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Marc Morais
The sun
has burned too long—
fields left hope in rags
grains shuddering
the wind’s heated tongue
enough to set fire
to the rain.

She runs her hands
through the ruin
palms sifting for life
for the yield
that will not come—
all husk
but one seed—
her renewal.
Tell.  if
The      sky
Above       Is real

Or not          Quite there

Quite near                            Enough
To hold                                                   The stars
In the                                                                             Palm of
My hand                                                                                         And be
So glad                                                                         That I
Can see                                             The light
That shines         All through

The night.       Will it

Go out? Will it?

Will      it?


Poetry is both lighthouse and harbor.
It does not force the journey, nor does it
fill the void of what is unresolved
It stands in its own gravity, unmoving;

      Offering only a silent invitation:
      Will you Unfold?

There is a craving that walks the shorelines of poetry,
a widow’s walk of those who have not yet learned
how to participate in what they long for.

They circle the docks,
watching the ships come and go,
watching the light shift across the waves,
watching for something that will draw them
back home.

Some mistake the lighthouse for the flame
and rush toward it as if to be consumed,
as if breaking open is the same as being made whole.
But the call is not to burn.

The call is to move toward what moves toward you,

   to become ready for  the return
   rather than wither within the waiting.

A moth drawn only to light
will die before it ever understands
what it was meant to become.
But a moth that finds its way to the cocoon
will emerge with wings strong enough
to meet the wind.

This is the choice—
to remain circling, craving, watching
or to disappear into the transformation
that will allow you to stand whole
when the vessel returns.

For he is both the lighthouse and the emerging vessel,
both the safe harbor and the dock,
where the journey finally ends.
And she, in waiting, is not idle..

She does not chase passing figures,
nor fill the silence with lesser pursuits.
She does not betray the longing
with distraction.

She deepens.

She prepares to meet the one
who braved the waves to return.

And when at last the ship appears,
bathed in the light of its own voyage,
she will not meet him as she was—

   .. but as she has Become.

I'm but a lonely woman
Waiting at the moor
To bring home my fisherman
To Gloucester Harbor Shore

A kiss goodbye
Upon the moor
A wave goodbye to see
I'm praying every moment
That you'll come home to me

The halibut, the cod to he
The numbers are too few
Too far the men go ferrying..
Far not enough, do live

Come home
Come home
Come home
Come home

I'm but a lonely woman
Waiting at the moor
To bring home my fisherman
To Gloucester Harbor Shore

The days, they pass
A storm blows in
And not a ship in sight
The icy hand of death, I fear,
is on my home tonight

The sea, tonight, a feral force
A wild cyclone eye
Is circling,
And swallowing,
Our vessels in the night

I've worked the piers
I've raised a daughter
And a little son

How will we manage
Without you?
Without a father's love?

Come home
Come home
Come home
Come home

I'm but a lonely woman
Waiting at the moor
To bring home my fisherman
To Gloucester Harbor Shore

May the strong hand of Love
bring each and every one  of us

back Home

Three monkeys, wearing stylish t-shirts of death and destruction:
one its eyes, one its ears and one with mouth covered, sit outside.
In the dust and debris of Gaza, monkey bones seem like children's,
where are their mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grand parents?
Why do the apartment concrete slabs slant and tilt so?
A pipe gurgles water seeking pressure to climb out and up
into the high-rises of civilization, to no avail;  stray dogs drink warily.
Distant thunder pounds the ground, like giant hammers all day long,
not construction; deconstruction, demolition, immolation, death.
Humanity flees with nowhere to go on this planet of shame
as the conquering heroes raise small skull cups to cheer a victory.

Lest we forget or turn the blind eye ...
There was
no madness…
Yet some call
us lovers

Love can
drive you up
your own walls
and ceilings.
Left roped
and hung
by your own
broken heart

Love leaves
the lonely—
Mad Lovers,
behind for
A line I read from a book I've been reading for english class called Circe by Madeline Miller. I thought of writing a poem.
Cheryl Ann Warner
Words can define us
What you say
On any day
Think before you speak
Feelings get hurt

Words impact our life
Action speaks louder
Than words

Words can define us
              Our character
               Our demeanor
               Our life

Words have power
So shower them
With love

What you say ?
The sunlight finally streaming in
Through the blinds and shades
The warmth I feel on top my skin
A warmth that never fades
That lightens up our planet
All the oceans and the waves
It shimmers in the distance
But is vacant from our caves
The sun in all its glory
In every shape and phase
That shines down from the heavens
In the form of rays
cautious and well in reach
the badminton flying thing
unfolds into the air

yet props have commented on
without equity
upon the game and
still while a grunge era
is reborn

and fallopian tubes
become the cause
of my paranoia.
Jace Albine
I'll look at everything forever

