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15.8k · Mar 2015
Judypatooote Mar 2015

Back in my day, children wore high top shoes.
Girls white, boys brown.
Because they gave you ankle support.

What would mom say now?
High tops are back.
But not for kids
there can't be any ankle support
For they have 7" heels
Some with a zipper up the back
And cut out pointed toes
With silver sparkles
What a difference 70 years makes
Now we should be back into high tops
Girls white, boys brown
Because they give you ankle support...

By judy
I just found a picture of me in high tops as a little girl.  That brought  on a poem....
8.3k · Apr 2014
Motor boat, motor boat...
Judypatooote Apr 2014
The creek out to our cottage
was right out our front door...

The boats were docked on down the line
with fishermen galore...

Motor boat, motor boat
putt, putting down the line...

I know you thought you were quiet
but I could hear you just fine...

I'd lay in bed and listen,
to the fishermen in the boat...

They would talk and laugh
and sometimes tell a joke...

I was just a little girl
wishing I was going with them...

But dad was at work, so there was no way
I'd just have to wait for that special day...

So I'd dream of the time
when I could jump in that boat.

with my fishing pole always ready
had a bobber ready to float...

by ~ judy
The smell of the gasoline from the engines of the motor boat was oddly comforting to me...I guess it was the smell and the purring of the putt putt engines...a memory...
6.7k · Feb 2015
Judypatooote Feb 2015

As a little girl my girl friends dad
Called me BIRDBRAIN....
And that never bothered me.
I knew it was a term of endearment.
Of course back then I didn't know
What endearment meant.
But I knew he was kidding...
His house was the fun house
Of the neighborhood.
His wife was an angel.
We had taffy pulls,
Mrs G made popcorn *****,
And lined up chairs
In front of the television
So we kids could watch
with a big bubble magnifying glass
And she served us bowls of popcorn.
Always something to do....
I went to the quarry one time with them
Looking for fancy rocks....
Mr. G, Mr. G is this a good one?
No Birdbrain, it's just sandstone...
He was a fancy rock collector...
The name Birdbrain was so special to me...
A name which was spoken with
I'm sure of that.....

By judy
Now I'm afraid if someone heard him call me birdbrain, he would be in trouble. Free speech is no longer a free...
4.7k · May 2015
Judypatooote May 2015
I'm telling you I love you,
and thank you for all the
loving things you did for me...

You were a mom who always
put me first.
I didn't realize it them...

I want to call you and say
go to the basement,
a storm is coming...

What is that recipe
for plum cake?
Oh and also the tomato pudding...

Thank you for being such
a wonderful grandma to
my children...

I miss you oh so much...

by ~ judy
A Mother's Day poem I wrote last year, to a mother who was so special and put first...
4.5k · May 2015
Judypatooote May 2015
Dress up days
I don't mean the times
They dressed up for Church
Or for special holidays
But the times they found
A long dress in their moms closet,
And their moms high heel shoes
Oh and the hats they found
In a hat box in the closet.
Please mom, please....
They were in seventh Heaven...
And the special box
In a best friends basement,
Filled with formals
And a box of high heels.
That insured them a great
Play day...
I grew up in
Dress up days
My girls grew up in
Dress up days
But this day and age
It seems there are
Dress up days
Filled with Princesses
Bought at Target
Or on Amazon.
Stealing the creative ability of a child.
They are expensive, beautiful
And they sparkle
I'm sure the little girls
Probably get more excited
Over Princess dresses
That sparkle
Then the ones that hang
Over their shoulders
And drag on the ground.
Either way, they can still
Have fun while singing
"I'm so fancy"

By Judy
dress up days that I remember
4.5k · Jan 2015
Judypatooote Jan 2015

The tooth fairy knows
When you loose that tooth
When my granddaughter
Lost her tooth
It was at Barry Bagels
With her other grandma
In the bathroom.
Dropped it
Couldn't find it
Grandma panicked
Granddaughter panicked
So home without a tooth
Sad granddaughter, sad grandma...
Her mommy saved the day...
A note under the pillow
From the tooth fairy
Dear Jenson
My tooth fairy friend found your tooth
And ask me to deliver your $ reward
With a little fairy dust added
And everyone was happy.
Wink wink....

By judy
Judypatooote Apr 2014
The smell of a newborn baby after a bath, all sprinkled with powder.
I don't think that smell will ever change.
A smell I will always remember...

My grandma Bertha would always smell like lavender.
I use to buy lavender soap, and hand cream because it made
me think of her.
A smell I will always remember...

My great uncle would make taffy, and one time I helped stretch it.
A smell I will always remember...

My mom would take me to dance class, and the building smelled
like Carmel.  Much later in life, I entered a building that had the same smell, and it brought back those old days.
A smell I will always remember...

When a storm was brewing in Lake Erie there was a smell of raging waters. A north eastern was coming - I could smell it.
A smell I will always remember...

The soothing sound of the motor boat passing by leaving the smell
of gasoline - why did that comfort me?
A smell I will always remember...

