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Aug 2023 · 648
Em Glass Aug 2023
The young Earth sleeps a fitful sleep.
Her oceans, rivers, dreams grow deep.
Her people shout and she can’t wake
Until her fitful fever breaks.
May 2023 · 147
Arms full
Em Glass May 2023
Like a glacier must flow,
I need you to know some things you can’t see.

It’s going to be different for me.
I had to fight so hard to be happy,
to be proud. And I did,
and now I can’t put it down.
So what I need you to know is this:
I’ll still be holding it.
I will hold your hand up to my eyes
and marvel at how it looks in mine,
and I will be happy, and I will be proud,
and I will do my best not to think
about what feelings one is allowed.
And I will hold on, but to do so
I will put no part of me down.

I kindly ask you to remember that
my arms will be a little full always already.
(but not too full)
Apr 2023 · 154
Em Glass Apr 2023
The side of my face
that was facing the sun
knows about being burned
slowly by a loved one.
day 92
Apr 2023 · 132
Day 91
Em Glass Apr 2023
The thing about doves
is that they’re pigeons.
The thing about grass
is that it itches.
The thing about love
is that it is made of glass
and not religion. Anyway,
I’ll see you after class
Apr 2023 · 136
Approached in good faith
Em Glass Apr 2023
How he holds his hands
in front of him, palms out,
speaking softly as if to a
spooked wild creature,
reassuring it he won't
approach too quickly.
That he is safe.
How I've waited to be
approached in good faith.
How I've sat at the window,
mind far above the room,
breath catching with the shadow
of every passing bird.
How I've willed it to be
one of us, swooping in,
tapping the glass with the
holding end of her broom.
She'd raise her hands
like I was a wild songbird
she didn't want to fly away,
and softly say,
I haven't said a word.
And I'd say, I know.
I recognize you, too.
Dec 2022 · 170
Upside down
Em Glass Dec 2022
The rusted chests of robins
are bobbing in the breeze.
Their little feet above
their heads, isn't it odd to see?
And just as I’m about to dare
this bird a bat to be,
I blink and see instead
the clinging of the leaves,
all dead.
Oct 2022 · 145
Psalm 23
Em Glass Oct 2022
The duck with the voice of a smile,
The finger that follows the thread,
The dance with the air of beguile,
The tree with the flowers in red.

The dirt on the back of the shovel,
The sigh at the foot of the bed,
The bird with the flight of remembered,
The life that still lives in the dead.
Oct 2022 · 141
The mouse
Em Glass Oct 2022
The mouse in my brain who controls all the switches
Sits back on its haunches to wait for its pill.
It swallows it down and then blinks as it misses
Whatever it was that had first made it ill.
Aug 2022 · 120
Knowing the Score
Em Glass Aug 2022
Each day I wake up younger
than I was the day before,
Look around with open eyes,
knowing less and learning more.
I tilt my head to understand
the tide that eats the shore,
And at night I sleep well knowing
that I don't know the score.
Jul 2022 · 125
The first stone
Em Glass Jul 2022
An avalanche kills a deer
that feeds a mountain lion.
If it all came crashing down
who would I become?
So badly do I need to know
that I push the first stone.
Jul 2022 · 125
Before she goes
Em Glass Jul 2022
When I open my eyes
I see the dream has been watching
me sleep. I blink
and she is crossing her legs
on her perch in the window,
fingers tracing my heart rate
in the frost on a glass
of orange juice.
She clatters the blinds
as she unfurls her wings.
Before she goes,
she hands me the glass
and I linger in the moment
we both hold the same thing.
Jan 2022 · 781
I believe
Em Glass Jan 2022
Oh, people.
Always saying something
different than they mean.
Always covering themselves
and then rolling up the sleeves--
that happens, I believe.
Jan 2022 · 231
Yellow and blue
Em Glass Jan 2022
Yellow and blue,
yellow and blue,
one sleeve rolled to the wrist
while the other falls loose.

Smile in the eye,
tear in the heart,
yellow and blue stand
in envy apart.

The sun in the sky,
the light on the water,
dancing at surface
and down it gets darker.