There is a place

Where all answers lie

Thank you for all your words

But I won't pretend

Like I won't live forever
A cazar va don Rodrigo,   y aun don Rodrigo de Lara:
con la grande siesta que hace   arrimádose ha a una haya,
maldiciendo a Mudarrillo,   hijo de la renegada,
que si a las manos le hubiese,   que le sacaría el alma.
El señor estando en esto,   Mudarrillo que asomaba.
-Dios te salve, caballero,   debajo la verde haya.
-Así haga a ti, escudero,   buena sea tu llegada.
-Dígasme tú, el caballero,   ¿cómo era la tu gracia?
-A mí dicen don Rodrigo,   y aun don Rodrigo de Lara,
cuñado de Gonzalo Gustos,   hermano de doña Sancha;
por sobrinos me los hube   los siete infantes de Salas;
espero aquí a Mudarrillo,   hijo de la renegada;
si delante lo tuviese,   yo le sacaría el alma.
-Si a ti te dicen don Rodrigo,   y aun don Rodrigo de Lara,
a mí Mudarra González,   hijo de la renegada;
de Gonzalo Gustos hijo   y anado de doña Sancha;
por hermanos me los hube   los siete infantes de Salas.
-Tú los vendiste, traidor,   en el val de Arabiana,
mas si Dios a mí me ayuda,   aquí dejarás el alma.
-Espéresme, don Gonzalo,   iré a tomar las mis armas.
-El espera que tú diste   a los infantes de Lara,
aquí morirás, traidor,   enemigo de doña Sancha.
Tiny feet and finger prints
Tears fill the room,
A baby girl,
Born this night,
Until a sudden bloom.
Reality is shaken up,
Sudden fears spread,
Smoke surrounds,
Feeling drowned
Tis a day of dread.
Gentle feet present themselves,
Tears flowing proud,
Your baby girl,
All grown up,
I'm on my own now.
graduating soon.
Carlo C Gomez
Insatiable colored eyes
— inveigle, beguile —
let me tempt you a while.

Between first light
and the breezy part of afternoon
it will dawn upon you soon.

This was an encounter
of convenience
— solicitor's propinquity —
the price paid was your obedience.

Your independence day
tossed your children away,
into deep dark waters of misery
we were immersed.
ms hitt
i weigh twenty-one
and three tenth grams
so why does moving
feel so heavy?

like a dog tied to a tree
all i can do is bark
but no one can
hear me scream

why am i trapped
in a suit of flesh
if i am destined
to leave it?
Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring...
The mist rests gently upon the water’s surface,
where the fireflies flash like sets of blinking eyes
Long leaves of willow hang down, motionless
as an owl cries above, illuminated by the moon
Vianne Lior
I weep as often as I laugh
not from sorrow, nor from joy,
but because the world hums,
and I refuse to be deaf to it.
Adam S
As long as you're here,
as long as this works in its own way,
I'll keep taking
the hits,
the sips,
the bites.

Because you're the kind of substance
that makes me want to write,
contemplate life,
and feel the ache.
Vianne Lior
Wind gnaws at the cliffs,
breaking stone to grains of dust,
mountains lose their shape.

Dust is swept downstream,
drifting past the river’s edge,
soft hands carve through stone.

River splits the earth,
pulling roots from loosened ground,
trees bow, then descend.

Leaves drown in the waves,
fading under briny hush,
light slips into blue.

Foam dissolves to mist,
rising toward the silent peaks,
snow begins to bloom.

Cold weighs on the rock,
frost unthreads the mountain’s bones,
wind gnaws at the cliffs.

Even mountains yield—but not in defeat. Change is not erasure; it is becoming.
Why do we feel sad
When good things come to an end
Difficult to accept
Everything is transient
The sense of loss
Sinks in fast
Forgetting the happiness it brought

Why is it said
Everything that happens is for good
None of the experiences lasts
New avenues, do await
How do you move on
Natalie Klaehn
I'll close my door
or maybe slam
to scare away
you and your

I'll watch my door
and hear your
voice echoing still
in my wandering

But it isn't locked
it hasn't been
because maybe you'd
want to come
No matter how much i tell myself i wont let you come back, I guess it never works. So ill close my door for you, but i wont lock it.
The Invisible Poet
I am a misfit
and I'm okay with that
I mean, I have to be
I don't want to blend in
and be the same as everyone else
I don't like clean girl makeup
but it's okay if you do
I like bold makeup
and it's okay if you don't
I am unique and different
sure, it might be hard to make friends similar to me
but I'd rather have little to no friends
by being myself
than having lots of friends
by being someone else
I may be lonely now
but it's even lonelier being someone you're not
I'm a misfit
and I'm okay with that
Days are long and exhausting,
Night insomnia is boring,
Thoughts like bullets in a race,
Droplets slide down one's face.
Death! Wonder!
What is like to die?
To say that last goodbye?
Live! Ponder!
Come on!
Hang on for the children,
Hang on for the hurt to go,
Hang on for new karma
Hang on for inner happiness to flow.
Hang on because you are worth more than to go.
i would like to be
as innocent as a babe
as the untouched knowledge-tree
as oblivious as she

let me be eve,
the first lady to ever feel
and to ever see

the beauty of the unknown,
the peace of the untold,
the blindness to what is now
your sinful, prewritten
Joan Zaruba
I once had a friend like a shadow
Always together wherever we’d go
Running and tumbling and laughing through life
Always connected, one in the same

