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2.8k · May 2015
Wolf Song
LycanTheThrope May 2015
A story within a poem


I’m the only one left.
My pack was killed off, one by one.
Death shadowed me
Followed everywhere I went
Soaking my fur black
Killing my sight

I remember the look on her face
Her fur matted in the chase
Teeth stained red
Eyes with a wild dying light
Her muffled breathing slowing
I felt her life stop underneath her chest

Then you came
You saw your trophy on the ground
Next to a live one
You drew a silver stick
The sun glinted off like water with light
You stuck it in my side

You drug it up my already dead fur
Ripping up my flesh
I felt it clack against my ribs
With a sick yelp
I turned my tail and ran
Away from your prize

I wandered the forest alone
With Death on my back
Running from you
The stick was still in my side
Red water ran down my skin
Pooling everywhere I went

I could smell you following me
That is all that kept me on the run
I could feel my life drain away
I was slowing
Enough for you to catch me
Enough to finish the ****

It was at the field of feathers you found me
Just beyond the pines
I was lying, panting from the chase
Death was staring me in the face
And when my vision cleared I saw you instead
Watching me carefully

You had your loud stick at your side
Your face was hard like rocks
You just watched me
I stared back
Prepared for death
I’d die the lonely wolf

Your face softened
You neared closer
I had no strength to protest
You dropped lower
Almost crawling towards me
While I was crawling toward the darkness

You were just a blur now
Your hand closed around the silver stick
While your other hand traced the wound
You looked at that hand
Which was now blurred red
You muffled something softly

I looked up
A growl rose in my throat
I could see it
I couldn’t let it happen
You jumped back
The loud stick raised at me

I dragged myself to my feet
Snarling while red water fell over the feathers
It was so hard to see
But I could smell it
The intention to ****
You edged back

I took off running
Coming right at you
You howled at me
I was at full sprint now
But your stick
It howled loud and quick

That’s when I felt it
The burning in my chest
My eyes widened
I fell and stumbled
Feathers stirring in the sky
I tried to prop myself up
But I couldn’t

You stared at me
I panted out what was left of the red water
I whined at you
Just turn around
I barked; yelped helplessly
It was too late

The bear that was behind you
Struck you down
Tearing your flesh wide open
The red water was everywhere
I couldn’t do anything
I could only watch

The bear finally stopped tearing
It’s black eyes stared at you
A moment longer
A heap of red flesh
Barely breathing
It wandered off into the pines

I whined at you
You cried back
Darkness was on the edge of everything
Closing in on me
Closing in on you
I could hear your pain

I dragged myself closer to you
I could make out your eyes
Wide with fear
I groveled closer
You gingerly twitched your hand

I was close now
I could feel your life against my fur
Beating slowly
Your were almost gone
I licked an apology on your hand
I’m sorry

You looked at me
Your hand moving up my drenched fur
You grabbed the silver stick
And slowly drew it out
It didn’t hurt
I was already broken

You looked at me
And breathed one last time
I saw myself in your blue eyes
You had a soul too
I filled myself with air
And howled for the last time

A ragged voice in the night
Blood-red feathers in the sky
Floating to the stars
I was singing for me
I was singing for you
I was singing for us

My shoulders slumped
I fell to the ground
My sight was gone
I couldn’t feel you dead-still next to me
But I could still hear
My song echoing

Wolf song
If we should die tonight
We should die

This is more of a story
It's about a wolf whose pack get killed off by a hunter. This wolf is the last one left, and while he was laying next to dead friend, the hunter appears and stabs the wolf with a knife. The wolf runs for a long time, close to death. He realizes he can't run anymore so he lays in a field of dandelions  (described as feathers)
The hunter sees the wolf, with intention to **** him, but while he watches the wolf suffer in pain he realizes what he's done.
The wolf then sees a bear behind the hunter, and the wolf's protective instincts take over. He uses the last of his strength to attempt to attack the bear, but the hunter mistakes the wolf for trying to attack him. He yells at the wolf to stop, but he doesn't. He shoots the wolf in the chest, disabling it. The bear attacks the hunter and leaves him to die.
The wolf sees that the hunter as a soul just like him, and crawls to the dying hunter to comfort him. Licking his hand is away of submitting to the hunter, and apologizing.
The hunter dies and the wolf is filled with the sadness of loosing another pack-mate.
He sings a song for him, and himself.
The song is translated into something like
"If we should die tonight,
Then we should die as brothers."

© Copywrite Lycan
2.4k · May 2015
LycanTheThrope May 2015

With every throbbing moment
I can hear you sing
Don't sing as loud as my heart please
I've been chasing my tail
The space between has never been so daunting
Let me close it
Zip Zip
The colours
Dripping off voices
Sweet and Salty
Come back as you were
Like how you are in my head
I'll sing with you
To the silver
You say ice had lists
Fire had regrets
What remains of littered bones
Snap like little bones please
You don't know how lovely you are
Can you answer me in the dark then?
Fade like my sorrow
Rush back to the start
The start of loving
Back to when I had taken a drink
Of youthful water
It tastes like metal
Metal and blood
Dragon scales
Night prevails
Black and white wings
Creaked with wood
Cracked with suffer
Come up and tell me
What do you hear?

This is how I feel when I'm with you
You are my Drug

This is what you do to me.

© Copywrited
1.9k · May 2015
LycanTheThrope May 2015
Darkness, Darkness,
Do I feel alone?
The thought of you in my mind,
Forget the hands around my throat,
Choking me,
Without a sound.
I am shutting down..
From the lack of oxygen.
My vision blurs,
My hearing goes out,
My feeling starts to numb,
My lungs collapse,
And I stop breathing.
Shadows surround me.
Darkness, Darkness,
Do I feel alone?
I am suffocating,
Hands around my throat,
Choking me,
The thought of you still in my mind,
Pain fades,
I wandered blindly,
I stumbled and fell,
Then I realized,
That I didn’t catch myself.
That the hands,
Around my throat,
Choking me,
Suffocating me,
Killing me,
Were my own.
Darkness, Darkness,
I feel alone.
Hands around my throat,
So I let go,
Forgetting you for just a moment,
And Finally,
         I Began To
A very old poem from 2013.

© Copywrited
1.9k · Oct 2015
LycanTheThrope Oct 2015
Loving you is all I want
Pressing your jaw with shaky softness
The way it collides with my skin
Your hands, they seek the end

Breathing across my back
Lovely your words, finding their way to my lips
Your tongue against mine
Curving your shoulder, barely move

Your fingertips brushing along my waist
Like waves washing over me
Feeling your teeth soft against my neck
Tonight we’re the sea, a rocky rhythm

Arching my back to meet your moves
My bare skin singing for your warmth
And you savor my thighs
Tender are your hips

Gripping cold sheets
Your breath hot against my neck
Skipping a beat
You give in.

I find your face
Lay with me for awhile
Listen to my heart beat.