Yellow and blue,
yellow and blue,
I've treasured them both,
the have and the lose.
Dec 2021 · 141
Real estate
Em Glass Dec 2021
Instead of seeing what you see,
try to see what’s there: here
lies snow blanketing
the home above Jupiter’s
storm. The south-facing
windows have Saturnlight
much of the year, and if
you sit kindly on the porch,
the eighty moons will sing
to you. Observe the shed
in the front garden where your
rover can charge after its
Europa digs. You’ll find the
privacy astounds you,
but you won’t be lonely--
Elara will sing to you.
The snow will hug you,
the space will shun you,
but this you know is true
of any neighborhood.
Now step inside, have a look
at your new view. You are
alone but awestruck.
There is no cul-de-sac, nor
nearby school, but remember
that Elara will sing to you.
Aren’t you interested, then,
in your alone home with
the green eyes? Very well,
but on your way out don’t
forget to turn back--
I did tell you that here lies.
Aug 2021 · 121
Em Glass Aug 2021
And then one day you spoke
and I had nothing to say.
Free, just like that.
Oh how the lightness
starts to weigh.
Jun 2021 · 125
Full of birds
Em Glass Jun 2021
Here’s something about watching birds:
you become them.
You become the heron slim and silent,
walking on her toes.
You become the crow who just for fun
slides down a pitched roof after snow.
You become the seagull who can’t lift
her wings for the weight of the oil.
You become the robin looking over her shoulder,
hopping lightly, not taking off
until she knows you’re coming closer.
You become the hawk’s focused soar,
the vulture’s misshapen roar, the finch’s stutter,
the kestrel’s hover, the hummingbird’s all of a flutter.
When I cannot speak, you ask me what is wrong.
I am full of birds, I mutter.
May 2021 · 123
Em Glass May 2021
I never imagined the job
atom for atom, breakthroughs
and item lists.
I imagined sitting on a
lab floor, tossing a ball
against the wall, catching flashes
of something in the periphery
but trying not to scare it,
humming back at machinery,
averting my eyes and then looking,
hearing you and being heard
until I've lost my footing.
I imagined that the knowing
would be burning.
We'd go right up to the edge
of the cliff and instead
of going over, learning.
Feb 2021 · 139
day 324
Em Glass Feb 2021
Why are you trying to stay here?
At the bottom of my eyes is just
retina, muscle, gore.
Have you never seen the sky before?
Jan 2021 · 130
Day 294
Em Glass Jan 2021
What am I tethered to?
Anger? Distrust?
The tree will die
if you dig out the roots
but I’ll close my eyes
while you do
what you must.
Jan 2021 · 126
Day 293
Em Glass Jan 2021
In a moment of stress
I count the many ways to dream:
one, flying on a dragon’s back;
two, parent having heart attack;
three, dog chasing squirrel;
four, sun swallowing world;
five, duck in a witch hat;
six, her hair falls in curls.
Jan 2021 · 172
civil unrest
Em Glass Jan 2021
The peaceful transition of power and I
needed a walk. We sat on the edge
of the moon with our legs dangling over,
and we looked at the Earth.
We waited in unrest, her head
on my shoulder, my hand running
up and down her arm for warmth,
waited for sun to set in the west,
for the planet to turn,
for our home to come into view.
It looked blue.
Day 298, if you can believe it
Dec 2020 · 190
The fig tree
Em Glass Dec 2020
In you grows the fig tree, lush and green
and bold against the sky. The skin
around the fruit is half-hearted; open
it breaks and out spill the stars fully charted,
and there you are pointing, did you see that
falling star? And the leaves rustle as you nudge
everyone and whisper: make a wish.
And everyone does.
Dec 2020 · 135
Em Glass Dec 2020
What was it about you? It was the moon.
It was how the night was suddenly not
black but purple with light swirling through
like snow, the whole thing glowing all
the yellows and blues Van Gogh ever dreamed of.

It was the sharp intake of air after running
up the tower but just before looking down,
when you feel the space between you
and the ground but have yet to discover it.
It was the confidence of music when you know
which note comes next but are still thrilled to hear it.

It was sitting on the floor with a breakfast pie,
running through a field with a fluttering kite,
being always at the apex of the arc of the swing,
living the aerial view but looking forward
to the wind on the way down.