But then a cloudy day came
And with no sun to shine
I lost that shadow friend of mine
The darkness rolled in and my shadow friend disappeared
Scared off by the first sign of trouble, the first drop of tears

So I learned my lesson
Shadows are easy to come by when the sun is shining bright
But shadows bring little comfort in the chill of a dark night

And when the storm cleared
And my shadow friend reappeared
Ready to run and tumble and laugh with me again
I had to turn away
And say goodbye
For I learned my lesson:
a shadow is nobody’s friend
Walked into the dispensary to get some trees. like being hit with a bat I felt to my knees

Name rooted from 100 BC.
Signifying timeless, elegance,, grace, and goddess, like beauty.

Intelligent sophisticated, with a boss like mind.
Independent business, Woman, but impressing creativity at the same time.

Right brain left brain synchronicity if you know what I mean,
To keep it 100. She’s exactly like me..

Let’s be friends and get to know One another,
With this Renaissance man, it’s not all about, trying to get underneath those covers.

feel me Queen.
Drops of sunshine,
infinitesimally bound
or possibly behind
our world of flesh and dreams.
Perhaps a combination of the 3,
or perhaps none at all.
Lost in translation,
a broken language
no longer spoken -
tucked away
in a world inconceivable to our hearts
but home to our souls.
Sorry I couldn’t get my work done
I was too busy writing
rap lyrics about how much I hate you
I guess you could say I got
a deeper love
knocks each day

'your name written in Heaven
a mystery within the pain'.
Can you hear
the storm brewing in me
not to bring havoc
but to wash a way your pain

listen to the song that plays in my heart
to the lyrics that convey what I need to say
the melody that keeps me sane

tell me you can hear the cries of my brain
for it's advocating for the pain
that can be felt by my heart as it yearns
yearns for what it can never have

because your ears a closed
                                                    is so
                                          being in places
                                       after spending time
                                  with true treasure, liquid
                              silver. A buck’s worth market
                            bottle to the 15. 50 cinema sp-
                         ecial. Can’t wait to live rich without
                           drowning.Cold water feels warm
                             warm when your hand are fre-
                               ezing,too bad I’m stuck here
                                       until the end of the
Sanji-Paul Arvind
In your eyes, the stars find their glow,
A radiant warmth makes my heart aglow.
Your laughter, a melody of pure and what a sight,
Bringing worlds joy to my every passing night.

In the garden of dreams, spirit dances free,
Painting life's canvas with your sweet harmony.
Your presence is a treasure, so rare,
Filling voids in my world with tender care.

Like a gentle breeze on a summer's day,
Your smile sweeps all my worries away.
So here's a verse, simple and true,
Forever and ever I will cherish you.

May all days be filled with endless delight,
With laughter, love, and dreams taking flight.
For in your happiness, my world finds its tune,
A song of joy beneath the moon.

Sanji-Paul Arvind
From the very first glance,

You were different,
This was different,

Together, we could be special?
Maybe this is it? ❤️
"Who said it was a sin to love too much?"
He did throw the ***** on my back!
And it wouldn’t stop coming out.
It gave me a sense of fascination,
And lewd.
I can not explain objectively why
mark john junor
My haven
patch of sky so blue
Leaves playing with sunshine
as it falls noiselessly
through the canopy of the tree
Everywhere ghosts of
my growing up long ago
slip words into my thinking
Milk of the mind overflow
the paper cup
drink hearty of the stiff brew
Everywhere sunshine
brings back the day
To all that long past
to all the salt
and sugar of my living
It's all just road
Not a thing to fear
Bekah Halle
Weary but not wasted

Drawing on power from He who rides upon the clouds,
To face the battles this day that mount. 
Reignite in me an unquenchable fire. 
That stirs my spirit from the one that inspires.
Lent is the practice of sacrifice (going without) and remembrance. I am giving up chocolate this year and will try to write a poem in my new “Lent Collection” each day. Enjoy!
I’m sorry to put this emotional weight on you.
I see now why i was so drawn to you and it was my ability to be vulnerable with u.
chasing a feeling that will fade if not nurtured.
I didn't heal my wounds and how could I when I didn't know my inner demons.
Wishing you happiness, knowing that I’ll always love you. I know the me I was and the me l need to be would require me to leave u behind.
It's a boundary we can't keep crossing because I know where I want to go and for u as well,
I have to keep growing and not do this anymore. I held onto u but it's time to say goodbye for good
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