Walking down the beach, bear foot in the sand, and running across
a dried up dead fish.
A smell I will always remember...

My husband would always use Comet with bleach to clean out the
sink, tub and he would sprinkle it add a bit of water making it a
paste, and let it set for an hour.
A smell I will always remember...

Smell can bring back a memory, at least for me...some good, some bad, but these are a few of my favorite memories of smell...and when I smell them now, it sparks my memory.

by ~ judy
Judypatooote Apr 2014
Prom Time ~ Past...

What an exciting time it was.
High School Prom...
It seems like we girls were
More excited over this dance
Then those boys....
Mom i need a dress,
So mom would make me a dress.
New fancy earrings...
An evening made special
For a Cinderella... oh we girls
Were all in a make believe
Cinderella 1958
Curfew 12a.m. don't be late

Prom Time ~ Present...

My grandson was ask to prom
By a girl who baked him cupcakes
That spelled out PROM?
Very creative, who wouldn't
Except that invitation....
Limo picking them up,
Off to a restaurant,
Followed by dancing and gabbing,
And the after prom....
All night long, chaperones, snacks, games.
Curfew ~ morning ... don't be late... 2014

The Prom was and is what you make it...A MEMORY

by ~ judy
3.4k · Feb 2015
Judypatooote Feb 2015
Chirping crickets...

As a little girl....
I remember hearing this sound
In our living room
I ask my mom
Because mom knew everything
What is that?
She called it a cricket
mom thought crickets chirping
Was music to her ears
I remember her saying
Listen! Listen!
It's singing to us
And she was smiling
I never saw the cricket
Just heard it chirping...
One day as mom moved our davenport
Away from the wall
To dust the mop boards
She found that this chirping cricket
Was eating away at our davenport....
Now that's  what I call
"Singing for your supper"
If only we had GOOGLE back then.

By Judy
I said this before and I'll say it only takes one word to toss me a memory.
3.3k · Mar 2014
Seagulls Roaming....
Judypatooote Mar 2014
Seagulls roaming on the sand
Waiting for the crumbs from man...

They swoop on down around your head
Enjoying their freedom, so it's said...

They love to join you while you fish
Diving down for the ones you miss...

Many Seagulls gather around
Lots of squawking going on...

by ~ Judy
Memories of my youth at our cottage...
2.8k · Apr 2015
Judypatooote Apr 2015
The caterpillar looks like a wiggly worm...
With stripes of color, she makes me squirm...
She has patience while sitting upon a stem...
Dodging the animals, and legs of man...
Her color is vivid, of black, yellow and green...
She'll turn into a butterfly, her beauty to be seen...

by ~ Judy
I'm sorry I'm cheating. I wrote this and posted it last year. I think my brain is on I hope you don't mind a few repeats.
2.8k · Apr 2014
Fishy, Fishy...
Judypatooote Apr 2014
Fishy, fishy in the brook.
Daddy catch him on a hook.
Mommy fry him in a pan.
Baby eat him like a man.

Author unknown.
This is a little poem my mom always said to me.
2.8k · Feb 2015
Judypatooote Feb 2015

Back in the 1940's when I was young
Valentines Day was so special

Everything was homemade
from the Valentine box,
the Valentines,
and Valentine cookies.

As the room mother one year
my mom was asked to make a large
Valentine Box

I remember the doilies that we
colored in, we had ruffles,
glitter on little hearts,
everything was pink, white and red.

The big Valentine box was put on
the teachers desk
Then as each child came in
they deposited their Valentines
in the beautiful Valentine Box.

I can't remember seeing the teacher
remove the Valentines from the box
but somehow she did, and a couple
of us kids got to pass out the cards.

We took them home in a paper bag.

But first we opened them up....
Always excited to see if we got
a special one from someone special...

Did you get one from Jimmy,
or best friend Sue
Here's  one from the teacher
with a sucker too...

As the years passed by, and I became a mother
I helped my children make their own
small Valentine Box.
With Doilies, red hearts and
the most important part was glitter....
and they came home from school
filled with cards picked up at the
Valentine Store...

as years passed on
the Grandkids were more creative.
A Valentine Box
that looked like
a Lady Bug
each year they became more creative.

none as beautiful in my eyes
as the big large Valentine Box
my mom made.


by judy
2.7k · Jun 2020
Judypatooote Jun 2020
Sometimes we need something besides Covid19 and Protest's. So today sending you a thought...Can you remember special smells?


The smell of a newborn baby after a bath, all sprinkled with powder.
I don't think that smell will ever change.
A smell I will always remember...

My grandma Bertha would always smell like lavender.
I use to buy lavender soap, and hand cream because it made
me think of her.
A smell I will always remember...

My great uncle would make taffy, and one time I helped stretch it.
A smell I will always remember...

My mom would take me to dance class, and the building smelled
like Carmel.  Much later in life, I entered a building that had the same smell, and it brought back those old days.
A smell I will always remember...

When a storm was brewing in Lake Erie there was a smell of raging waters. A north eastern was coming - I could smell it.
A smell I will always remember...