It was potential energy. Let us take hands
as we run in circles like children in the grass,
me the earth and you the moon, and we pull
each other in as the spinning pushes out
and we balance that way, suspended in space,
gravity’s most natural motion machine,
orbiting instead of falling.
Nov 2020 · 95
Em Glass Nov 2020
I didn’t need you to look
at someone like me and see
a rattlesnake where your
pillow should be. I didn’t
need to see disgust thrown
down at the feet of one of us,
or to imagine me as something
I’m afraid of, or to slink around
with my belly in the dust.
day 235
Nov 2020 · 97
Acts of hate
Em Glass Nov 2020
You cannot take the coal mine
out of the canary.
But with time watch closely
and I will teach you
how to spell sanctuary.
Vote, I dare you
Nov 2020 · 562
Put down the monster
Em Glass Nov 2020
It’s possible to love someone
beyond their demons. The devil
was an angel and all that. It’s
possible to stay inside and still
be free men. Please just put
down the monster-- that’s
not your hat.
Day 223...
Sep 2020 · 185
Day 186: It's fall again
Em Glass Sep 2020
Falling in love?
Falling into the well that is love?
Falling free through space until you hit
the bottom of love?
Gasping for air and rubbing your neck
from the weight of the drop?
Climbing the perimeter of the pit
of love, eyeing the top?
And in a place like that,
what is there to do but try
to climb out, see what you’re made of?
Sep 2020 · 214
The Peacekeepers
Em Glass Sep 2020
And yet I don’t seem to remember
that anyone wished for District Five
not to have exploded the dam
that lit the Capitol’s lights.
I don’t seem to recall people
buying the tale that the police
were keeping any peace.
We were not given the mirror
to look at ourselves and say
"no, that’s not me."
unironically re-experiencing the Hunger Games trilogy in this the year of our lord 2020
Sep 2020 · 92
Day 170: E.M.R.
Em Glass Sep 2020
There is taking off
and there is jumping.
One for up and one
for down.
There is sitting in
a garage and there
is waiting, in its air,
to drown.
There is falling for love
and falling for gravity.
There is the clatter of
your fallen crown.
Sep 2020 · 76
Day 169
Em Glass Sep 2020
A drop in the bucket,
a nail in the wall,
the wind lilts east
and an acorn falls.
A grain in the sand,
a change in the weather,
the wind shifts and
we are not together.
Sep 2020 · 299
Day 167: Hiding
Em Glass Sep 2020
Next door the king who’d ****
a sorcerer on sight,
Merlin is living plain.
He nods at me on the street;
we know what secrets
can do to the sane.
Aug 2020 · 110
Day 158
Em Glass Aug 2020
The bigger the tree in the front
yards I pass, the more my eyes
narrow, focused on the hunt.
If I’m quiet and choose my
moment just right, I can catch
the future I want. Don’t look
at me that way, like I’m all
the songs I haven’t sung.
I have only ever been young.
Aug 2020 · 160
Summer bug
Em Glass Aug 2020
Gnats are just a nuisance,
Mosquitoes are a threat,
Fireflies are a fleeting try
At remember instead of forget.
Aug 2020 · 150
Em Glass Aug 2020
Space all fills up with futures
that flow between the cracks
of everything like water:

everything is murky thick
with what we could have had,
bay windows and granddaughters.

I swim through the parallel universe
in which you and I hold up
your father’s old desk between us,

tilting it to follow the bend
of the stairs and leaning it to rest
against the wall of our new place,

aching with the weight of it
and with the possibilities for how
we’ll organize ourselves together
in this new space.

An apartment that is empty
but not hollow.

Eating takeout on the floor
and imagining the bookshelves
we’ll build tomorrow.
Day 153 and it's not getting easier
Aug 2020 · 612
Day 151
Em Glass Aug 2020
Hit me with that difference
between nodes and cores
and processors, between
being me and being sure.
Tell me again how to
calculate it, I missed the
first time, don’t shout--

remind me the difference
between comets and asteroids
and meteors, and how computers
and space are not the same
because to me it’s all voids--
the Perseids could be anything
as long as I get to watch
something else burn as it falls.
someone tell me that grad school is worth it
Aug 2020 · 113
Day 149
Em Glass Aug 2020
The future used to be tomorrow.
Remember that?
Lying on our backs with our eyes
lit by the fire's glow, our hands
to the stars, our plans hurtling
towards us, raining from the sky.