Tell me when you’re ready
Ready to leave.
Give me the chance to love you.
1.8k · Jul 2015
My Alaskan Heart
LycanTheThrope Jul 2015
☉The sun falls in November☉
☊ And won't rise until February ☊
It's a sick feeling
◉ Total darkness ◉
⍤The pines whisper their worries⍤
☾ Aligned with the moon's shine ☽
Hungry winter bears
❄ And snow-white hares ❄
◗ Try to escape the night ◖
Being out in
⚇ The Last Frontier ⚇
《 All you hear is your breath 》
It's a quite sound
⌭ Snow-creak ⌭
You're left me out here in the cold
☆ But I decided to put my hopes on the stars ☆
There’s so many
So many that are bright
★ I think the dark ones are my favorite ★
*Your soul is a crystal sky

✧ *Lit from the North

Dancing to a shifting melody
☪ Only broken out at midnight ☪
Changing your colors
To fit your light between my dark stars
∬ Wavering ∬
§ Fluctuating §

⊝ Undetected by most ⊝
␥ But those special few watch from the water ␥
⎊ They’re alone like me ⎊
Soon your shows slows
↡ And you fall asleep with the dawn ↡
⚰ Frozen tongues can’t taste your remains ⚰
∈ Nor can they converse with themselves ∋
My heart was left out in the cold
And it learned to love Alaska
⚖ Solitude and freedom go hand-in-hand ⚖
I'm not afraid of commitments
**⚮ But I'm terrified that my heart won't have what it desires. ⚮
Part one of the Cold Gates.

I was left out to freeze, and I learned to survive the harsh wilderness.

© Copywrite Lycan
1.6k · Jun 2015
Prevention of Affection
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
My skin feels so cold from the lack of touch

You have no idea what this does to me
You say you love affection
Every time I touch you
You deny me the right
Tell me no
You slap my hand away

Just because someone is watching
Whether it be a hundred
Or one single soul
You won't let it happen if someone is there

Of course I don't understand.
Unlike you,
I'm proud to tell the world
I'm with *you

You are my prize
And I'm sorry if I want to show everyone you're mine
Only mine

I can't even get a hug without you pulling away from me
Just because someone is walking by
Do you know how this makes me feel?
Do you not want people to know you like me?
Are you embarrassed of me?

You prevent every form of affection when someone is watching
And it hurts
It hurts so much.
A long day of hurt and emotions
Sometimes I just hate myself,
For feeling this way
Get over it.

© Copywrite Lycan
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
(The Dragon Prince and LycanTheThrope collab)

I’m on the graveyard shift again
Quite the keeper of you

Just a light year from us
We’ve been trading our crimes

The smoke in the air
Couldn't hide my shame

I'm running from nothing, no thoughts in my mind
Oh my heart was all black

I took the dust of a long sleepless night
And confessed I tarnished the gold

The wind took your clothes
Just walking the sidewalks all covered in rain

Love got into one of your stories again
The snow blowing ‘round your hands

While we ache to come home somehow
We watched her smoking autumn in the street

Words mean more at night
From the corners of my room

Please read them by the light of the moon
I'm a shot through the dark scaring the crows

I wish I could leave my bones and my skin
I’ll let my hunger take me there

Lonely is a sick hound digging for bones
If it weren't for second chances, we'd all be alone

They all know I’m a liar
They just laugh wickedly as I burn her down

And those broken-hearted lovers
They got nothing on me

She's a half-written poem
Spread out across the Great Divide

The dark had wooden teeth that broke up the thin air
And I swallowed the sun and screamed and wailed

When we were just larkspur and leaves
Back when we were buried jewels ‘neath the trees

And all fire and flames took all we trust
We were all silver and stone

And I traded all my thoughts in
For an hour of sleep in the snow

Sweet morphine curls a smile when the sadness hits
She's whispering so softly I can hear it all

Won't you come to my house tonight
I got this window that looks out to Orion

The Universe is wounded beautiful
I sent her my warmth and my silence

Lit up every campfire I found out in the dark
I quit counting stars that night in the cold

Kiss me so I remember how
We'll turn these sorrows into strangers

Learned the language of the Mockingbird
She took and twisted all my words

With winter trees and hungry wolves
In your past like a lover can be drowning water

Walking proud and lonesome now
Oh I'm yearning for the pack

Broken bottles shine just like stars
Seeing those golden oaks turn to timber

The daughter of the Northern Lights
Finds my face with her fingertips

Now we are rust coloured stones.
You’ll love her till it all goes dark

Come undone under the lion’s thorns
And I’m saving all my sleep for another life

Wished I could follow a hidden moon eight stories high.
Will we ever fall?

Ah what a shame
This stolen song was never meant to last

~The Dragon Prince
A collab between Lycan and The Dragon Prince
I don't know why you insist I post it on my account

© Copywrite Lycan
1.4k · Oct 2015
LycanTheThrope Oct 2015
“Session two;
Subject has become dependant; requires three capsules a day.
Subject has also requested for detainment.”

What is gold?
“What do you mean?”
Why can’t it stay?
Why couldn’t he stay?

“I don’t understand.”
Neither did Eden.

The window broke again.
“There are no windows.”
How could you lie to yourself like that?
“I’m not lying.”
I laid the centuries upon my hands.
“Time cannot be held.”
It can be lifted.

“How are you?”
I’m very tired.
The voices kept me up again.
“The voices?”
They told me it was my fault.
“Is it your fault?”
If it is, then why am I so proud?

“Are you feeling any better?”
Has death said his due?
“Would you like something to eat?”
I’ve already eaten.
It came like rain.
“What did?”
Their sins.

“Do you recall?”
His voice?
“Do you recall anything?”
It shifted like rubies-
-and lowered the moon.

“The moon?”
She sang a song for him.
“A song?”
It’s always darkest before the dawn, right?
“Some would say.”
I’ll follow the dawn.
Until I see the first light.

“Do you remember her?”
I am still in love with that place.
“What place?”
The stars in my skin
They danced and spiraled into amber trees
“What trees?”
Just like her heart.

“Her heart?”

Who could compare?
“Compare what?”
Love to a tragedy.
Why would they do that?
Aren’t they the same?

“End of trial.
Subject denied.”
verb: relapse; past tense: relapsed

to become ill again after a period of improvement in health
of an illness;  to return to a bad condition, form of behavior, or disease.
1.3k · May 2015
LycanTheThrope May 2015
On my throne
Your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful.

*I have to find you
On my throne
Tsk tsk tsk

© Copywrited
1.2k · Jun 2015
Lycan and Ahkira
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Let me bite off a guarded piece of your soul as payment
And I'll etch it's life into my song for you
I'll throw back my head and sing about your sorrows
Everything you've ever wanted
That never came true.


