanna Jan 2015
Can you tell me how it feels to stand after you fall?
How to regain your strength after losing a brawl?
Show me that failing is simply growing better,
& show me through actions and not simply letters.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 280
Joanna Dec 2014
That was the single word you could not spare,
Could not or would not, it would have released me from your snare,
but you wanted to keep me at your beck and call,
so you simply decided to say nothing at all.
Simple and to the point, yet ambiguous (A paradox I know) is what I was going for. what is YOUR interpretation of this poem? :)

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 521
Joanna Dec 2014
All it took for me to fall,
Was the brush of your hand and your smile though small,
How is it so that I could have stepped out line,
Can you explain to me how my heart can be so broken by something that was never mine?
Something short & sweet today :) lemme know whatcha think!
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 239
What he really is
Joanna Dec 2014
She asked for a promise, but he gave her silence,
She gave him her love, but he was only a virus.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 662
Joanna Dec 2014
Poetry saved me when I was falling fast.

It started with a simple compilation of words holding me in their grasp,
then began to grow into a world that didn't leave me for last,
it became a place that embraced my intricate manipulation,
rearranging 26 letters after moments of contemplation,
my heart beats and my fingers write what is pondering through my mind,
Poetry saved me, I am no longer blind.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 250
Back into me
Joanna Dec 2014
We look for validation in the words of others,
We fear disappointment in the eyes of our mothers,
We feel the pressure to conform to society's lies,
We begin to crumble and no one hears our cries,
How can we find happiness when told to follow steps 1,2,3,
How can we be ourselves when we are shackled and not free,
How can we live never to be forgotten,
How can we save our souls from becoming rotten,
Open my eyes so that I can once again see,
Come over and breathe life back into me.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 2.1k
Joanna Dec 2014
You ask me what it is that I truly want in life,
and the answer in all honesty and truth is:
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 279
Joanna Dec 2014
We make up reasons for why guys aren't chivalrous, or treat us like princesses.

We tell ourselves that it's because we should be empowered enough to make the first move, or that it's okay to chase after him because he's "secretly" into us and just needs us to make it clear because he's afraid or timid to show us.

We say that maybe they had a really bad relationship in the past and he just needs time to know you're different.

We believe that maybe this is just how relationships are supposed to be nowadays.

We make excuses.
And then we crumble when we realize that that's all it was, and an excuse that kept us from accepting the truth.
And that truth is that he wasn't worth a single moment.
Tried something a little different :) let me know what you think.

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 1.8k
Joanna Dec 2014
Your kisses ignite a fire I did not know was flaming,
in our silence there can be no blaming,
only pure passion and words with body movement,
flaws make you beautifully dangerous, no need for improvement,

Your eyes tell me stories your lips never shall,
My infatuation is something I will no longer corral.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 223
Joanna Dec 2014
I'm not quite sure which hurts more, your silence or your rejection,
What once was happiness has now been tainted and it's spreading like an infection,
perhaps if you only had the courage to tell me the truth,
but I suppose that is the curse of the naivety of our youth.
Tell me whatcha think! :D comments and criticisms welcome (:

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 279
What is real?
Joanna Dec 2014
There it goes again,
Breaking further and I see no end,
A false sense of solvency, a bandaid solution,
The ground beneath me dissolving, I'm falling in confusion,
Isn't there supposed to be a max to the pain you can feel?
I can no longer tell if this is a nightmare or truly real.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 239
Joanna Dec 2014
Where I used to find comfort, I now find pain,
I feel I have everything to lose and nothing to gain,
How do you gamble away the pieces of your soul,
How can you love someone when they don't even know?
Can they hear my heart breaking when silence is their reply,
But they will never see these hazel eyes cry.
Comments & criticisms welcome :)