The soothing sound of the motor boat passing by leaving the smell
of gasoline - why did that comfort me?
A smell I will always remember...

Walking down the beach, bear foot in the sand, and running across
a dried up dead fish.
A smell I will always remember...

My husband would always use Comet with bleach to clean out the
sink, tub and he would sprinkle it add a bit of water making it a
paste, and let it set for an hour.
A smell I will always remember...

Smell can bring back a memory, at least for me...some good, some bad, but these are a few of my favorite memories of smell...and when I smell them now, it sparks my memory, again...

by ~ judy
Judypatooote May 2014
Growing up way back
when life was simple.
There were wringer wash machines.
On Monday morning I remember my mom
fill the wash machine with hot water.
Add soap powder, but watch or it will clump.
Then she added fels naptha soap
Which was a bar, and you sliced off
pieces for the extra ***** clothes.


Now she added the clothes
While they are agitating
You wait...
You have a second tub filled with hot water.
to transfer those clothes into, for rinsing.
You always used the same water over.
You started with white clothes,
then eventually by the time the
dark clothes  came around
the water looked pretty gross..


After rinsing you use that magical wringer.
Which is two rollers that sqeeze all the water out. all takes time..
Then into the wash basket.

Laundry back when life was simple...

By then your basket if full of wet heavy clothes.
Out to the clothes line.
But first you had to run a dry cloth to wipe
the dirt off the clothes line.
Hanging up all that laundry
with those cute wooden clothes pins.
Not even clip ones were invented back then.
But the bag which held all the clothes pins
was real cute, it looked like a dress...


Socks, ******, shirts, slacks, towels,
oh those heavy towels
and my favorite the sheets.
Time, it takes time to dry those clothes.

Laundry back when life was simple.

Back then everything was ironed.
Starched and there was no spray starch,
or steam iron.
Mom would dip the collars of the shirts
into a bowl of starch,
and roll it up,
it was ready to be ironed.

Laundry back when life was simple...
How can that be a simple time.
I watched my mom and grandma
do this every Monday.
Starting early and it would be evening
when she would finally have
the clothes folded and put away...
The next day was for ironing.

We have the simple life
for now we can throw in a load, have it washed,
thrown in the dryer, and hung up
in a couple of hours.
Taking a coffee break in between
the washing and drying...

by ~ judy
Do our kids know how easy they have it...this was not
my experience, but I watched my mom and grandma
do this every week...never giving it a second thought.
God Bless you moms and grandmas whose work
was never done....
Judypatooote May 2015
While relaxing in my chair
And looking outside
I thought I saw
Something small fly by.
What was that?
I ask myself
So I got up to check
And to my surprise.
Sitting on a leaf
Was a beautiful fairy
She was Looking around.
I said HI
She said HI
She said her name was
And she was loosing her SPARKLE.
She look so sad.
I've lost my way
To my friends house she said
For she was having a tea party.
I even reserved a mushroom
To sit upon
By the time I find her
They'll all be gone.
SPARKLE told me that without her Sparkle
She couldn't see very well,
Now what will I do?
I invited her in for a cup of tea
A cup called WildChiald...
And as she sipped her tea
She described where her friend lived.
Under a pine tree
At a place called The Shrine.
Oh my dear SPARKLE I said
Follow me...
She jumped on my shoulder,
And we ran out the door.
I took her to her friends house
With fairies galore.
There was an empty mushroom,
Her SPARKLE came back
She turned to me
Even if it's a Fairy

By Judy
This is one of my favorite poems that I wrote...a bit of the child in me coming out.
2.4k · Mar 2014
In your Easter Bonnet...
Judypatooote Mar 2014
In your Easter Bonnet, with all the frills upon it.
An Easter bonnet on every girls head
Pink, green, yellow and some times red...

Some had bright flowers, set on the side
Others had ribbon, wrapped around and tied...

It was a beautiful sight, those colorful hats
Setting pretty on moms, daughters, and sometimes the cat...

By ~ judy
Every cat should have a hat...
2.2k · Apr 2014
Judypatooote Apr 2014
I had a reading by a Medium
who talked to my husband.
What is a Medium, I ask...
For I was clueless.
Why they are a psychic
who see and talk to a spirit
of a loved one perhaps?
Sure they do...
This is crazy...
But OK, I'll have a reading.
Well he saw my husband.
Did your husband like to garden?
Why yes he did.
So after a few more
why yes he dids
he told me that my husband
said to look for
a dragonfly and know that it
will be him sending me his love.
OK, thank you.
I hadn't seen a dragonfly in years.
so I left the building
walked to my car
and there sitting on the drivers side
of my car on the mirror was
a dragonfly...he fluttered his wings
as I stood and stared at him.
Then off he flew...
That was just the beginning.
They were everywhere after that.
I was working in my craft room
and looked up as one landed on
the screen of my window.
Just looking in, for at least 15 minutes.
At the swimming pool, one would
zoom on down by me as I was
in the water swimming.
It seemed that everywhere I went
After that reading by the Medium
I saw a dragonfly.
A coincidence? Perhaps...
Because seeing a dragonfly
whether real or not, brought me comfort
and I could feel my husbands love...

by ~ judy
When you loose a family member to death, or even a friend,
sometimes something happens, whether real or not, to make you feel close to them...a silly old dragonfly worked for me last summer.
2.1k · May 2014
Judypatooote May 2014

A ~ one of a kind

C ~ CRAZY Clown
L ~ LAZY Clown

A Clown can make one happy
A Clown can look very sad
A Clown can be called Apple Annie
And wear an Apple on her head.