Veins are liars
Fallen moonlight conspires
And you're breaching the fires--
With lungs full of wires
Swapping pulses with swamp skin
And we have learned to fall in----


"I want you to go listen to her sing and tell me who you think she's singing about."
It's time for Wolf Girl to sing for her fallen friend
Two souls alike wandering in the night
1.1k · Jul 2016
LycanTheThrope Jul 2016
I once held stars in my lungs but I burnt them all out with cigarettes
as I tried to rid your name from my lips

I had the moon on the tip of my tongue when I whispered love in twilight affection
But that **** tided heart of yours shifted again and now all that hangs in my mouth are evasive words and the sickening taste of the seas' breeze.

That garden you grew in my stomach died when your sunlight no longer reached my skin
The butterflies you gave me shriveled with it.

The ***** I choke down doesn't rid me of those memories
Every night I spent with you was a threat to abandon my morals;
Go back on your word and cut the sky from my veins.
You kissed every cloud from my wrist to my sundered ankles.

You once traced constellations on my chest and with a single breath they shown brighter
They too burnt out when your words were no longer for me and I hurt even a little more

The ones etched in my swallowed pulse cried as they spiraled from our little piece of the galaxy
I watched them go lonely and lost when they traveled south into my pity-shaken excuse of a soul.

When I smiled and you'd look away.
It haunted me until I stopped sleeping
It was at that moment I had realized I fell for you like Icarus had the sun.

You burnt me and I melted until there was nothing left.
I was reckless with pride as you fed me slanted promises
I'll put good use to the knife you left in my spine

My throat burns more with every drink,
This liquor can't rinse my soul the way I'd like you to
But I'd rather remember you as my favorite sorrow than the love who left this fruitless heart.
I'm depressed again.
1.1k · Sep 2015
LycanTheThrope Sep 2015
“On the edge again.”

Why would you hurt something so grand?
Dynasties were never meant to last
“How did you love her?”
How do I love him?
“No, her.”
The sky is her hands

Halted down to taste
“Taste what?”
A bit of my soul
Savor the colour
"It has colour?"
Mine does.
With time.
Silver ebbing off the corner
“Souls have corners?”
Well they’re not ‘round

I didn’t plan to stay

Happy happy happy
“What do you see?”
No, water.
Shining to the sun
It’s a bit

Because he said so.

“What do you feel?”
How did I fall?
“No, what do you feel?”
With the stars.
I feel with the stars
Past the burning lake
And into lust.


“What do you hear?”
All I hear is empty.
“Why’s that?”
Don’t you hear your heart echo too?

*“End of session”
noun: psyche; plural noun: psyches
the human soul, mind, or spirit.
1.1k · Jun 2015
Broken Vows
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
(The Dragon Prince and LycanTheThrope collab)

Tongues have inspired the fallen notes
Halls left upon lowly senses

Fingers whisper a shining guide
Six lights to smolder
One time to count

Burn it beneath glory wells
Mortal souls shun the flesh

Withering silver decays among the divinity
Shrieking our innocence at the walls

Choirs of dark fair wounds slice behind our hearts
Speak west, until restful skies eye bare stars

Forgotten dreams grew so white
Smoke burns declaring unnumbered lingers sinning

Break me a new spine against the wildest demons
Eternal losses slain within black wounds

Holy water and treacherous sympathy mold along the oak
Tell me I didn't overdose on gold and rusty wires

*~The Dragon Prince
A collab between LycanTheThrope and The Dragon Prince

© Copywrite Lycan
930 · Mar 2017
Smile Soft
LycanTheThrope Mar 2017
I miss you.

The first thing I professed
was not the warm feeling I had whenever I saw her
Nor was it that it was I who had sent her flowers
And signed it
"your admirer”

The first thing I admitted
Was my fear
That everything I touched

I remember what you did,
Just like it was yesterday.

Your eyes brimmed with tears,
And you smiled a sad smile.
I smiled back.
The first time we were together
It was at your house
You showed me your dearly loved piano
And played me my favorite song
“Clair de Lune”

Wringing the keys dry of passion
I remember thinking
If I poured my soul out like you had
Just maybe,
you’d fall for me.

You showed me
The spines of books you read countlessly
Finger fluttering over every title,
Tracing each word
Like I would your stomach
Each night you spent in my bed
You told me that I
“was like the ocean.”
I didn’t know what that meant at the time.
Moon moon moon moon
The word I engraved in your ribs
every time I touched you.
My moon.
My lovely moon with sky blue eyes,
That never stopped moving.

I wish you could stare at me like I had you
Maybe you could have seen
That every moment I spent
My gaze was on yours.
But perhaps it was better that way.


I was bitter.
You told me not to be.
and so I wasn’t


Christmas Eve I came over for dinner
And I bought your mother chocolates
In hopes she would learn to savor you
Like the box she held in her hand.

I never told you how jealous I was
That you had your mother
Despite her flaws

That night I saw you cry for the first time.
When I held you in my arms
You shook because of your father.
You asked me why god would do this to you.

I had no answer
Other than
“I don’t know.”

I should’ve told you
How I had wished I was in your place
That I would take the pain for you.
But I didn’t.
I know you never would have wanted it that way.
When your birthday came
I gave you a jadestone bracelet I had crafted myself
I did not tell you the time I took,
Or what it had cost.
I had hoped you would treasure it
Like I to you.
A month ago I saw my loving jade
On your best friend’s wrist.

I did not tell you how much that had hurt.
You gravitated towards him
And grew closer with others
I drifted
Oh like the sea
That March I went to California to see my ma.
I don’t recall if I told you
That every night
I watched that sun sink into the coast.
And it reminded me
The way your hand held mine.

When I came back you spoke of nothing but sadness
I tried endlessly
To tie a knot in that poison-filled vein.
But the sickness spread.
I wish I could’ve been your cure.

You were sand slipping between my fingers
And I did not know how to tell you
That my waves had lost purpose
If there was no shore.
Come Back

“Captain O’ Captain,
The eye of the sea
Was the bottom of her heart.”

Summer had come
We had spent one tired night watching fields of fireflies
At 1:49 am

I couldn’t find words
To tell you my heart had danced
Like every one of those little lights
When someone even breathed your name.
I wish I had
Summer had gone


When fall had struck
You left me.


My thoughts clammered in disbelief

You told me it was because it was you and not me.
Just some sort of cliché I suppose.
Months later when I asked
You said it was because you thought I had feelings for another.
How foolish I was for letting you believe that
For even a second.

I should have told you
Your soul had sunk a hole in my chest
that beated to the sound of your voice.

My heart sang a sick melody*
Two years have past
Last week you told me you left
Because you didn’t feel loved.
You never saw the way my eyes traced up and down your body
but always pulled back to your face

I remember what you did,
Just like it was yesterday.
When I confessed
You kissed every one of my fingertips,
And said that you did
so that everything I touched
would feel loved.