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 944
Force of nature
Joanna Dec 2014
Kiss away my sorrows like the sun on wet streets,
Pull me into your arms like its the last we'll ever meet,
Gaze into my eyes with endless compassion and wonder,
Let me be your lightning and you can be my thunder.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Dec 2014 · 650
Joanna Dec 2014
Dear heart, don't cry,
There's a difference in what it feels like to fall and fly,
Your pain is an allusion caused by pure confusion,
Please remember how precious you are.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 356
Joanna Nov 2014
My pride is the one at fault in this situation,
My lips are laced with silence and resigned to damnation,
My heart is angry and beating so loud,
Thought my feet were planted solid but found it was just a cloud,
I'm lost between where I was and where I was going,
Surely the answer to this ignorance lies in just knowing,
But I'm realizing now that this world isn't for the strong,
It's a place for the people who won't admit when they're wrong,
Colossal damnation awaits at the pearly gates,
But the ones not to heaven but rather fancy estates,
I see now I've been searching in all the wrong places,
Looking into mirrors only to find unknown faces.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 431
Joanna Nov 2014
Fall in love with everything about me that makes you question,
"Why?" You may wonder,
Because my goal is to leave you breathless.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Joanna Nov 2014
Push my buttons 1, 2, and 3
Test me, push me, the truth you will soon see,
At the end of my rope is more than what society says,
But to be different is suicide so we hang on by poisonous threads,
You look in the mirror and hate what looks back,
We are raised from birth to be weighed and measured for self-attack.
Is beauty defined by who vies to hold my hand?
Not by the intelligence and strength of who fears not to stand,
to stand when the whole world may be pushing them down,
but holds their head high as if balancing an imaginary crown,
I know not what it feels like to live in contentment,
Save me, I'm falling in the abyss of resentment.
Would you love me if I looked more like what you see on the screen,
If I was taller and smaller, built like a queen,
Why is it that I chase for your approval,
the cure to your poison is permanent removal,
Surely men want more than just glory,
Is this all there is to my potential love story?
Speak of the devil, You show up once again,
and imprint your mark in permanent pen,
There is more to me than you will ever know,
Because for some reason I was lost at hello.

You may see my rhymes as the kindergarten act of A, B, C
but stop and push my buttons 1, 2, 3.
feel free to comment what you think :)

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 251
No longer
Joanna Nov 2014
I can't compete with her,
and frankly I don't want to.
It's her you talk to in public,
it's her everyone thinks you're with or at least want to be with.
I'm just this weird shadow,
someone  you hang out with when no one knows
I wasn't built for this silence,
I really have to go,
My name is more than just an arrangement of the piece of the alphabet you know,
My attention is worth more than your stolen glances,
I refuse to be content with your mere chances.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 576
Not A Passerby
Joanna Nov 2014
Graze across my skin,
Whisper to me every sin,
Match your breath to the pace of mine,
So ragged and passionate, losing track of time,
Let me feel your full lips hard against my own,
Show me what it is like to be ****** into another zone,
I know love is a gamble but it's worth it to try,
Let me prove to you that I'm more than a passerby.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 347
Friend and foe
Joanna Nov 2014
Dear heart stay quiet, you know not what you desire,
Your only concern is making yourself feel the fire,
The fire of a passionate infatuation,
It threatens to consume with little deliberation,
Your beating shall continue without him my love,
You should be with someone that does not drag you down but above,
He should cherish your existence and hold you close,
Not arrogant and selfish using you to boast.

There is a reason you do not have eyes to see,
You are meant to feel so excruciatingly deeply,  
I know it is hard to choose to let go,
But trust your brain knows the difference between a friend and foe.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 755
A Reason
Joanna Nov 2014
Hold me in your arms as if I was falling,
Kiss my lips as if trying to keep me from calling,
Show me the world as if I have been blind,
Teach me to enjoy every moment and not rush time.

If I pull away, give me a reason to come back.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 295
Joanna Nov 2014
Darling, teach me how to dance at the caress of your hand,
show me how to be strong in times when I can barely stand,
guide me in learning the woes and joys of life,
teach me how to take control and be commander of my strife,

show me beauty in battling pain,
show me wisdom in feeling shame,
but most of all, what I hope to gain,
is the true essence of humanity that keeps us sane.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 676
Astronomical You Are Not
Joanna Nov 2014
I thought it was over when you said it would never be,
but it was only then that I began to truly see,
I had somewhere along the way given up my sense of worth,
I could no longer be found in bouts of mirth,
when I had thought the stars had disappeared and it was my darkest day,
was actually when I chose to never be kept at bay,

I am of the cosmos, of infinite intricacy,
who's creation and humanity are held together intimately,
These are not just eyes, but rather the stardust of time,
and for you to take me for granted is one of your greatest crimes,

we could have had a story that rivaled the constellations,
a love so passionate it echoed for generations,
but unlike the universe you were not laid bare,
you instead laid a trap with the intent to ensnare.