A Clown comes with many names
It depends on who they are.
There was a Hobo Clown named Emmett Kelly, Jr.
Who always made me sad,
for he wore old rags, and walked real slow,
But he wasn't very scary, for that I was real glad.

And then there was BOZO the clown
Whose horn he beeped, and beeped and beeped
At least he was a funny Clown,
He never wore a frown.

The scary one was Penneywise the dancing Clown
From the movie IT...
He was the scariest Clown I ever saw
Fingers real long, and he lived in a sewer.
Now since I love dancing, one would
think he was my favorite...for he was
called the dancing Clown.
But when he climbed out of the sewer,
and hid behind the doors,
Let me tell you folks,
I wasn't watching any more...

But let me add my favorite Clown
Her name is Polka Dot...
She's been my friend for 60 years
She keeps me laughing, even when
she's not in costume...
Polka Dot's real name is Ginney Jean
She IS A CLOWN my favorite kind of friend.

by ~ judy
Judypatooote Feb 2015
While relaxing in my chair
And looking outside
I thought I saw
Something small fly by.
What was that?
I ask myself
So I got up to check
And to my surprise.
Sitting on a leaf
Was a beautiful fairy
She was Looking around.
I said HI
She said HI
She said her name was
And she was loosing her SPARKLE.
She look so sad.
I've lost my way
To my friends house she said
For she was having a tea party.
I even reserved a mushroom
To sit upon
By the time I find her
They'll all be gone.
SPARKLE told me that without her Sparkle
She couldn't see very well,
Now what will I do?
I invited her in for a cup of tea
A cup called WildChiald...
And as she sipped her tea
She described where her friend lived.
Under a pine tree
At a place called The Shrine.
Oh my dear SPARKLE I said
Follow me...
She jumped on my shoulder,
And we ran out the door.
I took her to her friends house
With fairies galore.
There was an empty mushroom,
Her SPARKLE came back
She turned to me
Even if it's a Fairy

By Judy
There is nothing more fascinating then a beautiful fairy.  So tiny and the imagination can make her into a real beauty...that's the child in me
2.0k · Oct 2014
Carving that pumpkin
Judypatooote Oct 2014
Carving a pumpkin
It's that time of year
Should it look happy
Or should it show fear

Years ago my pumpkin
Had smiling eyes
A nose shaped like
A diamond
And a mouth filled
With carved teeth
A candle inside
Shining to show his smile

Years later the pumpkin
Turned into a creative jack o lantern
Made by my kids, for there kids.
A contest
Mom and son against
Dad and daughter
Once They made THE BEATLES
singing there songs
It was quite a creation
They couldn't go wrong
and once they made KISS
with there tongue's hanging out
They used there imagination
It made me want to shout
And each year was a different look
Shhhhh!   Don't tell the other
It was a surprise.....
I have seen the most creative pumpkins ever posted on pinterest or facebook...they brought back memories of some of my kids creations. The one thing i miss is roasting those pumpkin seeds...would they taste as good as i remember
Judypatooote Mar 2015
All I want for my Birthday is...

Went shopping with my daughter
To find a present for her niece.
And My Granddaughter...
What to get?
Checking out dolls,
So many pretty Barbies
In beautiful ball gowns
What about a game I ask...
Finally my daughter called
To ask her what she would like.
Let me add she is 6 years old
Her reply was
Mascara, an iPhone,
Monster High doll
I still am laughing at this she doesn't wear make up, or drink coffee...
1.8k · Mar 2015
Judypatooote Mar 2015

On the first day of SPRING I would look for the first CROCUS to pop up....sometimes through the snow.

And the GRAPE HYACINTH, oh so little and purple...they would even pop up through the ivy...that strong ivy which took over everything in the yard
Nothing smells better than the MOCK ORANGE BUSH. One with dark green leaves and beautiful white flowers, and one with light green leaves and the same beautiful flowers...

And behind the tree, I would find a stray TULIP blooming, stiill in it's ***...Is that the one I threw out last year the one I thought was dead?

The smells of Easter when you walk into a store that sells flowers...LILLIES, TULIPS, HYACINTH, and SWEET VIOLETS.... I worked at Franks Nursery for 7 years and enjoyed those smells every SPRING.

And looking out into the field next door that was filled with the SWEET VIOLETS...purple  clusters and as I walked out to check them out I would find a patch of WHITE VIOLETS.