Oh, how I wish those words were true.
My Captain O' Captain,
I know not where the moon dips from the sky,
Nor where she sunk in the sapphire sea.
924 · May 2015
LycanTheThrope May 2015

Death has a grip on you
Cupping your face in his palms
I know I shouldn't feel so drained
Because you're more tired and worn
I can see your threads fraying
Teeth of a wolf couldn't break your line
But I can...
This cancer is eating you away
Beneath your skin I can see you're broken
Your try to hide it with your dark humor
But know that I can see through you
Paper thin is what you are
But it is I who is ripping
I don't really know what your are to me
But I do know
It's killing me,
Watching it **** you.

This is for Dylan. I…. I don't really know

© Copywrited
901 · Aug 2015
LycanTheThrope Aug 2015
Jealousy is seeping through my skin
Like kerosene
My head is spinning from the fumes

You may have showed me where the matches were
But it was I who struck it aflame

Standing here
Never feeling so empty
A heart so ****** and twisted

She's been cornered
Pushed to lash out
Scared of being a lone wolf

Fire dances on her fur
Coal-black eyes
And embered teeth

All I could do was

Ashes fill her mouth
They've never tasted so dry

I don't want to be alone.
But you've already left me.
Crying again.
Sorry I haven't posted in forever.
861 · May 2015
LycanTheThrope May 2015

I put my hands over my eyes,
Rather than to hold them out and catch myself,
Because I don't want to see myself fall.

My precious Ahkira

© Copywrited
860 · Jun 2015
Ink & Bones
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Night hands drenched in metal
Rings in the heart of desire
Dragons love more than you
With cold gleaming talons
Burn the coal along my fur
Humble hearts this eve


Whining sights stared
Claim three fears
Chaos gently cleared the fake
Breaking wrists haunt my strength
Lonely lives tonight


Hear last howls melt
Longer than my heart falls
Lying skin and deceiving souls
Rake your worst upon my soft side
Nash your steel teeth into my muzzle
Tell me I'm worthless

Don't you think
I already know what I'm worth?
Pretend that you've written something golden
I have no true value
The unspoken truth between us
You know I love you so
© Copywrite Lycan
859 · Aug 2015
I've Already Lost
LycanTheThrope Aug 2015
I'm sitting here
Staring at the floor
The tears streaming down my face
Sobs overtaking my lungs and racketing throughout my chest
It already hurts enough
Maybe it's the bruises on my ribs,
Or my demented mind that's stuck on depression
Or maybe the fact that I've been trying to pick up these pieces
And fit then together
It always falls apart
I try so hard
Taking these shards of glass
Attempting to make a perfect reflection
I've cut myself again
Sometimes all I do is stare at my wrists
Watching the blood flow over
My life is ebbing away
And with every weakening heartbeat
All I can think about
Is how I've lost

I sit up
I don't know why I try anymore,
But I do
I wipe the blood off of the pieces
And puzzle it back together
Finally, it holds a relfection
When I get past the cracks spiderwebbing across the pane,
The red edges pointed out at my skin,
And when my eyes adjust to the darkness
All I see is a broken figure staring back at me.

That's nothing to hang on the wall.
Not at all fabricated or intricate.
What I feel at the moment.
842 · Sep 2015
LycanTheThrope Sep 2015
These bruises don't change anything.
So why do you continue to  
hurt*  me?
818 · May 2015
I Loved
LycanTheThrope May 2015

Silence, Silence.
Is all I can hear
Shaking in darkness
Never to be clear

Waiting, waiting.
For you to see
That I am something
One crying plea

Fading, Fading.
Till I am gone
Shading shadows
A soul undrawn.

Forsaken, Forsaken
Living in parts
I realize the reason
For one broken heart

I loved and lost, and that's okay.
For my Ahkira, thinking of you always

© Copywrited
816 · Jan 2016
LycanTheThrope Jan 2016
I feel like committing suicide.
I'm so tired of it all
Pretending to be someone I'm not.
Putting on a fake smile to please my family and friends, so that they don't worry.
I want them to think I'm happy, even though I'm so far from it.

Its not the new year that finally did it
The 'new year new me' thing.
I know who I am and there's no fixing it.
It's my abusive dad that pushed me over.
The fact that he can't be greatful for anything I do
And when he's asked me to do something I've already done
The job I did for it wasn't enough.
The fact that he yells at me because I ask for something at the store, whether it be socks or a candy bar.
"No you don't deserve that."

Maybe it's the fact that he puts me down so much
And every time I deny his words he gets even more angry
I don't know why I bother
I don't deny them for my own sake.
When I do he throws whatever is nearest
Plates, countless beer bottles, even a chair.
I lower myself to the floor, crying.
Maybe I get him so mad in hopes he'll finally throw something fatal.
A knife that just happens to hit my neck.
I've never had the courage to take my own life.
I am worthless

What ties me here?
It's the one I love.
He deserves so much better than me,
But he says he loves me for who I am.
I am broken.
He's a reason to go too.
The fact that I can't touch the one I love without being pushed away.
Being told no and stop.
I hear the same words my father says in my lovers actions.
"No you don't deserve that."
I know I don't.
I'm sorry for wanting something.

Maybe I want to leave because I have no one to turn to.
Because all of my friends already have their own problems, and I'm just another burden they shouldn't have to deal with.
And anytime I talk to them about my own problems
It becomes a competition
Suddenly we have to top each other on who has it worse.
"I would **** to be in your place, my father is so much worse."
I hear my father's words
"You don't deserve to complain."
I really don't.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm already dying.
As I write these words my heart tears at my ribs, desperate to get out.
Its like a panic attack within my chest
As if someone grabbed my heart and squeezed it so hard.
I don't want to feel pain anymore.
Not another heart attack.

My little slice of heaven.
It's so far away.
So far.

Sitting with my lover
As he whispers words I haven't known much about.

"You're beautiful."
Who could see beauty in something so far gone.
So dead inside.

"I don't want anyone else."
Who would choose me?
I'm nothing grand.
I'm a dead reflection in a broken mirror.
Nothing to hang on the wall.

"I don't deserve you."
You don't.
I'm so sorry.
You deserve so much better.
Someone who can make jokes with you,
Be more patient than I.
Someone who can love you without dying at the same time.

What sickness lies within me.
I cannot stay here any longer.
My little piece of heaven is too far off.
"Just a few years.
Just a few years more."

I don't have the strength for that.
Not anymore.