I do not need you to unlock the secrets of my night sky,
I know now that you do not belong in my galaxy, good-bye.
I love astronomy, so I tried my hand at interweaving it into my poetry. any criticism, comments, ect are welcome :) <3

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 655
Joanna Nov 2014
Baby, your name should be despair because you have me impaired,
I cant sleep, I cant eat, I have been unluckily ensnared,
at my waking and my sleep it is you that I see,
how is it that you are everything I want with me?
your kisses make me tremble, your eyes make me weak,
the simple sound of your voice makes me go peek,
for just one more glance, a second more of paradise,
but lets take one more shot, at the roll of the dice.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 631
Joanna Nov 2014
When you caught my eye from across the room,
little did I know you would be my doom,
How could a smile be laced with such sadness,
the act of loving you is clearly pure madness,
every time I get near, you push me away,
but when night falls it is with you that I lay,
time passes so slowly when I'm in your arms,
but you keep yourself distanced, you hold up your guard,
the battle within me has turned into war,
How can you miss something that was never yours?
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 282
Joanna Nov 2014
I wish I could tell you how angry I feel,
the betrayal, the sadness, how I fought what was real,
it was one thing after another, constantly pounding me down,
I so desperately wanted smiles, but all I could muster was frowns.

I now know what it feels like to be close to the ground,
To be so lost in translation, to never be found.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 218
Joanna Nov 2014
I thought when I met you, I knew what love was,
but to know love, I signed myself away with an unwritten clause,

You told me my heart would beat better if settled next to yours,
so I sacrificed the freedom that has been the cause of many wars,

I molded myself to fit slots a, b, and c,
I so desperately wanted to be what you need,

with every passing day, I lost a little more of me,
and I would silently wonder if I could ever be free,

As I write my thoughts down on this tear stained page,
my heart finally knows why it's called a rib cage.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 251
Start Anew
Joanna Nov 2014
Flowers tell stories the world never hears,
they blossom and bloom, and die without fears,
I wish I had strength to spring from the stem,
and be able to start life all over again.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 304
Joanna Nov 2014
I want you to break me piece by piece,
destroy my soul so that it extends from the west to the east,
Show me what it's like to be entrenched in infatuation,
Show me what it's like to gaze into eyes full of passion,

Bare me in ways that are more than just physical,
give me a love that is far from typical.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 641
Unanswered Questions
Joanna Nov 2014
Are you really at peace when your breath matches mine?
slightly ragged, full of passion, or is it just lies?
Are your eyes full of romance or are you just trying,
to fill up the void to keep yourself from dying.
Are you in love with my smile like I am with yours,
or are you just lonely and deeply unsure.
Tell me the truth with both your body and mouth,
tell me the truth before this all goes south.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 494
Joanna Nov 2014
You broke my heart like someone broke yours,
I cracked and crumbled right down to my core,
the arms that once saved me now are my constriction,
and I can't let you go, my beautiful addiction.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nov 2014 · 422
That kind of romance.
Joanna Nov 2014
I want the kind of romance that makes sirens jealous,
where your eyes are like oceans and overwhelmingly zealous,
kiss me like the breeze, all over my skin,
Show me your depth and places I've never been.

Move me rhythmically just like the tide,
open yourself and know you never need hide,
you can rage on but I'll calm your stormy seas,
and we'll wake in the morning at the sun's pleas.

Entangle yourself in the waves of my hair,
physically, mentally, & beautifully bare,
I'll meet you where the shore and water kiss,
let us sink further into this bliss.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Joanna Aug 2014
I wish I could say how much I miss you,
pinpoint where our lives changed that day,
once so close and now miles apart,
yet not in distance but rather the heart.

Eyes once so familiar and now so unknown,
surrounded by crowds yet standing alone,
I've started a sentence a thousand times,
but find myself more silenced than a mime.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
the late night talks and lounging in trees
Am I alone in feeling regret?
replaying our highlights on an imaginary cassette.

Our friendship once so strong has now left me with pains,
I now see why they use names for hurricanes.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved

— The End —