This special memory of SPRING FLOWERS, is a wonderful memory of hubby. Unfortunately he passed away the day after he planted all his Spring flowers. But for years I would go out to find them blooming, knowing he was smiling down on me.... Now the ivy took over, and I moved away, but never forgetting the FIRST day of SPRING and the FIRST CROCUS to pop up.
time changes some things but never the smell of flowers...
1.8k · May 2015
Judypatooote May 2015
Change can mean
So many things.
The loss of a loved one...
The birth of a loved one..
The sale of a house
You grew up in.
All those childhood memories.
The sale of a house
You raised your kids in.
The yard that had maple trees
And flowers which was
Planted with love.
A firepit that was a place
For neighborhood gatherings.
Old home has new owner
New look, new yard
Everything has CHANGED..
CHANGE.....can be Sad, and beautiful.
New home, new friends
Added to old friends
A new set of memories to make....
CHANGE is just a way of life...

By judy
So many changes in life...I feel lucky to have been able to experience them, and keep them in my memory box called my brain...
1.7k · Mar 2015
Judypatooote Mar 2015
In your Easter Bonnet, with all the frills upon it.
An Easter bonnet on every girls head
Pink, green, yellow and some times red...

Some had bright flowers, set on the side
Others had ribbon, wrapped around and tied...

It was a beautiful sight, those colorful hats
Setting pretty on moms, daughters, and sometimes the cat...

By ~ judy

Every cat should have a hat...
1.6k · Nov 2014
Judypatooote Nov 2014

A granddaughter whose life was taken too soon.
She was 17
A granddaughter whose had a heart of gold.
She could never be mean.
She suffered 2 years with cancer.
But didn't let that stop her.
On her way home from chemo
She had to stop for taco's.
She got her drivers license at 16
And was always lost.
She'd call her i'm lost...
Where are you mom would ask.
Down by 7-11
Your right around the corner.
She loved her STARBUCKS...
She loved life.
She made people laugh
In a very innocent way.
Yesterday was her birthday.
She would have been 27...
Hopefully HEAVEN is as beautiful as you imagined.
A Tropical paradise.
Sending you a hug and a Starbucks...
Love, granny
It!s been 10 years. I miss seeing this adorable face. It's so hard to understand why she was taken from us.
1.6k · Mar 2015
Judypatooote Mar 2015
I remember when I was in grade school
Which is now called middle school
That first warm day
I would rush home from school
Run upstairs and dig out my shorts
From the  cedar chest
Where mom store our summer clothes.
They always smelled like cedar,
But it didn't matter
It was spring and warm outside.
And I was determined to wear shorts.
But mom was cautious
It's too early she would say...
Your going to get sick
That is what they thought back then
There was nothing better then
Slipping on your shorts
on the first warm day of Spring  
running down to a friends
And calling their name
Can you come out to play
There was nothing like the smell
And the warmth of

by Judy
I still get that feeling on the first warm day, but no cedar chest, just totes, and no more shorts, but I will dig out a few capris...and I want to plant flowers...
1.6k · Jan 2015
Judypatooote Jan 2015
The mattress...

We've come along way
Getting that mattress just right
Growing up with box springs
Bare metal in the box on the bottom
On top was mattress filled with something that felt lumpy
But once a month my mom would flip over that mattress


Everything was boxed in
Finally you couldn't see the springs
But they were added to the top mattress too,
I know that because I felt them start to work their way out.
But never fear there was always
A sheet of foam that looked like waffles
that you could throw on top
And getting flipped over, down to once a year.


Comfort began and they looked pretty
I should be able to sleep the whole night through
They must be Sealy....
But waiting for that comfort to begin CAME AGE
No more flipping that mattress over
now I'm just happy if I can flip out of bed

But I'm happy to say that I have a memory pillow
But I'm sad to say that I think my memory pillow
is absorbing my memory....

By judy
A middle of the night thought...
1.5k · Mar 2014
The Neighbor Kids....
Judypatooote Mar 2014
The neighbor kids
come down to play...
On a warm and sunny
Summer day...

We would each get into
the small wash tub...
with a splish and a splash
and sometimes a shove...

With our suits stretched out
and hanging down...
the shower cap made
me look like a clown...

the tub was small
and we squeezed in three...
Duane and carol
and there always was me...

by ~ judy
summer fun, when I was young...
1.5k · Aug 2014
The Dining Room Table
Judypatooote Aug 2014
What ever happened to that dining room table?
As a child
The dining room table
Was my play house.
It was a big table
With legs on all four corners.
My dog Trixie and I
Would spend a lot of time
Under that table.
Mom was making drapes
On top of the table..
The radio was on with all the old shows.
But I was busy dressing
Trixie up in old baby clothes.
I even had room to pull
The little doll buggy under this table.
I had a dog that was
Quite content being lazy in the buggy.

What ever happened to that dining room table?
We always had that dining room table
Filled with family on holidays.
Lots of food on the top...
Mom was a great cook.
Her specialities were
Pork roast, tomato pudding
And plum cake...
Dad would have German music
Playing in the background.