I'm sorry.
787 · Jun 2015
The Wolf and The Poet
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
The pines whisper in the wake of your fury
Shaking from the earth in chords
         ­                 c

Winds whip at my royal fur
Grinding my night skin with frost and rime
I swear to you my sold soul is no place to sleep.
Love isn't accepted by these fangs of misguided  pride
It's in my burning hours you'll see my core
made of silver
And my eyes bursting with gold
Shoot me dead, but I refuse to back down
Light me anew purpose
And I'll still fall back on my instincts
Dragons have run their claws in my side
But I care not. I'll bleed a conceded trail
My paw prints left in the deep of space to the cedar forests
I run on for someone I swore an oath to protect
My poet is my blood in my veins
She is the words in my voice
She is my beating heart,
*.::.The only thing that keeps me going.::.
© Copywrite Lycan
782 · Jul 2015
LycanTheThrope Jul 2015
It's not a Walt Disney thing
They don't just pick off the sick an dying ones
They are perfectly capable of taking down a full, healthy adult.
Wolves were designed by thousands of years of evolution
They were bred and raised to ****
Not for sport, but for survival.
They don't **** needlessly
It may be intimidating
Seeing the blood on their face
Their glowing eyes staring back
But if you're going to tell me that
Wolves are man-eaters
Blood-thirsty killers
Why don't you take a look around
Most animals go corrupt because of humans.
We take their land
Take their young
**** off their pack-mates
We even trap them
For pets, or zoos
Whatever reason we want.
I don't know about you
But if someone took my home
My kids
Killed my family and friends,
And then cornered me
I'd fight back with every ounce of strength I had.
I don't know what they're gonna do to me
But I'd assume they'd do what they did to the others
I'd fight for my life

They're killers,
*But wolves have to make a living too
Just a little rant, don't tell me animals are killers, because you will get smacked

© Copywrite Lycan
777 · May 2015
Love Poison
LycanTheThrope May 2015
The words have slipped from my mouth
I hold my breath
As my heart travels south

All I can fear is the beating through my chest
I open my mouth once more
But my mind protests

Death is cupping my cheeks
His icy fingers lurching up my back
But you never speak...

I feel the stars run down my face
Spiraling down
Disappearing back into space

The sickness spreads
I bar my stomach in
As it repeats in my head

The darkness closes in
I stare at you in place
Shadows tighten my skin

Oh bones have never felt so brittle
They snap like my courage
And I have never seemed so little

My soul begins to crack
This is how it feels when I say 'I love you'
And you say  n o t h i n g  back.
This is for my Jack,
and my Ahkira.
You inspire me
Yet **** my very soul

© Copywrited
776 · Jun 2015
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015

I've walked these woods for as long as I can remember
These pines tell tales of their own
It was foolish to go out barefoot
But I did this time anyway

The well-worn path had gotten stale
So I elected to step off the path
The creek-bed lead the way
And gladly followed

It was about 4 miles deep
Maybe more
And the sun was just about to set
That I had stumbled and fell

I heard it before I felt it
The pain rushed in
Drowning out the sound of my screams
The blood was pounding in my ears just as fast as it was pouring onto the ground

I don't know how long I stayed like that
Just crying and screaming
For anyone
But no one came

After many failed attempt to get up and move
Only to flail helplessly and fall
Causing more screams
I ripped a length off my shirt and tied it tight around my thigh
Just as I had seen in the movies

Night was falling on me
Shadows were creeping in
I was scared beyond grief
Wide-eyed and terrified
I prayed for something

That's when he came looming out of the darkness
I thought I was dying at first
Seeing white flashes
But he made his appearance

Two gold eyes were peering out of the shadows
They glittered with curiosity and wonder
He cautioned closer
Just enough to make out his white body

I was fascinated at first
Awed that a wolf had lived in these parts
Fear dawned on me
There was blood everywhere

I didn't know much about wolves
I thought maybe they were soulless  animals
Looking for a fight
Hungry to ****
Blood-thirsty and ravenous

I thought for sure he'd attack me
Rip into my flesh
Snap more of my bones
End my life sooner than what it would just out here

He edged closer
Watching me carefully
I could hear my ragged breaths above my pounding heart
His ears twitched at the sound

He didn't come closer than fifteen feet
Now I could see he was actually a very light grey color, almost white.
He just stared at me
For a long time
He watched me
Watch him

My breathing began to slow
And my heart rate went down
It was now that I realized he wasn't going to **** me
I just studied his face in the darkness

Suddenly, the wolf got up
He had been laying down for some time
His gold eyes were stunning
Bursting with spirit

His mouth popped open
Dropping down about two inches
His teeth gleamed wickedly in the moonlight
I got scared again

I couldn't hear him breathe in
But his chest expanded beneath his fur
His eyes flashed
And he lifted his nose to the sky

A piercing sound hit me like a tidal wave
It filled the air
Leaving no space for any other noises
It was demanding sound

The crisp sound was breathtakingly beautiful
His voice jumped up and octave
Before making its descent
He broke off
Leaving his howl echoing off the trees
Humming in the ground

He didn't look at me at first
Instead his gaze traveled around us
His head flicking here and there
Before he looked at me

My ears were still ringing by the time he laid down again
He put his head on his paws
Just staring at me
While his ears swiveled back and forth

We sat like that for a long time
More than a half of an hour
That's when he got up again
He filled his lungs again and threw his head to the night

This howl was different
The first was awing
Piercing you with it's notes
This one was different

Its heavy somber tone was striking
It found it's way into my chest
I could feel the vibrations beneath my skin
This one was submissive
Giving in

He broke off suddenly
His ears propping up fast
He swiveled his head around the clearing
This time he didn't sit down
He'd only glance at me time to time

It was like this for about fifteen minutes
That's when he howled again

Just like before
This howl was different
His eyes watched me as he voiced his longing

A cold ragged feeling hit the air
The night seemed to pause as he sang his song
His notes stacked upon themselves
Ringing up higher into his register
Before he dived into his chest
It was a throaty feeling
Dancing in my bones and capering in my blood
His voice edged off into silence

His soulful eyes gazed at me for the last time
Then he turned and walked into the shadows
"Goodbye." I called out to him instinctively
He never turned his head back
I had a feeling I'd never see him again

I began to feel incredibly alone and lost
The only one that was here abandoned me
My thoughts were lost to the dark
As I struggled with my tears
I yelled in frustration
I was going to die here

"Hello!?" Someone yelled not too far off
I was shocked but I quickly regained my ground
"Hello! Please help me!" I called back, holding in tears
"Hold on, I'm coming to you." I could hear the bushed move and twigs snap as whoever came closer
"I'm over here." I could see them now
"Are you hurt?" I could tell now he was a man, early twenties. He leaned over me
"I think I broke my leg."
"Oh Lord. We need to get out of here. I'm going to try to pick you up, it's going to hurt." His arms gentle closed around me, carful to not brush up against my bad leg
I nodded
I bit down on my lip as he lifted me into his arms, holding back a scream. Silent tears ran down my face as he carried me back onto the path.
"I'm sorry." he told me
"What's your name?" I tried to busy myself with thoughts
"Conan. Whats yours?"
He carried me in silence for awhile. With every step he took pain seared up my body. I began to think maybe I had imagined the grey wolf.
"Why did you come here?" I asked him.
"I hear a wolf howling. I thought maybe I could catch a glimpse. Thankfully he howled three times, I almost turned around after walking for a half hour without hearing anything. But he howled again. You heard him right?"
"Yes I heard him."

