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3.2k · Jul 2018
RH Fists Jul 2018
wind brushed my neck,
and down my spine,
briefly with a kiss.

i fell.
2.1k · Jul 2018
RH Fists Jul 2018
superfluous really,

my insatiable pursuit of ecstasy
and ruminations of slaughter
only to find my ferality
alone in introspective cacophony
waiting and waiting for prey.
1.1k · Jul 2018
RH Fists Jul 2018
her presence crescendoed
a wind strumming sawgrass.

rustling into symphony
a hot summer melody.
You can find ways by looking where you least expect
955 · Jul 2018
RH Fists Jul 2018
latch locked — i disappear
Where do you disappear?
503 · Jul 2018
RH Fists Jul 2018
i pulled the trigger
leaving sonic staccatos
and clouds of gun smoke.
silencing all unheard screams
with the tyranny of moral men.
438 · Jul 2018
RH Fists Jul 2018
with the opportunity to fly,
heaven-bound with relentless cadence,
over unbound oceans of endless thought,
i still prefer to glance ashore from a shore,
Standing still with normative idealism,
bound to false securities of pragmatism,
and perpetually doomed to drown,
if ever setting foot in water.
It is in the righteous man's destiny to decided whether he is to become the sheep or the shepherd. How he kindles his ideas will determine his fate.
436 · Feb 2019
RH Fists Feb 2019
They call me *****,
Ching chong expecting me to sing along to the bing bongs of Christmas.
Christening myself into white culture.
As they tried the ***** and native American,
Now Asian.

They call me a *****,
a man with tools.
Shovel, pick axe, and hammer.
Digging for gold but also watching my head,
For the white man’s jealous, silver bullet.

They call me *****,
a man with dignity in another’s land.
With metal and not a whip in my hands.
Building a future for them,
Model minority for them alone.

They call me *****,
Silent, physically weak, and emasculated,
but silenced in a country that is meek and of no value,
Where the colors red, white, and blue mean more than your color,
(Where) God Bless(es) the United States of America.

Maybe I am a *****,
Crawling in mud and sleeping with pigs,
A Feminine man finding strength in gambling,
Drinking liquor looking red,
Chinks ******* white animals for fetish,
Fool to English when although they cannot speak more than English themselves.
Yes, English, a borrowed language they call their own.
To slur relentlessly with a white hood of superiority.
I see no future without fury from my culture,
Hated and euphemized without limitation,
Hath hell come down on them now.

Still I am a *****,
With a face yellow and a soul chicken,
Clucking around with little thought or agenda,
for the white people and only the white people,
alongside the negroes and native Americans.

Hurt by this country but never broken.
A brief expression of my experiences with racism in the United States.
388 · Aug 2018
RH Fists Aug 2018
fly through the sky
and vanish forever
314 · Jul 2018
RH Fists Jul 2018
ringing in my ears is an audible silence,
a little pious song of impartiality,
begging me to ask who to blame,
if it be unto me or to my peer.

i’ve grown weary to exist,
and ******* at the fear of fact,
to let the truths be right,
and righteous manners be my truth.

the unknowing lends me courageous,
to project out in an audible silence,
proof of my existence in penitence,
but receiving nothing in the way of life.

it is never heard to be unheard.
312 · Jul 2018
RH Fists Jul 2018
undressed she hums
her blessed hymns.

and gracefully dances
gently across the creek.

catching my breathe
and my world below.
The cadence of the roaring waters of the Cascadilla Glen gave me a clear mind to reflect on her seduction. - May 13th, 2018
311 · Jul 2018
dear brush.
RH Fists Jul 2018
fine ferret fur gently glides
gulped pigments plummet
down down down
now filthy floor
no more
no more

i need a new hobby.
It really can be frustrating when every stroke can be your demise.
215 · Aug 2018
RH Fists Aug 2018
sitting in perpetual paradise
yet yearning deeply for more
making  existence ephemeral
and my times desires.
173 · Aug 2018
RH Fists Aug 2018
the clouds over pennsylvania
soft, fluffy, and turbulent in nature
yyed with pink and scathed with orange
inspired true life unto my soul
for if I were to die at that very moment
i would with the warmest contentment

— The End —