What ever happened to that dining room table?
It was old, and traded in for a new model.
Which also had four legs on each corner.
Was blond oak, and very modern.
My memory of that one,
Is of my kids, playing games,
Eating snacks and also
Holidays filled with family,
Eating moms pork roast,
Tomato pudding, and plum cake.
And I added Pink Stuff.  

What ever happened to that dining room table?
House sold...
Left, only the memories...

By Judy
The one thing I regret is not inheriting my moms great cooking skills....but the good news is, my daughter did....
1.5k · Mar 2015
Judypatooote Mar 2015
Today is a day when we celebrate
whether we're IRISH or not
It just seems like the thing to do...
It is my favorite color.
Where ever you go
You see people who hauled out that
GREEN shirt with a large
leprechaun drinking beer on it.
Once a year they wear that shirt
It will last forever
Some dye their hair GREEN
And drink GREEN Beer
Jigs I do love that
I wonder why... Its not GREEN.
But tomorrow I will take my
Shamrock off my front door
And my crazy profile picture
along with the shamrock banner,
down on f/b....

By judy
I'm just rambling...
1.5k · Dec 2014
Judypatooote Dec 2014
Growing up with
Tap dance, toe tap, singing lessons.
Even a year of modeling thrown in.
Did I appreciate them?
Probably not...
But my mom did...
She had to, otherwise she wouldn't
Have taken me on the bus,
Each week to each class.
Made me all my costumes
And repeated the phrase
"Did you practice yet?"
Why does it take the
Age of a grandma
Who is watching her daughters
Dragging their daughters
To dance, singing, play practice,
And wondering do they
Appreciate what their
Mother is doing?
Probably not...
Just went to a play that my granddaughter was in and it made me think about what my mom did for me ... For all the work that my daughter put into this play, helping her daughter. It takes the grandma to appreciate....
1.5k · Apr 2014
My summers at the cottage...
Judypatooote Apr 2014
My summers at the cottage
were usually spent alone...
for there were no other kids
and there wasn't even a phone...

I would wander by the water
collect colored glass I found in the sand...
and mom would have me weeding
the weeds upon her land...

I always played a gymnast
while walking on fallen trees...
I'd dig up clay beneath the sand
and that would make me sneeze...

My dad would take me for a ride
in our Lyman boat...
we'd go out onto the water
and sometimes just sit and float...

He would always find a fishing pole
laying in the hatch...
and because of me, yes little me
we always came back with a catch...

by ~ judy
This is the way it was....
1.5k · Jul 2014
Storybook dolls
Judypatooote Jul 2014
I was A little girl
Who loved dolls
I had a collection
Of storybook dolls
Some with beautiful dresses.
Also a cowgirl,
Whose name was Irma.
Whenever my grandma
Went on a trip,
She would return
With a special doll,
Just for me.
One time my dad
Stopped at a bar
On his way home from work,
And the bartender
Was a lady
Who made a doll
With a beautiful crochet dress.
Yellow, and full.
I was so excited
To think that my daddy
Would buy me a doll
At a bar....
Mom not so happy...
My collection grew.
The only disadvantage
Every Saturday morning
Before noon
I had to take them off my large shelf
And dust them...
But the advantage
I listened to Buster Brown,
Fibber Magee and Molly,
And many other radio shows.
But I still hate dusting...
Judypatooote Jun 2014
My dad lost his arm to cancer.
He was 61 years old,
did he let that get him down?
Heck NO...
The day he came home from the hospital
minus one shoulder and arm,
he jumped on his bike and rode
it down to our house,
which was a long block away.
balance, how did he do it?

Dad was always included in
all our neighborhood parties.
if he was sitting in my backyard,
he would be drinking a cup of coffee
with Jim, my husband.
If he was sitting in my neighbor Dennys backyard
he would be drinking a beer
with Denny.

Dad worked as a machine repairman
with out his arm for two more years.
Because he was good.
Dad bowled two times a week with one arm,
and he walked out at the Park
the days he didn't bowl.

My amazing dad, with one arm and no shoulder,
built my kitchen cupboards,
put up a ceiling in the basement,
build doll houses for my daughter
and the neighbor girl,
and also one for a church raffle.

My dad went to church every Sunday,
and when he was so ill,
the nun would visit dad and mom,
mom would play the *****,
beer barrel polka,
while the nun and my dad danced.

He was known by many, taught kids
how to bowl, including my son.

This is a tribute to my daddy
named Fritz....

by ~ judy
Judypatooote Jun 2014
You look at a violet
in a field growing free
the color of purple
is a sight to see.
But that violet creeps closer
and jumps in your grass,
and you can't seem to **** them
they just last and last...

You look at Queen Annes lace
my favorite ****, for it's white and lacey
and reminds me of Edelweiss.
Mix it with a field of violets
and what a sight to be seen.
But as a ****, it just won't leave
they pop up everywhere,
just like the sweet violets...