He had called for help
He was my savior
That wolf has a soul too

That's why his name is Savion

© Copywrite Lycan
761 · Dec 2015
LycanTheThrope Dec 2015
I hate the way
The rain softly lands on the ground
Just enough to get my feet wet
But not enough
To let me drown.
753 · Jun 2015
Wearing Thin
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
I hated this
I didn't want to hurt you
But you wouldn't stop
     "Stop, please wait. I just want to talk." I called out to you
You turned your head to look back at me
     "Why should I?"
I wanted to scream it to the stars
     Because I love you.
I just lowered my gaze
     "We need to talk."
     "I don't want you to hurt me." Your voice was barely above a whisper
    Neither do I.
I took a step closer
But you retaliated in fear
     "Stop now Lycan! I can't do this." You yelled
It stung
     "Careful, you're treading on ice" I lowered my voice to a growl
     "You wouldn't do anything. I know you. You're predictable"
Plunge the knife into my back an twist
     "I'm anything but." I couldn't cage this anger.
You laughed, in a sad sorrowful way, but it was colder than anything I've ever encountered.
     "You're just waiting to be tamed, right?"
Snap, snap

I looked straight into your eyes, which were now bursting with the reflected gold of my own.
      "Run." I whispered. Only seconds where left.
    "Why?" You didn't understand.
       "Run for your life, Rin." I was struggling now
Fear dawned on you. You turned tail and ran.

                                    "The ice just broke." I whispered to myself

Before beginning the chase.
Set me off why don't you

© Copywrite Lycan
752 · Feb 2016
LycanTheThrope Feb 2016
“Session three;
Subject has loss of appetite.
Two days since Subject’s last meal.
Loss of weight; 16.234 kilograms
and counting.”

It’s two till midnight.
“It’s three forty-three in the morning.”
That doesn’t matter to her.
She said it’s all wasted the same.

“Did she come again?”
In and out of silver.
She got into my blood,
With those cloudless eyes.
There weren’t enough.
“Of what?”
“Why do you need rubies?”
Count every time we’ve fallen.
She regrets it.
“Who regrets it?”
Tasting the wolf.

“Why aren’t you eating?”
I miss him.
It makes me sick.
I’ve wasted.
“What did you waste?”

You found weakness.
“Do you know what’s happening?”
Atlas gave me his burden.

“You cannot carry that.”
She lets me.
Lily-scathed and lapis shelled.
She was so pretty.
“Who was?”
Lavender in the cosmos.
Basking in folding chambers.

“I don’t understand.”
She was my west.
“What do you mean?”
I followed her into the sun.

Why didn’t he keep me?
“Who is ‘he’?”
My north star.
“The north star?”
That little bird with her owlet wings.
Moons with comfort.
No one wants to fall alone.

Don’t be afraid.
“I’m not.”
You are.
“I’m not.”
I like the way you smoke in here.
“I don’t smoke.”
Quiet your heart.
You’re afraid.
“I’m not.”
Don't lie anymore.

I am.”

Smile soft.

“Assessment end;
Subject has gotten to me.”
verb: decay; past tense: decayed;

decline in quality, power, or vigor; to (of a physical quantity) undergo a gradual decrease.
733 · Jun 2015
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
You left me
And Bleeding
But I forgave
I can’t forget
Not now
Not yet
But when I do leave
I won’t leave you like you left me
I won’t hurt you
I won’t scar you
I won’t break you
I won’t make you bleed
I won’t make you feel pain
Pain hurts people
It breaks them
When you hurt someone
You can feel it burn under your skin
You can hear the ice rush in your blood
You can see the dark shadows in your eyes
You can taste their pain, cracking with every touch you make
So why didn’t you feel it
Burn past my skin
Why didn’t you hear it
The ice cracking my frozen blood
So why didn’t you see it
The shadows leaving me blind
Why didn’t you taste it
My pain cracking me inside to out
I’m breaking from your touch…
I tried to learn how to
Make my skin as hard as steel
To heat my blood with fire
To live in the shadows
To hide my pain inside
and put the pieces back together
But they don’t fit.
They’ll never fit.
They can’t.
I’m In pain
When I hold him
Pain hurts.
Pain may be a 4-letter word to you
But to me
It’s what my life has become.
I don’t feel anymore,
Nothing but you touch.
I don’t hear anymore,
Nothing but your voice.
I don’t see anymore,
Nothing but your face.
I don’t taste anymore,
Nothing but your pain.
I don’t live anymore,
The pain killed me.
I won’t forget
Not yet.
Not until you know what pain I’m in.
Pain breaks people
It scars them
They can never pick up the broken pieces
because they cut themselves
they injure themselves
just trying to put them back together
They don't know they can't fix it
They wonder where it all went wrong.
Please stop giving false hopes
It wasn’t their fault that they,
Bleed more feeling
Damage more sound
Hurt more sight
Wound more taste
**** more life
Like you killed mine
I’ll leave you
Unlike you left me
You are unhurt
and feel no pain
A 4-letter word to you
But my life to me
I’ll let go of my pain now
I let go of
A very old poem. Written when I was twelve.
12 reasons to leave
729 · Sep 2015
White Lines in Lies
LycanTheThrope Sep 2015
I’m bending time to break my shins
Sputtering like blood amongst the rocks
Nesting in sorrow and tailing the wick something sharp
If this era wasn’t meant to char
Then why did the candle wash every tower
From here to the sea?

Dreams beckon you
A quest to find seething lines
Bravery isn't a trait I believed you lacked
You’re a lack of lies entitled to hunger
In a mouth of iron sleep

Timber wakes in the golden age
Maybe if I was bold like your key
I could carve myself a new shadow
And put my bets on the cold long promise to appear
Holding Atlas up as he holds the sky
Suspicion he described to me

You’ve been cornered by natural desire
Pillars of salt holding up your favors
Signs of a ruptured heart
Bleeding ‘neath your skin
But who shall rift your bruised weight?

I shifted through the gallowed falls
And found constellations inspired by my scars
But reality sunk my stone in the river
Deeper than the ground walks
Fear fires on mistake
Cravings of love in death

*It’s all in the sleight of hand
The sound of lights we miss.
699 · Nov 2015
LycanTheThrope Nov 2015
She was conceived of fire
And fate

Her long winter breath
Curling down
My hate

Mist on her fingers
Beach tides

Snow ladden leaves
In Autum's lie

She's sick of November
In grey

It's almost December
A wolf's prey

*Who would ever save a golden moon?
It's time to write again.
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
I hate that I love you, but you don't love me.
What have I done?

© Copywrite Lycan
695 · Jun 2015
The Sleeping Wolf
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Ѫ Can Ѫ
Ⴔ Wake Ⴔ
Փ Sleeping Wolf? Փ
Θ Gravity Θ
( Centered )
ϴ Stars ϴ
\/ Aligned \/
You are
ж My sense ж
⧭⧬ Of Conception ⧬⧭
Ͼ  Lovers of moonlight Ͽ
շ In A Reign շ
Ӿ Of Cedar Ӿ
||||| Shake |||||
||||||||| Shake |||||||||  
● Nail ●
⥀ To the ⥁
In the
փ Book of the Lion փ
Ψ Violence Ψ
I'm very fond of this one.

