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 May 2015 Salvador Rios
I'll wait for you forever
till stars forget to shine,
and oceans become puddles,
words no longer rhyme

Till deserts turn to gardens
where flowers go to bloom,
the grass is red, the skies are green,
the dawn brings out the moon

Till rain is something very dry
and butterflies drive trucks,
when every pond is chocolate sauce
with candy coated ducks

Till basements have a penthouse view
with windows three floors high
and stairways are a place to swim
no matter how you fly

Till mountains are a level path
that you will go to walk
and silence now becomes a way
for every one to talk

Till everything we've ever known
is gone and disappeared
The world does end, there's nothing more
just like we always feared

Till broken hearts are happy,
tears a welcome site
Night comes at the break of day
and daytime looks like night

I'll wait for you forever
until the end of time
It matters not how long it takes
if I can call you mine
My body is not yours.
You may no longer cut my skin with your knife
Leaving behind scars that are forever erupting
with pain.
i don't think
my words
could have created

the beautiful mind
that you have
He knows the smell of rain
He asks what color is the rain?
The wind blows
And he smiles
He knows the smell of spring
He asks what color is the spring?
A bird chirps
He smiles

He walks home
Wondering the color of the world
And he smiles
You were the stranger with which I fell in love;
You were the emptiness that became my own fulfillment;
You were the outline that absorbed every colour of the spectrum when you spoke to me;
You were the face of a man whose soul became my greatest fascination;
You were the new unexplored place which became my truest home;
You were the one I never knew, but I always loved.
 Apr 2014 Salvador Rios
Diana C
I hope* she teaches you the meaning of loving someone to death.
I hope you lose sleep talking to her, and then later that night when you can't stop thinking about that one thing she said, just keep replaying it in your head until sleep washes you into its sea.
I hope she brings back the faith you lost in people.
I hope you let her mess your hair up, even though you can't even stand the wind wisping softly through the strands.
I hope you memorize her favourite lines in movies and songs.
I hope hearing her cry makes you want to go to the ends of the earth to hear her genuinely laugh again.
I hope she's the calm to your storm and the colour to the, sometimes grey, life you lead.
Most of all, I hope you love her passionately, devotedly, selflessly, and without reason or hope.
Because then you'll finally realize, that's the way I loved you.
Inspired by S.M
 Apr 2014 Salvador Rios
I fell in love with a boy
whose smile outshined the stars in the night sky

I fell in love with a boy
who couldn't stop laughing
with the crinkles by his eyes
making him look older than he is

I fell in love with a boy
who had dreams
big ones too,
and the world was his oasis

I fell in love with a boy
who could make the saddest story
have a happy ending

I fell in love with a boy
and how lucky I feel
to have loved than never loved at all.
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