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 Apr 2014 Salvador Rios
Wish there were proper ways
Or methods to explain
What I'm trying to say.
It makes me insane,
I cannot convey,
Let alone find phrase.
It leaves me amazed,
Even entertained,
It makes me exclaim:
"It's here I do proclaim
That my heart has a face
And he's too far away."
The power to persuade
With a magnetic gaze,
He is able to state:
"She is the link to my chain,
Without her I'm not the same;
My other half and soulmate."
Love feels... keeps it real...
 Apr 2014 Salvador Rios
See, I love him so much
That I can’t write about him,
And this is the closest I’ve ever come
To a love poem in the past year:
We make the cosmos jealous of our light,
And the most beautiful thing I can write down is his name.
 Apr 2014 Salvador Rios
when my conscious thoughts cease,
and I let my mind wander
into a dream,

My memory swells with the smells
of the soft sea breeze,
and holding your hand as we walked
with a perfect feeling of peace.

Though the love that we shared
came and went with such ease,
I still miss you sometimes
on quiet days like these.

And I wonder where you wander,
when your conscious thoughts cease
 Apr 2014 Salvador Rios
I feel a storm brewing when you're around.
You are the thunder in my heart,
you are the lightening in my veins.

I continue breathing so that I may continue catching
drops of you on my tongue.
I want them to absorb into my body
and become one with me.

I've always loved a good storm.
Here's a pretty rough one, but I like the concept.
I love looking into your eyes only to see stars that light up
and glisten like an aurora over the northern hemisphere.

I see galaxies form at the palms of your hands that slowly cluster into a fist of love and anger,

red fumes intermixed with purple erode from your fingertips
and onto my orbit.

How beautiful it is to look into a constellation that is inches away from my face and to want to kiss it.

A universe at my sight and only
a touch away,
a look away,
a kiss away.

And I get so lost as I stare into her soul,
but she sits silently as words are carried in meteor showers.

Shooting stars light up in-between our bodies
and the tension is seen.
Fires burn inside our hearts and people gaze at us like we are cosmic,
and we might as well be.

They don’t know what it’s like to look into something beautiful and want to gaze at her for an eternity that we do not have.

And that’s the beauty about humanity,
being mortal.

Because I will never ever have someone come into my life and burn a spectacle of colours that I’ve never seen before.

This is a once and a lifetime thing.

And I’m so so happy.

You can't save me
With you smoke veiled eyes
Filled with honesty and deceit
Your words
Falling like the ocean
Deafens me
With their beauty
In silence
And it's not enough
Those lines
About me
In the tattered notebook
My initials
On your skin
And scarred
Like the rain in the sky
With echoes
Like thunder
Following the sobs
You hide behind your calloused hands
Can't you ever
Show me the lightening
Because that's the only thing
I need to see

And the thunder
From me
Is all you need to hear
But my lightening
Is what you get to see
And you think it's everything
But how can everything
Last only a second?
She's my drug; my vice;
my escape from reality
one kiss sends me flying through the seasons,
her touch sends an electric fire across my skin
she's my addiction, a day of silence
and the withdraws kick in; the lack of sleep
the loss of hunger it makes me wonder
how I used to function without her.
 Apr 2014 Salvador Rios
I tried to explain the concept of stars
to a three-year-old, who couldn’t quite fathom
why we loved what we did.

He held onto his stuffed rabbit and asked
‘what are those lights in the sky’, with wide eyes
and a genuine interest in human nature.

I explained to him that they were stars, and
when he asked what that meant, I said
‘they’re just ***** of gas, light, and hope’

and these vast spheres of gas and light
and hope, govern us. Tyrannize our tiny
existence with their somewhat larger indulgence.

How we worship supernovas and eclipses, how
we wish on things that merely embellish the moon;
that glow. How we loved to watch things, and pretend

that they were of some sort of importance. We could
spend whole nights lying on our backs with lovers
watching still shots of the void. Figments of imagination.

I tried to explain the concept of stars
to a three-year-old, who couldn’t quite fathom
why we loved what we did.

And unfortunately, neither could I.
NaPoWriMo #2
Weird, but I'm trying something new
You can fall in love
with the way
someone pours milk
into their cereal,
listening to the things they speak about
when they sleep talk
at three in the morning,
and by watching them untangle
earphones, which somehow
seems to be their biggest challenge
of the day.

You can fall in love
examining the face they make
when they try to hold back laughter,
if they put their head or their arms
through a sweater first,
and the way they shiver
when it is 23 degrees outside
and they are only wearing
a leather jacket
while drowning in a
thick red scarf.

You can fall in love.
You can fall in love.
You can fall in love.

And you will fall in love
with all of that.
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