© Copywrite Lycan
686 · May 2015
LycanTheThrope May 2015
She had swapped her stolen soul,
Withe the 'Spirits of Saturn'
Her fractured heart,
Withe the 'Diamond Seas'.

I don't think I can stop this storm,
It's red hull churning,
Stirring the golden flakes for years on end.
Burning for four centuries now,
It finally starts to slow.
Time makes it harder.
I wish I could remember

The starlight,
Precious and pure        (Just like her promise)
Flows from her words
Cold and distant
Far off from here        (Just like my memories)
But it’s the moon,
That pulls her waters
It’s not the distance that counts

For me
Everything isn’t dark enough
Rings and winds,
Is the difference
Between us.
Iced over in methane,
Along the belt of Cetus
I’d still like to see
Eccentric descend.

When the eclipsed shrinking planet,
And the father of Jupiter
Gathered with our sister,
Who could tell no difference
Between night and day,
Aligned in serenade
Under the window of his lover.

Red with the ice of mars,
Seasons twice the length
And the largest with no seasons to bare
Ah, But it is the blue one,
Who didn’t get it’s chance
To shine
It’s moon was found.

The sun
3 hours before it’s seen
It is too far,
For something so small,
But far from insignificant.
And it stayed in place,
To watch
Jupiter ascend.

With the stars strung on my back,
I’ll go the length,
Just to show you,
That the
Eternal light
Can still be
From the farthest planets.
A poem for my Ahkira
© Copywrited
677 · Jul 2016
Evening Strewn Into Night
LycanTheThrope Jul 2016
Earlier today, my script was brought to life and shot on set.  Of course I was nervous, but everything went well even though we were pressed for time near the end of the shoot. My actors and actresses were fantastic, and I could not have asked for a better cast. I don’t think I could thank them enough for their efforts and they achieved much more than what I had hoped.  

     Even though the stress of shooting my film was gone by mid-evening, something someone had said to me earlier would not rid my mind.  I became restless and felt confided in my dorm; I needed a distraction.  Even though I could hear laughter just a few doors down as my hall had gathered for some “bonding event”, I opted to just be alone.

    I went outside, despite a slight drizzle that had snuck into the sunny day. I walked around campus and settled myself on the very right-end of an empty parking lot, just listening to music.  The sun had begun to dip down into an orange haze, setting the atmosphere blazing with yellows and greens.  It was simply astounding to see the city respond to the fading sun.  Cars went on their way home and the buildings lit up, incandescent lights shining much differently than the one burning in the sky.

      I sat and I watched, feeling content yet empty in a way I could never put into words.  There were so many things that took on a whole new form of life in the evening, how people spent their time as though it was through new meaning. Just to the left of me, I watched a couple slow dance to no music, just the light of the setting sun and the slow falling of rain.  I can honestly say that it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, and I was captivated as her teenage clothes still spun just as elegant as a dress.  It was something you saw in movies, and the simplicity of it made it more cherish able.  

     The sun dipped down, disappearing beneath the clouds and the orange beams went with it.  My mood suddenly shifted as the two was casted with more of a blue light, and I felt more as an intruder than an on-looker sharing in a blissful moment.  I quickly looked away from them and back to the city.

      As the evening strewn into night, the last few rays etched faces into the sky-scrapers, and I doubt I will ever see a man-made object illuminated in such natural beauty. I wanted to watch the clouds fade into the darkening sky, but I felt as though a bit of privacy for the couple held more importance.

      While I stared at the ground, I couldn’t help but think that if I was as careless with my footsteps as I was with my steps in life, then I for sure wouldn’t end up worth while.  I then looked up to view the path ahead of me, and saw a stunning rainbow had somehow drifted into the sky without my notice.  I sat on a concrete wall near the library until it faded.
      A fair amount of time had passed so I begun to walk back to the now-deserted parking lot.  The sun was completely gone by now, and the only source of light felt fake and over-bearing.

     Just off of the parking lot was an uncut and untidy field in which three people ran about, waving sparklers in the night air.  It was gratifying to see people older than I acting with a carefree spirit. I observed the three lighting sparkler after sparkler, chasing each other with untroubled laughter. Once more I felt an aching in my chest, but it was a beautiful kind of pain. I felt as though I was intruding on someone’s privacy again, so I headed back to my dorm.

    I couldn’t help but write about what occurred tonight, and I highly doubt I will ever experience anything like it again. I certainly won’t forget about it anytime soon.
Sun Set
668 · Jun 2015
A Pledge of Vengance
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Echoing hills can tell your past
A dark and fortuitous time
Stars will craft their best
And skies will lark the eve
Tell you haven't wasted your honor
On a ghost of linder
Retching a few minutes
To spare hearts an attachment
Condem me of all my reapful sins
A pledge to you
On this golden scribe
My honor and service
So that I may avenge this death
*In all the annals of time
Ehhhh stuff
©Copywrite Lycan
664 · May 2015
LycanTheThrope May 2015

I see the warmth
But feel the ice
I cannot touch
A storm to die
Frost grow faster
Shivers along my spine
The ice is breaking
  Cracking in thin lines
I don’t feel
That I’m slowly  f r e e z i n g
Ice in my veins
And I stop b r e a t h i n g
Nothing to touch
      Nothing to h-o-l-d
Why do I live in
A World So Cold?                                                                                        
S­ h a d o w s all around me
That I can feel
I cannot see
If they are real…
There is no end
There is no light
A broken soul
Without a fight
How can I see you
If there is no sun
But I can sense
That you're not the one
I shattered the surface
I killed the spark
I am forever alone
In A World So Dark                                                             ­                                   
Then I saw him
My breath was taken away
What could I do?
What could I say?
How did I miss him?
Was I too blind?
     Too see his perfect look
One of a kind?
I fell for him
But he caught my soul
He held me in his arms
  And made my heart whole
No longer cold and dark
No longer filled with regret
Because he’s in my life
In A World So Perfect.                                                                                        

Another old poem for an old friend.

© Copywrited
655 · Jun 2015
Waiting for Death
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Hard-wired to hold on
Forced to wait
Scouring spines
I can’t escape

I stepped into the unknown

Rugged teeth bite down on my flesh
Ripping me a gaping set
Drenched in blood and honesty
Convert it that to gunpowder too

My doubts tighten to a degree
Like rusty wires cutting my throat
Isn’t it already hard enough to swallow your beauty?

How can you tell I’m cold
If you’ve never touched my skin?
How can you tell I’m hurt
If there are no wounds?

Your voice is on the roof of my mouth

With every ounce of my blood left
And the very last of my breath in my lungs
I’ll let down my guard
And you’ll break me
My Mikoto
I guess answers aren't found in the pouring rain

© Copywrite Lycan
650 · Jun 2015
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Wolves don't play for keeps, they play for kills.