The future used to be tomorrow.
Remember that?
Floating on our backs and if we
didn't have a sunrise, we'd borrow.
Aug 2020 · 577
Day 148: Warning
Em Glass Aug 2020
Water and wind build the air
up thick and the siren slices it
clean across the middle.

Across the suburbs and towns
people gather their books and
their computers and hunker down

in bathtubs and basements, tucked
into hallways with their feet splayed
amongst their families' shoes,

listening to dark skies and music
and other sounds, working by flashlight
while the fireflies drown.
the midwest and its tornadoes
Aug 2020 · 79
Day 143: Sinking
Em Glass Aug 2020
I am the boat as it fills
with water and drops
like stone, and I am
the crane that pulls
it up to the surface, and I am
the knot that comes undone
and the boat that falls
again in earnest.
Aug 2020 · 220
Day 144
Em Glass Aug 2020
In the morning before work
I sit on the floor and pretend
that it’s dirt. I look out the window
and pretend that it’s church.
That gods of the earth and sky
and space all did their research
in collaboration to be sure
that today is worth it.
Aug 2020 · 83
Day 141: The Pacemaker
Em Glass Aug 2020
I need a little something
to remind me I should start.
A little piece to click in place,
then no more broken heart.
Jul 2020 · 441
Day 133: Pavarotti
Em Glass Jul 2020
The sunlight filtered
through feathers splayed
hits different when
the wing is stayed
Jul 2020 · 139
Day 121: In my head
Em Glass Jul 2020
The bolt on the door must be thrown,
so out of bed shrug my shaking bones.
We are a pile of tired connections
and joints creaking over the floorboards.
Shadows and wind hit the window and
every stir jostles all these pieces.
We ask the streetlights for help to shine
and the trees for help to stand and even
the stars for help to fall but those things
are outside, and we are in here.
Jul 2020 · 127
Day 110
Em Glass Jul 2020
The book was soaking on a bench
in the park.
It was dripping from my hands the
whole way home.
It was drying on the sill when first
it sparked.
It was warm and dry again when
out it roamed.
dare I say that this series is almost over and things are slowly... returning?
Em Glass Jun 2020
Eleven years ago I am a vulture
picking at a rabbit on the side of the road.
I am just doing what I must to stay alive,
and the casual observer passes by
to observe, rapt, disgusted but unable
to look away. Then a wind blows and I
am Victor in the motel hallway, knees
enclosed in my elbows, head tipped back
against the wall and eyes on the ceiling
in dismay. Then the train hits the tracks
and I am cracked and reassembled
in the present day, carrying all these
ways that we’ve been gay. Feeling our
burns of each degree, how we are
learning family.
day 99
Jun 2020 · 286
day 82
Em Glass Jun 2020
A foot slips on moss
from rock into water.
Like the phantom final
step at the top of the stairs,
the ground that’s not there
is my final monster.
Jun 2020 · 285
day 77: access
Em Glass Jun 2020
I’m collecting keys,
weighed with opportunities
that stretch my pocket
a poem a day, but the opening is ramping up
May 2020 · 97
Day 73: dead and gone
Em Glass May 2020
Between the sun of my eyes
and the canvas of my eyelids
is the silhouette of you
which I must always look upon.
There is only dead.
There is no gone.
a poem a day... still going
May 2020 · 111
dear Evan,
Em Glass May 2020
As adventurers prefer
hot air balloons to trains,

death is convenient
but I've found something better.

This time, please,
can we take it?
stay at home day 54
May 2020 · 208
day 16: it takes you away
Em Glass May 2020
Just sit still. Look
out the window and wait
for the wind to change,
and the tornado will teach you
to feel relief when waking up
held by no one.
shelter in place day 16
May 2020 · 119
Day 39
Em Glass May 2020
My bones remind me
to love what can be broken
every time I stand

My heart reminds me
not everything that falls breaks
so I'll shake your hand
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