You look at a field of dandelions
bright yellow everywhere.
It's really quite beautiful
as I sit and stare.
I think how can this beauty
be called a ****?
but when the fuzz flies
and up pops a single dandelion
I then know it's a ****.

by judy
I always called my weeds my wildflowers, for really that is what they are...
Judypatooote May 2015
The memories that were made around
My husband had a great idea
I'll build a FIREPIT
It will be like camping.
So with the help of my dad
They dug the hole,
Added built in benches
It was grand...
We had breakfast, hotdogs, chili
Oh yes, Marys chili
She made it on our FIREPIT
We  added neighbors, and all our kids.
Of course samores were a big hit.
One night we hauled the little
Black and white TV out there
And watched THE BLOB....
With our just popped popcorn.
Back then SCARY.......
The stories that were told
Around that FIREPIT
Solving the worlds problems
Which seemed pretty simple back then.
The neighborhood was like a family.
The FIREPIT was a gathering place
for laughing, sharing stories,
And eating....
By judy
A simple time when kids joined their parents, with conversations, laughing and sharing stories...
1.4k · Apr 2014
Judypatooote Apr 2014
In your Easter Bonnet, with all the frills upon it.
An Easter bonnet on every girls head
Pink, green, yellow and some times red...

Some had bright flowers, set on the side
Others had ribbon, wrapped around and tied...

It was a beautiful sight, those colorful hats
Setting pretty on moms, daughters, and sometimes the cat...

By ~ judy

Every cat should have a hat...
I'm reposting this for Easter
1.4k · Jun 2015
Judypatooote Jun 2015
When did I start my worry list?
As a child I didn't have to worry, that was mom's job.
But what did she have to worry about.
Certainly not me.
Dad had a job,  and was a happy fella
We did have a TV
With a bubble screen
But she never watch that.
She didn't like cowboy shows or wrestling
An There was no news...
That's it.....
That's when my worry list started...
I became a mom of four children
What did I have to worry about
certainly not them
But then I watch the news
My children have grown
but then I have nine grandchildren
And so my worry list continues on
shootings at schools
children abducted
So many tragedies on news
From tornadoes to plane crashes
Car crashes, Forest fires, Terrorists,
Children with a rare cancer
With no cure...
why, why do I watch the news?
So I know what to worry about?
Or just because I'm a mom and a grandma

My granddaughter named me

By Judy
As I sit and watch the news, I feel a bit of "what if's" . When I think about a simpler time when there was no media....things just happened, but life is a challenge this day...or maybe it's age...
1.3k · Jul 2014
Judypatooote Jul 2014
Do those words still apply?
It seems that the words now are,
Children are so amazing
With there knowledge.
They have baby computers,
To learn there A,B,C's
A Kindle to play learning games
Or to read a book...
Dora the Explorer
To learn a foreign language.
There is T-Ball, baseball, soccer
For exercise.
Will they know how to sign their name?
And now there is on line education....
What some and I say some
Children lack is IMAGINATION...
RESPECT....and the freedom to give a HUG...
Nothing is,
Anymore at least to
Some and I say some grandmas...
Because we grandmas lost the freedom
To give a  SHY ~ BASHFUL child
A HUG...
Just saying...
1.3k · Mar 2014
A Cat and Mouse....
Judypatooote Mar 2014
I look out on the field so brown.

Theirs nothing but a cat around.

He sits and stawks a little mouse

Whose hiding inside his little house.

The cat is hungry, it’s plain to see..

For a fat juicy mouse would surely be

A delicious dinner for his family.

by ~ judy
1.3k · Aug 2015
Judypatooote Aug 2015

Finding an old friend
from years ago
when we were young
and not so slow...


We would pass in the hallway
on our way to class
saying "hi" with a smile
as we walked past..


It's Friday night
are you going to the game?
Of course lets meet
on the corner of Starr and Main


We would meet our classmates
in the stadium to cheer
Warm in our mouton coats
The 50's were good years...


The game would be over
we'd walk home in the dark
back to the corner
where we would then part...


Now to the stadium
we still go
but now our grandkids
are putting on the show...

by judy
Oh what a difference years make. When we could walk by ourself and never fear that danger was near. If i could bring back anything from the olden days it would be that feeling of never having to look behind you, or whats around the corner, and who to trust.
1.3k · Mar 2015
Judypatooote Mar 2015
It's the first day of SPRING today.
But how do we know it?

It's the first day of SPRING today.
But it doesn't show it.

It's the first day of SPRING today.
The snow is melting,
Melting, melting
The grass is brown,
Just look around.
The sun is shining,
I'm happy to say,
It's going to be a good day today...

And the calendar says!

by - judy
I wrote this last year, but the same thing is true today...
Judypatooote Feb 2015
Isn't it Grand?

We had a rolling kitchen door,
and I would play elevator.
All by myself...

Going Up!

Because as a child the
elevators in the stores
had an elevator operator,
who would call out the floors,
and they had beautiful
music playing, that is why it is
called elevator music...

Isn't it Grand?

I would get in my dads Mercury
car, grab a cattail from the ditch
and pretend I was driving to the carryout.
I'd pretend the music was playing
while pretending to be smoking
the cattail...I even would put my
arm out the window
pretending it was the turn signals.
All by myself...

Slowing Down!