It is I who signed the contract,
A pledge of service
I ended my loyalty to my pack
I traded my royal fur for a pelt of fleas and mange,
Soaked with blood and ridden with scars.
A once noble leader heeded to the feet of men
My once padded paws were now too raw to scab over,
My prideful fangs now chipped and cracked
Tail between my legs
My ribs showing their attachment
My ears cut off
To show a dog of war
My head once held highest above them all
Now hung low in defeat
I had to watch cautiously,
They could lash out at anytime
Raking their daggers in my side
I was once a proud wolf
But I vowed my favor
Not knowing my eyes
Would lose their gold
And my soul
It’s value
That of royalty
Now bowed
To mortals
My pride
and pity
Was my
If you ask me now,
I'll tell you it was worth it.

© Copywrite Lycan
649 · May 2015
LycanTheThrope May 2015
You say you like me.
You say you want me.
You don't want to make a commitment.
Then that girl
The one I called my best friend.
She likes you
But it's okay
She can flirt with you
"I guess."
She can go ahead and claim you.
"You can't really do anything because you two aren't dating.
I can flirt with him as much as I want."
She can just spit that in my face.
And it's okay.
Oh this salt has never burned such open wounds.
Why don't you just drag a knife down my back.
So I'm just sitting here tearing myself apart.
The tears are running down my face
I have no one to turn to but you
But how can I talk to you of how I feel?
You do feel the same way about me like I do to you.
I'm not that mad.
I'm just utterly depressed.
Not because of what you think.
It's not because she's flirting with you,
It's because what she said is true
We're not together.
You're not mine
No matter how much I wish you were.

© Copywrited
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Ground hip bones
And sickened stones
Break a seal
The legacy of fear
Is the folding factor
Against the test of time
Part one

© Copywrite Lycan
627 · Jun 2015
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Burning is something beautiful
Flames licking the air
Trying to get ahold
Just a grasp
A handful of the night
It tries to hold it up
It has no real support
Yellow flames
White, and red
Orange and green,
Lowering to blue
Just like the Aurora Borealis
The coals smolder
When the fire flicks out
Embers glowing orange
All that's left is black and grey
Shale and ash
Coal black
Sparkling in the sun
It kills
It burns
It hurts
Everything in its path

Everything about fire
Is beautiful.

© Copywrite Lycan
601 · Sep 2015
Shallow Legends
LycanTheThrope Sep 2015
Her* skin catches *Twilight
Following granite constellations
Brewing cheap gold with royal bones

Admiring Gravity,
As he names loyalty a mistake

Inhale these guilty match strikes
And double the clashing of crows
Defiance sets the sun
Leaning destined liars savage

Immortality may be heartless,
But is her shadow is quite becoming

Tide stays with my soul
Pulling its ruby grooves to the branded moon

Legends belong with the Reaper’s pawns
Smoking oblivion into winter

Sadistic skylines
Greeting sickness,
With hostile charity.
Deprive betrayal their reason
Gems don’t shine in focus

Hollow depths,
As brittle as her throat
Coaxing words from her ghost lips

Searching for a sign of life
The water lines on nails
Winter flakes carry twisted; Single
Drenched in blood and ivory

I see fear, flashing in her shallow wolven eyes.

                                                        ­                                                          ~Lycan
Read all the bolded, and then the italicized
596 · Feb 2016
War Dog
LycanTheThrope Feb 2016
War Dog

I've tried to keep a close distance
But you left me behind.
Here I go
Walking down the street on my own
We are not the same.

Be true to me
Tell me I'm not alone
Prove to me
That you'll open the door
To let this war dog in
With his cut ears
Close up the hole
That tore through my skin
I'm a dog with a broken leg
Tendons too torn to mend.

"Trust me to take you home."

You'll put me to sleep.

I don't want to die alone.

You said you'd be there.

I won't fall in love with you this time.
591 · Jul 2015
LycanTheThrope Jul 2015
I've got some promises to keep

There's a degree of difficulty
In dealing with me
From my haunted past
Comes a daunting task
A midnight escape is stuck in my mind
There's not an open window I can find
Staring at the wall
Forgetting it all
I'll guard your heart and forget my own
To make up for the happiness you've shown
Whispering to him absently
I'm trying to prevent another tragedy
Wilting bones and herbal fear
Are all at once crystal clear
These fevered dreams
Bringing terror screams
What is running through your veins?
A blood that cause pain
I've drained your life that night
Alone with the dark sight
The fires set ablaze
Not even phased
When the smoke does pass
I'll rise from the ash
And show you a burning Phoenix free
But what if I can't be all that you need me to be?

Another night without sleep
588 · Jun 2015
No. 2 Enduring Eternity
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
Why is it raven closure
when all I want
is golden remarks
of your rich notions

I’m no poet
but I can think of a few words
to describe my love

We both have broke in serenade
and in silence

I may not show my clever temptations
to dark empathetic edges
But it never meant
I wasn’t writing lyrics

And when I’m wrapped up in the sun
enlighten me of your compromise with light
demonstrating a tongue-tied lie--
How many ****** bones
Wants your figure?

Are we wasting time
delivering sins
When we would have died
for living?

I don’t want to tell you
The sardonic fears I carry metrical with my trust
‘Cause Lord knows just how many
Times I’ve craved your body
Over your company
Loathing in my passion

envy can break--
us in every way imaginable

Souls are enduring spirits
That’s why they’re broken
(No one can piece it together)

I’ll keep the hounds at bay
If you learn to tame the deity inside
for me?

Because if that’s all your movemnt has to offer
Then you can forget it all  
(But if you can inscribe your soul, I’ll read. Write me your essance, become my Legend

<-You were mine for a night, but I held back, and regrets fill the emptiness you left in me->

*forgive me not
Movement No. 2.
Written on June 8th of 2015

I bit down on what wasn't mine
You are the only reason
I haven't fixed it
Don't talk, let me think it over.

© Copywrite Lycan
583 · Feb 2017
Ode I
LycanTheThrope Feb 2017
Now I just think about who else is kissing her.
I can't breathe because he only kisses her once.
He doesn't care if it's perfect.
You used to smile.
572 · Jun 2015
Dragons (1)
LycanTheThrope Jun 2015
I'm chasing dragons
Black on black
Even her eyes
Tell me I'm worthy
Liars aren't worth their weight
In gold
This dragon's got my hand
© Copywrite Lycan
570 · May 2015
Winter Has Fallen
LycanTheThrope May 2015

Winter has fallen

12 feet under my won problems
It's amazing how cold it feels
Ice spiraling up my back
The snowflakes cracking
But the ice is hollow
Frost-covered yet not completely frozen
The rime freezes my heart
Empties my essence
But keeps my soul warm

Fall will rise

I don't mind the cold that much.
My Mikoto

© Copywrited
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