My dad would take me to the carryout,
in the summer while at the cottage.
I would always con him into buying me
Chocolate Cow pop, and a sucker...
Worth the ride...

Isn't it Grand?

While at the cottage, to pass time away,
I would walk down the beach
where trees had fallen into the water.
In my mind I was a gymnast.
I would jump on the tree which
was large and old with big branches
sticking out of the water.
I would hold my arms out to the side,
sing a song and walk like a gymnast...
All by myself...


If I got bored, mom would have me
weeding the sand, down on the beach.
so if I complained, then my mom would
Use her Imagination...

Isn't it grand?

by ~ Judy
Judypatooote Feb 2016
Hopalong Cassidy

When I was a little girl
Hopalong Cassidy
Was my hero
I would watch him on the television  
Riding his horse Topper
And then
Hiding behind chairs
Running from one to the other
Shooting the bad guys
With my finger gun.
One birthday my mom surprised me
With a whole Hopalong Cassidy outfit.
I had a vest with fringe,
The cowgirl skirt, the hat
And best of all
A Hopalong Cassidy WATCH
And a silver play gun in a holster
In my imagination
Back in the 40's
To play Cowboys and Indians
To shoot the bad guys
With a finger gun
Or a silver play gun
To use the word Indians
Without offending anyone
So Sad that kids can't play
Cowboys and Indians anymore
Because you wouldn't know
If that gun was real

By judy
I wrote rhis poem when i read an artical on a 5 year old boy who was exspelled from his school for pointing is finger at another student and saying bang bang.  What a different world we live in now compared to back when...
1.2k · Mar 2015
Judypatooote Mar 2015
Hopalong Cassidy

When I was a little girl
Hopalong Cassidy
Was my hero
I would watch him on the television  
Riding his horse Topper
And then
Hiding behind chairs
Running from one to the other
Shooting the bad guys
With my finger gun.
One birthday my mom surprised me
With a whole Hopalong Cassidy outfit.
I had a vest with fringe,
The cowgirl skirt, the hat
And best of all
A Hopalong Cassidy WATCH
And a silver play gun in a holster
In my imagination
Back in the 40's
To play Cowboys and Indians
To shoot the bad guys
With a finger gun
Or a silver play gun
To use the word Indians
Without offending anyone
So Sad that kids can't play
Cowboys and Indians anymore
Because you wouldn't know
If that gun was real
A memory of when life was simple and fun. Of course it was, I was a child.
1.1k · Oct 2015
Judypatooote Oct 2015
Those AUTUMN LEAVES keep falling down,
And around the corner you might see a clown.
Or perhaps a scary witch, with a green face,
Its a vision you might want to simply erase.
Oh look there's a princess wearing a crown,
Followed by a fairy, twirling around.
There's pumpkins, ghost, so many sights,
To help us remember it's HALLOWEEN night.

by judy
It seems like costumes have changed so much, not only scary, but gory...are you real?... And then you see a little child so cute, as cute as a honey bug...
1.1k · Apr 2015
Judypatooote Apr 2015
It's Easter morning
I can hear my kids say...

Whose going to find
All the eggs today...

Did he hide them outside
Behind a tree...

Under a branch
Just waiting for me...

Or inside when
We were asleep...

He was mighty quiet
I didn't hear a peep...

Check behind the flowers
On the TV...

He usually leaves one
There for me...

Yes, the bunny was busy
He had quite a load...

How does he do it?
It's Magic I'm told...

by ~ Judy
Since this is a busy time for me and my brain is on pause, I thought I'd  repost this one from last year....have a great EASTER Poetry friends... Judy
1.1k · Mar 2014
A Cute little squirrel...
Judypatooote Mar 2014
Up on the roof top, a squirrel sat.
I stared at him, and he'd stare right back...

He shook his bushy tail, and across the roof he'd run.
but there he was again, I think he thought it fun...

He'd make a funny noise, like he was scolding me.
Again he shook his tail, and ran away with glee...

The next time that I saw him he was climbing in my tree.
This cute little squirrel, was playing a game you see...

by ~ Judy
True story....
1.1k · Jan 2016
Judypatooote Jan 2016
When your an only child
and have a dog,
that dog becomes your best friend.
My dogs name was Trixie
a little fox terrier
who was as gentle
as a best friend could be.
We would sit underneath
the dining room table
while mom sewed, and
I would dress Trixie up
in baby clothes
and push her around
in my doll buggy.
As a best friend
Trixie just layed there
like she knew she should.
Why should she,
because I talked her into it.
Dogs understand things
more than we realize.
One Christmas Eve
Trixie ate a whole bowl of
chocolate German *** Candy.
Imported from Germany
She lived to wag her tail for us.
that candy had real *** in it.
She wagged her tail, and staggered
as she walked.
Trixie never chewed up things,
or bothered anything,
it was Christmas Eve
and I think that the devil
told her to do it....
My best friend Trixie
lived for many, many years
and they say chocolate can
**** a dog, and certainly
*** didn't seem like it
was made for a dog.
Having Trixie as my best friend
made my childhood days
really fun.

By judy
A childhood memory.
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